chapter 2
THE SUN SHONE BRIGHTLY IN the room, causing Astra to wake up with a groan. She grabbed a pillow and put it on her face in order to block out the light. Just as she was beginning to doze off again, someone knocked on the door.
"Astra! Are you awake? Carlisle needs to see you." Renesmee called out from the other side of the door. Astra groaned and rolled over onto her back, she threw her pillow to the side and stared at the ceiling.
"I'll be there in a few minutes." she spoke, her voice hoarse from not speaking for so many hours. She heard footsteps retreating and she finally got out of bed. Sighing deeply, she went over to the chest of drawers and grabbed some clothes to wear for the day.
Once she was dressed, she made her way down the stairs, trying to follow the same way that Alice had brought her. Finally, she reached the living room. She was thankful that she hadn't lost her way. Rosalie and Emmett were the only two in the living room and they both looked at her as she walked in. Rosalie gave her a harsh look, whilst Emmett gave her a goofy smile.
"Good morning, sleeping beauty!" he chirped with a wink, causing Rosalie to elbow his side with a ghost of the smile in her face.
"Morning." Astra replied as she watched the interaction, "Do you know where Carlisle is?"
"He's in his study." Rosalie said, her voice cold. She had her eyes closed and she was leaning on her husband. She didn't even bother to glance her way as she spoke
Astra stood there for a moment, not really knowing where the 'study' was. Once she realized they weren't going to be much help, she started walking to different rooms to try to find him. She entered a hallway and heard voices coming from one of the rooms.
"We shouldn't tell her yet, Carlisle." the voices were muffled, but she could clearly tell it was Edward speaking. "She could decide that she wants to seek out others like her.
Astra's eyebrows scrunched in confusion and she listened to his words. She quietly walked closer to the door and tried to stay as silent as possible.
"She won't do that." Alice chimed in. Astra felt her lips twitching upward at the voice of the kind girl.
"We don't know that." Bella said with a sigh. Suddenly it got really quiet in the room. Astra could hear her own heartbeat and she tried to slow it down. The door abruptly swung open and Astra was left staring into the eyes of Carlisle Cullen. She gave him a small, guilty smile and felt her cheeks getting hot.
"Hi." she squeaked out. She felt like she had just been caught by her father after she had been eavesdropping on an important mafia meeting.
"Astra," Carlisle began, "It's nice of you to join us." he moved out the walkway and motioned inside of the room. "Please, come in."
She hesitantly walked inside of the room where the other Cullens were. She looked at them all nervously and shuffled her feet. They seemed to be staring into her soul.
"The rest of you may leave," Carlisle began, "I need to speak to Astra alone."
One by one the other Cullens trailed out of the room. Bella was the last one out and she shot the girl a sympathetic glance before shutting the door.
"Take a seat." Carlisle said as he motioned towards one of the many chairs in the room. Astra sat down as she looked around the room. There were tons of books everywhere, and a lot of the things in the room seemed to be decades old.
Carlisle finally took a seat behind his desk and clasped his hands in front of him. "Have you ever experienced something that you couldn't explain before?"
Astra's gaze shot to him in confusion. She wracked her brain for strange memories, but she came up blank. "Not as far as I know."
Carlisle nodded his head and hesitated before speaking again, "Did your mother and father ever mention anything about phoenix'?"
This time, Astra narrowed her eyes at the man. "Yes, they always told my brother and I tons of stories about them. They always told me not to tell anyone about it. So how do you know that they told me?"
"Because I was one of the very first people they told." Carlisle replied.
"What did they tell you?" Astra asked, suddenly feeling very curious.
"Did you ever meet your grandparents?"
"No, they died before I was born."
"Did your mother ever tell you anything about her parents? Anything at all?"
"No. Where is this going?" Astra said, exasperated.
Carlisle sighed and decided to just be blunt, "Your mother is a phoenix."
"Was." Astra instantly corrected. "Also, I don't believe you. If she was a phoenix then she wouldn't be dead."
Carlisle gave her a pointed look, "How do you know she's actually dead?"
"Because we saw a bullet go through her!" Astra exclaimed, she was starting to dislike this conversation.
"But did you see her body afterwards?"
"No, but we didn't really pay attention." Astra admitted.
Carlisle smiled softly, "Then I am positive your mother is alive."
"If she's alive then why didn't she come and find us!?" Astra exclaimed, tears were slowly starting to form in her eyes. "I don't believe you." she finally stated, "Supernatural creatures do not exist a-and I'm very hurt that you would try to convince me otherwise. I think I should leave." she stood up from her spot and started heading towards the door.
Suddenly, she felt a gust of wind and Carlisle was standing directly in front by of her, blocking her path. Astra stumbled back in shock, "H-how did you..." she trailed off.
"I will tell you everything, but I need you to sit down first." Carlisle said. His eyes were filled with kindness, and for some reason Astra found herself trusting him. She nodded and sat down. She couldn't seem to find her voice, so she just waited for him to explain.
"I am a vampire." Carlisle stated, "My family and I are all vampires. Although, we don't drink the blood of humans. We only drink the blood of animals, which is why our eyes are golden."
Throughout the rest of the day, Astra would ask questions about the supernatural world, and Carlisle would answer with complete honestly. She was completely shocked with the new information, but for some reason she always knew there was something different about the world.
"So does this mean that I'm a phoenix?" she finally asked.
"We don't know just yet." Carlisle said, "Your father, as far as I know, was not a supernatural creature. So we don't know if the gene passed down or not."
Astra nodded her head and looked out one of the windows. The sun had gone down and she suddenly realized they had been talking all day. "You said that the Volturi would either kill me or turn me if they found out about me, so why did you tell me?"
"Because you have a right to know about your mother. If you turn out to be a phoenix, it would be best if you already knew about all of this."
"I guess so." Astra said. "I think it's time for me to go to bed. I'll properly meet your family in the morning."
Carlisle nodded and Astra took that as her cue to leave.
As she laid in her bed, she couldn't help but think about everything she had been told. She was struggling to fall asleep and struggling with the fact that her mother could be alive. If she was alive, why hadn't she contacted her and her brother? She didn't fully believe the Cullens, despite the fact that her father trusted them. There was something off about the whole situation.
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