25. playing dumb & cliche tripping
❝ TWENTY FIVE | playing dumb & cliche tripping
in a shop | 5:28 pm
you know, it was a known fact that you could be a tiny bit of a dumbass sometimes.
these were one of those times.
see, you had no plan whatsoever on what to do after you threw the ready meal box at his head. you don't know if it was daiki or eiichi who you hit, but the one you hit turns around and his gaze would scald you alive if he could. his topaz eyes glitter with unsheathed rage and you mentally slap yourself for your hazardous move.
idiot, such an idiot.
"hey! it's you—" fuck, shit, balls and cock. "you're the fucker who led bakugou to us!"
play dumb.
you give them a small smile, expertly hiding your nerves right now. "who's bakugou?"
that's too dumb you idiot.
so playing dumb doesn't work out as expected.
the one you hit nearly snarls at you. "you idiot! what are you doing here? you have some gall to show your face after what you did to us last time."
you lift up the ready meal boxes in your hands. large and panic filled eyes land on jirou's shivering form, desperately trying to urge her to run while you distract them. but your eyes catch sight of the black haired boy holding her wrist in a deathly tight grip, almost cutting off her blood circulation as she squirms under his touch.
"i was buying ready meals, y'know—normal life things," you're probably babbling on at this point but you don't care. you need to open up a distraction, maybe to buy you enough time so you can magically get the black haired boy off jirou. "but saw you two here and thought hey! why not re-enact our first meeting!"
if you could kick yourself you would.
"you little—"
"(y/n)!" kaito's voice snaps the brown haired boy out of his murderous rage somehow.
your cobalt haired friend yanks you by the wrist, tugging you towards him and hissing in your ear. "what the hell are you doing?"
his eyes are dark, angry at you but for once the need to help someone overcomes the fear you usually have when you look into his eyes and you bravely manage to reply back to him without stuttering or hesitating with your words.
"i know that girl, she's my friend and i can tell that they're making her uncomfortable. plus, i've met these guys before and their bad news." you say, keeping an eye on the two boys who seem to be whispering between each other while jirou desperately tries to tug her had free from the grip that holds her down.
this time another boy buts in, shoving kaito away who releases his grip on your wrist instantly only for the boy; rin, to grab your wrist and sneer at you hatefully.
"how the fuck do you not know her? fucking hell, (y/n) you're such a prune. you really have no idea who she is?"
you shake your head, bile rising in your throat at his sickly smell and bruising grip that hurts you.
rin scoffs at you, releasing your wrist as if he's disgusted before dragging his hateful gaze to jirou who can only watch the two of you with a wide eyed, watery and completely broken gaze. you nearly curse at him when you see him give her a once over, as if he's embarrassed to look at her before turning to you.
"your friends with... her? oh, (y/n), don't you know who that is?" his words have your heart beating frantically and your palms start to clam up, but you refuse to back down from his gaze.
from the side, kaito almost seems surprised by your unwavering stance, shock evident on his face for a millisecond before it reforms back into the cold stare he always has when he's pissed or something doesn't go his way. it's a facial expression you've become accustomed to over the years—seeing as it's reserved for you and you've had to bare the consequences of his rages over the last few years.
but even though rin is literally belittling you and jirou right now, kaito doesn't step in.
"that's jirou kyoka," rin spits the words with venom, distaste practically leaking from his tone.
"the fucking whore who videoed herself getting fucked by three guys at a party last year and sent it to her ex-boyfriend as payback."
your breathing shallows out and everything blurs into the background, the only thing you can focus on is jirou who you now stare at with a stoic expression. your hands are gnarled by your sides, heart beating erratically as you stare at the girl who you've only talked to a mere handful of times but enjoy her company so much.
it's like ice has been injected into your system, your whole body is frozen as your brain comes to terms with rin's words.
you know what video they're talking about. the video that spread around six cities and every school, posted on every social media and landed up on pornhub because people are sick nowadays.
you know that fucking video—of course you do.
"she also had another person film it from another angle, probably let him fuck her as well." rin grins maliciously and jirou looks ready to faint when she sees your face.
her expression says it all; disgust, hatred, sadness, regret, guilt and most importantly, she's fucking hurt. jirou knows what must have been said to you and now the past has sunk its claws into her life and she once again is pulled into its clutches.
jirou didn't want you to find out, not like this.
jirou yelps as she's dragged towards the exit of the shop by daiki and eiichi, no one stops them because this is a rundown mall and no one wants to get in trouble around here. pro heroes rarely come to this part of town and people deal with their troubles alone. nobody ever gets involved, nobody. it was an unwritten rule that everyone obeyed by.
and jirou knew that no one would come help her.
"you know the best part?" rin seems to enjoy the heartbroken expression jirou has right now as she desperately tries to rip her wrist from the black haired male's grip. "she played the victim game. claimed that she was—"
"shut up."
rin's voice fades, eyes wide as he stares at your unmoving figure. your eyes are unblinking and the whole shop seems to go quiet at the two words uttered from your mouth.
you've never spoken up against your friends, never. until now.
rin's shocked expression fades away and he shakes his head, eyebrows furrowing as he once again goes to say something but you hiss out the same two words again.
"shut up."
rin backs away when you turn your head to him. (e/c) eyes that are usually dull and tired now filled with a sudden blaze of determination and unhinged rage. it was like something just burst inside of you, filling you with this sudden mass of confidence as you finally grab your backbone and snap it upwards, propelling you to talk back and defend your friend.
you know that video that they're talking about, the video that everyone talked badly about. the video that only got people looking at it from one side of the story.
you know there's two sides of the story too that video—you know that no one listened to jirou who was crying out for help. but nobody listened, they just followed the crowd and decided to not stand out and get negative reactions. that was society; as horrible as it is, it's society.
you were one of those people who followed the crowd as well, always did as much as you don't want to admit it.
but now? you don't want to follow the crowd anymore.
and you were going to make that known.
you push rin away from you, smacking him into the shelf and eliciting a pained groan from him but you didn't care. all you cared about was getting jirou out of daiki and eiichi's grip because whatever they had planned wasn't going to end up good.
you then turn to kaito who had been silent throughout the whole exchange, eyes emotionless as he stares at you without breaking from his stoic facade.
"you," you point a finger at him, eyes narrowing as you pick up the ready meals box you had flung earlier on. "are going to distract those two fuckers while i make a run for it to get jirou."
kaito's stare is heavy on your shoulders, but you don't waver your stare and keep your eyes on him. a sudden feeling of satisfaction coursing through you when you manage to get him to stand up straighter to be more intimidating.
"you're getting yourself into trouble, (y/n)—"
"so what?" you scoff, waving the ready meals box in the air. "i don't give a shit, not anymore. so if you don't fucking help me i will make you regret it, iwasaki kaito."
your friend group is in stunned silence, eyeing the leader hesitatingly to see if he'll bend to your will and actually help you. everyone knows that you do things kaito's way or you pay for it, people have seen what happens to those who don't agree with him.
if he doesn't agree with you, you'll just go after them yourself and probably won't make a difference but you'll still do it. however, kaito would be a great help if you wanted this to work one hundred percent.
kaito sighs, arms dropping from where they were crossed over his chest and motioning to the ready meals box.
"you owe me." he grunts at you, glaring at your smirking form.
"nah," you glance at him from over your shoulder. "you still owe me many things and think of this as you crossing off one of those many things you have yet to do."
"bitch." kaito nearly growls from underneath his breath but doesn't hesitate to start running as you both sprint out of the shop.
totally ignoring the cashier yelling at you to pay for those ready meals even though they didn't open their mouth during the whole exchange.
"what's the plan?" kaito asks you as you spot the three figures just going down the slow and rusty escalator.
you run near the railing, catching daiki and eiichi's glare as they usher jirou down the escalator to get away from you two. you catch sight of a bin at the end of the escalator to the side, wheels on the bottom and made out of metal.
"i throw these boxes at them, when they get distracted just take them down or something." you huff, fingers digging into the boxes harshly. "i'll run off with jirou and take her somewhere safe."
"how am i supposed to take them down?" kaito hisses at you as you both near the escalator.
"there's a metal bin at the end. use your quirk and figure something out."
at the sound of the metal bin, a cruel and lazy smirk appears on the cobalt haired male's face and he gives you a look that screams of mischievousness. kaito's quirk allows him to manipulate metal and make them any non-living thing he wants.
with a metal bin near him, all it takes is one touch to have something and since this isn't the nicest part of town, crime gets away extremely easy as the heroes don't care what happens around here. they're not concerned about the big skyscrapers that have a window break that causes three pro heroes to come and 'fix' it.
fucking pricks.
daiki and eiichi have reached the end with jirou in tow and that's when you aim the two ready meal boxes in your hands, eyes narrowing when they become slightly bleary as you try your hardest to focus on the two assholes' head.
you launch the boxes and due to your quirk, they hit them at the back of the head and cause them to automatically swivel around.
only to see you and kaito flying down the escalator at full speed.
you hit the ground first, seeing as you're not the most physically capable you end up skidding on the tiled floor and taking out the black haired boy's feet and causing him to crash onto the ground.
he gets up almost immediately, curses spewing from his lips only to be knocked down by kaito who is more physically capable and just kicks him down onto the ground.
you snap your eyes to the ground, seeing jirou getting up and run over to her to grab her elbow and pull her up. you hear kaito grunt behind you and duck out of instinct when you feel someone creep up behind you—narrowly missing the brown haired boy's punch that would have taken your head off clean.
"you stupid bitch," he growls and you push jirou behind you as you take a few steps back to avoid his incoming swings. "this is the second time you've messed something up and it's pissing me the fuck o—"
he doesn't finish his sentence as kaito literally charges at him with the metal bin, wheeling it with all his might as he slams it into the boy's side, causing him to come crashing down onto the floor with a grunt.
kaito looks up at and you and nods towards the exit, kicking the black haired boy's hand when it comes up to punch his knee from his position on the ground.
you don't need to be told twice and tug jirou towards the exit, sprinting with the little stamina you have left and quickly exiting the mall before running down the streets like psychos.
you both dodge people, afraid that daiki and eiichi might have been able to overpower kaito and somehow find you. you doubt it though, kaito was the strongest in your class and had many self defence classes under his belt that he would use if it came down to it—not to mention his quirk that could do serious damage if he really wanted to.
as you're both running, your low stamina catches up on you and you find your feet beginning to drag on the concrete ground. the top of your foot scratching the ground as your knees ache mostly from launching yourself down the escalator like a complete fool.
and you end up tripping, not due to clumsiness but due to complete and utter exhaustion and the way your legs can't keep up anymore.
you know the cliche tripping? well you do exactly that. you trip and the world is spinning before you face plant into a rock hard chest that has your nose aching and a warm liquid dripping out of it.
did—did you just get a nose bleed from tripping into someone's chest?
you blink up at the stranger, internally gagging at the fact you probably look like a weird mess right now but you can't dwell on that though as a familiar tuft of hair comes into view and your face to face with someone you were not expecting to meet.
sooooooo, hello — i'm alive !!
many things have happened in 2 months. i got logged out of this account and just got back in (thank the ever fucking lord), i'm working 2 jobs now, my legs are still fucked buttttt
ya girl over here has been talking to someone for the last 2 months 😏 yes there is surprisingly a man out there in ireland who can handle me he deserves a round of applause because god bless his poor brain when i open my mouth
i'm absolutely devastated the jjk and mha manga is done. what am i going to do with my life now?? what am i supposed to scream about now?? mha is ending in the next season — WHAT AM I SUPPOSED TO DO—
anygays, i hope you've all been safe <33
WC: 2564
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