*Halloween* Emperor's New Skin. (Brendon Urie x Reader)
Request: @nonbinaryoverlord : 'Maybe like a Mona Lisa one, where Brendon is basically what he is in the music video, but he ends up falling for a girl?? Idk maybe you understand'
Prompt 20: Supernatural
"Here you go," you smiled, handing over what must have been the fiftieth pumpkin spice latte you'd made that day to the customer in front of you.
"Thanks," they replied happily, taking the beverage and walking out of the shop.
Grabbing a rag, you wiped it over the counter, trying to clean up the remnants of the drink you had just prepared. The lunch rush was just about over; the only people still left in the shop was a group of two guys who were sitting in the corner booth across from the door.
Glancing over at them, you accidentally made eye-contact with one of them. The stranger's plump lips tugged upwards in a smile, and he shot you a quick wink, causing you to break the eye-contact and busy yourself once again with cleaning up, your cheeks now burning with embarrassment. You didn't look to check, but you were sure that the stranger was smirking.
"That cool, Bren?"
"Hm?" Brendon raised his eyebrows, tearing his attention away from you and turning it to Dallon.
"I said," Dallon spoke, "that I'll pick you up for Pete's party at 7. That cool?"
"Yeah. Yeah, that's perfect."
Dallon pulled up outside Brendon's house at 18:55, and got out of his car, trying his hardest to not damage any part of his Storm Trooper costume.
He walked up to the front door and rang the bell before stepping back, waiting for his friend to answer it.
Not a minute later, the door opened to reveal Brendon, dressed as...
"You're going as yourself?" Dallon cocked an eyebrow.
"Myself," Brendon shrugged as he snapped his fingers, suddenly turning into a carbon copy of Dallon. "You." Snap. "A leprechaun." Snap. "A unicorn." Snap. "Barack Obama." He snapped his fingers one last time and returned to his usual form. "Anything I wanna be. Tonight is the one night a year I don't have to hold back."
"I will never get used to that," Dallon shook his head, eyes wide as he stared at his friend.
Dallon was leaning against the living room wall, taking occasional sips from the red solo cup he held in his hand while he kept his eyes trained on Brendon; the latter was becoming increasingly difficult seeing as that he was shifting into a different person every few minutes.
At present, Brendon was strutting towards his unsuspecting victim - a male vampire standing a little way away from the dance floor, looking rather forlorn - having previously taken on the form of a sultry looking woman dressed in a seductive French maid costume.
Dragging his sharp, perfectly manicured nails along the vampire's arm, Brendon flashed his sexiest smile at the man, who was noticeably confused as to why such an attractive woman would be interested in him.
"Hey there, handsome," Brendon purred.
"H-hi," the man gulped, nervously glancing around the room for his girlfriend, who would no doubt be less than impressed with seeing another woman hanging all over him.
"That's a nice pair of fangs ya got there," Brendon reached up and lightly dragged a finger over the man's trembling lips, "Can you show me how they work?" he said suggestively, tilting his head to the side and exposing his neck.
"I, uh, I have a girlfriend," the man stammered, trying to loosen Brendon's grip on him but it was no use.
"You do? Is she the only other vampire here?" Brendon asked, voice still laced with seduction. The man nodded in response. "Oh, honey," Brendon tsked, "I was hoping you weren't together; I saw her hooking up with someone else in the corner over there," he jerked a thumb over his shoulder.
"I don't see anyone-" the man frowned, but Brendon cut him off, leaning in so that they were barely an inch apart.
"Look closer," he whispered, staring deep into the man's eyes.
The man's eyes glossed over, and he turned to look at the corner once again; this time, he saw his girlfriend passionately making out with some guy dressed as a pirate. He frowned, moving his head to face Brendon again as his heart rate increased.
"Now," Brendon hooked both arms around the man's neck. "Are you gonna bite me or not?"
A disapproving look plastered all over his face, Dallon shook his head as Brendon approached him, back to his usual form and a sickly innocent smile on his face.
"You're diabolical."
"Whatever do you mean?" Brendon played dumb, lolling his head to one side.
"You know exactly what I mean," Dallon rolled his eyes before glancing behind his friend at the two vampires who were currently in the middle of a heated argument. Apparently, the girl hadn't been too happy with seeing her boyfriend with his tongue down another girl's throat, especially since she hadn't cheated, and when he accused her of it, she went bat-shit crazy. Which was understandable, of course. "That's the fifth relationship you've ruined tonight."
"Ah, they'll get over it," Brendon snorted, waving a hand dismissively. The unmistakable sound of someone getting slapped sounded throughout the room, and both Brendon and Dallon turned towards the sound, the female vampire storming off in a rage. "Or maybe not."
"Well, are you done for the night?"
"With the couples, yes. I think it's time I target some singles," Brendon rubbed his hands together evilly. "Who should I turn into next?"
"I don't know," Dallon shrugged, moving to take a sip from his drink when a thought struck him. "Oh! What about that barista from the other day? She was pretty cute."
Brendon perked up. "Oh, yeah, she was smoking! Thanks Dall!" he clapped a hand down on his friend's shoulder before assuming his next form: you.
The bass traveled through your body as you entered the party, and you had to blink a couple of times to adjust your eyes to the flashing lights.
"(Y/N)! You made it," Joe beamed, bouncing over and hugging you tightly.
"Yeah," you smiled.
"Drinks are over in the kitchen; I just have to deal with Trick over there," he pointed at a very drunk Patrick, stumbling about and talking to a plant, "and then we can catch up, okay?"
"Okay. Good luck," you chuckled, grimacing as the plant toppled over, spilling dirt all over the floor, leaving Joe shrieking in horror ("Meghan's gonna fucking kill us!").
Squeezing your way through the mass of bodies, you emerged in the kitchen and made your way over to the alcohol, pouring yourself a gin and tonic.
Joe probably wouldn't be back for a while - Patrick was pretty wasted - so you thought it best to find someone to make conversation with. You swirled your drink as you scanned the room, looking for someone to introduce yourself to, when your eyes landed on one of the guys that were sitting in the booth the other day - the tall one. The one who winked at you wasn't there. Or if he was, he wasn't standing with the tall one. The tall one was standing with... you?
"What the fuck?"
You must've spoken pretty loudly, since your exclamation caught the attention of both the tall one and the other you, both of their eyes widening in shock and a look of panic crossing their faces.
"Shit," the other you muttered, as they both hurried over to you.
Now that they were in front of you, you could see that the other you really was another you. Every single detail about her was identical to you, and you were freaking out majorly.
"What the fuck?" you exclaimed again, your heart rate increasing tenfold. "Why are you me?!"
"I-I'm not," the other you said. She snapped her fingers and suddenly, she wasn't you anymore, she was the guy that winked at you. "See? I'm not you. I'm me."
Letting out a strangled cry, the drink in your hand fell to the floor with a splash and you collapsed; Brendon caught you just before you hit the floor too.
"Shifting in front of her probably wasn't a good idea, huh?"
"You think?!" Dallon scolded, helping lift you up. "Come on. Let's take her somewhere quiet."
You awoke with a start, shooting upright in what you recognized as Pete's bed; your head felt fuzzy, and you couldn't remember how you got there.
Glancing around the room, you spotted two figures huddled in the corner. They seemed to be arguing, but you couldn't make out everything they were saying. You only caught snippets of the conversation, such as "..tell her", "...bad idea", "Just pretend...".
The shorter one noticed you were awake, and nudged the other one to let him know; as they both made their way over to you, you recognized who they were: the guys from the coffee shop. But why were they alone in a room with you? While you were knocked out?
Your mind began racing with horrible thoughts, and your eyes darted over to the door. It was open, so that made you relax slightly; if they were gonna try something, they would at least close the door, right?
The taller one seemed to pick up on your uneasiness, and was quick to reassure you. "Oh, no. It's nothing like that. Don't worry."
"What happened?" you questioned, rubbing your head.
"You fainted," the other one said simply, "straight into my arms. Ya know," he walked over to you and seated himself at the foot of the bed, "if you wanted my attention, you didn't have to go to such extremes." He shot you a cocky smirk.
You furrowed your brows a bit as you let his words sink in. The next minute, you remembered everything.
"You were me!" you exclaimed, pointing a finger at him.
Brendon's smirk disappeared almost instantaneously.
"No, he wasn't."
"Yes, I was."
Brendon and Dallon spoke at the same time, both turning to each other with irritated looks.
"How did you do it? Are you like a witch or something?"
Dallon sniggered and Brendon made a gagging noise, looking very offended.
"Please," he said, "don't compare me to those things. I'm a shapeshifter."
"A shapeshifter as in Mystique from X-Men? Or like the monsters in Supernatural?"
"A shapeshifter as in this is my natural form," he gestured to his face and body, "thank God for that. And I can morph into whatever."
"And you chose to morph into me for what reason?"
"You're hot," he shrugged. "And I wanted to see how many guys I could pull while being you."
You scoffed, not knowing whether to be flattered or pissed off. You decided on pissed off.
"Well," you swung your legs off of the bed and started for the door, "maybe you should morph yourself into a decent human being, 'cause you're an ass."
"Wow," Dallon commented, watching you storm out of the room. "It's a shame you chased her off. You coulda had a shot."
"I'll get my shot," Brendon said, quite sure of himself.
"How? She hates you. I won't be surprised if she dumped a coffee over your head next time you walk into her shop."
"She won't."
"How can you be so sure?"
"Because I won't be me."
Thank you for reading x
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