XLVIII. 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐛𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐤 𝐩𝐡𝐨𝐧𝐞
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the black phone.
Sarah sprung to her feet and tackled Vance onto the ground. He huffed as they hit the ground and she landed ontop of him, her arms locked so hard around him that if he had potential to breath, she'd had squeezed every ounce of breath out of him. There it was, the sadness all the boys had but Vance never did, it was all building up for her as he held on right there in that mud.
"I'm sorry." she didn't move, but the longer she stayed quiet the more she thought that he wasn't there. "I'm so sorry."
"What are you sorry for?" he put his hand on her wet curls.
"For letting you get taken." she said back. "I should have made you stay with me instead of walking home in the middle of the night."
"It was gonna happen eventually, he knew it the whole time." Vance rolled her off of him so she laid next to him, facing each other. Sarah tried not to stare at the wounds. The broken nose that had blood on practically every inch of his face and was even staining a few strands of his hair, a cut on his neck, two across his stomach, one on his right leg, then the finger tip bruises all over his arms but the worst on the right. She didn't wanna think about it, but she had to.
Her hand came up and hesitantly laid on his face. She laid her head down against the ground, he did too as they sat there. Vance put his hand on her wrist that was holding his face. "You are such an idiot. Why would you purposely die? Again?"
"I know Bruce would be able to send me back like you did, because there's a storm coming." she said back. "I know it was stupid, but I was worried about...is Finney here?"
"No. He's not." Vance said, Sarah sighed in relief. "You're still so stupid. I can't believe you did that."
"I know." she whispered it, trying to wipe some of the blood but she remembered Billy told her their wounds were just that, their own wounds that couldn't be treated or felt by others. "I miss you so much. I looked for you when you went missing."
"I know. The boys told me." Vance said back, his thumb rubbed against the part of her wrist he was holding. "I miss you too."
Sarah gave him a soft yet so sad smile as her eyes got watery, cupping his face to rest her forehead on his. "Do you feel any pain here?"
"No, not here." he told her, squeezing her wrist as hard as he could. "You feel that?"
Sarah shook her head as Vance nodded. "I'm really glad you decided to go to Aspen. You're gonna go back, when we send you home."
Sarah hesitated. "I can't stay here with you?"
"You're really gonna leave Finney behind? And Gwen? And Bingo?" he listed off in disbelief. "No, you don't get to stay. I don't care what Bruce or Robin have to say about it. You didn't come to stay, you can't to make sure Finney was still alive."
Sarah frowned. "Robins here?"
"Yeah, and he's gonna help you more then I'll be able to." Vance told her as he let her wrist go and sat up. "You just have to say you don't want to say. Hurry before I go away again."
"I can't save Finney, I don't know where he is and nothing is working." she sat up too as his hands started to fade. She began to cry. "Please don't go."
"I'll see you again before you get sent back." he stared as her and held her right hand, the one with his bracelet on it rather then Robins bandana. "Trust me, Sheeps. You won't get away that easy this time."
Then he was gone, leaving her there in the mud.
"Hey, Sarah." at first, it was a static voice before Sarah felt Robins presence right next to her. "You dead too?"
She looked over, and immediately wrapped him in her arms. He was like Vance, wounds not as bad but he looked somehow the worst. Maybe that's what happened to your body when you first die, because he hadn't been dead long. His tan skin was grey, and his usually gorgeous hair no longer had the volume and shine it always had. Still, she just loved Robin, and it killer her to know he didn't make it like Finney.
"Don't cry." he rubbed her back.
"I'm not." she wipped her eyes.
"Yeah, you are." he said back to her, rubbing her back some more. "I was just thinking about you. Come all this way to visit me?"
Sarah laughed as Robin did the same. "Are you gonna send me back?"
"Yeah, me and Bruce are." he rubbed her shoulders again. "But, first, we gotta save Finn."
Sarah sat up and stared at him with a sniffle. "How? I can't find him anywhere."
"It's only been a week for me." Robin told her, his hair hanging in his face while he held the bandana that was on her wrist. "I still remember. I know where he is, if I show you, you can go back and save him."
Holy fuck.
Sarah's eyes widened. "You can do that?"
"Yeah, I can. But, we have to go see some people first." he stood up and held his hand out to her. "I think they miss you."
Sarah took his hand as they stood up and walked away from the lake. Sarah looked back at her car before at him again. "I'm sorry, Robin."
"It's okay. It wasn't anyone fault." he held her hand the same way Finney did when they walked across the street a few years ago. "But, i'm gonna blame you and Finn if he doesn't make it through this and you decided to come back here for good. We can't keep sending you back. We love to see you, Sarah. But, this is dangerous. You're lucky we've been watching you so we could put you here and not somewhere else."
"There's other places like this for when you die?" Sarah asked, the snow in the bright sunshine returning. "Is Billy close?"
"Yeah, that's where i'm taking you." he squeezed her hand. "There's other places like this, but it's for people that finished their unfinished business or are put to rest. If someone finds your body and puts you to rest before we get a chance to send you back, you're stuck here. You can't keep doing this."
"I was worried about Finney. I just needed to make sure he wasn't dead." Sarah frowned, she could handle Vance yelling at her all he wanted, but she really didn't like that Robin seemed so mad at her. "I'm sorry."
"It's okay." he shook his head, realizing he'd hurt her feelings. "I'm glad I got to see you again."
"I wish I came home more. If i'd known what was going to happen to you and Bruce, I would have a long time ago." Sarah promised as she took a second to side eye his wounds. From all she'd seen, Griffins was the worst, but Vance's was the deepest. Yet, Robins seemed rushed. But, then she remembered how it was only five days before Finney was taken too.
"You weren't ready to. Plus, no one could have known what was gonna happen." they took a turn past the stop sign. It was pouring now, but a small field seemed to be carved around Robin and Sarah because neither got rained on. "I'm sorry for lying to you about Bruce, though. I don't know why we all thought that was a good idea. Vance is so pissed at all of us for that, you should have heard him on the phone with Finney."
"On the phone?" Sarah frowned her eyebrows. "How did he tell to him on the phone?"
"That's where we're going. It's my turn soon." Robin paused in the middle of the street, between two houses. He pointed to the one on the left. "Finns in there. Down the stairs, there's a door that looks like a cellar. He's in there."
Sarah stared, her heart wasn't beating yet she could still feel it sinking. Robin then pointing to the one across the street. "That's where we are. It's different, he kills us someplace different."
"In the basement, right? Griffin had mention that before." she looked over her shoulder to the house Finney was in as Robin pulled her toward the other. "Shouldn't I go there? To see Finney?"
"He won't be able to see you because you're dead." he said back to her. "But, you can talk to him from here. Just, remember this so you can get him before it's too late. Three streets away from the accident, four houses down."
"Got it." Sarah nodded, letting that sink in even though she knew the memory of the exterior of that house was forever burned in her head now.
"This might feel a little weird at first." Robin clutched her hand tightly, walking through the wall and pulling Sarah with him. She cringed as he looked back, a little grin on his face. "Weird right?"
"Cool." she agreed, looking around the house. Whoever was here had practically an entire murder board set up in the living room and lines of cocaine across the coffee table. "Holy shit."
"The Grabbers brother has been looking for all of us." he explained to her as he let her take a closer look. "He hasn't caught on yet. Griffin thinks he will."
"How do you and Vance remember your names but the others didn't?" Sarah looked over her shoulder as she took her eyes off the photo taped up of Finney.
"Vance has his newspaper with him. He ripped it out and kept it with him after The Grabber gave it to him. I remember mine because it hasn't been that long, but, I know it's close. Stuff is starting to get a little.... hazy." Robin explained to her as Sarah walked away from the murder board. "Do you know what I mean?"
"The first thing time this happened I started to forgot little things, stuff that I didn't know was possible to forgot." she nodded her head as he held her hand again, leading her toward the fridge. "Robin."
"Yeah?" he looked back when she paused.
"Is Bruce gonna remember who I am?" she knew Griffin and Billy did, and so did Vance. But, apart of her was scared he'd forget her and stare right at her face, not knowing who she was.
Robin nodded his head. "We all can remember you."
He gave her a pull, they passed through the fridge and then a door before coming to the other side. It was dark, pitch black dark. Sarah's hand tightened on Robins in a fearful state as he squeezed back to try and reassure her. "Just wait for a second. It'll come to you."
Sarah trusted his words, but feared something was gonna pop out at her. She blinked a couple times and felt her vision start to lighten up, like a flashlight was coming from her eyes. The room went from black to a dim shade, but a sort of film was over it. It was as if she was seeing through the eyes of a television, almost static like and grainy. But, still, she could see.
"Sarah." Bruce was sitting on the bottom step, looking back and smiling at her. Sarah grinned widely as she let Robins hand go and hurried down the rest of the stairs and met him in a hug. Bruce Yamada was probably they best person she'd ever hugged in her life. Every time they're see each other he'd hug her and squeeze really hard before letting go.
"Sarah!" Griffin cheered from the corner as he ran over and hugged her.
"Hey, Griffin." she removed one arm from around Bruce and put it around him. He was still small, hadn't reached his growth spurt before he died and stuck that way now. She looked over at Bruce and leaned her head against his, keeping both arms secured around both of them for the time being.
"What'd I tell you about coming back here?" Billy asked Sarah in disbelief as he walked her way. "Yet, you specifically ignore what I-"
He was cut off with a faint grunt and stumbling back as she let the boys go and tossed her arms around him in a tight hug. Tighter then she held the other boys, and longer. He hugged her back. "I'm still mad at you."
"Okay." she smiled and held the back of his head, inhaling deeply. "What are you all doing down here?"
"It's where our bodies are." Bruce told her, Vance reached over and pulled her and Billy over to the side so she could see the five poorly dug up graves, the sand ontop. "You're lucky we can't smell here. I have a feeling it's so bad."
"So bad." Griffin agreed with him as they all crowded with Sarah in the corner.
Her eyes shifted to the dug grave, but it was empty and not buried over like the others. "Is that for Finney?"
"Yeah." Robin told her. "But, you can get to him first."
"Might get yourself killed." Vance pointed out as Bruce elbowed him. "But, what's the worst that could happen? You'd just end up right back here."
"Worst that could happen is her and Finney both die and then she won't be able to tell anyone where our bodies are so then we'd fade to nothing because we can't cross over." Griffin explained casually with a shrug as they all turned to look at him. "Sorry."
"What am I doing here if i'm suppose to be there?" Sarah asked no one in particular, one arm locked around Billys waist while Vance held her other hand, Bruce was on Vance's other side with their hands locked as well. Griffin and Robin stood next to Billy, but overall they were all grouped together tremendously.
Sarah gapped as they all used a hand to turn her around, staring face to face with a black phone on the wall. She blinked at it. "What am I suppose to do with that?"
"Talk to him." Robin encouraged her. "You need to hurry though. Tell him you're coming to get him, then give the phone to me. I won't be able to talk to you after, Bruce is gonna send you back."
"Will I get to say goodbye?" Sarah asked the boys.
"I don't think so." Robin told her. "Just to Bruce."
She braced herself and turned to hug Billy first, practically already doing so. He hugged her back as they stayed there for a second. "You better not come back here every again. I'm gonna let you get hit by that car next time."
They all laughed as Sarah pulled back and held his face. "Liar."
"True." he agreed, nudging her with his shoulder. "See you when you're really old and die of old age?"
"See you then." she hugged him one more time, kissing his cheek and making him let go first. Griffin was next as she leaned down to hug him again. "I promise I won't let you get stuck here forever."
"I believe you." he pulled back from their hug. "Don't do anything crazy like this again. We were all scared for you."
"I won't." she shook her head. "I'm glad I got to see you again."
"Me too." he gave her a little grin, punching her in the shoulder.
Robin held his arms out as Sarah hugged him too. "You guys have to protect each other without me there. Whenever you get him, just get the hell out of Denver."
"We will." she promised him. "I'll watch out for him."
"I know you will." Robin did know, he knew a lot. "You're still a special girl, Sarah. I know you can get through this. You've made it this far, right? Make it just a little farther for all of us."
Sarah nodded her head. "How will I know if all of you moved on?"
"Don't you dare drive off into a lake again if that's what you're thinking." he argued back with a grin as the boys and Sarah had to laugh. "We'll find a way to tell you. Hopefully. But, if not, you just have to trust it. As long as we're actually put to rest...we'll be okay."
Sarah looked to the graves again. "But....the bodies."
"Are definitely just bones now." Robin agreed. "Maybe not mine."
"It'll still work. As long as we aren't burried here forever, it'll work." Bruce nodded to her. "This world isn't as complicated as the other one. It doesn't take much."
"Do any of you have any unfinished business, though?" she looked at each of the boys.
"Not anymore." Vance shook his head. "Hurry it up, Sheeps. You're really gonna leave Finney waiting this long? He might be getting his ass kicked."
"Vance." Bruce scolded him. "He's not. It's only been five seconds in his world."
"A lot can happen in five seconds." the blonde shrugged back.
Sarah smiled as she walked to him. "You're the worst."
"Maybe." he hugged her tightly and rocked just a little bit. "Go somewhere else, morons."
"Bye Sarah." Griffin waved at her.
"Bye Sarah." Billy put his hand on her arm. "Whenever you miss us, just remember that we're still gonna be with you. You just have to think really hard."
Sarah grasped his hand tightly and nodded with a smile. "Love you guys."
"Love you too." Billy smiled at her. "See you again."
"Yeah, love you too." Griffin gave her a wave, Sarah watched them go up the stairs and frowned the whole way.
"I can't leave." Robin defended himself as Bruce and Vance looked over at him. "I have to get in the phone as soon as she's done."
Bruce smiled as Vance huffed, spinning Sarah around again as the trio hugged. Sarah shut her eyes as both arms tightened around their waist, staying that way for a little bit longer as her eyes fell shut. "Love you guys."
"Love you too." Bruce held the back of her head.
"Whatever." Vance laid his head on Sarah's shoulders. "Love you too."
Zero heartbeats, zero warmth, but it was them. They were dead, she was too, but she had them one final time. That's all she needed, even if that's not all she wanted. "I'll miss you more now."
"Yeah, but we'll be better this time." Bruce promised her. "We just want you to stay safe, now that we won't be able to watch you all the time. Only when you need us."
"Yeah, but what if I always need the two of you?" there the tears were, the voice crack, the fear of leaving. "The world is so hard to deal with now."
"You'll be okay, Sheeps." Vance promised her, shutting his eyes and wishing he didn't have to hear her cry either. Secretly, he didn't want anyone else to see those tears start to form in his eyes either. "You'll be okay."
Bruce tightened his hold so they all were closer, not caring like Vance did, he cried too. Robin did too, but from a distance to give them the space that was always missing ever since August. Sarah's eyes opened a little as she sniffled loudly, staring at the phone. She wanted to be here, but she knew where she needed to be. Finney needed her. She needed him too. "Okay. I gotta do this soon."
"Yeah." Vance pulled back and held her face. She'd never in her life seen him cry, but two tears fell from his left eye. "Don't be sad. This is a good thing. You get to live and we get to move on. You still get Finney, and we still get each other."
"Yeah." Sarah agreed as her gaze fell down, inhaling deeply. She always struggled to talk when she cried, but right now was the most important time to talk. "It's still not fair."
"Not at all." he agreed with her. "Do me a favor?"
"Yeah, anything." Sarah wipped her face and stared right into his face, not even flickering her eyes around to his wounds.
"Just be okay." Vance nodded his head. "Don't do anything stupid, because we're not gonna be able to save you every fucking time. But, you gotta live for all of us now. Not just you. Think you can do that?"
Sarah inhaled and nodded her head. "But, how am I gonna be able to see you again?"
Vance pulled her into a hug, holding her tightly as Sarah did the same. Robin patted Bruce on the shoulder as they watched the pair, Vance pulled back and kissed Sarah on the top of the head as her eyes shut. When she eyes opened, he was gone. Bruce and Robin both put a hand on her. "Right behind you."
"Don't worry, Sarah." Bruce wrapped his arms around her waist to hug her one more time. "I'll send you back as soon as you let Finney know."
Sarah grasped the phone, holding it to her ear. "How do I call it?"
"You gotta think about it." he explained. "Picture it ringing. He'll hear it."
Sarah shut her eyes and pictured a ringing of a phone, pictured Finney rushing to grab it.
Suddenly, she just couldn't speak. She was so quiet, she let the sound of his voice sink in. He was alive, she knew that much. Maybe barley, maybe not for much long, but he was alive for now. She was suppose to talk to him, but her head just leaned against the phone and waiting for him to say something else. "Hello? What do you want now?"
Whoever spoke to him before clearly made him angry, Sarah laughed at his tone just a little. "Sorry, Finney."
He was still. "Sarah?"
"Yeah." she inhaled. "Are you okay?"
"How are you on the phone?" he panicked at the sound of her voice. "Are you dead?"
She glanced back at Bruce, who shook his head. There was no use in telling him she was if he planned on sending her back. "No, i'm not dead. Are you dead?"
It brought a smile to Finneys face. "I don't think it's the best time to be joking."
"You're probably right." Sarah agreed with him. "I know where you're at Finney. I just wanted to tell you that i'm on my way to come get you, just find a way to stay alive a little bit longer."
"How did you figure it out?" he asked her. "How are you calling me?"
"It's a long story, we'll talk about it soon." she promised. "Once I get you back, I'll explain everything."
"I miss you Sarah." he told her, leaning against the phone the exact same way she was.
"I miss you too." her hand tightened. "But, just got a little bit longer, then you won't have to miss me anymore. Do you think you can do that?"
"Yeah, I think I can." he agreed. "You have to be carful though. He's got a belt up there, and he killed the other boys."
"Don't worry." Sarah promised him. "There's someone else that wants to help you out before I get there, okay?"
"I have to get off the phone?" he asked her, a sense of panic in his tone.
"I can't talk to you if i'm on my way to get you." she explained to him, but she knew he was confused. "Ten minutes tops."
"Okay." he inhaled. "Two blinks from me."
When he said it, he flashed his flashlight twice. Sarah put her hand in he pocket and flashed her flashlight twice too. "Two blinks from me."
Robin took the phone when she pulled back, she made eye contact with Bruce one more time before he put his hand on her arm, their foreheads pressed together, and the sound of loud lightening struck the entire basement.
The water filled up her lungs, the seatbelt choked her tremendously. Sarah opened her eyes, but it was dark, so dark. She used her flashlight to give her some type of way of seeing, using her feet to kick the door in before swiming out and up to the surface again. It was pouring, her hand touched her chest, her heart beating on the other side.
kylie speak
y'all i was home alone when
i wrote this chapter and you
don't understand how hard i
was crying
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