HAND IN HAND, Aella and Finnick were guided down to the lower levels of District Thirteen where Beetee had taken residence. Word had come that he had finished working on her hearing aids but she didn't run to him like Finnick expected her to. There was a slight apprehension to her movements, one he couldn't quite figure out but he had no doubt she'd tell him about it if he asked. He could see the hesitation dancing in her softening blue gaze.
For days it had been unfamiliar emotion after unfamiliar emotion. He knew what it was that screamed behind her eyes but he'd never once seen that look on her. For years while in public—like they always were whenever they were around one another—all Aella had portrayed was fire behind her eyes. It was strange for him to see hesitance and fear. He had no idea about who she truly was and vise-versa.
He never expected her to need so much physical contact, so much reassurance. But she'd been deprived of that for years and now he'd given it to her she couldn't let go. She dug her fingers in and refused to let him move. He was her safety blanket—someone there to take part of her trauma and heal her. She wasn't about to let that disappear.
The couple walked into Beetee's lab silently, gazing around at the wonders he had already built in his short time at Thirteen. The man himself was at the bottom of his lab, hunched over a table with his back to them both. It was Finnick who greeted him first.
Beetee's back straightened and he turned around to face them both with a small smile on his lips. Aella's eyes danced over his frame, over the wheelchair he was now confined to, and gulped heavily. It could've been worse, she reminded to herself, that could've been you. The physical trauma the Victors held were greater than ever before. Beetee was now paralysed after he'd tried to break the forcefield himself when their plan had gone so wrong, Aella was severely deaf and Finnick still walked with a slight limp even if he did try to hide it. Aella knew he'd hurt his knee in the last few moments of the Games... in the same manner she had in her original Games.
Only Finnick would not get the surgery he required like she had all those years ago.
Beetee's lips moved as the couple walked toward him but Aella could not hear what he said. She couldn't read his lips. All she could do was smile when she felt Finnick laugh beside her, feeling empty on the inside. What if these hearing aids didn't work? She didn't think she could live not hearing people speak properly. She felt isolated already. It would only get worse, surely?
When they were close enough Beetee waved at her and she returned the gesture. In the days since she'd awoken she spoke less and less. Finnick had watched her withdraw, had watched her pull herself into nothing but a shell despite his best efforts to keep her from doing so. He had everything riding on these hearing aids working, only to hear her voice again.
Aella's eyes cast over a pair of small ear buds set neatly in a case for display. She imagined them to be much bigger, clunkier.
She glanced to Beetee fleetingly and rose her brows, "Mine?"
Beetee nodded, "Yes." She heard him say though his voice was painfully quiet. He sounded miles away, "It took a few attempts but I think I've managed to build a working pair as small as I possibly can."
"Thank you, Beetee." She whispered gently.
The man met Finnick's gaze over her shoulder and he watched as Finnick's face twisted painfully before he shook his head. Beetee had never known this Aella. He didn't even recognise her. If it weren't for the same face he'd of thought she was a different person. The Golden Girl—or The Huntress as Panem were now formally calling her—had long disappeared. In this form she was Aella. The broken, barely put together girl who sat in the four walls of her house day in and day out, drinking herself to tears and waking up on her sofa. She was the person she'd never allowed the outside to see... she was herself.
He swallowed thickly and said, "Let's try them, hmm?"
Aella gulped, fear twisting at her features. She met Beetee's gaze with wide eyes, apprehension and desperation evident. He could see how much she longed for it to work, for these little contraptions he'd built to restore her hearing. In response, he pulled the chair out beside him and tapped the seat, signalling for her to take it.
She moved slowly, hands trembling as she sat down in front of the hearing aids. Beetee sat on her left side, knowing it was the only side she could hear from and he picked up the first aid in his fingers carefully.
"I designed them so you can wear them all the time. They're small enough to hopefully not bother you. You should be able to sleep with them in."
"How do they operate?" She asked carefully.
"Ah," Beetee smiled, "That's the beauty of them. They work on their own. No need to charge, no need to change the battery. They're waterproof, too. So long as you don't cause significant damage to them they will always work. There's no need to ever take them out."
"So they're almost like implants?" Finnick asked with an arched brow.
"That's the idea. Yes." Beetee nodded and looked to Aella again, "May I?"
With a thick gulp she nodded her head and glued her eyes to the wall. She felt Beetee take her ear and pull it taught before a static noise echoed in her ear. The pitch made her cringe and she screwed her eyes shut as it grew louder. Her knee bounced rapidly until the sound disappeared and Beetee moved away from her.
She all but jumped in response. Her eyes widened and snapped to him. His voice was a shout in her ears compared to the whisper she'd heard. It almost hurt to hear but the smile that stretched across his lips told her it was a good sign.
"I expect you'll be sensitive to sounds for a few days." He said, voice still as loud as ever but this time she was able to decipher he wasn't shouting, "Especially after not hearing much for almost two weeks."
"It's worth it." She quipped back, hearing her voice clearly for the first time since the accident. No longer was it just in her head. The quiet tone sounded broken and she hated it.
Beetee slipped the right one in with no issue and he wheeled himself back a fraction while looking at her, "Hear me from here?"
She nodded hearing how loud he seemed.
Finnick curved his hand over her shoulder and she looked up to see him stood with a smile on his face. Contagious, she smiled back and it grew as he whispered, "Hey."
"I hear you."
His brow arched while his smile grew wider. Aella thought it wasn't possible but he stood proving her wrong and his beauty encapsulated her. She stared deeply into his sea-foam green eyes as he said, "You do?"
She nodded girlishly, a giggle escaping her lips. The sound was so foreign to both neither knew how to react. The purity of it made their hearts soar and Aella felt herself floating higher and higher toward the clouds. She'd never felt that kind of elation before.
"Loud and clear, Odair."
Finnick shook his head to himself in pure awe as he searched her face. Convinced then and there that the sound of her laugh could heal any wound no matter how great. He felt his heart beating... truly beating. For all his years it had just pumped. It's sole purpose was to keep him alive. In that moment everything changed. The thing keeping it going was her. It was her laugh, the way her eyes crinkled when she smiled deeply, the faint dimple next to her mouth, her eyes when they shone. Finnick's heart now beat because of her.
He slipped his hands around her face and cupped her cheeks. Leaning down to her level, a senseless grin claimed his lips. They didn't break eye contact once especially as he said, "God, I love you."
Reaching up, Aella clasped his wrists lightly. The insecure smile that pulled at her lips grew wide. Her features lit up like that of an innocent child as she met his gaze head on. The way her stomach fluttered with butterflies robbed her of her breath. The way he looked at her was enough to bring a heartless person to their knees.
"You do?"
"I do," he nodded vigorously, "god, I do."
"Good." She responded through her smile, "Because I love you."
• • •
Aella could've lived without having to meet with Plutarch Heavensbee. For while she'd played an integral part in his plan to start the rebellion she hadn't ever met the man. Been to the same party, yes. Seen in passing, maybe. But she'd never sat down and had a conversation with him. She couldn't say she ever wanted to either. While she understood he had a role to play within the Games she hated he didn't make it easy on them. He was the one who drove the Cornucopia to spin. The one who enforced the lightning on that tree—but really, where would they be without that? He was the one who put the Jabberjay's into the arena, who taunted her with her brothers voice.
So, yes, she really could've done without it. The worst part? She had to go alone. Finnick wasn't wanted, Clio wasn't allowed. Haymitch was god knows how many floors beneath them sobering up.
She reminded herself of who she was. She stared into the small plastic mirror in she and Finnick's apartment—if you could even call it that—and fixed her gaze. She locked away the love-stricken eyes and contained the joy.. god knows she'd had the practice. For six years she'd been a walking zombie—emotionless and expressionless. The only thing she'd ever allowed through prior to the Quell had been anger and rage.
Her happiness was reserved for those close to her. Outsiders like Heavensbee would see only the Aella the rest of Panem ever got to see. Even if she had changed—it wasn't enough to wear her heart on her sleeve in front of them. Her days of vulnerability and insecurity were over.
The whooshing of the doors as they closed behind her had her turning her head fractionally to the side. She observed the sliding doors out of her peripheral vision and only looked forward when they were closed firmly behind her. Hands clasped behind her back she pulled her head up. Her eyes flickered over the man and woman sat side by side at a long table. Their conversation interrupted by her, they both looked at her standing.
The man—Plutarch Heavensbee—rose from his chair while rubbing his hands together. A large smile filled his plump face, eyes crinkled almost to the point of closure. His uniform somehow seemed worse than hers and Finnick's. She tried to hide the disgust for the fashion but her lip curled fractionally.
"There she is, like a Phoenix, risen from the ashes." Heavensbee gushed, his words loud in her brain. She was convinced she'd never heard so clearly when her hearing had been normal. It had only been two weeks since the Games. Beetee had to have accelerated her hearing somehow.
Aella rolled her eyes bluntly. Her heavy boots echoed off the floor as she walked over to the table and stood opposite Heavensbee and his companion.
"Can we not with the nicknames?" She asked him through narrowed eyes, "It's old and it makes me feel like I'm back in Hell again."
Heavensbee chortled in amusement when Aella referred to the Capitol as Hell. He'd never heard a name so fitting before. He glanced down to the woman seated next to him with a smile and said, "Madam President may I introduce you to Aella Barnes, or as the rest of Panem are now calling her, The Huntress."
Aella knew better than to let the shock pulsating through her veins show on her face. She kept her composure. Her poker face was tight. Why was it that the President of District Thirteen wanted to meet her? She hadn't wanted to meet Finnick. So why her?
The woman rose to her feet with a gracious smile Aella saw straight through. It was too nice. She hadn't even opened her mouth and yet she could guess how chirpy her tone was going to be. It was fake. Everything was fake. Her shoulder length hair was a colour of grey that made it almost white and pin straight. Her almond eyes seemed welcoming, as did the smile that spread across her thin lips. But everything screamed fake to her.
When her hand reached out to Aella's the woman merely glanced at it for a moment.
"Aella," The woman breathed, "What a pleasure to meet you. My name is President Alma Coin."
Pretentious, she thought. It was obvious she was the President, that was what Heavensbee had just addressed her as. What need did she feel to address herself as such again?
Aella met her hand and shook once, "Aella Barnes," She quipped before fire danced in her eyes and she said, "Victor of the sixty-ninth Hunger Games."
"Yes, of course." Coin nodded. Aella saw her face flicker as she introduced herself as a Victor. Like she remembered just who was standing before her.
"Please, take a seat, Aella." Heavensbee gestured. He wasted no time in sitting down himself.
Aella did as instructed and made herself comfortable as she sat opposite the two. She crossed her leg over the other and leaned into the arm of the chair before she eventually shrugged her shoulders, "So what's this all about? Because I know you haven't asked to meet Finnick."
Heavensbee's eyes danced with amusement and he tapped the table in what seemed to be excitement. He looked at Coin and for a second she met his gaze before they both looked back at the woman before them. She was everything he had described her to be. Young, intimidating and smart.
"Whether you know it or not, Aella, you've become quite an integral part within this rebellion." Heavensbee told her.
Aella acknowledged him with a tilt of her head and nodded once, "Have I?"
Coin nodded, her hands clasped together in front of her. Her posture was straight, not a hunch in sight and Aella was exhausted just looking at her. The straight posture was only intimidating when you held a deadly weapon in your hand, she knew that.
"You have."
"That's nice." She bit, "But I still don't think that's why you've called me here."
"You see, Aella, Katniss and Peeta may have started the rebellion but you certainly fuelled it. You were the fire it needed to rise from the ashes." Heavensbee said to her.
A humourless chuckle escaped her lips at that and she looked down to the table and nodded, "Phoenix?"
"In more ways than one." The man said. He seemed to be the one doing the talking and Coin seemed content with that, "Panem thinks you're dead. They think you're all dead. You, Katniss, Finnick... after Katniss shot that arrow the cameras cut out. They didn't see our helicarriers rescue you from the arena. We pulled your bodies from fire and debris."
"Right." She nodded with a short laugh, "So a literal Phoenix then."
"We want you to join the rebellion." Coin said suddenly. She leaned forward into her hands, chin dipped ever so slightly as she looked at Aella with deep meaning, "To aid Katniss. We think you'll inspire a lot of the bigger Districts to join."
Distaste pulled at her features. She tapped her fingers on the table while she mulled over her words. The outburst made it evident they didn't just want her. They needed her. Aella knew from the Quell that Katniss wasn't one for instruction. Awkward was the word Aella would use. Uncooperative, even.
She remembered the words Clio had spoken to her a few days prior. Everyone in District Thirteen had a job. They had a purpose and they wouldn't be an exception. Finnick would soon be given a job. Sam, Natalia and Sal all had one. This was obviously what they had in mind for her. An aid to the rebellion.
She hummed before dropping into silence. Her fingers tapped against the metal table before she eventually quirked a brow, "What's in it for me?"
Coin's face faltered while Heavensbee grinned. Like he'd anticipated it. No doubt he knew it was coming. He'd of heard her conditions for joining the original rebellion and he'd very clearly followed through. He'd proved his worth to her. Proved that he could keep his promises.
He glanced to Coin and arched his brow. You're the President, he seemed to say and she looked back at Aella. The young woman sat so casually in her chair and Coin studied her. 'Individuals don't make demands here in Thirteen', she had said to Katniss but then listened regardless. It seemed the Victors she now played host to knew exactly how to get their own way.
Coin nodded once and said, "What are your conditions?"
Did she truly have any? She hadn't been in Thirteen long enough to think of anything. She and Finnick were comfortable in their space together. They didn't need or want anything else. Then it clicked.
Her eyes narrowed fractionally and she said, "I want them out." When they both frowned opposite her she continued, "Johanna, Peeta and Annie. They're your priority. You want me you get them out and you do it as soon as possible."
The day Finnick had told her the rest didn't make it out and that they had also captured Annie played in on a loop in her mind. The Capitol had been smoking the Victors out. The Victors Purge they had called it. As far as Aella knew, only nine of them were left. Every other remaining Victor who had been reaped in the Quell was dead.
Snow didn't know who was allied with the Capitol and who had allied with the rebellion so he'd given the order to kill them all. Even Career Victors. It made Aella sick to her stomach to know that her fellow Victors back home had been killed. It made her rage, it made her want to scream.
The only reason they'd decided to spare Annie Cresta and take her hostage instead was to punish Finnick. He and Annie had been friends since her win. He'd kept her sane for years in the same way Daniel had done so for Aella. She had no doubt that if Daniel had been in District Five when the Peacekeepers had been in they'd of taken him hostage, too.
The whole thing had both terrified her and enraged her. There was nothing to say that the Peacekeepers hadn't been searching for Sal, Natalia or Sam. Or that they had been looking in plain sight for Clio and Daniel whilst they were still in the Capitol. She wouldn't ever know for certain but she was willing to bet her lifetime of winnings that it was true.
Annie didn't deserve whatever fate she was facing in the Capitol. She knew Johanna would be giving them all hell, punishment or no, but she needed her best friend back by her side. And Peeta... The guilt that consumed her for letting Peeta walk away was suffocating. She tried to push it down but it never stayed.
She didn't care for Enobaria but it wouldn't surprise her if the Capitol left her pretty much unscathed.
There wasn't anything to say they hadn't grabbed Palex, Cayenne and Flax either. Aella knew both Katniss and Peeta's prep teams had been slaughtered and that Cinna—Katniss' designer who'd created that dress that'd turned her into a literal Mockingjay had been brutally beaten in front of Katniss before the Games and had since been killed, too.
If she ever found out Palex, Cayenne and Flax had been captured and killed she'd never forgive herself. Clio had told her they were aware of the rebellion and she went absolutely wild. If she had known she'd of insisted Heavensbee get them out, too. If she'd of known Snow would've slaughtered the stylist teams of the rebels she'd of ensured they'd be safe.
She didn't regret agreeing to aid the rebellion but she hated the position it had put her and all her loved ones into.
Heavensbee pressed his lips into a thin line, "You understand the Capitol's defences are airtight, Aella? We're doing—"
"You want me you get them out." She repeated firmly, her jaw set tight, "I need you to find Palex, Cayenne and Flax, too. I don't care what you do, just find a way to make some kind of contact with them. If they're alive hide them in the Capitol. I know there are safe houses there."
Heavensbee grimaced, "President Snow ordered executions on stylist teams, Aella."
She shook her head, "And he confirmed the ones he'd killed. There's been no mention of Palex, Cayenne and Flax. Not unless you know and haven't told me. I just need to find out where they are and if they're safe."
He nodded his head, "Okay. I'll reach out to my contacts in the Capitol later."
"And about Johanna, Peeta and Annie?"
"Yes," he agreed, "but we might find we find where they're being held tomorrow but might not be able to rescue them for a while, Aella. We have Beetee trying to hack into the Capitol's security and defence systems but they're complex."
"I just need your word that you'll try your hardest." She responded, crossing her arms over her chest, "That you won't put them on the back burner... we all saw that interview Peeta did. He looked terrible and it's only been two weeks. Snow will drag out their torture as punishment to us for rebelling against him and getting away." She said, "You want me? Those are my conditions."
Coin nodded slowly, "Katniss already asked for a full pardon on behalf of them." She advised, "I make their rescue a priority and in the meantime you work alongside Katniss with the rebellion."
Aella nodded in agreement but held her index finger up, "When you do locate them I'm going."
Coin shook her head, "That's too risky."
"Life is risky, Madam President." She responded smoothly, "You asked for my conditions and you have them. You rescue them at the earliest opportunity, grant each one a full pardon and send me as part of the team to do so."
Coin pressed her lips together. A pregnant silence passed before she eventually sighed and nodded her head, "Okay." She agreed, "It's a deal."
• • •
Aella didn't like crowds. Mainly because she didn't like people but she hated crowds. The announcement hall in District Thirteen was what her nightmares were made of. In the centre of the underground facility it was far too small. It wasn't built to accommodate the vast amount of residents within Thirteen. Hell, it wasn't built to accommodate a quarter of the residents.
People stood on every floor, a sea of grey blending with the dim lighting and brown walls. Aella looked around curiously, eyes narrowed softly while Finnick stood beside her. On her left side was Clio and next to her was Daniel. They took it all in, peering at the array of people scattered over the several floors.
Aella looked upward—situated on the bottom floor—and saw President Coin emerge. She was the only one stood upon the balcony on the second floor and she leaned into a microphone.
"Good afternoon," She greeted softly, "Thank you for interrupting your schedules. They have already been adjusted to compensate for the delay. Please, check in with your unit supervisors when you resume work."
Aella peered down at her left forearm and pulled back the sleeve of her jumpsuit. Her eyes danced over the black ink etched into her pores knowing both Finnick and Daniel bore similar markings. Their schedule—as explained to them some days prior—was set daily and used as a guide for residents to know about their working day. When their schedule was completed the ink washed off, ready for the next day.
Hers—like it had been for the last three days—was empty save for the time she was to venture for dinner later on. She had a feeling however that it wouldn't be empty for much longer.
"I have an announcement for the citizens of Thirteen and our welcome guests from across Panem," Coin said, "Katniss Everdeen has consented to be the face of our cause to help unite the Districts against the Capitol. In addition, Aella Barnes has also consented to join said cause to aid with any uncertainty among Districts and rally those who have already joined us."
With her arms crossed over her chest Aella didn't move a muscle. She saw heads turning, felt eyes on her person, but she didn't tear her eyes away from Coin. Finnick's arm slid around her waist and pulled her close and she settled into him silently. The first thing she had done after she'd met with Heavensbee and Coin the day prior was tell Finnick, Clio and Daniel everything that had been discussed. She'd been met with uncertain eyes and hesitant responses but ultimately she had already made her decision and negotiated her conditions. All they could do was support her.
Katniss was the face of the rebellion but Aella was set to be the voice of reason. She had been around longer than Katniss. Her presence among most of the Districts had always been influential. She was loved and supported by residents across Panem. It was she who would be doing the hard work while Katniss shot the propaganda and smiled for the camera and she was ready for that. This was her way of righting her wrongs and when the time came for Peeta, Johanna and Annie's rescue she would be there.
"In exchange, I have promised several concessions," Coin continued, unfolding a piece of paper and reading from it, "First, we'll assess all opportunities for the extraction of the Victors held hostage in the Capitol. Peeta Mellark—"
Like they had done days prior in the cafeteria, residents began to voice their displeasure. The booing echoed in her ears and she did everything in her power to shut them out. Peeta may have called for a ceasefire but Aella had been willing to bet her winnings on the notion he had been threatened into doing so. She wouldn't even of been surprised if a Peacekeeper had stood behind the camera where he couldn't be seen with a gun aimed at Peeta's head while someone else pointed at what sentence to read off cue cards.
So she ignored their disdain and held her head higher. She imagined every way she would slice their throats open if she ever heard anyone talk about him or Johanna and Annie in anything that wasn't a nice manner. They were saying what they needed to in order to survive. Nothing else.
As Coin moved on to mention both Johanna and Annie, Finnick and Aella stiffened somewhat. Johanna was their best friend and she had been for years. It had never been the plan for them to end up separated. Aella's insides shook every time she thought about her. Her thoughts drifted away, even as she laid awake in bed at night, and wondered what she was going through. She wouldn't ever find out—not until they were rescued at least and it irritated her to no end. She would've sacrificed anything—given up anything to trade places with all of them.
And Annie Cresta? God. She didn't deserve anything apart from peace. Her Games had torn her apart. Aella knew the woman well enough to consider her a close acquaintance but she knew Finnick was close with her. He had been all she had in District Four. Like Daniel had kept her glued together, Finnick tried his damn best to keep Annie glued together too.
"Once freed, they will be granted full pardon for any and all crimes committed against the rebel cause." Coin announced and Aella nodded her head alongside her words. Both she and Katniss had pushed for it as their number one condition.
"However should Katniss Everdeen fail to fulfil her duties the deal will be off," Coin shocked her by saying. She became a statue. That was certainly not apart of either of their conditions. Raw fury washed over Aella. Goosebumps rose to her skin as she trembled on her feet. Finnick felt her shake and glanced over to see her staring at Coin with intense rage. He'd seen her wear that kind of gaze before and it almost always ended in violence on her behalf.
Everything Aella had thought of President Coin was shaping up to be right. She had always been an excellent judge of character. This time was no exception. Coin knew how to play and Aella had a sneaking suspicion that her game was far greater than any one President Snow had forced them through. Lucky enough for her, however, Aella had gotten used to playing and she knew exactly how to win.
• • •
A/N; I don't understand how they didn't see through Coin straight away. It was obvious from the start she was just another President Snow.. anyways, Aella certainly isn't going to be taking any of her shit, the queen that she is.
The next update will be Wednesday!
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