Next Day.
Kaisyn felt the sun shining in her face, making her groan in her sleep, frowning her face up.
She opened her eyes, holding her hand in front of her face to shield her from the sunlight.
She looked down at Von, shaking her head at how he fell asleep inside her, per usual.
She reached down, grabbing his dick, feeling it immediately harden in her hand, and she lowly moaned, feeling her lower half lubricate itself.
"What you doin' ma?" He spoke, half asleep as she pulled him out of her.
"Nothing baby. Go to sleep." She mumbled, letting him wrap his arms around her, now laying next to her.
She laid there for a few minutes, allowing him to drift back asleep, then quietly got out of the bed.
Kaisyn limped around the room, cleaning up everything-the roses, candles, messed up towels and cleaned the aftermath of their sex off the floors, table and cabinets.
She shook her her, her lower half sore as hell. Von had fucked her all around the room, all over the balcony all night, until around five this morning.
She checked the clock, seeing the time read 12:07pm, and she wrapped a towel around her body, unlocking the door to the room the kids was in, peeking her head inside.
She chuckled seeing Dasani in the bed with his sister, all over her, per usual.
"Hi sweetface. You up early." Kaisyn leaned against the doorway, seeing August on his phone, most likely playing Fortnite.
"I had a match." He showed her his phone, and she laughed, nodding.
"What you wanna do today? We can go to the ocean, or the pool, or find an arcade? Whatever you want." She said, and he put his finger to his chin, pretending to think.
"The ocean. But-breakfast first." He told her, and she nodded, laughing.
"Okay baby. Ima shower then Ima come back and get y'all ready okay?" She said, and he nodded, laying back on his pillows.
Kaisyn left the door opened, walking to the bathroom. Dropping her towel, she took a quick shower, brushing her teeth and then moisturizing her body in lotion.
She kept her towel wrapped around her, walking over to the bed her and Von slept in.
"Baby." She tapped him awake, kissing his face a few times, and he let out a low groan, making her bite her lip.
"Wake up sexy daddy bae." She pulled his body up, and he covered his face from the sunlight, rubbing his eyes.
"What, you want some dick this early in the morning?" He rasped, stretching as she laughed.
"First of all it's 1 o'clock. And no, I don't. It's time to wake up and start the day." She chuckled, and he stood up from the bed, looking down at his dick.
"Monster dick." She shook her head, and he laughed, walking towards the bathroom.
"Tight booty ass." She called, and he smacked his lips, making her laugh.
"You play too much. Fucking bird chest." He said from the bathroom, and she dramatically gasped.
"Boy this bird chest breast fed both of your kids. Don't ever play with me. Tight ass balls." She called out, hearing him bust out laughing, and she smiled.
"My nuts be tight cause you done sucked all the nut from em'. Slut ass hoe." He bucked at her, now wearing a pair of boxers, and she laughed.
"I'll be that. That's my dick." She shrugged, and he chuckled, kissing her cheek.
"Shole is. What we got goin' fa today?" He asked, pulling on a pair of sweats.
"Breakfast at that restaurant downstairs, and then Grandbaby wanna go to the ocean." She told him, pulling on a pair of shorts, throwing on one of Von's tees.
"Okay. Ima go get them ready." He searched through their suitcase, and she smiled.
"I got it baby. You finish getting ready." She grabbed the clothes she was about to put on all of the kids, and he looked over at her.
"You sure? I can do it." He said, and she chuckled.
"I'm sure." She kissed his cheek, and he kissed hers, before she walked towards the kids room.
"Goodmorningggg. Time to wake up." She clapped, opening the blinds and letting the sun shine in the room.
"Mama why you always so loud?" Dayana groaned, her face in the pillow.
"Why you always so quiet? Hell." Kaisyn tickled her sides, and she burst out into a fit of giggles, making Kaisyn smile.
"Wake yo brother up for me mama. And go brush y'all teeth. Yo breath hot." Kaisyn taunted, and Dayana smacked her lips, holding her middle fingers up.
"Ouch!" She shrieked once Kaisyn popped her hand.
"I told you not to do that. Ima whoop yo ass Dayana Love. Stop playin' wit' me bad ass." Kaisyn fake bucked at her, making her laugh as she shook Dasani awake.
"That's why I like my daddy cause he let me do it." Dayana rolled her neck, jumping on top of Kaisyn, who laughed, catching her.
"Okay. Let daddy do yo hair and get you dressed then fat head." Kaisyn threw her on the bed, and she bounced up, laughing.
"Me next mommy." Dasani outstretched his arms, and she smiled, picking him up, and then throwing him on the large mattress, making him fall out in a fit of giggles.
"It ain't never that funny." August said as he walked in, dressed in sweats and a white tee shirt, just like Von.
"Tell em' Aug." Kaisyn chuckled, getting Dayana and Dasani dressed.
"Go and brush y'all teeth. Hurry up." She told them, and the two of them ran out of the room.
"August come here baby." Kaisyn called, and he walked over to her, turning his back towards her, knowing she wanted to do something to his hair.
"Ima retwist them when we go back home okay?" She said after braiding them back into two braids.
"Okay. Thank you mama." He mumbled, and she kissed his cheek.
"You welcome handsome man. Go tell Grandson to hurry up." She told him, and he nodded, running out of the room as she grabbed her ringing phone.
"Hiiii." She smiled once it connected, hearing Trevor laugh from the other end.
"Wassup. Did y'all get settled in and shit?" He asked.
"Yeah. We finna go get breakfast now. How's Syncere?" She asked, referring to his one year old daughter that'd been named after her.
"Wit' ha bald ass mama. I just dropped her off." He chuckled, and she shook her head at him.
"Jada gone beat yo ass boy." She said, and he shrugged, laughing.
"How you doing? You Ight?" He asked, and she smiled. He checked on her way too much. She was actually okay, perfectly fine-for the first time in a long time.
"Yesss. I'm just as okay as I was when I saw you two days ago." She said, and he chuckled.
"I'm proud of you Kais. If I never told you, I really am. And I know Jai is too. I was just calling to make sure y'all was good. I love you." He told her, and she smiled again, her heart swelling.
"I love you too best friend. Thank you, and tell Syn to call me whenever you get her back." She replied, then they said their goodbyes, before hanging up.
Kaisyn walked out of the room, and over to the balcony, looking out over the view of Cancun, Mexico.
She released a deep sigh of relief, of happiness, analyzing her surroundings.
Kaisyn was so proud of herself, and how far she'd came. Despite her past, she didn't allow that to make her into who she was today. She chose her own future, and overcame her trauma with the help of Von, and was now living a better-free life.
She felt so free. Free of unnecessary drama, deaths, financial troubles, relationship problems, all of it. Her life was so perfect now, she never thought that this would be her.
Her kids were happy and healthy, her friends were living good, all of them rich and happy, and she had the best husband in the world. She couldn't ask for anything more.
She knew that Jai was proud of the woman she'd became. He showed her signs that he was watching over her and her family all the time, and it made her so happy.
Though she wished he could've been living this life with her, she was happy that he wasn't suffering in this world anymore. She was glad that she was able to forgive and move forward, or none of this would've been possible.
She loved her twin brother more than anything, and she missed him a whole lot. But he would forever live through her, and everybody knew that. She knew he was proud of her, and that's all that mattered to her.
"What you thinkin' bout fat mama?" Von wrapped his arms around her from behind, kissing her cheek, and she smiled.
"Nothing. I'm just looking. I love you." She told him, and he rubbed her face, smiling.
"I love you too. Wife."
book #13, doneeeeeeee. & i still don't gaf about a typo!!!! lmao i liked this book, but we still and forever will be smoking on that Tooka pack! forever never from 63rddddddd, long live Von bro. i love y'all, and hope to see y'all in my 14th book 🤯
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