+4Y - March 2021 | Atlanta, GA
"Run that back for me Drew." Kaisyn said in the mic, headphones covering one of her ears.
She was currently in the studio with her cameraman who was also her engineer. She'd been there for only a few minutes, and was already agitated with herself.
She'd had to repeat the same verse three times because she couldn't get it to sound how she wanted. This would be her last time redoing it or she was finna dead all this shit and go home.
"Take yo time Yani. Stop forcing it, you know you hard." Drew told her, and she sighed, nodding her head, hearing the beat start afterwards.
"Stop with the loose talk, that's how bitches get dog walked. They found out who they fucking with and try to call the beef off. I finish bitches off, have yo body outlined in chalk. Opps be tryna small talk, man you bitches is cotton soft." She rapped, not so much rapping but talking on the beat.
"See. Now slide on this shit." Drew smiled, and she did as well, letting the microphone go.
"On the block, 6 o'clock. You know we all got chops. Y'know Jai, my big brother always kept him a Glock. Bitch dont get yo head knocked. Blowing on this cookie, call Ro to restock." She rapped, throwing up gang signs as Drew recorded her.
"Wanting some attention, talking bullshit in my mentions. Hoes sneakdissing tryna get some recognition. Did you know I specialize in making bitches go missing?" She finished the verse, before pulling the headphones off and grabbing her Gatorade.
"Mane easy ass shit. Whole song in less than ten minutes." Drew said as she walked out of the booth.
"After my dumb ass tripped out." She chuckled, sitting on the counter as he mixed the song together.
She grabbed a bag of weed from her purse, putting it in her grinder as her song played in the background.
Most people allowed other people at their studio sessions, but not her. People were very irritable to her so she usually did them alone.
She poured the crushed weed into her backwood, before she began rolling, licking in certain places, making sure to tuck.
"Ight here it go." Drew started it over, and she held her blunt in her mouth, lighting it as she bobbed her head to the beat.
"300k in one week, I know thats why they bothered. Cause before I wrote a verse, these hoes ain't never have a problem." He rapped along with her song, and she laughed.
"You all on my shit like always." She blew smoke out her mouth, and he chuckled, shrugging.
Drew had been her engineer for only two months, that was as long as she'd been in the music industry. She'd dropped a random freestyle on her Instagram, and it blew up, getting over 5 million views.
He was pretty cool. She didn't associate herself with men she didn't know, but he was respectful and well mannered.
"You hard man, you know this." He said, creating a digital cover for the single.
"We droppin' right na'?" She asked, standing up from the counter.
"Shid you want to? It's a good time." He told her, and she nodded.
"On YouTube only. Not on t-." She started, being cut off as the studio door opened.
She was about to go off since her session wasn't even close to being over, before her face relaxed.
"Nana I was finna stain yo ass on god." She smiled, wrapping her arms around Toosii's neck and he hugged her back.
"You stay on go. Calm yo lil ass down. Wassup Drew." He dapped him up, and she rolled her eyes.
"What you doing here? You ain't tell me you was coming." She said, taking a pull from her blunt.
"My session next. I saw you in the log book and came to see what y'all was on." He shrugged, watching her put her blunt out.
She never smoked around him because he had asthma and she wanted to respect his health.
Kaisyn didn't date boys, but if she did, Toosii would've definitely been number one of her ideal boyfriends.
He was very sweet, but still had some hood to him. He was also very handsome, like she literally loved his face.
He had a girlfriend, Samaria. She was cool as well, Kaisyn had only met her once and she was quiet and kept to herself.
"Shid just wrapped up her song. It just dropped." Drew told him, and at the same time, her phone began buzzing with notifications.
She pulled her phone out, before smiling, reposting a few celebrities who mentioned her in their stories.
"Preciate' you Nana." She said after seeing he posted her on his page, and she reposted it.
"You know it ain't nothing. You leaving?" He asked with a slight frown on his face as she grabbed her things.
"Yeah. I kind of irritated myself and I'm hungry and sleepy, so. Ima see y'all later." She gave drew a side hug, and then hugged Toosii.
"Stay up fat mama." He called her by her nickname, and she smiled.
"You too. Tell Sam I said hi." She waved, before walking out of the studio.
A mug graced her face as she passed by a entourage in the lobby. She hated a bunch of people in one place. She had to keep her attention on her surroundings more often if there were too many people.
She made it outside, looking around as she hit the locks on her car, before getting inside.
She pulled off, looking down at the schedule her manager sent her to see if she worked tonight.
After scanning it and seeing she didn't, she tossed her phone in the passenger seat, paying attention to the road.
Kaisyn was now a 21 year old bartender, who'd just recently took on the music industry.
After her brother passed, she knew she had to do something to take care of herself, she needed to make some money.
Her first few jobs were odd jobs, random licks she hit to come up. After gaining about $10,000, she was able to travel to Atlanta, where there were much better opportunities than in her hometown of Chicago.
Once she made it to Atlanta at the young age of 17, she found a small studio apartment that she had to pay extra for since she was a minor and paying under the table.
She started bartending at Club Luxe at 18, and had been there ever since. She'd been offered to be promoted to general manager, but declined. She just liked to make her money and leave.
The club paid very well. All she had to do was dress nice, and serve drinks. She left with at least $5,000 a night.
She was on the verge of quitting though. Rapping was bringing in way more money, and she was still a baby in the industry. She no longer needed to bartend.
She'd dropped 4 songs since the freestyle two months ago, and had already made close to half a million dollars.
Kaisyn shook her thoughts away, pulling in her garage, and then closing the door. She got out of her car, walking in her house and locking the door behind her.
"Shit." She mumbled, patting her head, her scalp itching as she walked to her room.
She'd just left the house two hours ago and was already back and ready to get in the bed.
She pulled her clothes off, leaving just her panties on, climbing in her bed after tying her hair up in her bonnet.
She yawned, getting under her covers, placing her phone under her pillow. She dozed off within seconds of laying down.
She didn't remain asleep for long though, because after a few minutes, she felt the bed dip.
"I almost shot yo ass. Why you be coming in my shit so quiet?" She turned, laying eyes on Kartier.
"Shot who?" She chuckled, leaning down and kissing the side of her face, making Kaisyn smile.
"Shut up." Kaisyn mumbled, wrapping her arms around her neck, throwing her leg over her.
"You smell good." Kartier told her, rubbing down her back until she gripped her ass.
Kaisyn had been messing around with Kartier for about six months. They weren't dating exclusively, but they went together.
"Thank you Nova." She mumbled sleepily, fighting back a yawn.
"What you did today? Why you tired?" Kartier asked, seeing that her eyes were closed.
"Took a perc." She chuckled, and Kartier smacked her lips, knowing she was lying. Kaisyn couldn't even swallow pills. She didn't know how to.
"Fucking junkie." Kartier said, going along with the lie, making Kaisyn laugh.
"Where you coming from?" She asked, holding Kartier's face, kissing over it.
"New York." She told her, rubbing her ass.
"You just flew in?" Kaisyn asked, and she nodded, wrapping her arms around her body to pull her closer.
"Came to chill wit' my baby. I missed you." Kartier kissed her neck, and she smiled, rubbing over her dreads.
"I missed you too. Date tomorrow?" She mumbled, and Kartier nodded.
"Wherever you wanna go." Kartier told her, and she smiled, closing her eyes again.
- y'all, Kaisyn not a rapper irl (I don't think) so ima be using other people songs for her. just pretend 🙄
and also, i don't know how lesbians have sex all that well, so don't hate me for the scenes fr 💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯
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