[ 28 ] Dream
The waiting now has over, my readers! As I have returned!
And I'm sorry for leaving this book on a long hiatus. (。ŏ﹏ŏ)
Turning your body around, you muttered, "Change of the plan, "walking past your younger brother who heard your words loud and clear. "we do it now."
"It wasn't usual for you to lose your composure like this, anesan."He snickered though you shook your head with a scowl, there was no humor in your expression as he followed you from behind once the sound of a whistle reached your ears.
"I simply want this match to end as soon as possible."Each syllable that slipped from your lips is nothing but the truth.
"And why is that, I wonder."He smirked, grabbing the chance to annoy you every time he could. You pushed his face away, making a beeline to the bench to grab your carbonated drink bottle rather than falling into his trap.
"With that brain of yours, you needn't worry about it."
"Why you—"
"We can do it, everyone!"Nae chimes, throwing her fist in the air, and her action was followed by her teammates. Her loud voice managed to cause both you and your sibling to halt in your tracks to watch the opponent team from where you are standing. "We will win this match!"
It looks like her cheers manage to brighten the team from losing their confidence in winning the match; that likely seems almost impossible to win.
Miura, unamused, let out a chuckle. "They're dreaming. Should we wake them up?"
"... you know that a dream can be a nightmare, right?"
The grass susurrated under your feet as you walked over to your position but when a familiar voice called out your name, you paused. Peering over your shoulder, the sight of Nishikage makes the corner of your lips curl upwards.
Honestly, if it belongs to the vile coach of yours, rather than stopping and listening to whatever risible locution coming from his foul mouth, you might start running away while covering your ears and pretend not to hear him instead.
"[Y/N]-san, what should we do?"He inquired, jogging up to your side as soon as your figure is in his line of view, "The opponent seems to be high-spirited after the break."
"I don't see that as a problem."You said truthfully, eyeing them from the corner of your eyes,
"Once they realized they can't win this match, they will start getting hopeless. And that's enough to let us know the grand title of winner of this will be ours."
Patting against his back multiple times, you gave him a gentle push. "Seiya, you play a big role in this plan. Do not let them have their way with scoring the goal."
"That has always been my job."
"We'll see. If they use the previous hissatsu technique again, then I'll be there to stop it."
"How can you be so sure—?"His hand instantly clasped over his mouth to prevent him from saying anything more. How could he straightforwardly ask such a derisory question?
He thought you would get mad over his question or glare at him the least. However, when you bestow him with a benign smile, in instant, his worries fade away.
"The truth is I'm one of the creators of the technique. So I know which hissatsu shall I use to counter it."
There is a pause before you look at him.
"Any question?"
Learning from his mistake, he promptly shook his head. "Not at all."
"Alright, then off you go before that good-for-nothing person scolds us for wasting our time."You shooed him away and he complied, bowing his head slightly down before going back to your team goalpost.
"Now, let's banjax that loud little hope that they have."
Seeing a grin; that was akin to Cheshire cat — etched upon your lips as you spoke the sentence, Nosaka let out a light laugh. His laughter slowly died down when you wheeled around to look at him, giving him a puzzled look.
"What's so funny? My face?"
"Nonsense."He shook his head, still smiling. "Sometimes I wondered if we are the antagonist instead of the protagonist."
Scoffing, you crossed your arms over your chest as it's your turn to smile. "All that matters was perspective, I believe."
He didn't say anything afterwards as he also thinks the same as you. Everyone has their own reasons for something that they do. Including both you and him. He shrugged, sparing a glance in the direction of the opposite team.
He is grateful that he is not your opponent.
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