*Halloween* Three Hours. (Gerard Way x Reader)
Request: a user on Tumblr: 'Gerard way, 3 please and can you make it so that they get lost and are in there for hours'
Prompt 3: Mazes
"I seriously cannot take this anymore," Ray fumed, angrily slamming his hand onto the kitchen table, where Mikey and Frank sat. "Something's gotta give."
The two younger guys leaned sideways in their seats, glancing behind Ray at the living room, which you and Gerard currently occupied. The two of you were lounging lazily on the sofa, your legs draped over his as you laughed uncontrollably at something he'd just said.
"Yeah," Mikey nodded, eyes still trained on you and his brother, "For two of the smartest people I know, they really are idiots."
"Exactly! I mean, they're not exactly being very inconspicuous about it, yet they're still totally oblivious!"
"They're probably just too chicken to admit how they feel to each other," Mikey shrugged, taking a gulp of soda.
Ray groaned and rolled his eyes dramatically. "But they make it so fucking obvious that they're into each other! And I've become so invested in this, that if one of them doesn't make a move very, very soon, I'm gonna do it for them!"
"Uh," Mikey started, pointing behind Ray, "I think Frank just beat you to it."
"Hey, (Y/N)," Frank called, walking over and stopping in front of you and Gerard, "Are you free on Friday? Like, 6pm on Friday?"
You frowned in confusion and cocked your head to the side slightly. "Yes?"
"What about you?" Frank raised his eyebrows at Gerard.
"Yes, I am."
"Great!" Frank beamed, clapping his hands together. "Because I'm not. You two go on without me. Enjoy your date!" he yelled out, happily strutting back to the kitchen.
"Did he just..." you gawked.
"He did," Gerard confirmed.
"What to wear... what to wear..." you murmured to yourself as you browsed through the clothing in your wardrobe.
Tonight was your first date with Gerard, and you were buzzing. You couldn't believe that it was actually going to happen; you were actually going to go on a date with Gerard. This was all you've hoped and dreamed about for the last year, and it was finally going to happen. Never in your life were you more grateful for Frank Iero.
But as excited as you were, you were equally as nervous. You were extremely close with Gerard, more than any of the other members of My Chemical Romance, and during the course of your friendship, you'd fallen hopelessly in love with him. But of course, you never told him because he obviously wouldn't feel the same, right? And yes, he was taking you out tonight, but a small, annoying part of you couldn't help but wonder if he was only doing it because Frank had put him on a spot and saying no to it would make him look like an ass.
Nevertheless, you were determined to make the most of tonight, whether or not Gerard felt the same about you, because, come on, it's not everyday that a girl gets a date with a ridiculously good-looking rockstar.
Just when you were on the verge of giving up, clothes strewn around your room and 90 minutes left until Gerard would be there to pick you up, your eyes settled on a piece of shiny black material, and a huge grin snuck onto your face.
"Oh, honey," you cooed as you reached forward and retrieved the dress from the pile of clothing on the floor, "It's been way too long since I've put you on."
Gerard wiped his clammy palms on his black skinny jeans and took a deep breath before knocking on your door, stepping back while he waited for you to answer. He was nervous. Really nervous. It was ridiculous how nervous he was, especially since the two of you had gone out together loads of times before. But this was different.
This was a date.
The thought brought butterflies to his stomach. He'd developed feelings for you a long time ago – when he first met you, to be honest – and he'd imagined going on a date with you countless times, but now that it was truly happening... it was surreal.
Gerard was snapped out his thoughts once the door opened, and you stepped out onto the porch.
"Woah," he gasped, eyes widening as he took you in.
"Hi, Gerard," you greeted shyly.
"H-hi, (Y/N). Wow. You look... wow."
You giggled, running a hand down your arm. "Thank you, you look great too."
He snorted. "Please. I look like trash compared to you."
"Huh. Guess I'm attracted to trash, then."
His eyes widened for a few seconds as he processed your words, while you walked ahead to the car, a huge smile forming on his face once it sunk in.
"You bring comfortable shoes?"
"Yeah," you nodded, holding up the pair of flats Gerard had told you to bring. "What do I need them for?"
"Well, since it's almost Halloween, I figured we could go and visit a corn maze before we head to dinner. Ya know, just as something fun."
"That sounds amazing," you smiled. "But just so you know... I have no sense of direction, whatsoever. So you'll have to lead."
"No problem. I'm really good at that."
"Problem. I'm no good at this," Gerard grimaced, looking all around for some sort of clue as to which way you needed to turn, but having no such luck.
"Ya don't say?" you chimed, jokingly placing your hand on your hip.
"In my defence," he held up his hands, "I swear that I read somewhere online that if you just stick to walking along the right wall of a maze, it'll eventually lead you to the exit."
"Clearly that's not the case. We've been walking for 3 hours."
Gerard sighed and hung his head, kicking at some stones on the ground. "I'm sorry, (Y/N)," he mumbled dejectedly. "This is all my fault."
"Yes, it is," you nodded, taking a few steps closer to him and taking his hands in yours. "But I don't mind. Honestly, I've had more fun being stuck in here with you for the past 180 minutes than I've had in a long time."
"But I made us miss our dinner reservation and I got us lost."
"It's okay. Means we'll have more time to spend together," you smiled at him and he couldn't help but smile back. "Because when we get out of here, you're taking me to the nearest diner and we're pigging out on crappy coffee and pumpkin pie."
You both let out giggles, and Gerard gazed adoringly at you. The sequins on your little black dress shimmered in the moonlight, and made you look even more like an angel than you usually did. And there was something about your lips tonight... it could've been the lipstick you were wearing, or it could've been the close proximity to you... but whatever the reason, they looked a lot more kissable than normal.
"(Y/N)?" he whispered, eyes staring intently into yours.
"Yeah?" you whispered back.
"I really wanna kiss you right now."
"I really want you to kiss me right now."
"Yeah?" he asked, leaning in.
"Yeah," you said, leaning in even closer.
Not a millisecond later, his mouth was on yours, lips capturing yours in a passionate, earth-shattering kiss. When you broke apart, your red lipstick was smudged all over Gerard's mouth, and you giggled softly as you started to wipe it away with your thumb; he caught your hand, stopping your movements and bringing your fingers to his lips to place gentle kisses onto them.
"(Y/N)," he mumbled against your skin, "Will you be mine?"
"Always," you smiled, kissing him again.
A chorus of loud hoots and cheers startled the both of you, causing you to break apart faster than either of you would've liked. Frantically searching around in the darkness for the origin of the intrusive sounds, you and Gerard shared a look of disbelief once you both found it.
"Alright," you called, "come out, you little shits."
After about ten seconds, Ray, Mikey and Frank crawled out from behind a nearby hedge, childishly ecstatic grins on all of their faces.
"Finally!" Ray rejoiced, raising his hands to the sky in praise.
"You have no idea how happy we all are right now," Mikey shook his head, a small smile on his lips.
"Who the fuck takes 3 hours to escape a fucking maze?" Frank narrowed his eyes and shook his head in incredulity, groaning in pain when Ray elbowed him in the gut. "I mean," he winced through clenched teeth, "YAY! You finally got together!"
"So you guys followed us all throughout the maze?" Gerard asked.
"Of course not," Ray scoffed.
"Yeah, what do you think of us?" Mikey folded his arms.
"We followed you all the way from (Y/N)'s house," Frank spoke, the other two nodding along with him.
"Oh my god," you laughed, leaning onto Gerard's shoulders.
"Well, you got what you wanted," Gerard said, "Now, if you don't mind, kindly fuck off so that we can enjoy the rest of our date."
The three of them smirked and blew a few kisses your way before walking off, leaving you and Gerard alone again.
After about ten minutes – of which a large amount of time was spent making out – a realisation hit you.
"Uh... Gee?" you said uneasily, glancing around at your unfamiliar surroundings.
"Yes, my love?"
"Don't you think we, uh, should've followed them?"
Gerard looked confused for a second before the realisation hit him too.
"Well fuck."
Thank you for reading x
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