chapter twelve
Winona walked back to the vault, carrying various bottles of medication in her hands. She entered the room and placed the bottles down. "This is everything that I could find that I thought would help," Winona told Caitlin. The older woman smiled and nodded.
"Thank you," she said, looking through the bottles. "How's he doing?" Winona asked. "Uh, I think he's doing better. Andy is doing a blood transfusion right now to replace the blood that Harry lost. It should help for now," Caitlin answered. Winona nodded.
Her eyes shifted over to Harry's form and she sighed. "Don't worry. We're gonna do everything we can to help him," Caitlin assured. "That still might not be enough," Winona muttered. Caitlin attempted to give her a reassuring smile. "I'll, uh, I'll be back later," Winona said. She went over to her discarded jacket and picked it up before walking out of the vault.
Clarice immediately came up to her. "Hey, come with me," she said. "Not this again," Winona grumbled. "Marcos and Lorna need our help," Clarice said. "With what?" Winona asked as she followed after the girl. "Ask questions later," Clarice said.
She led Winona to where Sonya was waiting. The redhead sent Winona a small smile, to which Winona nodded back, pulling her jacket back on. Clarice then began opening a portal. Once it was open, the three girls went through. Winona looked around the room that they had entered.
Clarice and Sonya walked to another area. "Hey. We got here as quickly as we could," Sonya said as Winona slowly followed after the two. "Why didn't you guys use the door? We're trying to keep a low profile here," Marcos said. "Oh shut up," Winona replied. "Pretty sure that ship has sailed," Clarice added.
"What the hell is going on here anyway?" Winona asked. "I kidnapped Agent Turner here," Lorna said. Winona's eyes flitted over to hers and Lorna smiled, sending her a wave. Winona smiled back, relief washing over her. "Now why would you do that?" Winona asked, taking multiple steps forward.
"For information," the girl answered. "Your hair is green now," Winona noted. "Yeah, you like it?" Lorna asked. "Now isn't really the time to have this conversation," Marcos spoke up. The sound of car engines caused him to walk over to a window and look out of it. Winona watched him curiously for a moment.
"This is Sentinel Services. We know you have the hostage. Come out now!" She heard a male voice say over a bullhorn. "Perfect," she muttered. She made her way over to the window and looked out of it. Officers were exiting their vehicles and loaded their guns.
Many of them were already pointing them at the building. "Whatever we're here for, we should probably start doing it," Winona suggested. Marcos watched the officers for a moment longer as Clarice came to stand next to them. "It looks like they're getting ready to move in. Can you get us out of here if things escalate?" Marcos said, turning to Clarice.
"Maybe," Clarice said, walking away again. Winona raised her eyebrows. "Maybe?" Marcos asked. "Dude, FYI, it's a bit more taxing tearing holes into space than it is turning your hands into flashlights," Clarice pointed out. Winona chuckled quietly. "Point taken," Marcos said. Winona then turned her attention to Lorna and Sonya.
"I had a feeling I'd see you again Miss Martin," Agent Turner said from his position on the floor. All eyes turned to Winona as she took a step closer to him. "What do you mean, again?" She asked him. He chuckled, "The last time I saw you, you were driving away from that motel and I had my agents take your adoptive sister into custody."
Winona took another step closer to him, her eyes narrowed. "What was her name again? Elaine, right?" He continued. "Where is she?" Winona asked through gritted teeth. "I don't know, you tell me," he said. Winona took another dangerous step toward him. "I'll kill you," she threatened.
"Oh, I don't doubt that. But if you do, you'll never get her back," Agent Turner said. "Tell me where she is," she said. "You're never gonna find her," he replied. She took another step forward but Marcos took ahold of her forearm. "How about I make you a deal? You let me go, and I'll take you to her. In fact, I might even be able to allow you to spend the rest of your life in the same prison as her," Agent Turner said. Winona's glare hardened.
"Or did you forget that you were a wanted criminal," he continued. "You're an asshole," she muttered. "Better than a murderer," he said back. "Don't act like you're innocent in all of this. How many mutants have you killed again?" Winona snapped back. "All right, that's enough. Sonya, do your thing," Lorna said as Marcos pulled Winona away from the three. "I'm warning you, whatever you're planning on doing, this is assault on a federal officer," Agent Turner said.
"Hmm. Don't worry, handsome. You won't feel a thing," Sonya assured. Clarice looked at Winona. "Hey, you okay? Be honest," she asked her friend. "I am far from okay," Winona muttered. She watched as Sonya blew air from her lips. A pinkish-purple mist followed and moved toward Agent Turner's face.
The man tried to move his face away but it was no use. The mist pushed against his face and he breathed it in. Clarice watched the exchange intensely, her expression growing angry. If Sonya put that memory into Clarice's head, that was how she did it, Winona realized.
Lorna created a distraction in order to buy them some time. It worked for a short while before the Sentinel Services retaliated. Something broke the window and landed inside the building. "Watch out!" Marcos said, diving away from the object before it exploded.
Smoke began pouring into the room. "Tear gas!" He yelled. The gas entered her nostrils and lungs. Winona began to cough profusely. She moved away from the source of the gas while everyone around her coughed as well. Clarice moved over to where Sonya and Agent Turner were.
"Is she done?" Clarice asked in exasperation. "Sonya, Sonya! Come on!" Lorna called. Winona moved over to Sonya. "Hurry! This way!" Clarice called. Lorna was trying to pull Sonya away from Agent Turner. "Sonya! No, come on! It's too late! Come on! Come on!" Lorna urged. "Wait! Lorna! I can't leave him like this!" Sonya protested.
Agent Turner cried out and Winona crouched down next to him. Her eyes began to turn silver as she coughed. "Winona! What are you doing?" Marcos asked as he ran back to where she was. "He knows where she is!" She coughed out. "We gotta go!" He said grabbing her upper arms.
She coughed again. "No! I need to see what he knows!" She protested. He yanked her off of the ground and began pulling her away. "Stop! This is the only chance I have!" Winona cried out. It was getting harder for her to breathe. The two neared Clarice's portal. "I'm sorry," Marcos replied before pushing her into the portal.
He quickly followed in after her and the portal closed behind him. Winona coughed a couple more times before turning to Marcos in anger. "You bastard! How could you do that?" She exclaimed, pushing him backward. He coughed and held his arms up. "We had to get out of there. You know that," he replied.
She looked away from him, tears filling her eyes. After a minute she released a breath and nodded. The others gave her looks of sympathy as she walked away from them.
Clarice had just told Winona about the conversation she had with Sonya. Apparently, the redhead had, in fact, placed the memory of Clarice and John into Clarice's head. Winona could feel the anger rising in her as Clarice relayed the events.
In a way, she was surprised that Sonya would do something like that. But then again, the redhead was a manipulative bitch. Winona opened her mouth to say something but closed it when she saw Marcos walking over with John. Marcos sent her an awkward wave as the two made their way over.
"Hey, Winnie? Can we talk to you?" Marcos asked. Winona looked at Clarice who shrugged. She nodded her head and stood, walking over to the two men. "What's up?" She asked them. "Uh, it's about your sister," Marcos began. Winona's eyes narrowed. "What about her?" She asked. "I think I know where she is," he said before pausing. "When I was with the cartel, I asked them if they could find out any information about her. Apparently, Sentinel Services has her in a remote location," he said.
"Okay, and?" She pressed, growing anxious. "And we think it's the same place that they were gonna take Lorna and Reed," John spoke up. "Now, Lorna told me that whatever they did to Pulse is what they were gonna do to her. So if that's where Elaine is..." Marcos trailed off. "Not to mention there's probably all sorts of security and who knows what else," John said.
"So what are you saying?" Winona questioned, growing uneasy. "Look right now, there's probably no way for us to get in there and get her out. If she's even in there or alive," Marcos said. "So that's just it then? You won't help?" She asked incredulously. Marcos sighed. "I'm sorry, Winnie. There's nothing that we can do. We don't even know where it is," Marcos said.
"Oh, so when it was Lorna who almost went in there, you brainstormed all sorts of ideas on how to get her out. You were willing to risk your life to save her. But now that it's my sister, you won't help her," Winona said loudly. This drew the attention of some of the people around her. "You need to understand that the circumstances are different," Marcos said.
"Why? Because it's my sister and you don't know her?" She questioned. Marcos looked away, as did John, both refusing to meet her eyes. Winona scoffed in disbelief. "I can't believe you! You-you promised!" She exclaimed. Everyone around them watched the scene intently. "I'm sorry. But it's too dangerous right now," Marcos replied. "It was too dangerous before but you were still willing to do it for Lorna. What happened to helping mutants in need?" Winona said.
"You need to understand that trying to go in there puts too many lives at risk, Winona. And we can't just throw ourselves into an unknown situation to save your sister," John said, finally speaking up again. Winona turned her angry gaze to him and his face softened. "I'm sorry. But there's nothing we can do. At least not right now," John said quietly. Winona scoffed again. "Were you ever gonna help me? Or were you just using me for my abilities to get your friend back?" She asked.
"Winnie, we never used you," John said. "Don't call me that," she snapped. "Only my friends can call me that and you two are clearly not my friends," she said. Hurt flashed over both of their faces but Winona didn't care. "I can't believe you, John. You of all people. I honestly thought you were better than that. That you were different. Clearly, I was wrong. But I should've expected this. I mean, you don't know me nor do you owe me anything," she said.
Winona took a deep breath before looking John in the eyes. "I never should've trusted you," she said before turning to Marcos. "Either of you. But I guess this is what I get for doing it anyway." And with that she turned away from them, storming to her room. She ignored John calling after her and made her way up the stairs. She stomped to the room that she was occupying. She closed the door behind her and paced the room.
She was seething, her hands curling into fists at her sides as she paced. She was beyond pissed. Tears of anger stung her eyes and began to roll down her cheeks. She angrily wiped the tears away and stopped. She looked around the room and walked over to her bed. She reached under it and pulled out her backpack.
She looked around the room again and began picking up anything that belonged to her. She shoved them into the backpack. She wiped some more tears away and sighed. Winona then felt a sharp, stabbing pain in her head, causing her to drop the book she was putting into her bag. She had felt it more than enough times to know what it was. More specifically, who it was. She relaxed her mind and allowed for the thought to come through. Her eyes turned silver.
"Winona! Where are you? Renee was frantic.
"I'm safe, Renee. You don't have to worry," Winona said aloud, taking a seat on the bed as she waited for her friend's response.
"Do not tell me what I do and don't have to do! You're all over the news! I've been trying to reach you for weeks! Edward and I have been worried sick!"
Winona sighed before speaking. "I met some people. Mutants. They found me and are keeping me safe. They said they would help me find Elaine."
"Are you sure that you can trust them?" Renee was concerned.
"I thought I could. But I just found out that I can't," Came Winona's reply.
"What happened?"
"I don't want to talk about it right now. But one of them was able to find out where Elaine is. It's some kind of maximum security prison far away. Mutants go there and don't come back. Do you think Edward can find out its location?"
It was quiet for a moment before Renee replied. "Maybe. But something like that seems top secret. It might take a while." Winona nodded her head, though she knew Renee couldn't see her.
"I figured. Oh and just a heads up, I'm planning on leaving. Coming back to Virginia."
"But you said you were safe. And it's too risky for you to travel right now."
Winona knew that the woman was right. But she honestly didn't care. "I don't want to stay here, Renee. I just can't."
"Okay then wait a little while longer before you try to travel. And by a little, I mean a lot."
The door to the room opened and Clarice walked in, her eyes landing on Winona. Her eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "I gotta go, Renee," Winona said before breaking the connection before Renee could respond. Her eyes returned to their original brown.
"What are you doing? And who were you talking to?" Clarice asked. "I was packing up my stuff and preparing to leave. And I was talking to my friend Renee," Winona responded, standing up from the bed. "Why were your eyes glowing?" Clarice questioned. "I was telepathically talking to my friend," she elaborated. The confusion didn't leave Clarice's features and Winona shook her head. "It doesn't matter," she said.
"You're really gonna leave?" Clarice asked. Winona sighed, "Wouldn't you leave if you were in my situation?" Clarice pondered the question for a moment before shrugging. "I don't know. Maybe," she answered. Winona picked up the book and put it in her back pack. She zipped up the bag and picked it up. "Don't go," Clarice said. "You're kinda like my best friend. I don't want you to leave," she added.
Winona thought for a moment before placing her backpack on the floor, shoving it under the bed. "Okay okay, stop crying. I'll stay," Winona joked. Clarice cracked a smile. "I'm gonna help you find her. Wherever she is, I'll help. And if you need a portal, I'll make you a portal," Clarice said.
"Really?" Winona asked and Clarice nodded. "Thanks Clarice," Winona said with a smile. "No problem. Now stop crying. I don't like being around sad people," Clarice said. Winona's smile widened and she wiped under her eyes. She took a deep breath and released it.
She was going to find her sister, even if she and Clarice had to do it alone.
What a brotp, Winona and Clarice. I love them so much. I feel like this chapter was all over the place but, oh well. I had to add a little angst and drama guys, I'm sorry (not really). But don't be mad at me. I have so much in store for this book and I'm super excited. Anyway, I hope you all enjoyed this chapter. Don't forget to comment and vote. Peace ✌.
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