09 | happy christmas
song: Snap Out of It by Arctic Monkeys
"I heard that you fell in love,
or near enough."
Nix woke up at 7 o'clock on the dot so she'd be the first to greet her parents.
Green flames appeared in the fireplace a couple minutes after she started waiting. The famous Fred Weasley, her dad, appeared with minimal soot on his clothes and a covered pyrex in one arm.
"Nix!" He stepped out of the fireplace and hugged his daughter. "I missed you so much."
"I missed you too, dad." Nix hugged back and smiled warmly. "And mom. Where is she?"
"She'll be flooing in just a second."
As he finished talking, the fireplace lit up once again with green flames. Lin Toh-Weasley appeared and stepped out just as quickly to give her daughter a hug.
"Nix," her mom sat on her bed. "I heard that you're dating Scorpius?"
Nix parted her lips in surprise. "Where'd you hear that from??"
"A little birdie told me." Mom replied cheekily. Aw shit. LEO. I'm going to send that bitch to Jesus. "I'm so happy that you've found someone to send your time with!"
"Thanks mom." Nix smiled.
"But if he breaks your heart I will send him to Jesus."
Aunts and uncles were going to bring the meals for dinner, so Nix didn't need to help Gran. She felt herself getting bored in the book she had open on her lap. Feeling bold, Nix got up, walked down the hallway, and knocked on Scorpius' door.
In a couple seconds, Scorpius opened the door.
"Oh Nix. Hi." He smiled. Scorpius looked happy to see her. "What can I do for you, ma cherie amour?"
Nix blushed slightly at the new nickname. "I was wondering if you'd like to watch something with me. If you're not preoccupied, that is."
"I'd love to!" Scorpius said excited. "What are we watching?"
He followed her into her room and laid upright against the pillows on her bed, where a laptop was opened. Nix followed suit and laid the laptop on her lap, and typed in the title.
She smirked. "Fruits Basket."
A few moments later...
The doorbell rang and rang and rang. The Weasleys had arrived now for the Christmas dinner.
"Everybody come down!" Gran shouted to the house before opening the front door to greet them.
"WHAT." Scorpius gawked. "It's been hours?? And we've only just finished season one???"
"It's amazing isn't it?" Nix smiled back.
"I need more. I need to watch the rest." He said quickly and closed his fists for emphasis. Scorpius paused for a second. "May I, watch the rest with you after dinner?"
This made Nix very happy. "Of course." She grinned.
They both got up off of the bed. "Great! I'll see you downstairs. I'm going to go change." Scorpius said walking towards the door.
"Okay cya downstairs." Nix followed to close her door.
She changed into a pretty sage green, satin dress that her mom told her to wear for Christmas, put some light makeup on, and went downstairs to join the family gathering.
Weasleys were all spread throughout the Burrow. Nix went to the living room to greet her aunts and uncles.
Aunt Fleur was the first to notice her. "Ma cherie, Phoenix! We've missed you so much!" Her French accent has become more understandable through the years.
"Tante, it's great to see you." Nix smiled. Nix made the rounds greeting all the family members and ended up sitting on the staircase from exhaustion.
A tall figure plopped down next to her. "Overwhelmed by all the weasels?" Scorpius teased.
"A little bit, yeah."
Scorpius for silent for a moment before he stood up. "I'll go get you something to drink."
Ever since about 20 minutes ago, Nix had a migraine. The lights seemed too bright and the noise too loud.
Rose walked to where she sat and smirked. "No one's even noticed you're gone."
Nix hummed. "Let's keep it that way."
"How long do you think your relationship will last, huh? I don't think you'll make it through the holidays." Rose said in her annoyingly condescending voice. "Shame."
She walked away, clearly satisfied with herself.
"Fuck." Nix slammed her head onto her knees and closed her eyes.
"Are you alright?" She heard Scorpius ask. Nix lifted her head and peeked with one eye.
"I'm alright."
Scorpius handed her a glass of water, which she drank. They talked a little more after that until Gran clinked a wine glass to get everyone's attention that dinner was now served.
Grandpa led the prayer before meals. "Bless us oh Lord, and these thy gifts, which we are about to receive, from thy bounty, through Christ our Lord. Amen."
"Amen." Everyone repeated.
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