𝙛𝙞𝙧𝙨𝙩 𝙮𝙚𝙖𝙧 𝙨𝙩𝙪𝙙𝙚𝙣𝙩𝙨
this shit was supposed to be out a long
ass time ago, my apologies for that
but here it is.
don't forget to comment and vote!
happy reading!
" that is embarrassing "
" So are you "
ooo. | By the next morning, Junko woke up a few hours earlier than normal. A bad habit she has acquired as a young girl. Her powers often woke her up, like an alarm. For what? she didn't know. But each time she would wake up, she would be left with this alarming feeling. Like her magic was gearing her up for something coming. It's probably why she grew up to be super alert.
But be that as it may, she is a morning person. Every morning, she would take the time to meditate by sitting in the middle of her room floor, light some incense and allow her sitting form to slowly float into the air a few feet before levitating in place while she cleared her mind. After that, she would start her day by cleaning her face and teeth and brushing her hair, only to pull it into a messy bun on top of her head. two very long strands framed both sides of her slender face.
She slipped on her floor length see through black robe with black fur around the edges of the sleeves and the bottom of the robe over her pajamas. Gojo likes to call her a "rich goth" all the time due to her interest in the color black and other dark colors, her slightly gothic style of fashion and, admittedly, her love for the entire style of it.
But also, since she is a part of one of the richest families in Japan, she has expensive tastes. Junko was never a snobbish girl nor was she bratty, but she was always taught that she was high quality and that she deserved high quality things. If she had no one to get her high quality things, she was going to do it herself. She didn't need anyone else to do it for her.
With a sleepy sight, Junko made her way to the kitchen of their dormitory and began making breakfast for herself and Fushiguro. Every time she woke up, she would make sure he would eat something. Fushiguro had a horrible habit with food. He would often forget to eat throughout the day and then wonder why he was very low on energy by the time the day ended.
So when she got old enough to learn how to cook, she would make sure he would eat throughout the day by either making something for him or even forcing him to stop by somewhere to eat. And she wouldn't take no for an answer.
Junko decided to cook for more than one person, sensing that Gojo was nearby with Itadori, the kid they met just last night. She could always tell who was approaching her by feeling their curse energy.
Gojo's felt very heavy on her lungs and overwhelming. Like his power level radiated off of him, making him easily detectable. Itadori, because of Sukuna, felt hot and scary. Like he was a predator on the hunt and she was prey. it was also overwhelming but not like Gojo's.
But be that as it may, she continued to fix breakfast for everyone.
When she was done, she placed all of the food she made onto a silver tray carefully. Her left hand was suddenly surrounded by red smoke like a glowing aura as her eyes turned scarlet red. With one small wave of her hand, the tray began levitating with the same glowing red smoke underneath it, following her as she exited the kitchen to meet with everyone.
"I just said you're unwelcomed!" Fushiguro groaned as he slammed his door onto Itadori's head. A small punishment for looking into his room without permission.
Gojo woke him up that morning with news that Yuji Itadori will be attending school with him. Principal Yaga approved of his admission and Gojo thought it was great to have his newest student stay in the same dormitory as his other two students. Something about it being more lively or whatever.
Honestly, Fushiguro was too annoyed to really pay attention to him.
"Well, it's all good~" Gojo chuckled out, ignoring his irritated tone. "More importantly, we're heading out tomorrow! We're gonna go pick up the fourth first year!"
"How nice," a feminine mono-toned voice interrupted their conversation. All three young men turned to the source.
Itadori's jaw dropped to the floor as his eyes glittered in awe. Fushiguro's face turned very red as he quickly looked away, feeling very sheepish.
Junko walked towards them with a floating long tray of food right next to her. Her arms were crossed, her long, perfectly black painted and sharp nails blended well with the sheer fabric of her see-through black robe. The black fur surrounded the edges of the sleeve and the bottom of the floor length robe.
She was wearing a black lace bralette top and silk shorts with blood red skulls all over it. Her face was glassy and smooth looking without any makeup in sight. her jet hair sat on top of her head in a messy bun with two strands framing her doll-like face.
"Holy shit....." Itadori mumbled in pure awe. His eyes turned heart-shaped and he was drooling a little.
His eyes traveled from her black painted toes, slowly trailing up her bare legs poking through the sheer robe and landing right at her wide hips. Her thighs were perfectly thick and her hips were wide enough to make her waist look tiny. Like an hourglass.
"How tall are you?" he suddenly asked in a love-drunk state.
The question earned him a swift smack upside the head by Fushiguro. The question made Gojo laugh a little as he suddenly remembered what he said to Yaga just a few moments ago. The boy really does have a type with it came to women.
Gojo, however, doesn't have a certain type. Or so he says. When it came to physicality, he didn't care how their body looked or whatever. He believed people spent way too much time worrying about body type when they can use all of that time to get down to the fun part. Character wise, it's a different story.
"Oh, I'm 5'8 "Junko answered him, casually. "I'm nearly 5'9, actually."
"You're taller than me~" Itadori swooned, smiling sloppily.
Junko just blinked at him, thinking about how weird he looked to her but decided to ignore him. "Anyways, I made breakfast." She said, gesturing to the tray next to her. "Come in and sit down, all of you."
"I'm good, sweet love, I ate a little before coming here." Gojo declined, patting his own stomach.
"And I'm okay, I'll be fine." Itadori followed along, declining politely.
Junko, who turned to go back into the dining area, paused and slowly turned to face the two with a dead serious expression. One that, although Gojo is used to by now, made the both of them feel chills run down their spines.
"Did I ask if you've eaten? No, I said come in and sit down." She reminded them of her demand, raising an eyebrow at them. Her scarlet red eyes narrowed a little at them. "And Gojo, eating leftover kikufuku hardly counts as real food. I do not like repeating myself so I suggest you shut up and follow simple directions."
"Yes, mommy." Itadori spat out, suddenly a little afraid but slightly turned on. But the look Junko gave him made him exit out of his fantasy. "Uh, I mean ....I mean, that sounds lovely~"
"Okay, okay, you got me." Gojo chuckled at her passive-aggressive mothering. At times, it felt like she was the caretaker rather than him in that role.
Fushiguro rolled his eyes at two of them. He didn't know what he found more annoying. The fact that Itadori will be staying so close to him or the fact that the boy had an obvious crush on her. He dreaded the answer to that.
ooo. | The next day rolled on pretty fast as they didn't really do anything the previous day. Most of yesterday was spent on Itadori moving in and then, Junko made both Itadori and Fushiguro go shopping with her in Ginza. In all honesty, she was about to ask them if they wanted to come with her. But before she could even utter one syllable, Itadori just agreed with whatever she wanted with much excitement.
And that was the rest of their day. Now, Gojo had to pick up the fourth first year student. Itadori also got his uniform that same day. It was modified with a red hood on it, matching the type of style the pink haired kid usually went for.
So all three students were dressed in their versions of the school uniform, waiting in the middle of a busy shopping district together.
Junko's uniform consisted of a long sleeve crop top with baggy sleeves, styled the exact same way as the normal uniform jacket ( the navy blue color and the metal buttons ). Her navy blue skirt was long and flowy with a slit that reached up towards the middle of her thigh, exposing her right leg. She wore fishnet stockings and knee high black boots . Her waist length hair surrounded her in soft waterfalls all around her, framing her face perfectly.
She didn't wear that much makeup often, only on special occasions. But for school, she wore enough to make herself seem more awake than she usually is.
"How are there four first years?" Itadori asked, tugging at his red hoodie underneath his school jacket. "Isn't that too few?"
"Well, have you ever met a person who can see curses before?" Junko retorted a bit sarcastically. "People like us are very rare to find. And it's not like curse energy is easily detected, as well."
"That just proves how small a minority Jujutsu sorcerers are." Fushiguro added.
"Also, you said I was the third?"
"Their entry was decided a long time ago." Fushiguro answered first, this time. "You know how our school is. Everyone has unique circumstances."
"Fashionably late, as usual." Junko suddenly chastised, noticing their white haired teacher approaching them.
Gojo made them meet up with him in Harajuku at a certain time. When the three made just as that time appeared, they noticed that he was nowhere to be seen. Fushiguro and Junko already knew Gojo, so they expected nothing less from him. Itadori, however, was new so he wasn't used to him being late yet.
With time, he will learn.
"Aww, don't do me like that, sweet love~" Gojo whined childishly, poking her cheek. Much to her dismay. "Anyways, sorry for the wait. Oh? Your uniforms made it in time, I see."
"Yeah, it's a perfect fit." Itadori praised, smiling at his custom uniform. "Though, it's slightly different from Fushiguro's and Junko-chan's"
"That's because the uniforms can be customized upon request." Junko informed him, holding out her arms to show him her uniform style. Hers was very witch-like. The skirt flowed with the light breeze, showing a little more of her fishnet stockings over her legs.
Itadori, falling into another perverse trance, eyed her fishnet stockings like a hormonal teenage boy who has never seen a girl's leg before while Fushiguro smacked him over the head. Bringing him back to reality.
"That was not an invitation to eye her like she's meat." Fushiguro scolded him, a tick mark appearing over his forehead. This kid was going to give him a headache of epic proportions.
"Hehe~ Sorry." Itadori apologized nervously, rubbing the sore spot behind his head. "Also, we never put in a request."
"I was the one who put in the custom order." Gojo proudly stated. He had a hand in designing their uniforms and he was very proud of how well they all fit for them.
He made them after learning all of their personalities. Fushiguro was a man of tradition so his was designed more traditionally. Not much to it but it fit him best, anyway. Junko is a curse witch and a chaos magic master, so hers made her look more witchy and it was perfect for her gothic-esque style she loves so much.
Itadori is someone who loves hoodies ( something he learned pretty quickly ) and clothes that he could still be active in, all while looking good in them. So the red hoodie was a perfect choice. His uniform wasn't as tightly fitted as Fushiguro's ( mainly because when it came to muscle mass, Itadori's body is thicker than his, so a regular sized uniform would restrict him ).
"Be careful," Fushiguro said, gaining his attention. "Gojo-sensei has a tendency to do things like that."
"Yeah, you should have seen my first uniform." Junko agreed, crossing her arms.
"Hey!" Gojo exclaimed, clearly offended. "Your first one was perfect, okay?"
"You made me look like Glenda the Good Witch." She retorted, shooting him a mini glower. She remembers the first uniform he sent to her. It was awful. The sleeves were too puffy, the skirt looked like it belonged on a ballgown and he gave her a stupid looking witch hat.
Junko burned it in front of him. Just to show how much she hated it. So Gojo went with his second design option. Which she accepted wholeheartedly. It was honestly hard for Gojo to see her as anything else other than the same little girl he made giggle when he first met her. That memory always played whenever he realized just how much she is growing before him.
He honestly felt bad for Akira. Because he wanted to help his daughter in any way possible, he was missing out on her growing. Visits and phone calls can only do so much after a while and Junko, though she refuses to show it, really misses her father. And the feeling was mutual.
Selfishly though, Gojo was grateful for the circumstances. He's always wanted a daughter and Junko is the closest thing to having one. The only way he will ever know what it's like to have a child is through taking care of Junko and Fushiguro. And that was enough for him, honestly.
"Why are we in Harajuku, by the way?" Junko asked, curious of the location pick.
"Because it's what she asked for." He answered simply, stuffing his hands in his pockets.
"Hey! Popcorn!" Itadori cheered, spotting a popcorn stand not too far from them. "I want some!"
Junko watched as he sped off like a child in a candy store. With a small grin on her lips, she couldn't help but feel her heart warm a little. Itadori is one adorable young man. His rose colored energy is something they needed in a job so stained with darkness. She feels he will do so well with them.
ooo. | Junko broke away from the rest to do some light sightseeing. She never had the time to visit Harajuku before and was curious about the types of shops they had. Everywhere she went, though, she could not escape the awe-struck gazes that were landed on her.
Another thing about Junko, she never paid attention to the types of looks people would give her. Rather it was the look of jealousy from other guys girlfriends or the look of desire from boys ( and girls ), she ignored them all. Her beauty just radiated everywhere, it was really hard to ignore her.
Which is why a short older man approached her so quickly. She was exiting a small store, after purchasing a few handcrafted necklaces, when the old man stopped her dead in her tracks.
"Hello, ma'am." He greeted her with a chesire grin, holding out a card. "I'm looking for potential models. Would you be interested in trying it out?"
"The modeling industry is one of the leading causes of body dysmorphia, unrealistic expectations, drug use and lowered self-esteem within children, no matter the identity of their gender." She replied in a cold tone. "So no, I'm not interested."
She turned to walk away, but the old man rushed over to block her way. "B-But you have the perfect look for it." He tried to sell. But Junko just looked down at him with an unimpressed expression. "You wouldn't have to worry about diet at all, you've already got the look."
"Not. Interested." She said more sternly. This time, she looked at him as if he were scum. Hoping that would scare him away or something.
"Hey!" another feminine voice interrupted them.
Junko turned to see a girl, dressed in the same uniform as her ( just in a more traditional way, as well ), standing behind them. She was shorter than her, that much was obvious. But she is very pretty. her hair was short and a beautiful shade of orange and she seemed like she had a strong personality.
"What about me?" She asked, pointing her thumb as herself.
"What about her?" Junko chimed in, pointing at her. "She's beautiful, fit and perfect. Why not bother her?"
The orange haired girl paused, widening her eyes at Junko a little. She felt a blush forming over her face and neck as she just now noticed how beautiful this stranger is. Also, how tall she is. She was statuesque in height and her body was like an actual hourglass.
And yet this goddess-like gothic looking beauty queen had the AUDACITY to say that she was the perfect one?!
But it seemed like the old man wasn't really interested in her.
"Prove to me that you aren't shallow." Junko pressed on, putting him under pressure. "You see an obviously beautiful girl in front of you and you aren't going to take the opportunity?"
"Uh....Ummm." the old man stammered shakingly, noticing the type of pressure that was currently on him. Not only was he getting a demanding look from the orange haired girl but Junko was putting him on the spot. In front of everyone.
"Oh, umm, I'm in a hurry., at the moment......" He excused, trying to make his escape. But the orange haired girl quickly stopped him.
"What the hell?!" She yelled with fury in her voice. "Don't run from us! Come out and say it!"
From across the way, Gojo, Fushiguro and Itadori watched the entire ordeal. The orange haired girl angrily began shaking the old man while Junko stood to the side and watched with a tiny grin on her lips. Clearly amused by the aggressiveness the girl was showing.
"We're going to talk to her?" Itadori questioned, slightly afraid of the girl already. "This is kind of embarrassing."
Fushiguro looked at the pink haired teen with a bored expression. He was wearing an obnoxiously big pair of ROOK sunglasses. The glasses spelled out the word in red. In one hand, he was holding a crepe and in the other, he was holding his bag of popcorn.
"So are you." he replied back.
"Sweet love always has a way of finding the right people." Gojo said with a smile. "Hey! Over here!"
Junko walked over to the group, after hearing Gojo's voice in her left ear. The orange haired girl soon found them again.
"Kugisaki Nobara," She introduced herself confidently. Hand on her hip and everything. "Be happy, boys, I can see that I am the only other woman in your team."
"I like her." Junko mumbled, gently crossing her arms.
"I'm Itadori Yuji." Itadori introduced himself enthusiastically. "I'm from Sendai."
"Fushiguro Megumi." Fushiguro just added on. Leaving it at that.
"Nice to meet you," Junko bowed to her gracefully and respectfully. "Bushida Junko, at your service."
Nobara stared at the three of them, almost like she was picking them apart. Her eyes were on Itadori first and noting her rather disappointed gaze, Junko could tell she didn't really like what she saw.
'He looks like a potato' Nobara thought in dismay. 'He definitely ate his own boogers as a kid.'
Then, her eyes went to Fushiguro and her judgement on him was not any better. 'Only a name? I can't stand high-and-mighty dudes. I bet he likes setting oil-slicked gulls on fire.'
And it wasn't until her eyes made their way to Junko when her tune changed drastically. Her face went from unimpressed to love-struck.
'Waaaahhhh~' she thought in a daze, feeling her cheeks turn red. 'She's the most beautiful girl I've ever seen! This girl cannot be real! She has to be strong, too! I can just feel her power radiating from her~! Ugh! I have to share her with those other two! It's not fair!'
Nobara sighed dejectedly, after surveying them for a minute. Her romantic fantasy came crashing down on her when she remembered the other two students with them. So much for getting married and adopting two little cats. For now, at least.
"She gave us one look and sighed." Itadori mumbled, feeling hurt by her judgmental stare. Fushiguro honestly didn't even care.
Junko slowly patted Itadori's head after he leaned it on top of her chest, whimpering like a baby. Her face remained stoic and void of emotions as she did a rather kind gesture. But a tiny smile did appear on her lips.
She could tell that she was going to like Nobara very very much.
Bro, I am so sorry this came
out too late. Like I said, work
is a bitch, honestly.
but anyways, don't be a ghost
reader, please. i love reading
all of your comments and reactions.
love you and stay safe everyone~!
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