25 ≫ christmas
A/N- i guess you could call this a sort of christmas special :) happy holidays! btw this story is set in 2018
(Peter's POV)
Eliza apparently didn't remember the kiss, and I didn't want to tell her because I was still sorting everything out in my head.
I remember the following morning, I was making coffee for the both of us because of our really bad headaches. She was sitting at the kitchen island while I poured the heavenly black coffee.
"So you don't remember anything from last night?" I raised a brow at her.
She shook her head, "No not really. Wait did I do something to you? Did I punch you or something? I'm so sorry, it's the minor anger issues-"
"Oh so you finally admit that you have anger issues?" I smirked.
"I said minor." she pointed a finger at me and I laughed.
And the conversation never came up again. Subsequently the crushing guilt came when I saw Liz two days later. After a while I couldn't take it anymore, and knew I had to break up with her. I didn't want to, Liz was really nice and sweet and cared about me, but I had to because technically I cheated.
Not technically, I did.
While drunk.
But that's besides the point.
There was a knock at the front door, May was in her room reading a book, so I got up to answer it. Liz had said that she wanted to come over for a bit, so I decided to do it then. I opened the door.
"Hey Liz, come on in." I said, holding the door open for her. She gave me an awkward smile and walked inside the apartment. We sat down on the couch, facing each other.
"Listen-" I started.
"I think we should break up," she said.
"I think we should break up... I feel like we're both living different lives with you still being in high school, and me in college. I-I also met someone..." she said, looking down at her lap.
"No- yeah. I-um, I was gonna say the same thing," I said.
"You were?"
"Uh, yeah. You know, what you said, we're both living different lives." I didn't want to tell her the truth, but I knew I had to. "I also kissed someone else."
"You did?"
"Yeah," I said shamefully.
"Well I guess it doesn't really matter now," she shrugged. There were a few minutes of awkward silence while we just sat there on the couch. "I guess I should get going then."
"Yeah yeah, sure." I walked her back to the front door, right before she left, she gave me a tight hug, which I appreciated because I needed it.
"Bye Peter," she whispered.
"Bye Liz."
She walked off and I shut the door, sliding down the back of it.
"Hey Peter, want some hot chocolate?" May called from the kitchen. She must have gotten up from her book.
"I would love some, thanks." I said, then put my head in my hands, wondering what the hell I was going to do now.
(Eliza's POV)
December 18th 4:30 pm
After school was let out, Ned an I decided to go Christmas shopping for our friends and family. I really enjoyed buying presents, and everyone else liked receiving them, so it was great.
I got the newest Lego Star Wars set for Ned while he wasn't looking, a really nice and detailed copy of the 'Fellowship of the Ring' for MJ, and a pair of plastic princess heels for Katie. She said it was what she wanted sooo... I also got Aunt May a really soft blanket that had cupcakes on it.
Anyways, Peter and I already went shopping for the Avengers last week. We searched Queens for the best comic book store, and basically raided it. We got three play bow and arrows so that Clint could teach us how to use them, a t-shirt for Wanda that had her own face on it, a comic of The Falcon for Sam that we thought he would appreciate, and a plush hammer for Thor.
I also got a wonder woman apron for Steve, because I thought it would be funny. Also a signed Ocean's 11 poster for Rhodey.
Ned and I were at the mall, searching for something to get Peter. I really wanted it to be special, and Ned was getting him Legos. While in the Lego store, I hinted a bit to Ned that I wanted the 'Attack on the Burrow' set, and he just rolled his eyes, then put it in the basket.
After the Lego store, we wandered around for a while, going into Hot Topic and getting some much needed clothes for me, because I needed some that weren't Peter's.
Mr. Stark had given Peter and I our own checking accounts because apparently he had 'too much money and didn't know what to do with it'. Rich people, ew. But we were still incredibly grateful.
Ned and I stopped at a photography store, and looked around a bit. I figured that maybe Dr. Banner would want some frames for his PHD's, so I got seven frames. I saw them in his lab, just sitting around in a desk.
I had also brought my own camera along with me, because I wanted to get a two pictures printed, one of them as a present for Mr. Stark and Pepper. It was a photo of them, but Peter and I were crouching down next to Pepper's baby bump, doing peace signs and smiling widely.
I thought it was pretty cute and they might like it, so I got that and a picture of Bucky's face photoshopped onto Jesus's body, and put it in my backpack, along with the frames.
But I still had to get a present for Peter.
I looked around the store, and saw a really pretty camera that would be perfect for him. His current one was Uncle Ben's, but he accidentally dropped it while swinging and it was in pieces. He was really upset about it.
I walked over to the camera, and immediately bought it, not before examining it to make sure it was in good condition.
A lot of people were starting to come through the doors of the mall, so Ned and I thankfully beat the rush. We ran all the way back to his house to avoid the snow, and went to his room. Ned's room was a bit bigger than mine, probably because he lived in a house and my room was in an apartment.
I liked Ned's room though, it was really cozy and had a lot of room to wrap presents. He got a bunch of stuff from a closet and brought it back to the room.
"Alright is this enough?" he asked. I looked up and say him holding twelve rolls of wrapping paper.
"Yeah probably," I laughed.
He set it down on the floor and I began wrapping. My mom taught me to be an expert present wrapper, so I was very precise and took it seriously. I wrapped up MJ, Katie, and all the Avengers's presents, then Ned's secretly.
I waited to wrap Peter's present though, because I wanted to make sure that it worked. I opened the box it was in, and turned the camera on, flipping through the settings and testing everything.
I accidentally pressed the record button, "Oops. Um, I don't really know how to turn this off but," I flipped the camera around while still holding it, "Hi Peter! I really hope you like your present, Ned and I went shopping today and got a bunch of them for christmas in a few days," I smiled, "I guess if you're seeing this um I love you," I whispered the last part and turned the camera off.
"What'd you say?" Ned asked from his bed.
"You love Peter?" he sat up.
"Yes you do, you're blushing," he pointed at my face which just made my cheeks heat up even more.
"Shut up," I murmured.
He laughed and I walked over to him, then punched him in the arm.
(3rd Person POV)
December 24th 7:00 pm
Peter and Eliza were at the Avengers compound for Christmas Eve, but were staying at Aunt May's apartment for Christmas day. Right now everyone was opening their presents from the pair of best friends, and Bucky was very confused by his.
"You photoshopped my face onto Jesus?!?!?!?" he said in a high pitched voice. Peter and Eliza were rolling on the floor laughing.
"Well they gave me a wonder woman apron." Steve pointed out, which just made them laugh harder.
"Whatever. Eliza it's time for your present," Bucky said excitedly. Steve smiled at him and everyone else looked pretty confused.
"Awww you didn't have to get me anything," Eliza said.
Steve handed her a thinly wrapped piece of paper, which made her slightly confused. She ripped the package open, and studied the paper closely, trying to understand what it was.
(a/n- if you're reading this at two am with dark mode on and i blinded you i'm sorry)
"No way," Peter said while looking over her shoulder.
Steve and Bucky looked at Eliza's face, trying to read it for any expression.
"During your father's trial last week, he pointed out to the judge that you were an orphan," Steve cleared his throat, "and so Bucky and I made the decision to adopt you." He smiled at Bucky and held his hand. "Of course if you don't want to acknowledge it, that's completely fine. But they were going to come take you away to an orphanage, and we couldn't let that happen."
Eliza got up from the floor as quickly as possible and crushed them in a tight hug.
Happy tears streamed down her face. "Thank you," she whispered.
"You're welcome," they said, then continued hugging. Everyone started to clap and Peter cheeks hurt from smiling. He was incredibly happy for her, so much so that he wanted to just grab her face and kiss her-
"Oh my god Peter look at this!" she squealed, showing him the piece of paper.
"I'm totally gonna frame that," he grinned.
"Hell yeah!!" she grinned back.
"Language," Steve playfully glared at her.
"Oh yeah, now he's your dad. You've gotta watch the language more often." Peter said, winking at her.
"Oh well." she sighed dramatically, then went back to hugging Steve and Bucky. A very merry Christmas Eve indeed.
Later that night, right before Peter and Eliza were about to leave, Peter went into Tony's lab. Both Tony and Bruce were in there, cleaning up a bit.
He knocked on the open door, "Um h-hey Mr. Stark. I wanted to talk to you about something."
"What's up?"
"I-um, I broke up with Liz a few days ago..." he trailed off. Tony tried not to smile, and pretended to be sad for him.
"Aww that sucks," he lied.
"Yeah well, I kind of cheated on her last month," he said quietly.
Tony's expression changed, "You did what now?!"
"Ikissedeliza," he said quickly.
"Again, yOU DID WHAT NOW??? Why wasn't I informed?" he exclaimed, thinking that Eliza probably would have told him.
"Well Eliza doesn't really remember because we were drunk."
"And you didn't tell her?"
"No...but the reason I broke up with Liz, is because I think I might like Eliza. But if I like her, I mean what if something goes wrong? She's my best friend and if we break up...I just can't lose her Mr. Stark," he said.
"Peter." Bruce said from across the room, walking over to them. "Let me ask you a question."
"Do you believe in soulmates?"
"Uh, sure." He shrugged, not really knowing where this was going.
"Ok well let's just say that they are real. You and Eliza became superheroes together, and are best friends, also you have this weird connection thing that makes you depressed if your not together-" he sighed, "If soulmates are real, you and Eliza are the only soulmates on this planet."
"Wha- really?"
Bruce nodded.
"That's insane!"
"Ok, what makes you think you like her?" Tony said, trying to change the subject.
"I- well, um she's amazing really. She's gorgeous, and she her smile is the most beautiful thing I've ever seen. Also her voice, I could probably listen to her talk for hours on end, and when she plays with my hair it makes my stomach do like this weird flippy thingy," he said using hand movements, "and I really like that she's so passionate about books and movies and stuff, also how she gets all shy when other people are around, or when she gets called on in class. She's also insanely smart, we also make a really good team when we're out patrolling, and evidently she's my soulmate-"
Tony put his hand up, signaling for him to stop.
"Alright, I get it. But I don't think you don't like her, you love her kid."
"I love her?" his eyes softened at the idea.
"Yes you do. And you've got to tell her. But not right now, or tomorrow, or New Years, because if you do it on a holiday or something then she'll think it's to cheesy and cliche because well-"
"It's Eliza."
"It's Eliza," he repeated. "Do something simple, maybe in a few days?"
"Ok. Thank you Mr. Stark, thank you."
"Anytime kid," Tony smiled as Peter left.
December 25th 9:15 am
Peter, Eliza, and Aunt May were all cuddled up in the Parker's apartment, having croissants and Nutella for a nice Christmas breakfast. Eliza was standing at the stove, putting water, cinnamon sticks and orange peels in a pot to boil. Anne used to do this every Christmas because it made the apartment smell really nice.
Eliza was thinking about how crazy it was that she got adopted yesterday, until Peter called from the living room, "Eli come here! We're gonna do presents!"
"Just a second!" she called back, then put the pot on the heat, then ran to the living room. "Okay Aunt May, you go first."
May chuckled and grabbed a present with her name on it from under their mini tree, and peeled the wrapping off. She gasped.
"Now way! You remembered?" she squealed, then gave Eliza a big hug.
Last month when her and May were going shopping together, she had kept coming back to this one blanket, because it was unbelievably soft, but she didn't buy it. The next day Eliza went back to the store and bought it for her.
"Okay Eliza, your turn," Peter said excitedly. She looked at him suspiciously, then grabbed her present from him. She opened the present and grinned, holding it up.
It was a necklace that said, 'Partners in Fighting Crime'.
"Thank you Peter," she hugged him and he closed his eyes, holding her tightly. She let go and put the necklace on.
"Alright, now it's your turn," Eliza smirked and handed him his present.
He carefully opened the box that had the camera in it, "Oh my god. It looks so cool! And gorgeous too! Wow, thank you so much Eli!" He hugged her once again.
"Glad you like it," she laughed.
"Say cheese!" She shut her eyes and smiled widely, May put her arm around her and Peter took the photo.
The video that Eliza had taken at Ned's house was in a secret hidden file, so he couldn't find it easily. She was thinking about it, and thought it would be fun to keep on making those little video diaries for Peter to eventually find out about, even if she was confessing her love for him in them.
A/N- i read the idea for the necklace in another fanfic a few months ago, idk which one it was but credits to whoever wrote it :)
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