[17] Emotion
[ Outei Tsukinomiya Jr. High's Team Lodgings ]
- 3 days before Football Frontier Opening Ceremony -
Alone at the center of the hall, with your earphones plugged in your ears as you currently watching the video of the previous match between Raimon and Seishou Gakuen until you felt a presence nearing you. Your fingertip pressed a 'pause' button and lifting your gaze up to look at the tall male, who is now standing in front of you firmly.
Turning off your phone and put it back in your pocket of your black pants before returning your gaze back at the certain male,
"May I help you, Seiya?"
He averted away his eyes at your curious gaze at first, as if debating in his head about something before locking his eyes with yours,
"Takemi has escaped."
The female blinked twice and frowned when Nishikage informed you about the news with much of his and your dismay about it.
He reluctantly nodded his head.
"What should we do about this? Should I inform this to everyone else?"
"No need to."You politely declined his offer while shaking your head softly, "Did Yuuma and Miura know about this?"
When he was about to answer your simple question, the sound of doors slammed open caught both yours and Nishikage's attention when your twin and the rest of team walked in as he is dragging the poor boy by his collar before releasing his grip from the boy at the center of hall, slightly harsh.
You noticed something white wrapped around Takemi's wrists, having them cuffed by a white fabric. However, you didn't said any single words about it, thinking that it was his punishment for running away.
Right on time when Nosaka walked in and sit down on another chair next to you that was provided by Nishikage with both Miura and Nishikage are standing right behind both of you, staring darkly at the certain male.
Your used to be bright hues were obscured by icy cold gaze which almost resembling as ice as if it could piercing through him if you hardening your stare.
"Takemi Kousuke."Miura started, flashing him an insincere smile though his eyes reflected a resentment, looking down at the boy, "I would be lying if I tell you are not getting on my nerves each times you did something ludicrous like this. You don't seem to understand the significance of your actions."
The said male only remained silent as if his mind went completely blank like white paper with him didn't dare to raise his gaze but instead he only stared on the cold floor.
"Anyway, earlier, I was informed by Seiya what kind of behavior that have you caused, once again, Takemi. And to be honest, I didn't like it even a bit."The maiden confessed after breaking the silence, leaning against her chair and exhaled a low sigh, staring at the male with dreary icy cold hues,
"Tell us the reason. You must have one at least, am I right? But I hope it was reasonable."
After debating with his own thought at his current dilemma, his eyes screwed shut before parting his lips to utter out the words that always ringing in his mind.
"I just want to be free . . . ! What's wrong with that?!" He screamed, finally looking up to look at you but immediately shut his mouth when he saw the dark look that you gave him.
"Free? Ehh, that's not an answer that I expected. You acted like this place is some sort of jail."You chuckled and that's when you noticed that his eyes are welling up with tears, obviously making his sight obscured by the salty liquid.
"Your eyes showed so much emotion." You hummed, lifting your legs and wrapped your arms around your knees, "I don't like that."
"What do you know about this, [Y/N]-san? You just transferred in this academy like three weeks. You didn't went through everything we had."He spat, making your best friends including your twin pissed by his words.
"Hey, rascal—"
"Don't make such a ridiculous assumption, Takemi."Nosaka cut off your twin's words, "[Y/N]-chan has went through what we had in few days so they would say that she wouldn't be left behind."
"Oh well, if he wants to think so, who am I to be antagonistic towards him and his mind?"You hummed with a small smile that means nothing at all with your eyelids fluttering close to hide those [ color ] pale hues and murmuring in a low sleepy tone of your voice,
"I'm getting sleepy so let's end this fast."
Nosaka's dreary gray eyes were slightly narrowed at your reply for going easy on the boy, particularly the one who has just insulted you. He's pretty sure you know what he means pretty well but you only paid no mind on it, probably thinking it was only a small matter.
But to him, insulting the empress was a big mistake. Especially the one he cherish the most.
"I was thinking to give you one chance. I don't want to have to report this to our superiors. If your answer is the same, then you have no use for us anymore." The male said coldly, stating the sentences with straight face with no hint of emotion could be seen on his visage.
"Now tell me, will you change that unpleasant attitude of yours and devote yourself for the team?"
"No! Nosaka-kun, do you not feel anything?!"
"Ehh? Feel what?" He questioned, dreary eyes gazing on the male.
"Don't you want to do other things? Like play some other sports besides soccer, or video games, or go on a date with the girl you like . . ."
Your head perked and look at him with a fake innocent look when you saw pink hue dusted across his cheeks, " 'The girl you like' you say? My, I don't know you like someone, Takemi."
Takemi have a hint of hope in his eyes, assuming that you finally understand his situation and nodding his head eagerly, "Yes! There's someone I want to see. That's why I don't want to be here. Because . . I like her so much. It's like . . . I want to see her so badly that I could die!"
"Then die."
He gasped and snapped his head to look at owner of the menacing voice, only to be meet with a dark yet cold gaze from the [ color ] haired maiden.
"To see someone so badly that you could die . . . Eh . . But that's a strange way to put it." Miura's lips corner tugged upwards to form a small smirk and take one step closer with a same look exactly like his twin. Shadow was casted over their visages due to light shine behind them. However, he could perfectly sees how their eyes flickered through the shadow.
"You wouldn't see her if you're dead, you know. Isn't that right? Choose your words carefully next time."
You watched how he was struggling to answer the simple question, gritting his teeth in defeat at the question that was uttered to him due to his unreasonable reasons. However, your pale hues slowly following Nosaka's figure when he suddenly stood up and walked over to the kneeling male, having the twins' and Nishikage's gaze on his back when he uncuffed him, rather in displeasure at his action.
"That doesn't matter now, after all, it seems that you finally reached your limit. But its okay." Nosaka said right at the in front of his face, smiling at him though it was a ungenuine one,
"We have plenty of others to replace you. Your eyes showed too much emotion like [Y/N]-chan said and those were the eyes of weaklings."
"By the way, the someone that I love is already with me." He whispered close in his ear and walking backward to sit on the chair that Nishikage had repositioned. In Takemi's eyes, he knew what he meant by the look the two of you gave him.
He practically felt that he is only a mere slave that's kneeling in front of the Emperor and Empress with their royal guards next to their side.
"You may go."
Your gaze piercing through the skull of the male's retreating form at how he didn't waste any time when the words slipped past the Tactician Emperor's lips before glancing over to the certain male with the word in her mind left wordlessly due to the fact that she knew the reason.
"Why did you do that?"Nishikage muttered in a low tone, totally not liking the idea.
"He's useless to us now."
"Even if he stayed here, it won't change anything and he might slowing us down. His attitude would be same. He would always give us unnecessary problem everytime."He reasoned and you pulled out your phone, to open the schedule of the 32 teams that will be participating in FFI.
"Based on who we might have to against with, you're right."
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