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Johnny sat down on the couch, watching his favorite movie called Iron Eagle, while dripping his left hand into a blow of ice cold water.
After encountering Kreese, who had seemingly been alive for the last 35 years, Sensei assumed his old mentor was gone, only to discover that wasn't the case. Suddenly, someone aggressively knocking on his front door.
He stood up from the couch, quietly stepped over to the door, peeking through the small hole. Taking a closer look outside, to noticed it was only Elizabeth, standing there with a box of Lasagna. He then opened the door.
"Congratulations." She said, as he chuckled and grabbed the plate from her hands.
"Thanks. You wanna come in?" Johnny asked carefully, and she nodded her head.
They both walked into the apartment, sat down at the kitchen table, and having some of the delicious dish.
"Mm. It's really good." He commented, taking a small bite.
"What's it called again?"
"Lasagna." Elizabeth answered.
"It's better than the food I used to eat. Ethan is definitely lucky." He said, with a cocky tone in his voice.
"In more ways than one. When we moved back, Ethan was having a difficult time trying to fit in with the other kids. And, I'd never imagine a few years later, they were an area full of people cheering him on." She said, happily as he smiled at her.
"But, to be honest, there were some moments.... Where I wasn't really sure I liked what I saw. He had this weird look on his face."
"Don't worry, he's a great kid. I won't let him go a astray." Johnny reassured her and gently grabbed her hand. Just as he did, the phone started ringing. The blonde got up from his seat, walked over to the counter, and answered the telephone.
"Hear me out. Smitty Diner, 8:00 am." Kreese said on the other line and it disconnected. Johnny put the phone down on the counter and stepped back over towards the kitchen table.
"Yeah, wrong number."
Meanwhile, at the diner where everyone was celebrating their victory for the 50th All Valley Tournament, Ethan did not look happy at all when he had found out that Sam blocked him all on social media.
He genuinely tried to apologize and explain everything to her, but she was too hardheaded to realize what he was trying to convey.
But then again, it was his fault. He started feeling guilty and mistreated. If only he wasn't so obsessed with winning and getting what he wanted, perhaps everything would go to normal.
"El Serpiente. There you are." Hawk clapped his hands together, grinning at him, as Aisha slides down on the table on the other side.
"This is how you celebrate a first place trophy?"
"She blocked me on social media." Ethan pursed his lips.
"So, what happens when you get blocked? You counter punch. Expect maybe don't actually hit her this time." The mohawk boy stated, trying to sound humorous. She sent him a look, and he became sheepish.
"What, too soon? Look, all I'm saying is don't give up."
"Thanks for trying to cheer me up, but I pushed her away. I've kept secrets from her and I know that I shouldn't have done that. I was just protecting her." He said, while trying so hard not to let out a few tears.
"Just give Sam some time, she'll come around." Aisha said.
"Or she won't. Your the champ, now. You can get any chick in the valley. You're like Drake, enjoy it." Hawk retorted, and two sets of incredulous eyes turned towards him. The boy left the table, as she sympathetically patted his arm. He frowned at her.
"I'm not so sure, I wanna be like drake. And I don't care about the other girls, I just want my best friend back."
"Don't worry, your not." She reassured him, as they started laughing.
The very next morning, Johnny stepped into Smitty's Diner to meet up with Kreese. He turned to his right at the corner of his eye to notice the old man sitting down in a booth. The blonde slowly made his way over to the table with the empty chair.
"Thanks for coming."
"Let's make this fast." He said, as a waitress walked up to their table.
"Know what you want?"
"I'm not hungry." Sensei immediately turned down.
"Let me get the corned beef hush and well done, a cup of Sanka." Kreese said, and she grabbed his order, then walked back into the kitchen.
"Reminds of a girl I knew in Panama. Spent some time down there in 89, helping the delta boys get that son of a bitch Noriega."
"What the hell, do you want?" Johnny asked, already getting inpatient.
"Are you familiar with brumation?" He asked, as the blonde crossed his arms over his chest and shook his head.
"In the winter, some animals bury themselves in a hole and sleep there for mouths."
"Its called hibernation, old man." Sensei corrected him.
"No. That's for warm-blooded creatures. For the cold-blooded like snakes, it's brumation. A snake buries himself in a hole. The only difference is.... the snake doesn't sleep. He stays awake, all winter, waiting for the right moment to emerge. And that time is now." Kreese explained.
"Oh, is it?" Johnny asked, with a raised eyebrow.
"Kid, I've been all over the entire world. After Cobra Kai shut down, I knew I had to keep fighting to stay alive. So, I re-listed. I trained SEALS in Afghanistan. All off the books. Buried, waiting. When I climbed out of my hole, the whole world wasn't the same, not anymore."
"Our society has gotten weak. Kids these days are coddled. They got trophies for showing up. Something's gotta be done. Someone's gotta step in and stop the ass kicking and start the ass kicking. That's why we're here. The world needs Cobra Kai." He stated.
"You know that's a nice little speech. The only problem is there is 'we'."
"I'm saying I can help." The old man pleaded.
"I don't need your help."
"You may not think you need my help but those studentsโ" Kreese started, and was cut off by someone slamming their fist down on the table.
"Stay the hell away from my students, you understand? Your ruined my life."
"Johnny, we've had our disagreements, but ruined your life? Come on. You had no life before you'd met me. Remember?"
"Yeah, I remember what you did back then and what you're trying to do now. Trying to find my weakness. But I'm not a kid anymore and you're not my Sensei. There's only one sensei in Cobra Kai and that's me. And that's how it's gonna stay." Johnny stated, grabbing his jacket from the booth and stood straight up.
"You're right about one thing. The world may need Cobra Kai, but we don't need you." He pointed at Kreese, then walked out the building.
The next day, Ethan and Hawk met up outside the dojo, discussing what vehicle they were going to get when the both of them passed driver's Ed. They also noticed a group of people standing near the front door.
"Looks like some new recruits."
"Fresh meat." Hawk grinned and hastily slapped his chest, then sauntered towards them. Ethan kept his head up, following closely behind him.
"It's the champ." One of them said, seemingly amazed as he gestured towards the two.
"Check this out."
"Come on, man. Be nice."
"Hey, mouth-breathers. Move it." He ordered, and almost immediately got the curly hair boy to move away. Then the other one had opened the door for them, smiling rather giddily.
"Sorry, about that. I'll get the door."
"So, you guys wanna be Cobra Kai's, huh?" He asked, with raised eyebrows and acted like he was really going to hit them, but just made them flinch backwards.
"You've got a long road ahead of you."
Once they entered inside the dojo, Ethan looked around to immediately noticed that the back mirror was completely scattered. Williams then slightly glanced to see Aisha walked up towards them.
"What happened here?"
"Looks like Sensei threw a party?" He asked, curiosity.
"Most of been pretty sick if fire got involved." Hawk commented.
Williams only stay quiet, listening to the new comers talk. The dojo seemed more packed than ever, lifting his spirit a very bit as he got familiar with everything going on.
It almost felt exactly the same; they were all regrouped with their friends when Johnny surprisingly appeared out of nowhere and yelled at the newcomers.
The dojo went completely silent, everyone shutting their mouths close as the intimating man marched up towards them. He snapped, declaring them that the dojo wasn't accepting any new students today, and ordered them to get out and come back tomorrow. Some of them groaned in disappointment as they walked out the door.
"Everyone, fall in!" Johnny ordered. They immediately ran to their spots.
"Must've have been a rager, Sensei." Hawk grinned.
"Weren't you celebrating some pretty big party or something?" Ethan questioned.
"Celebrating, what? My students are a bunch of pussies." He deadpanned. The grins on their faces suddenly disappeared, and both males exchanged very confusing looks with one another.
"Hawk, Williams, upfront!"
They hesitantly stood in the front, facing the other students. Then, the man began stalking around them like a predators closing in on their prey.
"Hawk. Did you attack your opponent when his back was turn?"
"Yes, Sensei." He answered with an unsure tone in his voice. Johnny walked up to his top student, circling him like the intimidating instructor he was.
"Williams. Did you purposely attack your opponent's injury?"
"Yes, Sensei." Ethan replied, truthfully.
"You think that makes you badass?" Johnny asked, lowly and the two glanced at each other, not knowing what to say.
"What's the matter, question too tough? Maybe you need some help."
"Ms. Robinson!"
"Yes. Sensei." She said, firmly.
"Two cobras in the jungle. One kills the strongest lion, the other kills a crippled monkey." He stated, walking back and forth between them, as her eyes followed his every movement.
"Which cobra do you wanna be?"
"The one that killed the stronger animal." She furrowed her eyebrows in confusion.
"Correct!" He yelled, although the two champions looked disappointed.
"Cobra Kai is about being badass. And the badass badass is the one who beats his opponent when he's at his strongest. Not when his back is turned." Johnny said, as he faced Hawk, then stood close up to Ethan.
"Not when he's injured!"
"Is that understood?"
"Yes, Sensei!" They chorused.
"That means no more cheating. No more fighting dirty." He said, hardly.
"From here on out, those are pussy moves, and you don't wanna be pussies, do you?"
"No, Sensei!"
"Good. It's why I had you wear your white belts. We're starting over." The blonde muttered, and turned back to his champions.
"Williams, Hawk, 50 push-ups on your on knuckles."
The two boys didn't waste any time, getting on their knuckles and started doing push-ups.
"Ms. Robinson, warm them up."
"Yes, Sensei." Aisha nodded her head and turned towards the class, and immediately got in a fighting stance.
"Fighting positions. Jab punch, ready."
They had finished their punishment, in almost two minutes. After they were done, Ethan rushed towards Johnny's office with an unsure expression on his face.
"Hey, can I talk to you about something?" He asked, as the blonde rolled his eyes.
"What do you want?"
"What, was that? Punishing us for winning the tournament?" Williams asked, and Johnny sighed in disbelief.
"I'm teaching all of you a lesson."
"Yeah, but what about no mercy? You taught me to win at all costs."
"Well, maybe I'm still learning a bit too."
"I just don't understand. You clearly had no tissue with us attacking anyone else. But, why would you take pity on Robby Keene?" He asked, as Sensei sighed, before getting out of his seat and stopped in front of him.
"Look.... I wasn't taught the difference between mercy and honor, and I paid the price for it. If I'm extra hard on you, it's only because you have the potential to be better than I ever was. You want that, don't you?"
Ethan's eyes darted straight at him, before nodding his head.
"Yes, Sensei."
"Alright. Then stop whining like a little bitch and get out and finish your drills."
They both bowed at one another as he walked out the door.
After class, Aisha and Hawk just walked out of the dojo, discussing the movie that they're supposed to go see at his house. However, Ethan came running out the front door, and stopped when he met up with them.
Meanwhile, at Miyagi-Do, Sam stood behind the back wall. After taking a deep breath, she quickly started punching the air and brought her right leg out just a little bit. Suddenly, Daniel appeared, standing next the front door.
"Not bad." He commented. And she turned her head around to noticed him.
"Just remember, that drop-down kick maybe powerful, but you're leaving yourself vulnerable to attack."
"Hey, Dad." Sam said, walking over to the bench and sat down.
"I don't even think you ever came in here, anymore."
"Just working some stuff off." She replied.
"Listen, I've been so busy building this dojo. I know you and I haven't had a chance to talk about the situation dealing with Ethan."
"I don't wanna talk about it, dad. He kept a secret from me, and that's what's tearing our friendship apart." Sam said, as Daniel sighed and walked over to the bench and, sat beside her.
"Did I ever tell you about my first girlfriend." He asked, and she shook her head.
"I was about your age. She was in another league. Beautiful eyes, amazing smile. I thought it would last forever. I really did."
"What happened?" She asked him.
"Grandma moved us out of New Jersey. Came to California. I met a new girl, Ali. But this time, I was sure she was the one. I mean, Judy was great, but.... This.... Was true love."
"So, what happened with Ali?"
"That's a story for another time. Then there's a story after that one. And that one." Daniel said, and chuckled jokingly.
"My point is, Sam, you think the whole world revolves around one person, but then, you met someone new. I.... I know it's hard. It's hurts, but everyone goes through this."
"Yeah." Sam said, making her frown a little bit.
"But not everyone has insane karate cult that's brainwashing half the school."
"Well, that's why I'm opening up Miyagi-Do. So, we can fight back, take down Cobra Kai." Daniel spoke, and she immediately tensed up.
"I don't wanna fight them. They're not my enemies. They're my friends. At least they used to be." She muttered.
"Thanks for trying to help, Dad."
And will that, Sam quickly unattached herself from her seat and ran out of the dojo before Daniel could say anything.
She stepped back in the house, heading back to her room, so it wouldn't look like she was eavesdropping her eyes. Which ultimately was a really bad thing, but curiosity got the best of her.
EDITED; 2/21/2024
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