on the 1st day of 🎄, ohfrxnkie gave to you...
Midnight hot chocolate with twentyonepilots.
A frown etched itself onto your face as you opened the pantry, noticing the lack of hot chocolate powder on the shelves.
"Baby?" you called out to your boyfriend, who was currently occupying the sofa, slipping in and out of sleep.
"Yeah, beautiful?" he replied groggily, rubbing his eyes.
"We're out of hot chocolate. Can you run down to the store and get some?"
"(Y/N), it's almost midnight. Do you really need it now?"
"Josh, it's Christmas. Are you really asking me that question?"
Heaving a sigh, Josh reluctantly pulled himself from the comfort of the sofa and made his way to the front door. As he gathered all his things and slipped a jacket on, you smiled at him.
"I love you."
He couldn't stop the smile that crept onto his face. Walking over to you, he chastely kissed your lips.
"I love you too."
While Josh was at the store, you decided to take a quick shower; he was already back and busy preparing the drinks when you made your way downstairs after you'd finished.
Upon approaching the counter he was standing behind, you noticed that the liquid in the mugs was white in colour, and you cocked your head to the side in confusion.
"Uh, Josh? You're not supposed to put the milk in first. And... definitely not that much."
"Yeah, I know," he chuckled, knocking the spoon against the mug to get rid of the excess liquid before dropping it into the sink. "But this isn't regular hot chocolate. It's white hot chocolate. I saw it next to the one you normally buy and I figured we'd try it out."
You stared at the man in front of you in silence. You stood like that for so long, in fact, that the huge smile on Josh's face began to falter and he cleared his throat as he shifted uncomfortably under your intense gaze.
"Why?" you whispered, glaring angrily at the pale liquid that dared to occupy your favourite mug. "Why would you do that?"
"W-what? I just thought-"
"Well, you thought wrong. White hot chocolate is an abomination, and I can't believe that you dared to bring it into our home."
Josh tried to supress the clear amusement he was feeling at your dramatic outburst, but a few giggles slipped out, and you shot daggers at him when you heard them.
"You think this is funny?" He hastily shook his head no. "You better not. Because thanks to you, I'm about to kill a 16 year old tradition of 'Midnight Hot Chocolate'. Notice how it's 'Midnight Hot Chocolate' and not 'Midnight White Hot Chocolate'."
"To be fair," he held up a finger, "it doesn't specify."
"You'd think that watching me do it every Christmas for the past three years would be specification enough but nooooo..." you mocked, moving a hand to reluctantly pick up the mug of steaming chocolate.
"Well, I'm sorry, okay," he smirked, holding up his hands. "But this is all I bought and I know you're not about to give up your tradition just because the chocolate is a different flavour."
"I hate you," you growled as you tentatively raised the mug to your lips and took a small sip.
Josh chuckled as he watched you sip the drink. "And? How does it taste?"
"Like bullshit," you nodded, setting the cup down. "But tradition is tradition, so I'll have to finish the mug. Just know that you're now on the naughty list."
"Angel, wake up."
You groaned lightly as you felt Tyler gently ruffle you awake, his soothing voice flitting through the air. Mumbling incoherently, you swatted his hands away before turning your face into the pillow.
Tyler giggled before carefully brushing the hair out of your face and leaning down to whisper in your ear. "It's midnight. You know what that means?"
You shot upright so fast that Tyler startled a little bit, chuckling at your clear excitement as a huge grin spread across your face.
"Yeah," he giggled, scooping you up and into his arms before climbing off of the bed, "hot chocolate. I already set everything up in the kitchen."
"Marshmallows and everything?" you raised a sceptical eyebrow at him as he carried you downstairs.
"Marshmallows and everything," he confirmed with a smile.
"Ya know, I still don't understand why you don't like marshmallows in your hot chocolate. You know who doesn't like marshmallows in their hot chocolate? Heartless people."
"Huh," he shrugged as he set you onto your feet on the kitchen floor, "Guess I'm heartless, then."
"Except that you aren't," you pointed a finger at him, stealing a pink mallow from the bowl and popping it into your mouth, "Because you always treat me – and everyone – so well. Case in point," you gestured to the spread of marshmallows, cream, milk, sprinkles and other trimmings Tyler had laid out on the table, and he chuckled as he moved to put the kettle on boil, "so that means that you're just a masochist."
Tyler leaned back against the counter and raised both eyebrows at you. "Because I don't like mallows in my chocolate?"
You nodded. "Mhm. Your body aches for the sweet taste of melted marshmallows swirled in chocolatey heavenliness, but you're depriving it."
"And that makes me a masochist?"
"No mallows in hot chocolate is the ultimate form of pain!"
Tyler tilted back his head as he let out a loud laugh; you smiled on at him as he walked over to you. "You're a real dork, you know that?"
"I know," you put on an angelic smile, "It's one of the things you love about me."
"One of the countless things I love about you," he added, swooping down to grab you and dip you, making you let out a gleeful giggle before he attached his lips to yours in a passionate kiss.
He pulled you upright before pulling away from you, pecking your nose before moving to get the kettle.
The next few minutes were spent joking around and playfully tossing hot chocolate toppings at each other as you prepared your drinks. When you were finished, Tyler held up his mug and smirked at you.
"So... you wanna... hot chocolate and chill?"
You nearly choked on your chocolate, and just managed to set the mug down on the counter to prevent spilling it everywhere as you spluttered.
"That was awful."
"So you don't wanna... hot chocolate and chill?"
"I never said that," you pursed your lips. "But if you phrase it that way one more time, I will dump hot chocolate on you. Marshmallows and everything."
Note: Hi, my loves! My exams have been written, I've gotten my results, I'm significantly less stressed and most importantly, I'm back! I want to thank all of you who have sent me messages and well wishes; it made my heart swell. And a thank you to every one of you who have been so supportive and patient. You're incredible. I hope you enjoy what I have planned for this month - I'm enjoying writing it. Also, a very happy birthday to a very special bean: Tyler Joseph. As it's Ty's special day, I thought it fitting to start off with twentyonepilots. I hope you liked it! And as always...
Thank you for reading x
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