chapter sixteen
Five months ago
Edward Frederick released a grunt as he was knocked onto the ground. He rolled around on the floor a couple of times before rolling onto his side. His breathing was heavy as he tried to get it under control. Across the room, Winona was laughing heartily.
"I win," Renee said, a grin stretching across her face. "Yeah, because I let you win," he muttered, his voice cracking. He pushed himself into a seated position. "Just admit it, Ed. I kicked your ass. Again," Renee said. Edward shook his head and shakily got to his feet. "Nah, you didn't. Let's go again," he said.
"Don't you think you've had enough ass whooping for one day?" Winona asked. "Nobody asked you, Winona," Edward retorted. "I'm tired. I don't want to fight you anymore," Renee complained. He sighed and nodded. "Fine. But I demand a rematch," he said. Renee shrugged, "Whatever."
Winona looked at the two before deciding to speak again. "Guys, we need to talk," she said. The couple turned their gazes to her and she began to exit the room. They followed after her and she led them to the living room. Taking a seat in a chair, Winona sighed and waited patiently for the two to get settled on the loveseat.
"So I've been thinking about a lot of stuff lately. Mainly Elaine," she began. She took a breath and released it before continuing. "I think that maybe, I should be going out there and trying to get information out of people regarding her whereabouts," she said. Renee's eyes narrowed and Edward gaped at the woman sat in front of him.
"Are you out of your mind?" Renee asked her calmly. "Look, Edward isn't getting any information out of these people," Winona defended. "I'm trying," he said. "I know that. But if I could get into their head then maybe I could find something out," Winona said. The couple stared at her blankly. "I wouldn't even have to leave, you could bring them here," she proposed.
"That's a terrible and stupid idea," Renee said. "Not to mention risky," Edward added. "I'm sick of sitting here and doing nothing whilst my sister is God knows where. I want to help," Winona said. "And you are helping. By keeping yourself safe. You can't help her from prison," Renee said. "Or the grave," Edward added.
Both women turned to face him, similar glares on their face. Edward cleared his throat and looked around. "Who said that?" He mumbled. Renee shook her head in distaste before turning back to Winona. "Your plan is a big risk. One that I don't think is worth taking and neither should you," she said.
Winona rolled her eyes and looked at her hands, which were clasped together in her lap. "But," Renee began. Winona looked up at her and so did Edward. "But? But what?" He asked. "She may not be able to do it. But that doesn't mean that I can't," Renee continued. A grin overtook Winona's face while Edward shook his head in protest.
"No. I don't like this," he said. "Quiet Edward! The adults are talking," Renee said, a smirk forming on her face.
Winona was zipping up her backpack with much difficulty. The zipper became stuck and she yanked on it as carefully as possible. After a few pulls, the zipper finally budged and she successfully pulled the backpack closed. She released a breath before picking up one of the backpack's straps and putting it on her shoulder.
She walked to the door of the room and stopped. She turned around and let her eyes sweep across the room, trying to memorize every detail of it. With a reluctant nod, she turned back to the door and exited the room, closing the door behind her. She began walking down the hallway and toward the stairs.
Once she reached them, she descended them slowly, taking in the sight of the bank as she did so. At the bottom of the stairs, Winona looked down at her watch before looking back up. Feeling a warm presence to her right, Winona whipped her head around to face whatever it was. She came face to face with John and released the breath that she was holding.
"I thought we talked about the whole sneaking up on me thing," Winona said. "I'm coming with you," John responded, ignoring her words completely. Winona was taken aback by the abruptness of his sentence. "Well hello to you too," she mumbled, eyeing him warily. "Have you eaten anything yet?" He asked, once again, ignoring her previous statement.
"Uh, no," she replied. "All right, you should probably get something to eat before we go," he said, taking her arm and pulling her in the direction of where food was being served. She yanked her arm back, which caused him to stop. "No, I'm fine," she objected. "Are you sure?" He asked. "Yes," she responded. "Maybe just grab something quick--" She cut him off.
"I'm okay, really," she said. He reluctantly nodded and she smiled. "So, what changed your mind about coming with me?" She asked him. "You," John answered almost instantly. Winona was taken aback by his reply and he shook his head. "I realized that you were right. And we can't just leave her out there," he elaborated.
She nodded her head. "Well, I am always right," she joked. John allowed a small grin to spread across his face. "We should get going," he said and she nodded in agreement. The two began walking to the door.
The grumbling of her stomach caused Winona to cross her arms over her chest. A small huff escaped her lips and she glared at the ground as she walked. From beside her, John tried his best not to laugh at the girl who had been so adamant on not eating before they left.
"I see you trying not to laugh, Proudstar. Cut it out," Winona grumbled. The man let out an involuntary chuckle. "It's not funny," she whined. "I know. I'm sorry it's just, I told you to eat something," he said. "Yeah yeah, you were right. Whatever," she muttered. He smiled and shook his head before stopping and reaching into his pocket, pulling something out.
John held up the granola bar and raised his eyebrows. "I brought it in case one of us got hungry. You seem to need it more than I do," he said. Winona examined the granola bar before timidly taking it from his hand. Her fingers briefly brushed his as she did so. "Thanks," she mumbled. "You're welcome," he replied, his eyes never leaving hers. She smiled before turning her attention to the granola bar.
She ripped open the package and put the bar in her mouth, taking a bite of it. She continued eating as the two started walking again. John led them to an abandoned building. "I'm sensing a trend with the whole abandoned building thing," Winona said after finishing the granola bar. "Oh yeah?" John questioned.
"Yeah. I mean they seem like the only places that mutants go to hide out. I'm surprised that the police and Sentinel Services are having a hard time finding us," she explained. John didn't reply as he opened the door to the building. The two walked in, John in the lead. They came to an opening and John began speaking.
"Clarice, wait! Wait! Just hang on," he said, holding up his hands. Clarice stopped making her portal and gave him a look of annoyance. "What are you doing here?" She asked in a bored tone. Winona walked around John and into Clarice's view. The green eyed girl shook her head in mild amusement. "I should've know that you'd come to find me," she muttered.
"Of course I would," Winona replied. "We obviously didn't come for the soup. You're tough to track, you know that? You didn't leave much of a trail," John broke in. "Yeah? That was intentional," Clarice said as she began packing up her stuff. Winona walked further into the room and sat down next to Clarice, helping her pack her things up. John walked over as well and crouched in front of Clarice.
"Hey. Listen, I'm sorry, all right? What happened with you and Sonya, I should have told you," he said. "You think? You know, I still see that memory she put in my head. It's like a bad soap opera I can't escape," Clarice replied. Winona smiled at her friend, happy that she still had her sense of humor despite the situation. "I'm here to convince you to come back," John said.
"We're here to convince you," Winona said, giving John a glare before turning back to Clarice. "Although, I'm perfectly okay with you doing whatever you need to do. As long as I can come," she added. "Look Clarice, you're not safe out here right now," John said. "You're concerned for my safety? That's why you came?" Clarice questioned.
"That's why I came," Winona mumbled. Neither of them paid her any attention. "No, that's not all," John said before pausing. "The Underground needs you," he continued. Winona scoffed and shook her head, the glare returning to her face. "The Underground. Got it. Sorry, but that's your battle, not mine. I have stuff to do," Clarice said, standing up. Winona stood too. "I need you too. If that helps," she told the green eyed girl who sent her a small smile.
"Seriously, don't leave me alone with these people," she mumbled to Clarice. John stood after a moment. "Stuff? What stuff?" He asked as the two women began to exit. Clarice stopped and turned to face him. "Remember when I got sick? I kept trying to portal to that road?" She asked him. "Yeah, somewhere out in the countryside," he replied.
"I'm trying to find that spot. You guys taught me that none of this is random The reasons why we use our powers, what we do. That road must mean something to me. And I want to know why," Clarice explained. "Let me help you find it," John proposed. "No, let me help you find it. She doesn't have a reason to kill me," Winona said, turning to John and giving him a pointed look. "Plus I wanna help," she added.
"I don't need your help," Clarice told John. "Oh, but you need hers?" He questioned. "I prefer hers," Clarice retorted. Winona grinned. "Look, you need my help. I've been tracking you, remember? You clearly have no idea where you're headed," he said. "He's got a point," Winona agreed. Clarice narrowed her eyes at her friend.
"Let me do this for you. I owe you, if nothing else," John said. Clarice took a moment to think about it. "Fine," she muttered. She turned away from him and he smiled. He then looked at Winona who was staring at him with narrowed eyes. He raised his eyebrows in question. "You're such an idiot. I'm honestly embarrassed to call you my somewhat friend," she whisper shouted before following after Clarice.
"I can't believe you just left without saying anything to me. I mean, what the hell, Clarice? That was not cool," Winona said after catching up to her. Clarice released a sigh. "I'm sorry I just, had to get away. And I knew that you would try to stop me," Clarice responded. "You're damn right I would. And not to mention you were over here spewing all sorts of bullshit when I wanted to leave and then you just up and leave. Hypocrisy at its finest," Winona added, her tone angry.
"I said I was sorry," Clarice mumbled. "Sorry doesn't exactly cut it, missy. I have been worried sick about you. You could've at least wrote me a note or some shit," Winona said. Clarice nodded her head. "You're right. It was very uncool of me to leave the way that I did. And I'm sorry," Clarice replied. "You already apologized," Winona muttered.
"And I'll keep apologizing until you say that you forgive me," the purple haired girl replied. "I can say it. That doesn't mean that I'll mean it," Winona muttered. Clarice nudged her shoulder multiple times. Winona released an annoyed sigh. "Fine. I forgive you. Happy?" She said. "Yes, yes I am," Clarice replied.
"I'm still mad at you," Winona said. "I know," Clarice replied. Winona led the way to where the truck was parked.
And so the adventure begins. Winona and John are so cute I really love them together. I'm so excited for the way the rest of this book is planned out. You guys should be excited too. Anyway, here's chapter sixteen. I hope you enjoyed. Have a great day.
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