PEETA NEVER MOVED from his spot staring into the trees of the jungle. He made Aella nervous as they played the waiting game. She watched him from an inconspicuous distance as if she anticipated him to take off after Katniss without a moments notice. In the near distance she could hear Beetee and Finnick conversing but she paid them no mind. She watched Peeta like she had agreed to do.
But deep down she sympathised for him. If his feelings for Katniss were even a slither of what she felt for Finnick she understood what he was going through. She knew it would be fear that was pulsating through Peeta's body as he watched her leave with a deadly woman he barely knew, because honestly, Johanna scared everyone that wasn't Finnick and Aella. So she knew... and she got it. The same fear had roiled through her gut when she had heard those Jabberjay's imitate Finnick earlier that day. She knew how paralysing it was.
She walked over to him silently but made her steps heard to reassure him she wasn't a threat. Sneaking up on him would do her no favours and when she reached him she jabbed the sharp edge of her machete into the soil beneath them. Peeta flinched slightly at the action but when he looked at her he found only a smile of reassurance on her face. He didn't reciprocate it. He swallowed thickly instead and merely turned his attention back to the jungle, following the thin coil of wire with his eyes as if he could see down it all the way to Katniss.
"Don't worry." Aella said quietly, drawing his attention back to her but she stared at the jungle, "She'll be fine. Johanna won't kill her."
"I don't trust her." Peeta mumbled in response.
Aella nodded to herself before asking, "Do you trust me?" She met his gaze and found his response in his eyes. She soft nature of his gaze told her yes, he did trust her. A small semblance of satisfaction clawed at her knowing she'd done her job right but the larger part of her was happy that he did actually trust her.
It didn't matter if Peeta were to say no to cover himself knowing just how dangerous she could be, he couldn't deny that the little voice in the back of his mind told him to trust her. He'd seen tapes of her in her original Games. He'd watched her train during their sessions. He'd watched her torture Drew, kill Cashmere while on the brink of death. He'd witnessed her cruelty and her violence first hand. Everything about her was threatening—intimidating—but he'd seen her at her most vulnerable.
He saw straight through that alter ego she liked to play into and saw her; the woman who had sat on the jungle floor broken, gripping to Finnick Odair so tightly in fear her knuckles turned white. He'd seen her go to whatever lengths to protect her best friends, to protect Katniss who she didn't even know. Peeta saw her for the broken Victor she was, the imperfect woman.
That was why he trusted her, because she had shown him who she really was unlike Johanna who had regarded he and Katniss with stoic expressions since they had allied. He would even stretch as far as to say he trusted Finnick, too. He had saved his life within the first few hours of the Games after all. He wasn't sure why he'd done it but he still owed him for it. He'd seen the way he'd been with Mags. He'd heard the way he spoke of Aella and witnessed the worry that clawed at his features when she was chased into the jungle.
"You trust me." Aella said softly with a smile, bringing him out of his thoughts, "I trust Johanna...with my life, might I add. Ergo, you trust Johanna."
"I don't think that's how it works." Peeta said in disagreement.
She rolled her eyes but said nothing else. Instead, they slipped back into the same tense silence but it wasn't because for each other.
Finnick and Aella kept their eyes on the tree line, searching for the three remaining tributes while they waited. They hoped that Chaff would manage to find his way to them but they couldn't build their hopes up. Aella had resorted to pacing as they waited for their signal to begin their journey to the two o'clock sector. Every turn back on herself was just as agonising as the last.
At one point she looked up the sky, silently begging for the arena to open up and the hovercraft to emerge but it never did. Submerged in disappointment she sighed deeply and resorted to pacing the same twelve steps again before she turned and repeated the process over and over again.
She pulled her eyes up from the ground before she turned back on herself again but movement caught her eye. She strayed from her path, capturing Finnick's attention as she walked to the ever so taught copper wire, joining the tree to the coil Katniss and Johanna had taken. She followed it slowly, looking at it with narrowed eyes waiting for the movement again.
When it didn't come she thought her eyes were playing tricks on her, that she'd gone insane, until she saw it move again. The wire went very taught for a brief second and then slackened considerably and it did it again and again as if someone were tugging on it somewhere down the line. A deep frown etched into her face as she stopped in front of the wire and dragged her fingers across the bristles.
She didn't expect it to suddenly snap and rebound toward them.
The wire sprung back with the tension it had been pulled at and she swore as it flew back toward the tree. Her heart dropped in her chest when she heard a familiar pained scream echo loudly. Aella turned back on her heel again to look at Peeta as Katniss' screaming died out. Her eyes were wide as she looked at him, saw his body edging forward, and she clutched the handle of her machete in her hands as she ran to intercept him.
"Peeta, don't!" She yelled in warning but he didn't listen to her.
He took off into a sprint before she could reach him and he disappeared down the hill and back into the jungle while shouting for Katniss. Aella swore in frustration before chasing after him without a second thought leaving Finnick and Beetee behind. The former called after her, aware that he couldn't leave Beetee behind and his heart clenched as he watched her disappear in the trees.
Aella's feet carried her through the jungle quickly as she jumped and ran through the rocky terrain, leaves and foliage whipping at her face. Her eyes bore into the back of Peeta's head and she tried to keep track of him as he ran. He was almost out of her line of sight when she saw his body fly through the air and collide with the ground. She swore again, shouting his name, and she skidded down the small hill to his body before dropping to a crouch at his side.
Brutus appeared before them, towering over them, armed and ready to kill but before he could make his move he was stalled by Chaff. The older man launched himself toward Brutus, appearing out of nowhere, and he tackled him to the ground. They rolled together through the jungle, engaging in a fight as they moved and it gave Aella enough time to grab Peeta by the back of his suit and haul him up to his feet. She didn't even bother to ask him if he was alright as he breathed heavily. She just dragged him back up the hill forcefully while scolding him every step of the way while he tried to fight her.
A sharp groan followed by the death cannon booming across the arena brought them to a startling stop.
Words lodged in her throat, Aella turned to see Chaff's body on the ground, still and unmoving. She swore quietly under her breath, her heart stumbling in her chest for a second, when Brutus rose to his feet, his hands slick with blood. Aella's throat bobbed as she sized up the two-hundred pound male made solely of muscle. He'd forgone his shirt since she'd seen him at the Cornucopia earlier on in the day and somehow his broad frame and muscular arms made him even more threatening than before. He towered over she and Peeta—even from twenty feet away.
Aella had a dagger out and soaring toward the man without a second thought as she weighed out her options. A very large part of her knew there was a very high chance she was staring at her death. A small portion of fear licked her veins but she didn't show it on her face—wouldn't let Brutus see it.
He dodged her weapon with ease and instead began a slow walk to she and Peeta with a harrowing smirk on his face and the promise of death gleaming in his eyes. But Aella knew what she had to do, knew what she had promised, and so she pushed Peeta behind her while saying lowly, "Go back to the tree."
She didn't wait. She merely clenched her jaw and set her predatory glare upon Brutus which only seemed to make his smirk brighter. Peeta stood there in shock as he watched Aella twist the machete in her hand with menacing skill while retrieving another short dagger and charging toward the man who was both double her size and body weight with Death at her shoulder.
She leapt up on a boulder to her left and jumped from it, soaring through the air toward Brutus with a loud battle cry. With her arm above her head, she swung down toward Brutus just as he dodged back. The tip of her blade swept across his left pectoral, the slice long but not at all deep. His step back following her assault was nothing but she took the opportunity anyway and with a strenuous grunt she drew her dagger high and aimed it for his throat.
Before the tip made contact with his skin Brutus deflected, hitting her arm away with such force it knocked the dagger out of her hand. Aella didn't deter as Brutus swung the blunt end of his spear toward her face. She ducked low and moved to counteract with her machete but he caught her wrist in a vice grip. Aella knew she was going to lose just by looking at him towering over her but a voice, young and old, echoed in her mind. Fight it, it whispered, you are stronger than him.
They were close—too close for him to use his spear to strike her down good and proper and too close for her to use her machete. All she needed was a distraction so she could run. She'd had some lucky escapes over her years but that luck she lived by had ran out—especially after her first Games. She knew how to pick her battles.
She drew her leg up just as Brutus squeezed her wrist so hard bone popped. Her entire hand exploded in mind numbing pain before it went completely numb. Her machete tumbled from her grasp and fell to the ground somewhere near. Had her leg not have already been moving she would've fallen in complete shock but her heavy boot slammed into his chest so hard she fell backward.
The impact drove Brutus away as they both fell. Aella landed on her ass from the momentum but she was quick to scramble to her feet, looking at her disfigured wrist with a grimace. She grabbed it, exhaled sharply while she still had the adrenaline and with one quick tug she relocated the dislocation with another pop. Her stomach roiled in pain and she shook her hand out, clenching and unclenching her wrist while she drew out her last remaining dagger. She let it fly without a second thought and didn't stick around to see where it landed.
She heard it find home somewhere in Brutus' body—she could only hope it was lethal—and she sprinted forward, fixating her eyes on Peeta as he still stood there watching them both fight with wide eyes.
"Move your ass, Mellark!" She shouted at him, lunging for him but before she could reach him a firm hand clasped around her upper arm and pulled her away with great force.
Her back slammed into a thick rooted tree, head colliding with the bark, and she fell to the ground in a heap both winded and disorientated. She heaved for air as she pushed herself up to her hands and knees with a deep groan. She had to get up, she had to move if she was going to get away but her body would not cooperate with her mind.
Move, she screamed to herself while her chest burnt so ferociously, get up now or he's going to kill you. Move, move, move—
The hand in her hair made her scream as Brutus used it to pull her body up. She had no choice but to obey, lunging out with her arms and legs as he dragged her up to her feet. Aella clenched her jaw as she stood on trembling legs and looked at him. There was a deep knife wound to his shoulder and she exhaled strenuously, so close.
Brutus' hand wrapped around her throat before she had the chance to land a good hit. He shoved her back against the tree he'd thrown her in to and squeezed. Her eyes widened in the sudden shock as he cut off her supply of air. Small grunts tumbled past her lips as she tried to fight him off—both her hands clasped around his wrist, trying to pry his strong fingers away from her delicate skin. But Brutus pushed harder, Aella felt her throat closing underneath his hand, felt her head pressing into the back of the tree with the force.
Her vision danced and she couldn't breathe. She had never felt such panic like it before. It was worse than all her panic attacks, worse than any pain she'd ever felt. Every muscle in her body was on fire. Her chest and her lungs had never burnt so hard. She felt like someone was carving her up with a hot knife. The pain was so intense but she refused to give in to it. She refused to die like this.
She dug her heels into the ground as she faced Death and shook her head, not today. She kicked Brutus over and over again as hard as she could but her legs were quick to tire. His body of solid muscle barely faltered under her last attempt to save herself and under him she gasped and spluttered. His hand tightened again and black spots invaded her vision—consuming her wholly.
Death extended her hand—her scythe resting over her shoulder—and no matter how much she didn't want to go, Aella found her body being pushed toward the woman in black.
She was seconds away from death and just when she thought the cannon would sound for her demise the weight around her throat disappeared.
She felt herself falling to the ground like a dead weight, arms and legs no longer cooperative under her lack of oxygen. She gasped deeply, heaving so hard for oxygen it hurt. Her hands flew to her throat, feeling the tender skin and muscle as the death cannon boomed around them again. The sound pounded in her skull and she saw Death take a retreating step toward the shadows once more.
She was still alive. Somehow she had survived and she opened her eyes to try and figure out how. Her blackened vision started to fade and whorls of dark colour began to seep in but it was all so blurred. She had a vague sense of vomit rising and barely managed to make it to her hands and knees before she was sick on the ground underneath her. She rose to her knees as best she could when she was finished and leaned completely against the tree as she heaved for air—desperately trying to get it in her lungs.
The whorls of colour started to form shapes around her and she could make out a body in front of her. After another moment she was able to recognise it as Brutus. She rubbed her eyes viciously and looked to see him lying face down on the ground, his head twisted to her. Blood smeared across his back from a lethal wound and she sucked in a deep breath as she looked up.
Peeta Mellark stood over them both with Aella's blood stained machete in his hands. He clutched the weapon so hard his entire hand was white and his chest heaved deeply. He looked at Brutus' body with no remorse in his eyes, a killing rage twisting his face she'd never seen before. Her breath hitched in her chest as she looked from Peeta to her machete in shock. He had done that. He'd killed Brutus and saved her life.
She stared at him for seconds, minutes, as she tried to compose herself enough to breathe properly and Peeta didn't move. He didn't rush to help her up or ask if she was okay, he only stared at Brutus' body while clenching the machete. When his eyes did slide to Aella he offered her the faintest smile in what she thought was gratitude. Through her blurred, tear-filled, vision she couldn't be sure. She braced herself on the tree and pushed herself on to unsteady feet. The world around her began to swim at a pace that nauseated her again and her knees threatened to buckle under her.
Every part of her screamed in protest but she held herself up against the tree as Peeta looked at her and said, "I'm sorry."
Her vision cleared for half a second before distorting again. A wave of darkness hit her, almost swiping her off her feet again. She fell into the tree, gasping for breath when she said, "W-what—?"
But Peeta Mellark turned on his heel and broke into a run. He took her machete and left her and total panic seized her as she watched him. She stumbled blindly after him, "Peeta, no!"
Her voice was nothing but a hoarse whisper, one she barely heard herself. She felt her body sway dangerously and she reached out, blindly catching herself on another tree as she tried to follow him but he disappeared before she could take her forth step.
All she saw was the direction in which he turned and she pushed herself off the tree, wiped the blood away from her nose with the back of her hand and gave everything to follow him. She stumbled over Chaff and Brutus' bodies, almost falling over them, and she followed the direction Peeta took.
She had no idea where she was stumbling to, what kind of danger lurked ahead. She had no idea how far away she was from the lightning tree, if she was too close. She didn't know how long they had until midnight. Nor did she know where any of her allies were. She was completely and utterly disoriented, trying her very hardest to follow Peeta Mellark in a direction she thought he'd taken. If Enobaria found her she was as good as dead and she knew it. No amount of willpower or determination would save her. She could still hardly breathe for the pain wrapped around her throat and burning both her windpipe and her lungs. The dizzying feeling was very slowly starting to lift.
She ran into the middle of a small clearing and looked around. Nothing but trees and shrubs surrounded her for miles. She was so very lost and alone. She had one job and she had failed at the most vital time. They only had a small window for rescue before Capitol airships would arrive and then what? Everyone was counting on her to get Peeta Mellark on that rebel ship alive and well but she couldn't even find him. She had failed. She had ruined it all.
"PEETA!" She screamed so loud. Her voice—raw and hoarse—broke and she heaved a heavy breath while she turned in circles and waited for a response. A moment passed, then another, "Peeta, where are you!" She shouted again.
But he didn't respond.
Oh god oh god oh god.
She panicked and she ran her hand through her messy hair in total disarray. A strangled sob tore at her throat. She was falling apart. Her heart was slamming so viciously against her chest it made her dizzy. She was alone and she was going to die.
The distant voice pounded through her panic. It turned to ice in her veins and she turned to the direction she thought Finnick's voice came from. It played in her head over and over again. His fear and urgency flowed through her and his name was a whisper on her lips as she stumbled blindly back up the hill she'd just ran down.
"Finnick?" She shouted into the darkness of the jungle, searching the trees and foliage for any sign of his blonde tresses, for his sea-foam green eyes, "Finnick!"
"Aella, where are you?" His responding voice came loudly.
She pushed her shaking legs to work faster. Her body was so tired. She was so tired and she knew she didn't have long before she would succumb to the darkness that clouded the corners of her eyes. But she had to find him before midnight, even if it was the last thing she did.
"Peeta!" Katniss' voice was weak but it was near. It told her everything she needed to know. Peeta hadn't yet been successful in finding her but as she ran through the jungle Aella didn't hear his responding voice.
If she could get to Katniss and then find Finnick they could... she had no idea what they would do. They had one shot at blowing the arena up and with the coil broken how would they manage it? It was the only way for the rebel aircraft to get inside the arena to rescue them. They missed their opportunity and they would have to fight to the death like the normal Games. The rebellion would die before it even had the chance to spark and President Snow would win.
There had to be another way. Aella refused to let Snow win this battle. They could re-strategise. Maybe if she found Finnick and Katniss she could find the broken wire and fix it, tie it back to the coil and get it into the water before the lightning hit.
Whatever she did she had to act quick. She had to act now.
Aella's thighs were burning when she finally recognised her surroundings. She was still shouting for Finnick, his voice sounding closer and closer with each step, when she found Brutus and Chaff's bodies again. Her eyes zeroed in on a single dagger on the ground between them and she made a small detour to retrieve it. She didn't put it into her holster. Instead, she clutched it in her hand when a voice whispered in her ear, 'your tracker.'
She looked down to her forearm, at the ripped and torn fabric around her skin. If she took her tracker out the jig was up. The Capitol would know that something was amiss, wouldn't they? Heavensbee wouldn't be able to hide it, not in a room full of Gamemakers. But if she stood at any chance of survival she needed to remove it. They wouldn't be able to track her if it wasn't in.
Her throat bobbed as she released a trembling exhale. Before she could talk herself out of it she cut into her skin, slicing down in one fluid movement. Her knees buckled with the intensity of the pain. She couldn't suppress the agonising groan that tore at her throat, the sound shifting more into a scream as she worked to find and retrieve the tracker. The small item was superficial—thank god—and she looked at it through tear-filled eyes as she clutched it in her hand. Blood dribbled from her forearm and dropped into the earth underneath her, sliding down her hands, running up her arms...
She tossed the bloodied tracker to the ground and rose on weak knees before stamping on it. It shattered into a million pieces under her boot and she wiped the blade of her knife across her thigh, smearing the blood on the fabric. She dared a glance at her arm, at the savage cut she'd made. Flesh and muscle stared at her and in her already weak state it was enough to knock her sick. A wave of mind-stilling dizziness gripped her and it was everything she had to not succumb to it.
She clenched her jaw, staring back up the hill through unfocused eyes and pushed on. She had minutes before she'd pass out from blood loss. The wound was too big and she had cut too deep so she could find it. She had to find Katniss or Finnick before she fell.
She approached the circle of trees surrounding the lightning tree and stumbled. Either blood loss or the forming concussion from Brutus' assault distorted her vision again and she put her arms out blindly to catch herself. Her hand slammed into bark, a bloodied handprint staining it, and she looked around desperately searching for anyone.
She took a deep breath, "Finnick!" Her voice broke again toward the end in despair.
Beetee was no where to be seen, Finnick was missing. All she could see was the tree.
"Ella!" His voice was the closest she'd heard it and she stumbled forward through the knee high grass to search for him. She shouted his name again but received no response. Call after call he turned silent and she released a small, shuddering breath of fear. She walked in a circle around the tree, a quarter way round before she saw Finnick standing on the opposite side of the tree close to the jungle.
Their eyes clashed and her shoulders relaxed seeing him standing there alive but despite the relief that softened his eyes she saw how tense his body was. Both frozen, Finnick could do nothing but look at her despite the threat of the arrow aimed at him. He completely disregarded Katniss for a moment, forgetting she was even there, as he looked at Aella from head to toe. The anxiety he felt watching her disappear into the jungle, chasing after Peeta, didn't ease. In the ten minutes they were separated the death cannon had sounded twice and while neither of them were for her it appeared she wasn't far from death.
Her face was a deathly shade of white and the blood that smeared down her temple and her nose, her silver lined eyes... He swallowed thickly when his eyes danced over her throat. The skin he'd spent all those hours kissing and licking those nights prior was now a combination of red and purple. Finger prints, large finger prints, were the outlines of those red and purple bruises and her arm... he couldn't see anything for the blood that painted her hand. Aella was walking a fine line with death and he knew it, yet when he looked at her all he could find was pure relief.
That relief quickly faded—morphed into something dangerous when her eyes swept over him. When she saw his hands raised in surrender.
Aella swept her gaze around the space that separated she and Finnick. Whatever he was facing—whoever—he was facing was the reason for his sudden silence. Aella knew who it would be—it wasn't hard to guess. There was only one of their allies who didn't trust them enough—who knew how to hunt, how to hide.
"Katniss," Aella said viciously, still searching the tall grass and the foliage. Movement caught her eye and she found her crouched within the grass directly between she and Finnick. Her bow was raised, an arrow knocked, and she aimed at Finnick, "lower your arrow, Katniss." She growled.
The woman turned her head slightly as Aella edged forward, a single dagger in her hands, no trace of any other weapon. Every warning Katniss had ever heard about Aella Barnes rang in her head. Every word struck true as the woman stared at her. She'll kill you without second thought, she remembered Haymitch's warning, especially if you threaten someone she loves. Right now, that was Finnick and Katniss knew without a shadow of a doubt Aella would do it, she'd kill her without even thinking.
Aella and Finnick knew it, too. She didn't give a single fuck about the rebellion while Katniss aimed her arrow at Finnick's chest. Finnick who had saved her every chance he'd gotten, who had brought Peeta back to life. Aella would kill Katniss and ruin any shot they had at a rebellion without a second thought if she let that arrow fly...if she continued to aim it at him for much longer.
Aella moved again, getting closer and closer but her steps were slow...calculated. Her jaw was set as she moved to see Katniss better in the foliage. The arrow remained knocked and Aella's nostrils flared in anger, "Put it down." She seethed.
But it still remained raised, "Now, Katniss!" She snapped loudly, closer.
Finnick had long turned his attention back to Katniss when he saw that murderous gleam shine in Aella's eyes. He saw her moving closer and closer in his peripheral vision, watched Katniss look fleetingly from him, to Aella, to the arrow she had aimed for his chest but he didn't look away. A part of him didn't dare. He hoped he could plead to her, show her he meant no harm by keeping his arms upraised in surrender. He knew that with every passing second Aella's fury and fear grew, knew that she would let that dagger fly, rebellion or no.
He took a steady breath, "Katniss," he said to her calmly, "remember who the real enemy is."
Whatever he had said triggered something. Aella saw as confusion pulled at Katniss' face and distorted her features. She lowered her arrow and the air pooled out of Aella's chest in relief. She lowered her dagger, coming to a stop in the grass between them and they all stood in thick silence until the loud noise of thunder rolling in sounded above them.
Aella tipped her head back and looked up at the sky, saw it brightening under the heavy storm cloud that began to form directly above them. The thunder continued to grow, shaking the arena with each second and lightning cracked through the clouds.
Aella looked back at Katniss, at Finnick, her shoulder tense before she looked around them. The copper wire that bound the tree remained and when the lightning struck it would only burst into flame and explode. If they didn't move now they were as good as dead. Even with the loose wire somewhere nearby they were still in trouble. Her breath hitched in her chest when she met Finnick's gaze and saw the urgency behind his eyes. She nodded once, they had to go.
The thunder boomed across the sky and Aella's whole body tensed as she readied herself to run but Katniss was still sitting in the grass, head tipped back and looking at the looming storm about to reign down on them.
"Katniss, get away from that tree!" Finnick shouted in warning but she didn't move. The storm continued to rage on above them, the sound of electricity firing up scattering around them.
It was coming and in less than ten seconds they would be dead.
"Katniss, for god sake move!" Aella yelled at her.
The Girl on fire did no such thing. Aella watched as she scrambled to retrieve something, wrapping and wrapping, before she rose to her feet unhurriedly. She knocked her arrow again and this time aimed it up at the sky. Lightning struck across the dark night and under the flash of the bolt Aella saw the copper wire wrapped around the arrow head.
Her feet carried her forward as her eyes widened, "No, Katniss!"
At the same time, Finnick ran toward her also shouting with urgency, "Katniss, get away from that tree!"
But neither of them reached her as the storm above them grew. Thunder rumbled one last time, shaking the ground they stood on, as the sound of electricity pulsated through their ears. The lightning bolt formed and it struck down on them as Katniss let the arrow fly right into the heart of the storm.
Electricity scattered down the wire that was still flying into the sky, wrapping around the tree as lightning stuck it and created an earth shattering explosion.
The dark jungle lit up and in her shock, Aella rose her arm to cover her face from the blinding light that was produced. She hadn't realised how close she had gotten to the tree itself. Not even Katniss was as close as her and when the lightning hit and everything around them exploded her breath was stolen from her as she was swept off her feet and thrown back, back, back. Five million joules of electricity reigned down on them and Aella could do nothing against it as it shoved her back with an unbearable force.
A deep, ear-piercing ringing sound pulsated through her head and deafened her as she was thrown. She couldn't hear herself screaming, could no longer her the sound of the thunder rumbling above her, or the electricity consuming them. It shocked her entire body as it ran through her, paralysed her and overcame her. The darkness she'd fought so hard to ward off swept in and she had no choice as it took her under her and dragged her down, down, down into unconsciousness mere seconds before her body slammed so harshly into a tree the bark broke under the force.
She fell to the ground in a heap as the power blew out and the entire arena exploded into flame...
• • •
A/N; So this is the end of part 1 & catching fire. The first chapter of part 2 will be posted on Friday and Aella's fate will be revealed...
Will she be in the Capitol or will she be in District Thirteen?
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