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After Jeongguk had helped him on Thursday, he wouldn't have expected to be standing on Jin's doorstep again the following weekend. This time, however, for a completely different reason. Jin had decided to repaint one of the bedrooms and asked him if he would help. He didn't think twice and said yes. Jimin's knowledge of painting walls barely existed, but Jin assured him he would show him how to do it, and that’s all it took for him to say yes.
A possible scenario is playing out in his head when, the very next second, the apartment door opens. Could this be another chance to tell him about his feelings?
“Ah, Jimin! Thank you for coming. I've already set everything up, and Jeongguk should be ready to paint with us in a minute too. He’s just about to be done with his assignment.”
Jeongguk will be painting the walls too?
After they both worked on his project, Jimin can say that Jeongguk doesn't seem to talk much and is pretty introverted. They exchanged more words, mainly about Jimin’s projects, but he quickly realised Jeongguk had a relatively quiet yet reserved personality for an alpha. They may not have become friends that day, but Jimin can say that being in the same room with him shouldn't feel as weird as before.
“I had asked my coworker if he would come, too, the one I told you about, but he cancelled at short notice.”
A wave of happiness overcomes him, and he wonders if he’s too selfish about being happy that the other couldn’t show up. Does fate give him another chance to confess? It shouldn’t be too late. Nervousness floods him as he thinks about the fact that he really intends to go through with it. His heart beats like crazy as he inhales Jin's enchanting chocolate breath. He calmly removes his shoes and hangs up his jacket before following Jin to his room, where everything is ready like he said. The paint rollers are leaning against the wall, and three light blue paint buckets are standing next to the door.
“Did you bring clothes that can get dirty? Otherwise, I can see if I have anything left in the closet.”
Yes, please, Jimin thinks and almost whines, but he doesn't say it, knowing how creepy it can come across. Since they are best friends, sharing things is normal, but Jimin is still careful about what would happen if he put on Jin's clothes. He might purr or do something else embarrassing for all he knows.
“No, I have everything. Let me go, change quickly.”
Jimin removes the clothes from his bag and then enters the bathroom. He innerly hopes that Jeongguk will join them later so that he can tell Jin about his feelings. It is not a scenario he would have ever thought of that he would confess his feelings to him like this.
On the other hand, did he ever think he would dare or come to it?
“I’m done.” Jimin enters Jin’s room, flattening the creases of the old, white t-shirt against his tummy. Jin smiles at him, and Jimin wonders if he knows what he’s doing to his heart or if he’s doing it on purpose. Jimin melts into a puddle, praying the alpha won't notice the sweetening scent of peonies'. But Jin doesn't comment on it, instead handing him the painter roller.
“Very good; then we can get started. I'll tell you what I have in mind and show you how to paint, okay?” Jin opens the first paint bucket when Jimin nods. Grabbing the roller cage, he dips the roller cover in the wall paint before rolling it over the metal tray. Jimin watches, fascinated, as he picks a piece of white wallpaper and paints it blue. “You just saw what I did. Try doing the same thing on the wallpaper before going over to the wall because if you don’t do it correctly, the wall will have uneven areas. So just do some practice on this piece.”
Jimin follows Jin's instructions and quickly gets the hang of it. It is different when they move to the wall, and Jin shows that he wants the side walls to be baby blue. He begins by painting little sections of the wall with a paint roller until he needs to switch to an extension pole and struggles to hold it properly to reach the higher area of the wall. Jimin pouts because it is heavier in his grasp than it appears.
Jin's voice rings out just as he is about to continue painting and position the paint roller on the wall. He squeaks and jolts in shock.
“Oh God, Jimin, what are you doing?”
“W-what…what? Am I doing something wrong?” Jimin’s eyes widen in shock, wondering what triggered Jin’s reaction. From where he stands, he can't see that he has painted the wall incorrectly.
“You’re holding the extension pole wrong. I’m concerned you will paint over the tape and paint the supposed-to-be-white wall blue. Wait-” Jin begins, placing his paint roller on the metal tray. He gets up from his crouched position. “-Let me show you.”
Within seconds, he steps behind Jimin, arms reaching around his torso and gripping the extension pole. Unbeknownst to him, Jimin gasps as a lungful of his chocolate scent hits his nose, his heart racing. He bites the inside of his cheek to hide his flushed cheeks. Is Jin expecting him to concentrate now that he’s so close? This is torture and like a forbidden fruit.
“Hold the extension pole like this to reach the higher area of the wall-” Jin adjusts his arms and does an aerial exercise with him, careful not to paint in places where the blue shouldn’t be. “-That way, you won’t paint over the tape. Now that I think about it, I forgot to ask you if I should get a ladder. Do you want me to get one?”
Jimin curses silently. He didn’t- couldn’t pay attention to anything Jin said. He let his gaze travel down Jin’s arms to his hands, which remained tightly wrapped around his hands. Jin isn’t one of the alphas that brag about their strength and workouts; all the more, he’s curious about how strong his best friend is. He recalls their arm wrestling over something so stupid last summer, but it only showed that he was stronger than Jimin.
It’s embarrassing to think of your best friend this way if he has no clue, yet Jimin can’t stop himself. Being in love has pros and cons, especially one-sided love. It reminds him that now might be a good opportunity to tell Jin his feelings before it’s too late.
“I asked if I should get a ladder.”
“No, it's fine…”
Jimin nervously chews on his bottom lip, his thoughts racing with the words that come to him. He speaks up with a shuddering breath, back still towards Jin.
He’s doing it. This time, he has to get out of what’s on his mind.
“Jin, there’s something I’ve been meaning to tell you. Y-you know how someone feels when they are around someone they like? Well, I’ve been-”
His words are cut short by the closing of a door and the clearing of a throat. Jimin doesn’t need to turn back to know that Jeongguk is looking at them and must be furrowing his brows. His words simply strengthen Jimin’s suspicions. “Am I disturbing?”
No, that can’t be happening. He was so close to confessing!
“I mean, do you still need me?” Jeongguk asks, his gaze shifting between Jimin and Jin. The older alpha must have noticed how strange this position appears and lets go of the extension pole to take a step away from Jimin, who fights the urge to whine, already missing their proximity.
“I can go if… you don't need me, you know?”
Yes, please.
“No, what are you talking about? I showed Jimin how to paint the higher part. Grab a paint roller and help us paint. There's still another wall left.”
Jeongguk lifts his hands in surrender. “Alright, alright.”
Silence suddenly filters through the room as Jeongguk, much to Jimin's surprise, quickly sets to work, dips the paint roller into the paint, and gets to work painting the wall. Jeongguk appears to have prior painting experience. It bothers Jimin that he didn't look up how to paint properly beforehand and almost did something wrong.
On the other hand, it put them in this close situation. Jimin wouldn’t be opposed if Jin taught him how to paint again.
“Am I doing it right?”
Jin glances up from the door he’s taping for Jeongguk and nods at him in satisfaction, lifting a thumb. Jimin continues to paint now that Jin is happy Jimin is making the correct motion. Suddenly, a phone rings in the other room, causing everyone to look up briefly. Jin checks who’s calling and confirms it’s indeed his own. “Yeah, okay, I understand. I'll be on my way shortly.”
Jin peeks into the room, looking at Jimin and Jeongguk with disappointment. “I've got to go, work called about a case we're working on, and it's not good. Could I ask if you two could carry on until I'm back, please?”
“Sure.” Jeongguk and Jimin say in unison and look at each other when they realise what they said. They are embraced by silence, and they can hear Jin closing the door in the background. They resume their work where they left off, with an uncomfortable silence. However, Jimin doesn’t know how to break it, so he doesn’t until he thinks he’s done with his part of the wall.
To avoid stepping into the metal tray, he bends down and pushes it aside, careful not to spill any of the paint on the protective plastic sheet on the floor.
“I think I am—”
Jimin turns to Jeongguk in astonishment after he exclaims hey, not expecting himself to laugh aloud the very next moment as he sees Jeongguk looking at him in shock and indignation. It seems like Jimin was too overly eager and reckless as he set aside the metal tray. He's relieved he didn't paint over the white wall, but Jeongguk appears to be the unlucky one to get hit by the paint cover. His cheek and neck are painted blue, reminding Jimin of the Avatar film he watched just a week ago.
“Jimin…” With a slightly disgruntled undertone, Jeongguk says, and Jimin can't help but giggle again, his palm hand covering his mouth while he bends forward. His scent spikes, and his eyes form into half-crescent moons; he’s unable to see Jeongguk approaching with his paint roller and determination flickering in his eyes.
“Just you wait,” Jimin hears the alpha mumble, and something touches his face and t-shirt before he can look up or step away. It makes Jimin's muscles go rigid. Seconds pass, and Jimin still stands rooted to the spot, eyes widening when the realisation sinks in. Jeongguk's lips are curled into a small smirk as he peers at him. Jimin doesn't want to admit it, but the smirk makes him appear warmer and less like he has no feelings.
Jimin feels his fingertips tingle around the grip of the paint roller, tightening as his eyes playfully narrow. Oh, he’s so going to take revenge. His lips curl into a barely visible smirk before he turns around and strikes Jeongguk with paint, instantly wiping his grin from his lips. Jimin chuckles as he sees Jeongguk’s stunned expression, clearly having not expected revenge from his side.
This is so different from how they usually act. Their atmosphere has shifted from stiff and awkward to playful and comfortable. Jimin can't even complain as he subconsciously perceives how the caramel scent becomes stronger. In contrast to Jin's rich dark chocolate scent, it's much sweeter, but he notices how he doesn't dislike it and doesn't scrunch his nose in dislike.
It makes him wonder why he is doing neither, but he brushes that thought away when he sees Jeongguk approaching him from the corner of his eye. He shrieks and tries to hide behind Jin's desk, covered by a protective plastic sheet, as he doesn't have many other options to keep Jeongguk away.
Standing behind the desk only seems to spur the alpha on. There is no longer a trace of the timid expression on Jeongguk’s face as he strides towards him with a strong-willed aura as if he's ready for one last fight. It makes Jimin squeal innerly, seeing there's no way he won't get more paint on his white t-shirt. Hopefully, it doesn't leave any stains on his face when he tries to wash it off later. Jimin feels his cheeks redden as he imagines going to college on Monday with a blue face and neck.
“There's no way you get out of this. You brought this on yourself,” Jeongguk speaks in a low tone, causing Jimin's eyes to widen. Not only has his facial expression changed, but also his demeanour. Surprisingly, he's not scared. Instead, he huffs and replies cheekily, “I could just leave the room if I wanted to.”
“I doubt you'd even get to the door without getting more paint on you.” Jimin scoffs at the sudden confidence. Though, if he looks at it from Jeongguk's side, they are similar in that sense. Jimin’s shyness is currently replaced by competitiveness, and he's still in disbelief at how much of a turn the situation has taken. A warm glow expands throughout his body, feeling more than excited to show the alpha how wrong he is.
His theory turns out to be stupid once he's one step away from the desk. Jeongguk's fingers easily grasp the fabric of his t-shirt, and he pulls him back against his chest. Both seem to be taken aback by the action. It merely takes a few seconds, and Jeongguk lifts his paint roller, covering Jimin in a new layer of paint. Being this close to the alpha would make Jimin nervous in any other situation, but his mind is occupied with forming a plan to protect himself from a new attack. He utters the only words his brain comes up with.
“I give up; I give up.” Jimin whines and presses himself subconsciously closer to Jeongguk's surprisingly broad chest.
“Say you're sorry.”
“Why would I—”
Jimin gulps when Jeongguk suddenly releases him. Taking a step back, he sees the usually stern facial expression morph into another grin.
“Okay, fine.” Jimin sighs with a pout on his lips. “I'm sorry for hitting you with the paint roller. It wasn't on purpose.”
Jimin awkwardly clears his throat after seeing the other man maintaining his gaze on him while he apologises. He blushes at the attention on him. Now that they are not trying to annoy each other, Jimin becomes fully aware of the situation again. He genuinely didn't mean to strike paint on Jeongguk on purpose. As he looks around the room, he can only count himself lucky that there is no paint splatter on the wall. They would undoubtedly have had to paint again otherwise.
Jeongguk accepts his hand with a satisfied expression as Jimin holds his out to him. It feels incredibly warm yet large in his hand. Jeongguk's skin is softer than he would have expected, and Jimin swallows hard, quickly withdrawing his hand as Jeongguk answers, 'Truce'. Shouldn't it scare him that he doesn't feel uncomfortable in Jeongguk's presence?
Half an hour later, they are sitting on the sofa, silent and with towels around their necks, trying to rub the remains off their still-damp skin. Their hair is still wet when Jimin grumbles unhappily. Even after he has washed his head and neck under the water, there are still paint stains. He stares at Jeongguk with narrowed eyes out of the corner of his eye. Hopefully, Jeongguk has exactly the same difficulties getting it off. If these stains don’t go away by tomorrow, Jimin will have to stay home or attend his classes like this, and it's solely Jeongguk's fault.
Engrossed in his thoughts, Jimin doesn't hear the flat door open and close again, only looking up when Jin enters the living room.
“What happened here?” Jin eyes both with narrowed eyebrows as he places a bag on the kitchen island that connects the living room to the open kitchen. Jimin watches as Jin turns his back on him and unpacks the bag on the marble countertop. He sighs softly as it passes through his mind that he hasn’t done what he set out to do again today. Being in that room with Jeongguk made him forget about it.
“To be honest, when I see you trying to remove the paint where it shouldn't be, I don't think I want to know what happened.” Jin shakes his head and then turns around to face them. “Is the room painted at least? Sorry I had to leave earlier.”
“Oh, ehm- yeah, I am done with my side. Jeongguk?”
“Huh?” Jeongguk seems to have regained the calm character he had before. It feels partly as if Jimin, whatever that was just now, only imagined it. “Oh, yeah, I’m done as well. See if you like it.”
“I’ll do that later.” Jin nods and pulls an apple out of the bag he brought, washes it and bites into the juicy fruit. “I did just buy a few things on the way back, but I thought about going somewhere, like a café. You can cover your neck with a thin scarf. It’s not so warm outside.”
“I still have some things to do,” Jeongguk mutters, gets up and disappears into his room, making Jimin huff in disbelief. He acts as if nothing happened.
“Well, then there are only two of us. What do you say? That gives me the opportunity to tell you something. I had an idea. Would you like something to cover it up? Or have you already tried removing the stains with soap? I must say, you remind me of a cute little smurf.”
Jimin angrily pouts while his heart flips at the word cute. Does Jin think he’s cute?
“‘Am not a smurf.”
“Whatever you say, Min.” Jin sweetly giggles, and his dark chocolate scent embraces Jimin. “Have you tried washing the colour off with scrub or a rough soap?”
“I hadn't thought of that. That's supposed to work?”
Jin shrugs. “Why not? We can give it a try.”
“Okay.” Jimin nods and adds, “What did you want to tell me?”
“Oh, I told you about my colleague at work, didn't I?” Jin asks with a big smile on his face. “I thought earlier that maybe we could go out together sometime. You’re my best friend, and I want to know what you think of him. What do you think?”
Jimin bites his lip, and his chest tightens. He has to swallow the ugly feeling of jealousy creeping through his body. Can't Jin see that there is someone right in front of him who loves him? His nails dig deeper into the sofa, and Jimin hopes his scent won’t turn rotten. This is not how he wants to tell Jin.
“Is something wrong?”
Come on, tell him. Tell him how you feel.
“No, i-it’s nothing…I’m happy for you, like I said.” Maybe it allows him to see what kind of person Jin’s coworker is and why he's interested in him. He ignores the sceptical look his best friend throws at him. “I-it's a good idea. Let me get to know the person you're interested in.”
Yes, it's a good idea—a wonderful idea even, to hurt yourself. Why do you agree to do this? You know it will only hurt you.
Jimin knows deep inside it will hurt him even more than the tinge of jealousy he's feeling, but he chooses to ignore it for now. Because how is he supposed to tell him when he sees him content and smiling like that?
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