[ 22 ] small stuff
Not that I don't love y'all before lolololol
That's why I'll update more (。•̀ᴗ-)✧
As soon as the second match started, you passed the ball to your twin, watching him dribbling it almost flawlessly before the gray-haired maniac could snatch it away. You noticed how the Seishou Gakuen keeps attacking but it was a pretty persistent one.
"It's annoying."
"I know, "The familiar voice said from behind and took a step forward to stand next to you,
"Especially when they're this persistent."
"They remind me of a Tardigrade."You murmured in a low voice, ambling slowly backwards in three steps before turning around and jog back to the others, hastened your pace to give a signal to your teammates for the ball.
The Captain remained still on his spot before joining along while snickering to himself when your humor somehow always enliven him,
"Now that's kinda harsh."
"Hey, should we get rid of them already? They've been getting on my nerves."Miura complained, running his fingers through his soft hair in frustration after three members of the opponent's team have been pestering him for a while when he was dribbling the ball before he quickly passed it to Okano-senpai.
"Right. It would be a shame to waste our precious stamina on them."You agreed, slowly getting irritated over the teen who is wearing goggles, seemingly staring at the two from afar as he discussed, apparently about something important, with their captain and striker as his eyes occasionally met yours when he looks over to your way.
The two suddenly were surprised by a gentle tap on their shoulders, simultaneously turned around to greet a reassuring smile coming from the male which didn't fail to bring one on your lips,
"Ease yourself. It wasn't like we're losing or anything. Let's just play like we usually do."He grinned at the end and you pulled on a sincere smile to which it dropped when a new voice invited itself in the conversation,
"Well, aren't you a carefree one, Okano-senpai? The score right now is the same as losing for us Outei Tsukinomiya."
Nosaka pursed his lips together and look at his senior deep in the eyes though they're slightly narrowed,
"You . . . tch."
He watched the taller male spun his heels around, heading to the other side of the field back to his previous position. Softly exhaling a low sigh through his lips, he parted them and spoke,
"Let's end this now. We'll finish them once and for all with Grid Omega."
Though, he stopped dead in his tracks and glanced over his shoulder to look at you. Your gaze remained on the retreating male, not focusing on him at all.
He felt his eyebrows furrowed together when you didn't turn around even after your name was called out and walked up in front of you,
"Yuuma . . . "
After hearing the tone of your weak voice, he instantly laced his hands to wrap securely around your small ones compared to his without another thought, giving a light assuring squeeze.
"I'm sorry, [Y/N]. After everything you have said against that fool, yet here I am, persuading you to do that forbidden tactic. I promise that this is the last time we are going to use this tactic, okay?"
He knew he couldn't repress the gentle smile from conquering his lips when you finally lifted your head to look at him,
"That tactic isn't even our trump card so don't sweat on the small stuff. And that's including about what I said with our coach."
"Oh, c'mon. You're going to make me love you more than I should."
"Please don't."
"My empress."
"Stop. It's cringy."
"Put that ' chan ' away."
"Who are you? My husband?"
"I don't mind being one."
"And I'm still here, you damn love birds. We're in the middle of a match, what the hell."Miura's voice interrupted with a groan which filled with annoyance.
Despite that, you're grateful with his company since you doubt you could regain your composure if he voices out one more sentence that's enough to send your heart fluttering.
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