26 ≫ morgan
A/N- this is a fan fiction which means I get to mess with the timeline a bit 😌lets just pretend this is just a few weeks after peter talked to tony and bruce.
May 2nd
(3rd Person POV)
The next few weeks after talking to Mr. Stark, Peter was trying to plan how to tell Eliza that he loved her. He wanted it to be simple, but a really big romantic gesture at the same time. Eliza was a person who if you simply just told her you wanted to be with her, she would either drop kick you to the ground, or swoon completely.
So he was having a hard time coming up with ideas.
Meanwhile, Eliza was spending more time with Steve and Bucky, and smiling a lot. She was happy during the days, going to school and hanging out with her friends, then going home to the Avengers compound and cooking with her new dad's. Then after that, her and Peter would try to patrol together, or just swing around Queens.
They didn't actually see each other much on weekends, Eliza thought that he was out with Liz or something because Peter had forgotten to tell her that he broke up with her. Whereas Peter was in his room or on the roof, writing in a notebook while trying to come up with ideas.
The nights were the hardest for Eliza though. Peter was never there with her, holding her tightly and not letting go, so she had nightmares about once a week. It was a lot better than she had been doing a few months ago, and they weren't necessarily the ones about Anne dying, most of them were Peter getting hurt, or he just stops breathing while telling one of his terrible jokes.
This also meant that there were occasionally 3 am texts from Eliza that woke Peter up. They were all to make sure that he was still okay and alive. Peter was always a bit confused from these, and very worried about her nightmares, but no one else knew.
One night Eliza had a nightmare and just didn't go back to sleep, so she was really tired the next day at school. At lunch, she was yawning so much that MJ started to throw things in her mouth.
"Ouch! You hit me in the face." Eliza said, then glared at MJ.
"Sorry," MJ shrugged.
"Are you okay Eliza? You seem really tired." Katie said, she was worried about her friend.
"Uh yeah I'm fine, just one of those days," she nodded.
Peter looked at her skeptically, he had gotten a text last night that she was not okay.
my love (eli)
hey are you okay?
man of spiders
yeah i'm fine
are you okay?
it's 2 am
my love (eli)
um yeah i'm good
just a nightmare
man of spdiers
do you wanna talk?
my love (eli)
well you were kind of
just laying on your bed
and i tried to wake you up
but you weren't and then i
pulled the blanket off of you
and you were covered in
blood. and i tried to bring you
back to life but then when you
did, you said that you didn't
know who i was and then
i woke up. but i guess your okay
so nevermind.
man of spiders
hey i'm alive, i'm good.
i know who you are, you're
my bestest friend.
besides ned.
my love (eli)
wow, ok not helping
man of spiders
my love (eli)
whatever. thanks
After school that day, Eliza went to go hang out at Peter's apartment.
"Hey May!" Peter called as they walked through the front door.
"Hey! I'm making a chicken, so get ready," she said from the kitchen.
"Hi May," Eliza said.
"Oh Eliza! Good thing you're here, I didn't want to have to eat this whole thing by myself."
"What about me?" Peter frowned.
Aunt May and her nephew argued back and forth for a bit, until Eliza started to yawn again. She took Peter's hand and led him to his room. He blushed from their contact, and followed her.
"Sono davvero stanco," Eliza muttered, then fell onto his bed. She smiled because his blankets smelled like his familiar apple pie scent.
"Poi fai un pisolino." Peter chuckled and joined her in the bed, sitting up against the headboard with his arm over her shoulder. She snuggled up against his arm and shut her eyes, peaceful at last. "Buonanotte mio tesoro." He kissed her forehead and played with her soft brown hair like it was the most delicate thing in the world.
An hour later, Eliza was fast asleep while Peter read a book next to her. Abruptly his senses went off, which meant that he was needed as Spiderman. He looked down at Eliza's sleeping figure, and she looked so calm at that moment, so he decided not to wake her up for this.
He tried to slip out of the bed at quietly and carefully as possible, then put on his suit and jumped out the window.
About five minutes later, Eliza woke up because she felt something missing. She sighed when seeing that Peter wasn't right next to her, but was also grateful that he had stayed with her for her nap.
She sat up in the bed and stretched a bit, feeling a bit better. She got up and walked out of his room, looking for him or May around the apartment. There was a note taped to the fridge.
Went out to get some thai, that chicken recipe was a disaster. Be back in a while :)
Love, Aunt May
Eliza chuckled and went back into Peter's room, getting out her homework and starting the algebra homework she was assigned earlier that day. She still didn't know where Peter was, but she figured he just got bored from laying down with her.
After ten minutes of trying to focus on her homework, Eliza gave up and started to swivel in Peter's chair, procrastinating. She spotted his new camera that she had bought him and smiled.
She walked over and picked it up, then messed around with it. There were a few photos of the sunset view from their building, a few funny selfies and pictures of MJ, Ned, and Katie. Then there was a collection of pictures labeled, 'Eli + Peter'.
She opened the collection and saw a bunch of pictures that Peter had uploaded from his old camera and his phone, all of them were of the two best friends. She smiled at the ones of her and Peter as kids, especially the one where Eliza was holding up her hand that had a ring pop on it, from when Peter had proposed to her in second grade.
Then she found the hidden file that had the video she had made a few weeks ago and had an idea. She pressed the recording button.
"Hey Peter, it's Eli. Well I guess that's pretty obvious. I don't really know where you are but I miss youuu. Only a little bit though, you're ugly. Just kidding, you're crazy hot- wait no you're... cute? Yeah that's good. And also very true. Um, right now I'm avoiding my algebra homework and waiting for you to come back while talking to your camera-"
The sound of the window starting to open made Eliza panic a little and bring the camera closer to her face.
"Oh there you are! Ok I gotta go, love you byeee!!" she blew a little kiss and then shut the camera off, putting it away.
"Hey you're awake!" Peter said, then proceeded to take off his suit while explaining where he was. "There was this crazy guy on the bridge, he had this weird tail and he was covered in a green suit on, or maybe that's just his skin, I don't know. But anyways-"
Eliza wasn't listening at all, she was watching Peter take off suit. When he pressed the spider emblem on his chest, it pooled to his feet, leaving him in his boxers. He moved around the room talking about his fighting techniques and looking for some clothes. He was still slightly sweaty from the fight, which cause his abs to glisten in the moonlight and Eliza to stare at his chest.
"Then he fell of the bridge and into the water, so I don't know what happened to him. Do you know where my shirt is?" he asked, finally giving up his search. Eliza didn't answer, she was still in a daze staring at him.
"Eli?" he waved a hand in front of her face, which made her snap out of it and blush profusely.
"S-sorry. Uh, w-what did y-you ask?" she stuttered, looking him in his brown eyes.
He smiled, "Do you know where my shirt is?"
"Um no," she said quietly.
"Alright, I've got pants I guess." He shrugged and pulled on some sweatpants, then walked out of the room and into the kitchen. Eliza let out a long breath and closed her eyes, trying to gather herself.
She walked out and followed him. He was standing at the counter, making a snack. She watched the muscles of his back move, and the veins in his arms clench and unclench, and her breathing became faster.
She ran back to his room and looked around for a shirt for him. There was a sweatshirt under his bed that she grabbed, then ran back out and threw it at his face.
"Oh thanks!" he said, then put on the sweatshirt.
What is this boy doing to me? Eliza thought.
May 3rd
Peter and Eliza were sitting on top of a random building at around two p.m when they got a call from Mr. Stark.
"Pepper's at the hospital right now-" he started.
"What what why?" Peter said concernedly.
"Let him finish." Eliza said, then focused back onto what Mr. Stark was saying.
"She's in labour, they just gave her the epidural," he said. Eliza looked up at Peter and mouthed, 'what's an epidural' and he shrugged. "But if you guys wanna come down, that kid should be out in about two hours or so."
"Yes yes yes! We'll be there soon," Eliza said, and Peter hung up the phone.
"It's like we're gonna have a niece, this is gonna be so cool!" Peter squealed and Eliza laughed.
"Hell yeah! Let's go!"
They jumped off the building and swung all the way to the hospital eagerly. Before going in, Eliza realized that they were still in their suits, so they changed in a nearby alleyway. When they got inside, there was a stand that had some flowers, so Peter bought some purple aster's for baby Morgan.
He plucked one from the bouquet and handed it to Eliza. She smiled in return and put it behind her hair. Peter thought she looked like an angel.
"Hey kids, come over here," Mr. Starks voice said from a few meters away. They smiled and ran over to him. He looked awful, his hair was all over the place and there were huge bags under his eyes, like he probably gotten hardly any sleep. The vest he was wearing was lopsided, and his red tie was undone and strayed across his neck.
"Hi Mr. Stark," Eliza said. "Are you okay?"
"Uh, yeah. Just a little stressed," he ran a hand through his hair.
"Maybe you should sit down or something," she suggested. He nodded and the three of them sat down in some nearby chairs.
"Where's Pepper?" Peter asked. Tony aimlessly pointed to the door right in front of them.
"She passed so they're trying to wake up right now, should take about five more minutes," he sighed.
Eliza put a hand on his shoulder to comfort him and he gave her a weak smile.
(~time skip~)
About three hours later, Pepper was still in the hospital room with Tony, on her last pushes. Peter and Eliza sat outside in the waiting area, playing chopsticks to pass the time.
"I haven't played this game since the assembles in elementary school. I don't know how it works," Peter said.
"Me either," Eliza laughed. They gave up and just sat in a comfortable silence, thinking. She rested her head on his shoulder and Peter's mouth moved into a small smile, enjoying the moment.
The moment became even more special when Tony came running out of the delivery room with his hands in the air.
"I'M A DADDDDD!!!!!" he screamed.
"YAY!!!!!" the two teenagers screamed with him.
"I think you guys can come see her if you want," Tony glanced back into the room.
"Only if Pepper's fine with it," Eliza said.
The trio quietly crept into the room where Pepper and Morgan laid, the former looking ten times more tired than Tony. He looked at his two girls like they were the most beautiful and precious people in the world.
Tony kissed Pepper's forehead and whispered, "I love you."
"Love you too," she grumbled, then handed Morgan to her fiancé.
Peter and Eliza were looking at the baby with their mouths hanging open, entranced by how gorgeous she was.
"Do you want to hold her?" Tony asked quietly, glancing at Pepper for permission.
"I-uh. I- s-sure," Peter stuttered. Tony handed her to him as carefully as possible, and resisted a smile.
"Oh my goodness, she's lovely," Eliza whispered over Peter's shoulder. He turned his head to smile at her, then back to the baby. He had a hand on the back of her tiny head to support her, and the other on her back.
"H-hi," he said. Morgan yawned the cutest little yawn anyone could ever yawn. Everyone in the room awed.
The next hour consisted of Morgan being held by everyone in he room, then falling asleep in Eliza's arms. After Tony said how easy the delivery was and Pepper told him to fuck off, she then fell asleep.
Peter was watching Eliza with Morgan, until the nurse came in and told them visiting hours were over. She thoughtfully stood up and passed the baby to her dad.
They left the hospital chattering about how cool it was that they had just held Tony Stark's daughter. They changed back into their suits and swung around all the way to their apartment building.
They sat on top of the roof, watching the sun go down. It started to rain, so Eliza thought they would go back down to their rooms. But Peter had another idea.
He took off his mask and stood up, offering a hand to Eliza. She smiled and took it, standing up with him. They swayed a bit back and forth, even though there wasn't any music. Once it started to pour down raining, he decided it was time to go inside, so he put his mask back on and they climbed down the side of the building.
Eliza was standing on her room's fire escape, expecting to go inside with Peter, but he was nowhere to be seen. She furrowed her brows and looked around, then back forward. She almost fell off the fire escape when she saw him hanging upside down in front of her, suspended by a web.
"What the hell are you doing?!?" she exclaimed, laughing a bit. His mask was a little messed up, so it was only covering the top half of his face, his bright pink lips exposed to the cold rainy air.
He shrugged and stayed quiet, staring at her. Their heads were level with each other, both of them soaked from the rain.
"We're gonna get sick if we stay out here any longer," she whispered. Her eyes flickered to his lips, her breath caught in her throat.
"I don't really care," he said quietly. His breath was fanning the tip of her nose. She stood up on her tip toes and softly pressed her lips to his, then pulled back quickly. This caught Peter by surprise, he hadn't expected her to pull away, so he let go of his web and landed on his face.
"Ouch," he groaned.
"Oh my god are you okay? I probably shouldn't have done that. Ah, you have a girlfriend, what about Liz? oh my god," she rambled.
Peter furrowed his eyebrows and sprung back up onto his feet.
"I don't have a girlfriend." he said, confused.
"But what about Liz?" she asked, also confused.
"I broke up with her a week before Christmas," he said.
"Well why didn't you tell me?"
"I forgot!" There was a moment of silence.
"Sorry for kissing you by the way. I-I kind of like you, that's not true, I love you. Like a lot. But you probably don't feel the same way, which is fine of whatever. I'll just go throw myself in a hole-"
"Eliza!" he yelled, catching her attention. He grabbed her hands and moved closer to her, their foreheads almost touching. He was about four inches taller than her, so she was looking upwards at him. "I'm like crazy stupid in love with you. I do love you. So so so much."
Eliza smiled, "You do?"
"Well I love you too."
"I know."
"Did you just-"
"Yes I did."
He waisted no time in crashing his lips into hers. She grabbed the collar of his suit to pull him closer, if that was even possible. The flutter in her stomach was something she couldn't even describe, and it intensified when he brought a hand up to cup her jaw, brushing a thumb across her soft cheek. He kissed her gently and delicately.
Both of their senses were off the charts, very aware of their sudden connection. The hairs on Peter's arms stood up, and all the sounds of the rain around them drifted away.
Eliza's knees started to feel weak and Peter pulled away. Both of them were trying to catch their breath.
"Holy shit," they breathed at the same time.
She smiled and he pressed their foreheads together. A few seconds later, a raindrop his her cheek, and she came to her senses, then climbed up the ladder and into Peter's room. He followed her in, not letting go of her hand the whole way.
They carefully peeled off their rain soaked suits, then pulled on some sweatpants and t-shirts. Both of them were pretty cold from staying out in the rain, so they quickly climbed under Peter's warm covers. His back was facing the wall and Eliza smiled up at him, then kissed his chest, unable to control her giddy smile.
Peter was biting his bottom lip, he couldn't believe that she was finally his.
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