*Halloween* Ghostfacers. (Gerard Way/Frank Iero x Reader)
Request: @ShipperTrash-Fangirl : 'ALL OF THEM but especially 12' / 'Either Gerard way or frank iero'
Prompt 12: Haunted house
"The fuck is this?" Frank exclaimed in a high-pitched voice, a worrisome frown plastered on his pale face.
"I told you it was gonna be a surprise," you chuckled, pulling the key from the ignition.
"Trick or Treating is a surprise. Pumpkin picking is a surprise," Gerard chimed, making dramatic hand gestures as he nervously glanced past you at the dilapidated structure outside. "Visiting an abandoned house in the dark of the night is not a surprise!"
Exhaling in annoyance, you twisted your body around so that you were facing the two older guys. "Don't be such wusses. It'll be fun."
"You and I have very different definitions of fun, (Y/N)," Gerard scoffed.
"Come onnn," you whined. "Pretty please. Just one hour – that's all I ask." You jutted out your bottom lip and put on your best puppy dog eyes.
"No, don't do that," Gerard warned, only making you pout even more. Letting out a huge sigh, Gerard shook his head before finally giving in to your adorableness. "Fine. One hour. That's it."
"WHAT?" Frank practically shot out of his seat, leaning forward to lightly slap Gerard across the head. "ARE YOU INSANE?"
"She did the puppy dog eyes," Gerard defended, shrugging in apology as the guitarist shook his head.
You squealed and clapped your hands happily, while Frank looked on with a frown, his mouth opening and closing in disbelief. "Nope. No. Nah uh. I'm not going." He held up his hands before stubbornly collapsing back in his seat, arms folded and shaking his head.
You and Gerard shared a look before shrugging and exiting the car. "Suit yourself," Gerard called to Frank before he joining you on your side of the vehicle, the two of you starting up the stone path towards the eerie hose. You were about halfway up the front steps when a panting Frank appeared to the right of you.
"I thought you didn't wanna join us," you mused, a hint of amusement in your voice.
"I don't," he huffed, pursing his lips as his eyes scanned over the deteriorated porch. "But there's no fucking way I'm sitting in a car in the middle of nowhere alone."
"Okay," you took a deep breath, clutching onto the flashlight in your hand as your friends fidgeted nervously. "Here goes."
The door gave a loud creak as it opened, the wooden floorboards doing the same once you treaded on them as you stepped inside. There was a strange aura emitting from the house, and as soon as the three of you entered over the threshold, you all let out a shudder; the temperature seemingly dropping enormously.
"You both felt that too, right?" Gerard questioned, shifting closer to you.
"Y-yeah," Frank stammered, teeth chattering as he rubbed his bare arms. "It just got really-"
"Cold," you finished; looking at the fog of mist your breath had just created. "Uh oh."
"What?" the guys asked in unison, eyes going wide with worry.
You nervously tossed the flashlight between your hands. "Have you guys ever heard of cold spots?"
"No," Frank answered. "What the hell are they?"
"Alright, so, allegedly," you tilted your head, "one of the signs of a haunted house is the existence of cold spots. Basically, they're areas in the house where the temperature inexplicably drops, causing everyone in that spot to get chills."
The guys stared at you wide-eyed and silent for a moment before Frank spoke.
"Well, that's it. I'm leaving," he declared, throwing his hands up in the air and turning around to exit the house, but Gerard caught him by the back of his shirt and yanked him back to your side.
"(Y/N), what exactly is the story behind this place and why the fuck did you bring us here?" Gerard demanded.
"Well..." you began, zipping up your jacket, since the chills still hadn't subsided, "this mansion was built in 1856 and bought in 1864 by John McGee Parkman. In the years after the Civil War, Parkman was arrested and imprisoned for cotton speculation. While in prison, he attempted to escape but was shot and killed in the process. When his wife was forced to sell their house a few years later, his ghost supposedly began to appear regularly throughout the house, where he is still seen to this day." Frank let out a tiny whimper and Gerard gulped, both of them no doubt wishing they'd never agreed to coming out with you. "People have said that they heard windows and doors being opened and shut when no one in in the house. And apparently, doors have closed behind people and locked them in. There have also been reports of two little girls appearing, but no one knows who they are."
"How do you even know all of this stuff?"
"Avid horror fan over here," you pointed a thumb towards yourself, grinning proudly. "And to answer the second part of your question, I brought you guys here because I've been wanting to explore this place for a while and I didn't wanna come alone."
"So you brought me?" Frank scoffed. "(Y/N), I hate shit like this!"
"I'm aware of that."
"You're evil."
"I'm aware of that too," you smirked, retrieving two more flashlights from your bag and handing it to the guys. "Now let's go find a ghost."
"Has it been one hour yet? I'm so sure it's been one hour," Frank spoke, trailing so close behind you that he was practically on top of you as the three of you treaded slowly and carefully up the rotten wood of the main staircase.
"It's barely been ten minutes," you huffed, slightly turning your head to glance at Frank, who let out a whiny groan.
"(Y/N)," Gerard gulped; he was just as scared as Frank was, but he was doing a much better job at hiding it. "Why are we going upstairs? There wasn't anything note-worthy down there," he cocked his head towards the ground below you, "so do you really think we'll find anything up here?"
"I certainly hope so," you breathed. "Else this was just a major waste of time."
As soon as the three of you set foot on the landing, a loud bang echoed throughout the chilly air, causing Gerard to jump back a little and Frank to let out a scream.
"Now we're talking," you smirked, walking off in the direction of the sound.
"Wh-wh- (Y/N) what are you doing?" Frank stammered, frantically waving his arms about. You didn't offer an answer, and just continued on; Frank turned to give Gerard a look of disbelief. "Crazy," he huffed. "She's crazy."
"Yeah," Gerard nodded, grabbing the younger boy by the arm and dragging him after you. "But she's also the bravest out of the three of us, so I suggest we stay as close to her as possible."
"I think the sound came from that door over there," you voiced as the guys approached you, and you pointed at the door at the end of the shadowy hallway. "Let's go check it out."
"Have you not seen any horror movie ever?" Frank protested. "You never, ever go through the door at the end of the hall."
"Well, this isn't a horror movie, and in terms of logic, as long as we're all aware that we're not in a horror movie, we should be fine."
"I have no idea what you just said."
Ignoring that last comment, you stalked forward, reaching for the doorknob. Slowly, you turned it; you could practically feel the fear radiating off of the other two. The fragile door swung open, and you leisurely stepped into the room.
Besides an old, worn two-seater in the far corner, and a desk in the other, the room was empty and you sighed. "See?" you stretched out your arms, gesturing around the room. "Nothing happ-"
The unmistakable sound of girlish giggles cut you off. Following the gazes of utter terror belonging to Frank and Gerard, you rotated slowly so that you were facing the corner where the sofa sat, and sure enough, you were met the tiny frames of twin-girls. They were ghastly pale, with faded pink dresses, and hair tied up in two ponytails.
And with that, the door shut once again, separating you from the two horror-stricken individuals on the other side.
"(Y/N)!" they both yelled, proceeding to bang against the door in a frenzied attempt to get to you.
"Frank, Gerard! Go get help!" your muffled voice reached them.
"No, we can't leave you!" Gerard shook his head, even though you couldn't see him.
"I have zero faith in your ability to get me out of this situation! So go get help! Now!"
The two turned around, hurriedly dashing through the hallway towards the stairs, rushing down to the first floor. They were ten feet away from the front door, when the ghost of the previous owner appeared in front of it, blocking their escape.
Letting out a procession of short, fearful, high-pitched screams, the guys fumbled as they both grabbed onto each other, trying to get away as fast as possible.
Running through the conjoined rooms of the first floor, they jumped over and dodged various pieces of furniture, looking for another way out; the ghost continued to chase them.
"There!" Gerard yelled to Frank, pointing at the back door as they entered the kitchen. "GO! GO! GO!"
Tripping over his feet, Frank stumbled to the door, yanking it open rather forcefully and running out to the car, Gerard right behind him.
Looking out of the second floor window of the room you were still occupying, you stifled a giggle as you watched the two guys sprinting towards the car; you felt a twang of guilt once you saw the looks of panic on their faces.
You felt a tug on your jacket, and you turned around.
"Did we do good, aunt (Y/N)?"
"Wonderful," you beamed, leaning down to engulf your two nieces in a hug, making them giggle.
The door opened yet again, and your brother, clad in clothing from the 1900's and skin pale from the white paint, strolled in.
"Do you know how hard it was to not crack up when they started screaming? I almost blew it."
You let out a laugh. "But you didn't. You did great."
He did a little bow, eliciting another giggle from the girls, as well as yourself.
"You're gonna have a hard time calming them down, ya know. They were completely petrified; I actually feel kinda bad."
"Don't," you scoffed. "They deserved it."
"What did they do?"
"They stole my chocolate cake. No one steals my chocolate cake."
Thank you for reading x
Note: We hit 21k! Ahhhh! Thank you; I love you all 🖤🖤🖤🖤. x
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