That's Just How The Story Goes. (Patrick Stump x Reader)
"And that's the story of how I woke up naked in a bush," Brendon concluded, raising his almost-empty beer bottle in a salute before chugging down the remaining liquid; the rest of the group laughing heartily at his hilarious anecdote. "Interestingly enough, it wasn't the only time. But I'm not sure the second story is exactly legal to share."
"Yeah, I think we'll give that one a pass for now," you said, patting Brendon's knee as he shrugged in response. "Anyone have anything else they want to share?"
There were numerous murmurs that sounded throughout the room as everyone racked their brains for a story they hadn't told before. No one seemed to be having much luck until Pete let out a sudden laugh.
"Wait," he said, trying to regain his composure, "Besides Joe and Andy, have I ever told you guys about the first time Patrick tried to ask (Y/N) out?"
He hadn't, and this caused everyone to start chattering in excitement, urging him to explain what had happened.
Well, everyone expect for Patrick.
"Oh, no, please don't," he groaned, but Pete ignored him.
"Alright, so it was a Tuesday..."
"Pete, I can't do it."
"Yes, you can, bro. She's right there, all you have to do is walk up to her and speak."
"Yeah, because that's not nerve-wrecking at all," Patrick retorted while nervously readjusting his fedora.
"She's sitting, like, ten steps away from you. Alone. It's the perfect scenario."
"You're right, it is. At this exact moment. Until I start walking and I trip over my shoelaces. Or I try to start speaking and I throw up instead."
"Firstly, your shoelaces are tied, we triple checked. Secondly, you haven't eaten today, so the chances of you blowing chunks are extremely thin."
"Or," Patrick held up a finger, "Or, I can just not go over and then the chances of me embarrassing myself will go from thin to zero."
"Oh my god, just GO!" Pete shoved Patrick harsher than necessary, resulting in the blond losing his footing for a little bit and nearly bumping into you. He managed to stop himself just in time, though, and shot a hostile glance at his best friend, who was grinning like an idiot and recording with his cellphone.
Patrick cleared his throat and started fiddling with his fingers. "Hey, (Y/N). So, uh, we've-we've known each other for a while now and I, uh, I was wondering if you wanted to go on a-a date?"
Removing your earphones, you gave Patrick a small smile. "I'm sorry. Did you say something?"
He smiled painfully. "D-do you have a pencil?"
"Oh, yeah, sure," you perked, reaching into your bag for one before handing it to him, his cheeks turning pink when your fingers brushed against his.
"Thank you," Patrick whispered before turning around and practically running away from you as fast as his legs could carry him.
Pete put his phone away and grimaced as his friend sulked his way towards him, looking as defeated as ever.
"Hey, look on the bright side," Pete mused, earning an incredulous look from Patrick. "Technically, she didn't reject you."
"He was so embarrassed, he wouldn't go outside for a full week!"
The guys were in fits of laughter while the girls were more sympathetic towards your now-husband, 'awwing' and reassuring him that it was cute.
Patrick hid his face in your neck while you soothingly rubbed his head, yet you weren't able to stop a few giggles from escaping.
"Wait, wait, wait," Joe spoke in between laughs, holding out his hand to silence the others before directing his attention to everyone who was not a member of Fall Out Boy. "Please tell me that we told you guys what happened at the party?" He had barely finished his sentence before he succumbed to laughter again, this time at the thought of the 'party incident'. This prompted Andy and Pete to join in on Joe's laughter at the memory.
"You haven't," Brendon smirked.
"What happened at the party?" Sarah questioned, looking at Joe with a look of intrigue written on her face.
"Joe, don't-"
"So get this..."
"Guys, this isn't a good idea. Don't you remember what happened last time? And I wasn't even drunk then."
"You're not drunk, just a bit tipsy," Joe chimed.
"Wow, like that's any better," Patrick scoffed.
"How many times do I have to tell you?" Pete asked, annoyed; throwing his hands up and sighing, "It doesn't count 'cause she never heard you! I don't see her wearing any earphones now. So just go."
"Nah, I'm good."
"Do I have to push you again? And I swear that this time you won't be lucky enough to stop before you knock her over."
"Alright, alright, I'm going, jeez," Patrick held his hands up in defence before begrudgingly making his way over to you.
He once again stopped just before he got to you, turning around to look for one more persuasion from his friends, which he received in the form of a double thumbs-up from both of the guys.
Taking a final step forward, he cleared his throat to signal his presence and you turned around, smiling when you saw his face.
"Hey, Patrick."
"Hi, (Y/N)," he gave a two-fingered wave.
"How're you doing?"
"Me? Oh, uh, I'm doing good. Yeah, good. You?"
"Can't complain."
"That's... good," he said awkwardly, making you grin at his nervousness. "So, um, is-is your dad a baker?"
You gave him a look, mentally questioning why he would ask something so random.
"'Cause your ass is a bun-I mean, you-you've got a nice bun. Or, was the line "you have a sweet bun"?"
You just stood there with your mouth open, completely gobsmacked yet admittedly a tiny bit amused, and didn't say anything in response.
"... can I try again?"
This time around, the guys' clutched onto their stomachs, they were laughing so hard and the girls unwillingly started laughing too, agreeing that that story was legendary, while poor Patrick held his head in his hands.
"(Y/N), what convinced you to give him a chance?" Dallon questioned, dumbfounded.
"I thought it was adorable," you giggled, leaning onto your husband's shoulder. "Besides, if I hadn't given him a chance, I wouldn't have an amazing story about our first kiss."
This caused the room to 'oooo' and scoot in closer in an attempt to get you to spill the beans.
"Mi amore, please stop," Patrick pleaded with you, but the peer pressure was too much, and you gave in.
"He had invited me to a band rehersal..."
"How were we?" Patrick questioned shyly, unslinging his guitar and making his way over to where you were sitting.
"Incredible, as always," you beamed at him.
He smiled back and reached out to the snack table behind you.
"Wanna kiss? The chocolate, I mean. Not kiss the chocolate, but 'Kiss, the chocolate.' Like, a chocolate kiss. Not-"
"You keep getting worse," Pete said in disbelief as he, Joe and Andy all shook their heads at their friend's atrocious flirting skills.
"Hey, leave him alone!" you countered, standing up and looking at Patrick, who was avoiding your eyes out of embarrassment. "Yes, Patrick, I would love a kiss."
His face lit up and he held out the chocolate to you.
"I think I'd prefer the other kind, if that's okay with you."
"Other kind? Oh, well, I think they only come in one flavour, or at least we only have one flavour here..."
"She does?"
"I do."
"And that's exactly what he did. And it was magical. So magical, in fact, that I married him," you smiled and nudged Patrick's nose with your own.
"Holy smokes, I'm an idiot," he chuckled.
"Yes, true, but you're my idiot," you pecked him on the lips and showed the ring on your finger. "Forever."
Thank you for reading x
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