Strauss kurk was relieved he could finally kill his father and leave this rotten place the stank of booze and used cigarettes was intoxicating.
"How does it feel dad hmm?" Strauss mocked as the man screamed in pain holding his leg which was flowing with dark red blood.
Strauss's face was full of blood, half of it was dry and sticky and the rest was fresh. He loved it.
"I said how does it fucking feel?!" Strauss puts the knife he found deeper into the man's leg making him scream. "It feels horrible. I'm sorry im sorry, please stop!" Sean pleaded tears falling by the second.
Strauss sneered in anger as he looked at the whimpering man. "Do you know how much we asked you that? How much Sadie asked you that?"
Sean didn't say anything but was just numb from the pain almost passed out but Strauss wouldn't let him, Strauss stood up, took his ax which was leaning against the bed and was ready to strike and end years of pain but he heard police sirens entering the street.
"What in the holy fuck.." He trailed off, he looked at his father and narrowed his eyes, he grabbed the man by his collar making him groan. "Did you call the fucking cops huh?"
Sean quickly shakes his head, sweat dripping from his forehead, nervousness radiating off of him. "Then who fucking did, huh?!" Strauss hisses spit flying from his mouth.
Strauss looks around the room for something to hold the police away so he can finish the job , he knew he wasn't getting out of here he would definitely be arrested and locked up, he was hoping Sadie would run away or just be safe he didn't want his little sister to be in the hands of some low-life cops.
"Yes!" He cheered as he found a chair, he picked the chair up limping towards the door and setting it under the door so nobody could come in.
He slowly turns towards his father whom was reaching for the ax he had placed on the bed ."Ah, ah, ah" he taunts kicking his father in the stomach making him groan, Strauss grabs the man by his hair and kick his face, blood gushing out of his nose, the cops have already come into the home and we're searching the house.
"Help, in here!!" Sean calls for help, Strauss quickly puts his hand over his mouth, grabs the small knife he had in his pocket and starts repeatedly stabbing Sean the man's screams are muffled by the hand over his mouth.
It had no avail as the police started to bang the door in. Strauss quickly curses himself out as he begins sticking into his father's abdomen; he quickly stands up and starts pulling at his hair screaming curse words as the door opens and guns are pointed at him.
"Get down on the ground and put your hands behind your head!" The officer yells but Strauss is in a haze, as he looks towards his father who was on the verge of dying he didn't want to leave without seeing his father dead.
Rick Grimes and Shane Walsh we're both in their car eating the takeout they had ordered, flies flying around it as both of the men occasionally slap them away. "Fucking flies.." Shane mutters, catching one with his hand and throwing it out the window as it continues flying towards its next location.
Shane was about to put some of his fries in his mouth but was interrupted by the dispatcher. "Unit One, do you copy? Over."
Rick sighs and rolls his eyes as he picks up the microphone that was wired to the radio. "Yeah, Unit one, copy."
"We've got a uh.. Case of a possible 122." the dispatcher spoke raspily. "I'll send you the address on your GPS now."
Both Rick and Shane we're shocked. There were hardly any murders in this town he had absolutely no idea what happened, but the neighborhood was quite dangerous and not many people went there. The only reason people would go there is for drugs, sex or booze
Both the officer's threw their food out of the window as they wiped their greasy fingers on their napkins which they threw out of the window seconds later.
Both of the officers arrived at the crime scene as the majority of cops stood before the door waiting for orders to be made, the door would be easy to break as it was old and rotten.
"Ya'll ready?" Rick asks, making sure his gun has enough bullets, they all nod as Rick gives the order to break open the door.
As the broken door opens Rick is the first one to step inside making sure the hallways we're secure the place absolutely smelt horrible it smelt like dead corpses alcohol smoke, and piss.
Rick opens the door of the living room and almost gags at the smell he sees two corpses of two men two "innocent" men were murdered in cold blood no mercy we're shown these men.
"Sir in here!" One of the officers yelled from upstairs.
Rick runs upstairs toward a small white door. It seemed to be a child room from all of the stickers on the door. Rick ushered the man behind him as he took a couple steps back and kicked the door in just seeing a boy not older than 18 yelling profanities screaming and pulling at his hair while a man older than 40 lay there almost dead.but the boy just kept looking at his father hoping that he passed soon, Rick had no idea what to do he didn't know the full story.But as he looked into
Shane yelled at the boy to get on the ground with his hand behind his back, the boy's eyes all he saw was pain and suffering, but also relief that he finally was freed from all of the pain he had to go through for half of his life.
"He's a monster..you have no idea what he did." The boy began mumbling as an officer cuffed his hand while the boy kept repeating the same words.
"He's a monster, he's a monster, he's a monster."
Strauss Kurk has finally gone crazy and the only thing keeping him sane was the little girl that was currently in the shed putting her little hands over her ears to block out the sounds waiting for her big brother to come pick her up, if only the little girl knew.
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