XVIII. ๐๐จ๐ข๐ง ๐ฆ๐ ๐จ๐ง ๐ญ๐ก๐ ๐๐๐ซ๐ค ๐ฌ๐ข๐๐?
"Sarah." Jason looked over when the police station doors opened up and she walked in. "You don't look like a legal guardian."
"Mr.Yamada went to get Leslie." she glanced around. "What's gonna happen to Vance?"
"Same thing that happens all the other times. Stands infront of a judge, pays a fin, stays ten feet away from the kid, banned from Grab N Go for a month, and just one step closer to juvie."
"Dad." Sarah scolded him. "Don't say that."
"I don't know what you want me to say, Sarah. It's just the truth, I don't have any control over it." he explained, not annoyed with her but annoyed that they had to do this again. "Do you realize why I don't want you around this boy now? You're my little girl."
"I'm not a little girl anymore." she broke the news to him, but she could tell it hurt him. "And that means I have to learn for myself. Vance is my friend, and I like him. And I'm sorry, Dad, but you can't always tell me who I can and can't be friends with. He needs me."
"He needs you?" Jason was taken back. "Schools almost over."
"I need him." Sarah corrected herself. "I'm not saying I support this behavior. But, you should trust me by now to know I wouldn't let someone else's actions inflict on myself. We're two different people, if we were the same we wouldn't be friends."
Jason stared at her. "I just wanna protect you, Sarah."
"Well, so does he. Even when he knew Billy was dead, he still pretended he wasn't for my benefit. Sounds a lot like protecting my feelings, if you ask me." she exhaled with a shrug. "See? You two have that in common."
Jason looked down the hallway. "I'll give you five minutes if you wanna see him. But, that's all. If i'm gonna trust you, you're gonna have to listen to my rules."
"Promise." Sarah smiled before hurrying down the hallway, quickly to avoid associating with anyone else locked up. She made it to the last cell that only had one person in it, a familiar mop of hair pacing. "Vance."
He turned his head. "Sheeps."
Sarah leaned against the bars with a smile as he came to meet her on the other side. "I've got five minutes. Your Moms on the way to sign you out but I stole my Dads wallet and sneakingly paid for your bail with his partner."
"Damn, maybe I am a bad influence on you." Vance breathed out as Sarah grinned, forcing him to grin back. "Your head looks better."
"No more Frankin-Sarah." she agreed. "How's life behind bars?"
"Comforting." he hummed. "What the outside like? Did we hit June yet?"
"Not yet, few more days." she nodded her head. "Last day of school is tomorrow."
"Thank fucking god." he hoped she wouldn't make a big deal when his index fingers touched her hands that were wrapped around the bars. "Guess our plan worked. They'd probably have told me by now if I was getting held back."
"I had Mr.Yamada pull your record, you passed." Sarah smiled as Vance smiled back. "And I got another tour of Saint Bellmont."
"So the plan really really worked." Vance nodded his head at her. "You're practically in."
"I won't know for sure until July." Sarah shook her head. "Are you gonna miss me?"
"No." Vance rolled his eyes. "Are you gonna miss me?"
"Yes." Sarah used her hand to wrap around his that were barley touching hers. "I missed you these past two weeks too."
"Gross, really?" Vance gave her a look, getting a nod. He cracked a very minor smile. "I missed you too."
"I know you did." Sarah nodded her head. "You're probably gonna have community service all summer long."
"True." Vance exhaled. "What are you gonna do? Get cooped up in the library?"
"Probably babysit." she shrugged. "Kids are out of school, parents still in work. I'll have to make a schedule, so many kids now."
"Sounds like a dream." Vance said back sarcastically. "Are you even gonna go to school tomorrow?"
"Yeah, Mr.Yamada and I are gonna party it up during lunch." Sarah smiled. "You can come too."
"Sounds like a real ragger." he gave a snort.
"Oh, it is. Bruce will bring party hats." Sarah confirmed. "Speaking of....how would you feel about still coming with me to Aspen? They'll be there."
"We're all going in the car?" Vance gave a worried look. "Absolutely not."
"Please?" Sarah begged. "I want you to go."
"I don't care. No." Vance shook his head. "All of us are just gonna stay at your grandmas house?"
"No, I think we're getting a hotel." she shook her head. "With the fancy little soaps."
Vance rolled his eyes. "Fine."
"Yay." Sarah smiled. "I think it'll be good to get away from Denver. I think I need it."
Vance hesitated. "You doing alright? With the whole...thing."
Sarah shrugged. "I guess i'm getting there."
"Think that stupid space you wanted helped?" he rolled his eyes, hadn't once been happy with leaving Sarah alone for fourteen days straight.
"I think so. Helped me balance myself again." she said in return with a nod. "Part of a healing process."
"I can pour honey all over you." Vance offered as Sarah laughed, having it echo in the hallway. "That heals the busted knuckles."
"Looks like you're gonna need to do that when you get home." her finger brushed over the wounds on each of his knuckles, getting a minor flinch. "Sorry."
"It didn't hurt." he told her, Sarah rubbed the side of his hands with her index finger. "But, you're right. I probably should."
Sarah leaned her head against the bars with a little smile. Vance gave a weird look at her. "Why are you looking at me like that?"
"Like what?" she hummed, her voice low like how it always got when she got caught up in a moment.
"Like I didn't just get arrested for busting a kids head in." Vance waited for a mood change, but her gaze never once shifted from the gentle stare she was giving him. "Sarah. Stop."
"I'm not doing anything." she argued, but only did it worse.
"Stop." he demanded her again as Sarah pulled her head off the bars. "I hate when you do that."
"Sorry." she gave a little grin, her voice was the same. Vance could tell she was avoiding looking him in the eye so she didn't do the thing. "Vance?"
"Yeah?" the blonde asked her.
Sarah did look him in the eye this time. "Why did you say we're the type of people that shouldn't be together?"
"I already told you." he rolled his eyes. "It's just easier that way."
"Yeah, but why? What makes it so hard?" Sarah was looking for a real, actual explanation this time. Not the bullshit he gave her last time.
Vance huffed. "Because, it just does. People like you don't fit with people like me."
"Why not?" she pushed, she could tell she was pissing him off. "Just because you say so?"
"People like me always end up ruining the lives of people like you." he broke the news to her with a serious look. "I don't wanna fuck up your life, Sheeps. You don't deserve that."
Sarah's hands went from his hands up his arms to grasp the insides of his elbows. "I think that even if you tried to ruin my life, you wouldn't be able to."
"Not true." he shook his head, feeling her pull him closer to the bars. "It'll just happen and you'll hate me. I don't want you to hate me."
"I wouldn't hate you." Sarah promised. "That's insane."
"You're insane for thinking it's insane." his eyes widened a little.
"Maybe so." Sarah smiled, pressing her face to the bars. "Do you wanna be insane too? Join me on the dark side?"
Vance tried not to smile, leaning in to rest his face against the bars. "Other way around. I've already been on this side, you're the one joining me."
"I think i'm okay with that." Sarah smiled, pressing harder against the bars so her lips would touch his. At first, it was difficult to, but after a second, Vance kissed her back and the bars between a them didn't even feel like they'd been there. Sarah held his face after letting his arms go, smiling into their kiss.
She couldn't believe it. She was kissing Vance Freaking Hopper. Pinball-Vance. The same boy she didn't even wanna tutor in the first place. The same boy the entire town feared. She was kissing him. Denver's golden girl was kissing their local bad boy. It couldn't have been more unexpected, at least to people that didn't know them.
Vance was just as shocked as Sarah was, just in a different way. He never wanted to get with Sarah, maybe he did like her a little, but he never planned on kissing her. Let alone, enjoying it. He did care about Sarah, and he'd known he'd somehow do something to fuck with her life and mess everything up for her. He knew it was coming but kissing her felt almost worth it, because kissing Sarah was the best feeling he'd ever had.
A loud throat clear made them both pull away from each other, Jason standing a few feet away with his hands on his hips. "Hate to break up the moment, but Leslie is here."
"Right." Sarah avoiding both their eyes. "Bye!"
She hurried down the hallway, nearly running. Leslie didn't see her from how she'd been filling out the papers. Mr.Yamada did, opening his mouth to say something before Sarah grabbed his arm and yanked him out of the station. "You didn't wanna wait for Vance?"
Sarah screamed as she turned and shook him. "Holy shit! Holy shit!"
"What? What happened?" he gapped, terrified by her scream.
The first person Sarah wanted to tell was Billy, but she couldn't so the second person had wanted to tell was Finney, but she knew it would hurt him. So, the third and fourth would have to work. And Mr.Yamada was the perfect person to scream to. "I had my first kiss!"
"In jail?" he was terrified by it.
"I kissed Vance through the bars!" Sarah jumped up and down as she held onto his hands. "Oh my god, I feel like i'm not alive! I feel like i'm not alive!"
"You're alive!" he held her shoulders. "And you kissed Vance Hopper!"
"I kissed Vance Hopper!" Sarah screamed as they jumped up and down together.
kylie speaks
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