A month later
"I love you so much." Von mumbled, repeatedly pecking Kaisyn's lips, making her laugh.
"You do this every damn time." She laughed as he continued kissing her.
"You be making me sad when you leave me. It's like you telling me to kill myself." He told her, and she laughed again.
"Boy." She grabbed her purse, and he hit the locks on his car door once she tried to get out, making her stale face him.
"You ain't tell me you love me." He said, and she smiled, rolling her eyes.
"I love you stink. I will literally see you in two hours." She kissed his cheek, and he poked his lips out.
She pressed her lips against his, slowly closing her eyes as his tongue flicked in her mouth, and he grabbed her neck.
"You so damn nasty." She laughed, pulling away as he smiled, wiping the side of her mouth.
"Aight go inside ima be waiting out here." He said, and she laughed again because he was so dramatic.
He unlocked the doors, reaching over to open hers, making her smile.
"Eyes open Kais." He told her, and she nodded, waving him off as she closed the car door.
She walked up to Pappadeux, opening the door and walking inside, looking around for Promise-before spotting her in a back corner.
The two of them went on food dates every Saturday as of lately, just for days to themselves to catch up with each other.
"Best friendddd." Kaisyn smiled big, wrapping her arms around her neck as Promise hugged her tight.
"I missed you bitch. You look good. Getting big." Promise grabbed a handful of her ass, making her laugh.
"I might be pregnant, not gone lie." She said, sliding in the booth with her.
"That was a lil toooo casual. Are you?" Promise asked, and a wide smile spread across her face once Kaisyn nodded.
"Oh my godddd!" She shrieked, wrapping her arms around Kaisyn, who laughed.
"Don't be so loud. Von nosy ass probably a' hear yo loud ass." Kaisyn chuckled, crossing her legs.
"Fuck Von bitch. My best friend pregnant!" She clapped, the koolaid smile still on her face.
"I don't wanna tell him until we can find out my gender. I'm three fucking months bitch. Three damn months. Them fucking plan b's did not work. I'm upset." Kaisyn dramatically folded her arms, making Promise laugh.
"Girl shut up. I'm glad they didn't. Three months, oh my god. Didn't you take a pregnancy test a few weeks ago though?" Promise asked, her eyebrows furrowed.
"Yes. And that shit was negative. You should've seen my face when my doctor told me. Three months, one week and 5 days. That boy nut beat like 10 plan b's." Kaisyn shook her head, and Promise laughed again.
"Oh my goddd best friend this is good! Why you waiting to tell him? You know this all he damn want and you gone make him wait." She stale faced her, and Kaisyn chuckled.
"I wanna plan something small for me and him. I want it to be cute and thoughtful." She shrugged, and Promise smiled.
"That is so cute bestie. Oh my god I'm so proud of you girl." Promise hugged her tight, and Kaisyn smiled, rubbing her back.
"Thank you bff. I'm so excited. I started shopping already and everything. I'm so ready to press order but I don't want him to see." Kaisyn dramatically sighed, making her laugh.
"Aw my god I gotta start ordering shit too. Just gender neutral things for now until next month." Promise said, and Kaisyn nodded, a smile on her face.
"And you and Co better slow the fuck down or you gone be pregnant next." Kaisyn told her, and she laughed.
"Ion take no plan b's either. I love getting nutted in, I wanna be a nutted in, foreal." Promise shrugged, and Kaisyn laughed, shaking her head.
"Me too I ain't even gone cap. My man be sounding so good, he love that shit. He be like ughhh." She mocked his groans, and Promise's jaw dropped, before both of them busted out laughing.
"Bitch! I'm finna tell him you in here embarrassing him and shit." Promise chuckled, picking up her menu.
"I ain't never cared. Then he be going straight to sleep after we fuck. Like literally he fall asleep inside me, it be that fast. I love fucking my man I wanna be a fucking my man." She shook her head, heavily sighing.
"Y'all so damn cute foreal. I'm so glad him and Co cool with each other too. We should do a double date next time." Promise suggested, and Kaisyn nodded, agreeing.
They'd introduced the two of them two weeks ago, and surprisingly they'd already knew each other. Kaisyn was glad that Von was cool with all of her friends now. She loved her friends, and she was glad that they had welcomed Von despite what happened in the past.
"Hold on best friend." Kaisyn mumbled, sliding over on her ringing phone, putting it to her ear.
"Hey bitch. You good?" Kaisyn answer, watching a waited bringing them plates.
"Yes. Are you free next weekend?" India's voice came through her speaker.
"Yeah. What you got going?" Kaisyn asked.
"A hosting at Luxe. I don't wanna go by myself with bitches I don't know." India told her, and she nodded.
"I'll go with you baby. Hit me with details." Kaisyn said, and she heard India lightly squeal in excitement, making her laugh.
"Okay. And you can bring whoever, and tell Von to come because Durk a' be there. Thank youuuu." India sung, and she laughed again.
"You welcome girl. Byebye." Kaisyn replied, before hanging up.
"Bitch who the fuck was that?" Promise frowned at her, and she laughed as she looked up.
"India. Durk's girlfriend. She got a hosting at Luxe next weekend. You tryna slide?" Kaisyn asked, mixing her fried chicken salad around.
"Sure. That bitch bad, I didn't know you was out here making friends and shit. You must've hit that?" Promise rose an eyebrow, and Kaisyn choked on her chicken, coughing.
"Oh my fucking god bitch you is crazy." Kaisyn said after she caught her breath, drinking from her sprite.
"I meannnnn, if she like girls we can-you know." Promise pretended to fuck the air, making Kaisyn laugh.
"Girl I ain't fuck ha'. Me and her fought Von sister and Asian." Kaisyn told her, and her jaw dropped.
"And now you fighting without me? Bitch you want me to die?" She folded her arms, and Kaisyn waved her off.
"Girl so apparently Kayla had been lowkey tryna get at Durk, so when Asian threw that drink at my boo, we just tagged they ass. She fight hard, I ain't know she was cut like that." Kaisyn chuckled.
"Damn. I wanna see that.. I still wanna fuck her." Promise heavily sighed, making Kaisyn laugh.
"I do too. I been told Durk, he bet not let up on her ass cause soon as she even show the slightest interest in me I'm diving all in that." She shrugged, and Promise laughed, shaking her head.
"Nah but she love her boo. And I love them together. But still, she fine as hell, Derrick one lucky mufucka'." Kaisyn told her, and she nodded in agreement.
They continued to engage in conversation, enjoying lunch together and talking for about another hour and a half.
"I love you so much. And congratulations best friend, I'm so happy for you." Promise kissed her cheek, and she smiled.
"I love you too sexy girl. See you next weekend!" Kaisyn waved, watching as she got in her car.
Once she pulled off, Kaisyn walked over to Von's truck, climbing inside.
"Had fun?" He asked, grabbing her hand and kissing the back of it as he pulled off.
"Yup. Per usual. You really stayed the whole time?" She looked over at him, and he nodded, chuckling.
"It's crazy how attached I am to you. I swear to god I do not be wanting to be away from you, at all." He told her, and she smiled, rubbing his hand.
"I like that. You love me so much right?" She smirked, and he glanced over at her, laughing.
"Yeah. So much." He nodded, and she chuckled, pulling her feet from her slides and sitting them on the dashboard.
"Baby what's your favorite letter?" She asked, looking out the window.
"K." He said, and she laughed.
"For Kaisyn?" She looked over at him, and he nodded, shrugging.
"Nah it's M for Misharron." She told him, and he smacked his lips, removing his hand from hers as she laughed.
"Why would her folks name her some bullshit like that? Misharron. That's stupid as fuck." Kaisyn shook her head, and he chuckled.
"That's her baldheaded ass granny name. Her mama a junkie and she don't know her daddy. Her granny named her after herself." Von told her, and she looked over at him.
"Are you gossiping about another bitch to me? Wienerrrrrr." She whistled, and he mushed her head, making her laugh.
"Ion be saying nothing when you be talking bout all them people. You a' show me one of yo friend from Instagram like 'Bae look at this bitch hair'." He glanced over at her, and she laughed again.
"Causeeee. They hair be ugly." She shrugged, and he shook his head at her as he parked his car.
"What's this? Where we at?" She asked, reaching for the gun on her waist, and he grabbed her hand.
"Calm yo lil hot ass down." He laughed, getting out and opening her door.
"Baby where we at?" She frowned, not getting out the car.
"Kaisyn you so dramatic. We at the SPCA. You think the animals gone set you up?" He tilted his head, and she rolled her eyes, a smile on her face as she let him help her out of the car.
"You buying me a puppy?" She looked up at him as they approached the building.
"Yeah baby." He wrapped his arm around her shoulders, and she smiled big, making him smile.
"So we can learn how to take care of a baby." He rubbed her shoulder, looking at the many different dogs in the building.
"You want me pregnant so bad." She chuckled, looking up at him.
"Ain't nothing new." He pecked her lips, and she smiled, holding around his torso.
"Hi! I'm Charlene. Is there anything I can help you with?" A young white girl happily spoke to them.
"Yeah, can you show us where the big dogs are? Biggest ones you got." Von asked, and she nodded.
"So we have a few pit bulls, ranging in different sizes right over-here." She pointed, and Kaisyn looked at about seven pit bulls, and she smiled big, pulling away from Von.
"Hi baby. Oh my god hi. Hiiii." She laughed, playing with the different dogs as they jumped, barking for attention from her.
"We don't really have a wide option of larger bred dogs, not in this facility at least. These are just about it, with two german shepherds, a husky, and a cane corso. They're kept in a different area because they're not fully trained yet." The girl explained, and Kaisyn turned her head.
"A cane corso? Where that's at?" Von asked, knowing that it was the exact breed that Kaisyn wanted, making her laugh as she wrapped her arms around him.
"I can show you. Follow me." She led them away, and Kaisyn looked up at Von.
"Can we get a small dog too?" She asked, and he chuckled.
"You want two dogs? How about the big one first, and then we can get another one later." He suggested, and she nodded, pulling his head down to kiss his cheek.
"This is A6. We haven't given him a name yet, he just arrived a few days ago. Domestic violence situation." The girl told them, showcasing a large gray dog who sat in the corner, growling lowly.
"Damn, he big as fuck." Von whistled, and Kaisyn crouched in front of the cage.
She clicked her teeth a few times, holding out a treat that she'd grabbed from the bag next to his cage.
"Come here baby. There you go, hi." She smiled big, cooing as he ate the treat from her hand. She rubbed behind his ear, watching his foot tap, panting in excitement.
"They cropped his ears and his tail? Damn." Kaisyn mumbled, standing back upright.
"We want him please." Kaisyn nodded in approval, and Von chuckled, holding her hand.
After signing a few papers, and getting more information about the dog, they finally left.
"What you gone name him?" Von looked over at Kaisyn, who looked back at their new dog.
"Blue." She told him, and he smacked his lips.
"Typical. Be original." He said, and she laughed, pondering in thought.
"Ozark?" She suggested, and he smirked, nodding.
"I like that. Call him big Z." He nodded in approval, and she chuckled, leaning over to kiss his cheek.
"I love you." He told her, and she smiled.
"I love you too baby."
big Z in honor of the biggest Z for Zahara cause she a dog azz bx.. #freejaylinfromhershackles fr ilovedayvon
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