on the 2nd day of 🎄, ohfrxnkie gave to you...
Ice-Skating with My Chemical Romance.
"W-woah!" Mikey's eyes went wide and he reached out for your arm, clutching it desperately as he tried to keep himself upright.
"It's okay," you reassured him, stifling a giggle as you tried to help the bassist regain his equilibrium, giving him a smile once he did, "See? You're fine."
Mikey nodded, relaxing slightly but still squeezing the life out of your arm.
"Let's try and move a little," you pushed your one skate behind the other and propelled your body slightly backwards, gently tugging Mikey along with you. "There we go."
Cautiously, Mikey slid forward, trying as best he could to not topple forward and knock the both of you to the cold, hard ice. You kept a firm grip on his hands, helping him along and slowly but surely, he started to get the hang of it.
The two of you glided carefully along the slippery surface as you passed soothing comments at your nervous counterpart. He was doing well, and seemed to be able to move relatively fine on his own, so you decided to pick up the pace a little bit. It made no difference at first, but not too long after, when Mikey glanced down, he let out a strangled cry and suddenly, the both of you were falling back.
Standing at the edge of the lake, Gerard chuckled as he watched the two of you hit the ice.
"What an idiot," Ray scoffed, as he shook his head and walked up next to Gerard. "This is the fifth time he's fallen in the last ten minutes. He's making a fool out of himself."
"Or is he a genius?" Gerard cocked an eyebrow as both his and Ray's gazes filtered over to you, giggling as you lay with your back on the ice, a blushing Mikey on top of you, gently brushing the hair from your face. "He's known how to skate since he was seven."
"Alright," you grunted, reaching to clasp the bannister to steady yourself, Gerard trying to do the same, "You're never choosing what to do on date night ever again."
"Oh, come on," Gerard frowned, poking his tongue out of the corner of his mouth as he tried to shuffle forward, to the bannister, "this is fun!"
You snorted, tilting your head back and rolling your eyes. "If your definition of 'fun' is making a fool out of yourself in front of fifty strangers, then yeah, this is super fun."
"My love, no one is even paying attention to us," Gerard sighed, leaning back against the bannister and gesturing to the various groups of people, all of them laughing and chattering amongst each other as they glided across the ice, "They're all focusing on themselves. Come on," he nudged you in the ribs, "Let's go back on. Who cares if we fall? Everyone falls the first time."
Very reluctantly and with a heavy sigh, you took Gerard's outstretched hands and allowed him to pull you back onto the rink.
After another few falls here and a lot of mumbled curse words there, the two of you finally managed to get to the point of being able to at least move along the edges – close to the bannister – without facepalming the ice.
Gerard slid up behind you and gently wrapped his arms around your waist, placing a kiss to your cheek as you sighed contently, leisurely shuffling along the ice.
"See? This isn't so bad, is it?"
"No," you admitted, reaching back to run your hand through his hair, "it's not."
"Uh huh," he smirked, removing his hands from your body and skating in front of you, "Hey, (Y/N)," you raised your eyebrows in expectance, "I'll race ya. Last one at the opposite end has to do the dishes for a week!"
"What?" you shrieked, "No, I'm not good enough at thi-"
"And GO!"
"Gerard!" you yelled out in disapproval, but your boyfriend was already hastily gliding across the ice. "Ugh," you groaned, moving to skate forward, but falling instead. "Oof!" you hit the ground hard, and struggled to get up, since the bannister wasn't in reach, and obviously, the ice wasn't an ideal surface to push yourself up on. "Gerard! Help me!"
Your boyfriend's giggle sounded through the air.
"No, (Y/N)."
"Yes, Frank."
The shorter man turned to glare at you. "I don't want to go."
"Well, you're gonna," you sassed, advancing on him in a way in which you hoped was threatening.
"Ha!" Frank laughed in your face. "No, I'm not."
"Why?" you challenged, folding your arms and raising both eyebrows. "Are you scared that my sick ice-skating skills are gonna put you to shame?"
"Yeah, sure," he humoured you, patting your head.
Groaning, you slouched your shoulders. "Please, Frank!'
"No. I don't like ice-skating."
"I didn't want to have to do this, but you leave me no choice," you sighed, holding your hands up as he gave you an amused smirk. "Frank, if you don't come ice-skating with me, I'm not having sex with you for an entire month."
Frank's breath hitched and he looked fearful for a moment, but a second later, he was smiling, and shrugged nonchalantly. "Eh, that's fine. I don't care," he scoffed.
"Uh huh?" you raised your eyebrows again and ran your tongue over your lips, "Is that so?"
Frank averted his gaze from you and frowned at the ground.
"Damn it, (Y/N)."
You gawked on in complete shock as Frank skated across the ice. He was gliding along with such grace and elegance, that you almost didn't recognise him as your boyfriend. He was doing leaps, twirling around people, and was that a pirouette that he just did?
That son of a bitch lied to you. He said he didn't like ice-skating! And yet here he was, moving on the ice like a damn figure skater. All the while you stood on the sidelines, watching him. You thought you were a good skater, but watching Frank... you couldn't do half of the things he was doing.
Your mouth continued to hang open as he approached you, a smirk on his stupidly adorable face.
"You haven't been on the ice for more than two minutes," he said as he slid up next to you, cocking his head to the side, "What's wrong, princess? My sick ice-skating skills putting you to shame?"
Laughing along with your friends, the group of you skated around on the ice in an absentminded fashion, not really concerned about where you were headed and just enjoying your time on the ice.
"God, I forgot how fun this is," you sighed, doing a little twirl, "Why don't we do this more often?"
"Uh, maybe because this lake isn't frozen all year round?" (Y/B/F) chuckled, circling around you.
Poking your tongue out at her, you picked up the pace and glided past the rest of your group in a graceful circle.
"Show off," Jake scoffed, earning a taunting smirk from you before you proceeded to do a 360 degree air-jump, "Woah, be careful," he warned.
"Relax," you rolled your eyes, slowing down to the minimal pace and skating towards him, "I'm not gonna crash into anyon-"
You turned just in time to see the worried expression and huge head of hair belonging to your assailant before he crashed into you, knocking you to the ice with a dull thud.
Groaning, you mustered up all the strength you could manage and pushed the stranger off of you.
"Oh my god," he gasped, hands and feet slipping beneath him as he tried to scramble into a kneeling position, "I'm so, so sorry. Are you okay?"
With a rub to the back of your head, you tried to move, but the shooting pain in your ankle stopped you. Looking down, you let out a strangled cry and felt your stomach twist in nausea as you saw your foot, twisted in a way that you were sure was not humanly possible.
"Oh no," you groaned, turning away from your injury; the sight of it made you feel sick.
"Oh no," he grimaced, looking at your foot, "I'm so, so, unbelievably sorry," he ran a hand through his hair, "Here, let me-let me help you," he attempted to shift your body, but recoiled with a jolt when you cried out in pain, "Shiiit."
"Nice going, Princess Fro-Fro!" the shortest member of the guy's group called out to him, shaking his head, "Ya know, injuring a pretty lady is no way to get her number! Just saying."
"Shut the fuck up, Frank," the guy yelled back angrily before turning back to you with a concerned expression, "Fuck, I'm so-"
You held up a hand to silence him. "Princess Fro-Fro, was it?"
"Uh, Ray, actually."
"Ray," you nodded, "I'd really appreciate it if you'd stop apologising for one second, and call a medic for me."
"Right. Right, of course," Ray nodded, before turning around and signalling for the on-site medic.
"Oh, and be sure to leave your number with my friends, over there," you added, and he looked at you, stunned. "So that I can sue your ass."
Thank you for reading x
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