Samantha, Deana and Cassie.
"Dude, dude, duuuuude," Dean's uncharacteristically high-pitched voice echoed throughout the bunker as he paced up and down nervously, "please tell me you found a way to fix this!"
Sam, growing annoyed at his brother's constant nagging over the last hour, exhaled heavily and turned to glare at the older Winchester.
"I'm trying as hard as I can but I can't focus with you screeching at me!"
The attack on his new voice offended Dean, who frowned on. "Oh yeah, because your voice sounds way better."
"You know, how about instead of irking me, you try and enjoy being a girl for a little while?" Sam gave a condescending smile.
"How the hell am I supposed to do that?" Dean raised his voice, throwing his arms to the side as his face depicted his internal conflict. "I'm not used to this kinda biological make up! Things are missing, other things are in its place and I... I'm so confused, Sam! I've been avoiding going to the bathroom because I have no idea how to pee sitting down!"
Slightly amused at his brother's meltdown, Sam chuckled shortly. "It's not that hard, dude. Just sit down."
Brushing his brother off, Dean turned to look at Cas, who had been sitting quietly ever since they got back to the bunker.
"Why're you not freaking out over the fact that we're freaking women?"
Cas looked at Dean with a straight face. "I've occupied a female vessel before. This is not new to me."
Dean scoffed and raised his eyebrows as he turned back to Sam. "Ya hear that? This is not new to him. Ain't that freaking wonderful?" He shook his head and moved to sit down at the table, grumbling under his breath. "Give me a break."
Two hours later, Sam was yet to find a way to reverse the curse put on Team Free Will, and both brothers were getting agitated.
Cas was perfectly fine, going about life as usual.
Sam was lazily spinning around in a swivel car, haphazardly flicking through the pages of ancient spell books in search of a reversal spell.
He eventually came across one that looked like it would work, and he gathered the book in his hands and hurried over to his brother.
"I think I found something." He set the book down on the table and Dean peered at the pages. "It's ancient magic, so the spell will take a while. So will our reversal process."
Dean groaned and rubbed his eyes tiredly. "How long?"
Sam blew a raspberry and shrugged. "Couple days. Three, maybe four."
Dean's face dropped. "So you're telling me we're stuck like this for the rest of the week?"
"Looks like it," Sam nodded sadly, stretching out.
It was then that Dean noticed how much his brother's appearance had changed - particularly around the chest area. And he frowned as he looked down at his new body and saw the exact same change.
"Dude," he spoke out, looking up at his brother with a panicked face, "we need to get bras."
Watching the Winchesters and their angel friend shopping for female clothing must've been quite the sight for the other customers in the store, especially since Dean was complaining the entire time.
The older man watched his brother pick out a noticeably large bra and fit it on over his shirt. Dean frowned in contempt at the fact that it was a perfect fit.
"Hey, how come yours are bigger than mine?" He questioned, genuinely upset.
Sam scoffed in amusement and pursed his lips, shrugging. "Maybe my height translated over into a different area?"
"Okay, that's a bunch of BS, 'cause you're still freakishly tall," Dean countered, clicking his tongue and glaring at Sam before returning to picking out (much smaller) bras.
Naturally, Dean complained all throughout the rest of the shopping trip. He was especially torn up over the fact that the cute cashier rejected his romantic advances.
A group of guys made up for the rejection, though, because when Team Free Will pulled up at a stoplight on their way back to the bunker, they were met by a chorus of wolf whistles from the car next to the Impala.
The brothers' heads snapped in the direction of their admirers - an action that earned them even more hollers of approval.
Sam scoffed and shook his head before turning away and facing forward again. Dean, on the other hand, started smiling - feeling wonderfully flattered. A moment later, he remembered that he was in fact not really a girl and he snapped out of his flattery-induced trance before pressing his lips in a tight line and relentlessly tramping his foot on the gas pedal, propelling the Impala forward.
"I need my body back."
An exceedingly disgruntled Dean stormed through the halls of the bunker, breathing heavily as he strode across the foyer.
"Sam!" he yelled, trying his hardest to deepen his feminine voice. He stopped in front of his brother and threw his hands out in expectation. "It's been eight days and when I look down, I still don't see my d-"
"I've tried all there is to try, alright?" Sam interrupted, aggravatingly taking a sip from his can of beer before sighing in defeat. "I have no idea how to fix this."
"Sam, we can't just stay like this forever!"
"What would you like me to do?! I've already told you that I tried every spell I could find!"
"I don't know," Dean persisted, voice rising in pitch as his emotions heightened, "You're the smart one! Solving problems is what you do!"
Sam glared at his brother. "Well I'm sorry I didn't major in Ancient Curses in college. Oh wait, that's right - I barely majored in anything in college, because you dragged me out of it!"
"Oh, really?" Dean raised his brow and set a hand on his hip. "We're gonna go there?"
"Alright," Cas' gravelly voice cut through the siblings' argument as he pushed himself up from the chair he was seated in, "That's enough of that."
It was only once the angel stood up that the Winchester's noticed that he, unlike the two of them, had his usual body back.
"How did you-"
Sam's question was cut short when Cas placed a hand on the top of the younger man's head, instantly turning him back into his usual self.
Dean's lips parted in shock as he watched the reversal take place, straightening up when the angel's hand touched his own head.
Both men scoffed in disbelief before cheering at the fact that they were back to normal again. Cas gave a small smile at the sight.
"Wait," Sam's forehead creased as he looked at Cas, "so you have the power to reverse this kind of ancient magic?"
"And when exactly did you figure this out?" Dean added.
"Yesterday?" Dean leaned forward, not sure if he heard correctly.
"And you're only now telling us this?" Sam pressed on.
"I was amused by your struggles with becoming familiar with the female body."
"So you just left us like this for a whole extra 24 hours?!"
"Yes," Cas nodded once before turning around and walking away, "I would've left it longer, but as always, you two had to go and argue and mess it all up. Such a shame, really. You both were quite beautiful as women."
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