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"So, tell me, are there any news of your aunt after she was taken to the hospital?" Jin asks as he takes a sip from his mocha frappé. Jimin, who has been holding his sandwich between his fingers, puts it on the table and takes a sip from his macchiato. He begins to stir the spoon in the brown drink.
"She... how should I put it? They found out that she has a rare kind of cancer."
Jin frowns after his eyes widen. "I'm sorry to hear that. You must all be super worried. Since you've known about it, have you gone to see her?"
Jimin sighs, eyes focused on the spoon in his coffee, and his fingers fumble with the now empty sugar packet. "I visited her yesterday, even though hospitals are not for me. They want to begin chemotherapy soon. I don't know how bad things really are for her, but I hope she'll be better soon. There's still hope."
"It's scary to think that people can get sick to the point where it determines a life, and losing someone is never easy. I'm here for you anytime."
"Thank you." Jimin smiles softly, appreciating his offer. A warm feeling overcomes him and wraps around him like a thick blanket. Sometimes he wonders what he would do without his best friend, who has grown so close to his heart. Would he be as happy?
A comfortable silence falls over them as they both enjoy their food. Jimin is lost in thought as he eats his sandwich, wondering why Jin seems so happy today. He didn't notice immediately, but when he hugged him, his chocolate scent seemed more prosperous, even now, when Jin's gaze roams around the café with an undefined emotion in his eyes. But Jimin is willing to wait and see if his best friend will tell him what's happening.
To his confusion, the conversation that follows is about college stuff rather than why he seems so bright today. Jimin's eyebrows furrow in wonder as Jin appears slightly absent as they leave the café.
"Do you want to come over? We can eat dinner at my place."
Jimin blinks, not having expected the alpha to speak up. He smiles nonetheless, pleased that they get to spend more time. "Sure, but now another thing. Why are you so, I don't know... happy? Smiley today?"
"Oh, ehm- this is something I haven't told you. I didn't know when I should tell you about this." Jin clears his throat and sheepishly smiles at him. Jimin assumes it must be kind of a huge deal when he begins his sentence like this. "Well, you see. There is this co-worker I like, and I want to ask him out on a date. Maybe next week?"
His words feel like a slap in the face, accompanied by a stabbing ache in his chest. With the news, Jimin's heart shatters into thousands of pieces, and he is overcome with despair and an exploding, gut-wrenching agony. He has the impression that the floor is crumbling beneath his feet. Jin has feelings for someone? Is this what unrequited love feels like?
Jimin's vision blurs, and his lips wobble, forcing him to bite them to keep a sob from escaping his lips. With the storm of different emotions raging inside him, he begins to feel like an emotional wreck on the open street. Jimin darts his gaze to the concrete beneath his shoes; breathing becomes more difficult. He holds his breath and swallows around the building lump in his throat.
Does he have any chance at all if he confesses? Did he miss his chance? Is he too late?
Jimin takes a shuddery breath and sniffs, quickly wiping away the tear that has escaped. It hurts so bad, but he's sure if he doesn't take the risk of confessing, all the emotions he has kept locked up in his heart will remain locked in the darkest corner. It might be his first time going through this, but regret might follow him if he doesn't gather his courage. He's torn about what he should do. He feels like such a mess right now.
"Is everything alright?"
Jin's worried voice snaps Jimin out of his thoughts, and he panics. Briskly, he turns his head away and wipes more tears from his cheeks. He swallows hard as he turns back to Jin with a feeble smile on his lips, attempting to hide whatever is going on inside him.
"Sorry, allergies! Don't mind me. I'm happy for you," he says and adds, presumably to make it sound more convincing, "Really."
It's hard to smile at Jin. He has never considered that Jin might be interested in someone else. Maybe it wouldn't hurt so much if he had done it.
"Are you sure?" The doubt in Jin's voice makes it clear that he doesn't entirely believe him, and Jimin can't blame him. He probably wouldn't believe him, either. Seeing things now, he'd say he doesn't really want to go to Jin's apartment to eat dinner. Instead, he'd go to his freezer, take out some ice cream, and shove it down his mouth.
"I'm—I'm sure." Jimin tries to put on his best smile as they reach the apartment block. He tells himself not to think about it and just enjoy the evening, and yet he knows it will be difficult because now, from his perspective, things aren't the same anymore, so Jimin would rather bury his face in his pillow and let it all out. But something stops him from making an excuse to go home. "Let's go upstairs."
Soon. I'll confess soon, Jimin tells himself before he can do so.
Upon entering Jin's apartment, Jimin gets reminded that he's not living alone. A faint scent of caramel lingers in the air. The other alpha Jin is living with is his younger brother Jeongguk. Despite Jin being his best friend, Jeongguk is somewhat the opposite. They've barely exchanged a few phrases over the course of his second college year. You could say they are nothing more than strangers who ignore each other.
"Jeongguk? Are you here?"
"I'm in my room!" Comes back as a reply, and the door at the end of the corridor opens only a few moments later while Jimin takes off his shoes. Jeongguk walks out, his black hair still damp, and his hands, covered by a black t-shirt, are tucked into the grey pockets of his sweatpants. His posture is composed as he looks through his chunky black-framed glasses on the floor and walks past them to the kitchen. Jimin draws his eyebrows together following Jeongguk's movement. They've never really spoken to each other than a 'hello' here and a 'goodbye' there. Jimin never understood why Jeongguk never spoke and thought ignoring the guest in the apartment was pretty rude.
Jimin watches as the alpha takes a glass from the cupboard above the sink and fills it with water. Jeongguk quickly gulps the water, and Jimin wonders if he even realised he was there. Usually, he's no one to judge someone by their looks swiftly, but in situations like this, Jimin ponders if Jeongguk is an introvert and avoids interacting with others. It's been a year, and they still haven't properly interacted, nor has he seen him smile often. Jimin has to admit; however, it doesn't bother him much, and he doesn't mind Jeongguk's presence when he is with Jin either.
"Aren't you going to say hello?"
"Hm?" Jeongguk's head snaps up after he has emptied his glass, and his gaze falls on Jimin, who now feels a little awkward under his intense gaze. It makes him feel shy and uneasy, thinking Jeongguk might see the puffiness caused by crying. Jimin lets a faint smile play across his lips, hoping this will cover it up. It's just another mystery Jimin hasn't figured out. He has no idea who Jeongguk really is. He's unlike an open book.
Jimin's voice is quiet as a 'hello' passes his lips, which Jeongguk returns with a nod. "Hello."
Silence filters through the apartment again, which makes Jin clear his throat with a look that goes back and forth between Jeongguk and Jimin. It also seems to remind Jeongguk of what he wanted to do. The alpha quickly fills the glass with water again and returns to his room. Almost instantly, Jimin's attention is back on Jin, missing the glance Jeongguk throws at them before he disappears into his room.
"I'll probably never understand why you both are acting like that. I don't know how to describe it, honestly. Sometimes I wonder if you guys are hiding something from me and if this is all an act." Jin shakes his head and goes to the sink to pour himself and Jimin a glass of water. "But maybe I just imagined it. Whatever. Do you want to watch a film before I heat up something for dinner?"
"S-sure," Jimin stutters and adds, "Just let me go to the bathroom, and then we can do that."
Merely a few days later, Jimin finds himself standing in front of Jin's flat again. He repeatedly closes his eyes, takes a deep breath, and raises his hand into a fist to knock on his best friend's flat door. Jimin repeats these actions a few times while his teeth gnawing on his lower lip and drops his hand again each time. No question, he's nervous and tense from his feelings and what he had planned. Jimin hadn't asked Jin if he could come over, but ever since the alpha told him about his coworker who he wanted to ask out on a date, Jimin had trouble falling asleep, and when he'd thought that the one he fell in love with liked someone else, it hurt.
Yesterday Jimin had enough; he needed sleep because soon he would have an important exam that he could not fail. The existing small flame of hope still burns within him. This may be a misunderstanding, and Jin may feel something for him. He had to try.
The sound of keys pulls Jimin from his thoughts, and he freezes when he sees Jeongguk coming up the stairs. Panic breaks out in Jimin, but it is too late to hide because his gaze lands on Jeongguk standing in front of the door in the next second. The alpha's usually black hair, which he styles to cover his forehead, is now neatly split down the middle, giving him a slightly older appearance.
The alpha frowns and approaches his apartment with his black earphones in his ears.
"What are you doing here?"
There it is again, that sweet yet gentle caramel scent Jimin smells once Jeongguk stops before him. Their eyes meet, and Jimin feels this strange sensation of squirming, but not because Jeongguk's intense gaze strangely makes him uncomfortable. It never does. His gut tells him it's because Jeongguk observes rather than talks and a big part of him believes it. Because... had they ever had an extended conversation in the last few months? More likely not. Furthermore, Jeongguk doesn't give off dangerous alpha vibes.
"I wanted some help with a project."
Great. That's the first lie Jimin comes up with to explain why he's here? Well, technically speaking, it isn't a lie.
He sees Jeongguk do the same, biting his lower lip and then speaking up. "Jin isn't home."
"Oh," Jimin mumbles and his shoulders slump. His face morphs into dejection, and he considers going back to his own apartment, expecting to get more sleepless nights. "I'll be on my way back then, I guess-"
"What's your project about?"
Jimin stiffens, and he buries his hands in his blue jean jacket. His eyes widen at Jeongguk's question, surprised at his sudden interest in what he's studying. Is he asking because he's actually interested in knowing?
"I have to write an assignment about Maslow's hierarchy of needs and make a presentation about it."
Technically, it isn't a lie.
Jimin is at the beginning of his paper, and his presentation isn't very much ahead either. Other students might have begun working on those projects already, and he should too if he doesn't want to fail.
"I see."
"Yeah, well, if that's—"
"Do you still need help?"
Jimin's eyes narrow, getting even more confused by how Jeongguk delivers those questions. He feels awkward standing there in his presence, increasing with every passing second. Jimin doesn't understand why he's asking. As far as Jimin is aware, Jeongguk is studying something related to animation, which is entirely different from him, and Jin, who isn't there. Seeing Jeongguk scrunch his nose, Jimin thinks the alpha might have picked up on the confusion and irritation in his scent.
"I might be able to help you. I know a few things about it and I could help you with your presentation. I helped my brother before and learned one or two things about it."
Jimin looks back and forth between his eyes, thinking about it momentarily. He came here intending to confess, and now he has an offer of help. Jimin is scared that if he doesn't confess today, he might not do it at all, but it doesn't look like Jin is coming back anytime soon, and he doesn't see why he shouldn't take it. Should he accept?
Getting help with the graphic in his presentation wouldn't be such a bad idea.
A slow smile forms as Jeongguk keeps his expression stoic. "Alright, fine. I guess getting some help wouldn't be so bad after all."
A/N: your opinion so far? 🥺
Oh and a big thank you to BatBaby80 for the background knowledge regarding college.
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