07 | jealousy
song: jealousy, jealousy by Olivia Rodrigo
"all I see, is what I should be,
I'm losin' it, all I get's, jealousy, jealousy."
Rose Weasley watched from across the Great Hall in a fit of inner fury.
"Phoenix Toh-Weasley will you do me the honour of letting me accompany you to Hogsmeade this weekend?" Scorpius Malfoy asked her freak cousin. He was down on one knee next to where she sat at the Slytherin table.
Scorpius was a very good looking guy, whom many people wanted to date. Rose Weasley felt neutral about him. But at this moment, she wanted him. And now Nix had him, instead of her.
It wasn't like Rose wasn't spoiled.
She got whatever she wanted from her father. Ron Weasley spoiled his little Rosie.
But she couldn't stand Nix.
What had she done wrong? Nothing. Rose just felt an obligation to take whatever Nix had.
Phoenix should be grateful, in fact. Rose had said to herself many times. She thinks it makes Nix work harder, benefiting her.
But really, she was just jealous.
Now the day after the Hogsmeade trip, Nix got ready and dressed to go to the Great Hall for breakfast and start classes again.
She sat at the Slytherin table, next to Scorpius.
"Hi Albus." She greeted her cousin. They hadn't spoken since summer break. It was over something trivial, too.
"Hey, Nix." He greeted back.
Moving aside, Nix put some bacon and eggs onto her plate. She ate quickly, and once she was done she got up and took her satchel full of books.
"I've got to go to the library first. I need to check out a book on potions for my essay." Nix told the two boys. "See you guys later."
"Bye, love." Scorpius said before she left.
When Nix was out of sight, past the great, wide doors, Albus raised an eyebrow. "Love? That's so cringy."
Scorpius shrugged back and faced his plate.
"Why'd you take a sudden interest in Nix anyway?" Albus asked "I thought you hated each other."
"I never hated her." He replied simply.
On the way to the library, a hand got hold of Nix's arm and pulled her in a dark broom closet.
A wand lit up at the end, but it wasn't Nix's. The light illuminated a face that belonged to the very own, Rose Weasley.
"Rose." Nix sighed. "It's just you. I was scared for a second." She let out a relieved breath.
"We need to talk, cuz." Rose smiled sweetly.
"Spill the tea about you and Scorpius."
"What do you mean?" Nix was confused. Why the sudden interest?
Rose tutted. "I mean, how on Earth did you manage to score that?"
"I'm perfectly capable of getting a significant other."
"Hmm." She hummed. Rose turned the doorknob and left without another word, leaving Nix standing there in utter confusion.
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