24 ≫ a gay wedding
(3rd Person POV)
November 10th 1:30 pm
About a week after Halloween, Hannah and Charlotte's wedding had arrived. Peter and Eliza were getting ready for the event at his apartment while May was out getting her dress.
"Alright Parker, which color do you want?" Eliza asked. Peter said that there was no better time for him to try painting his nails than before a wedding, so here they were.
"Um, maybe blue?" he suggested.
Eliza shrugged and took out the blue nail polish, shaking it up a bit and then unscrewing the lid. She carefully scraped off a little polish on the side of the bottle, then brought it to Peter's thumb nail, brushing gently.
A smile crept up on his face as he watched Eliza in full concentration mode. Her eyebrows were deeply furrowed, her eyes were squinted in the slightest, and her tongue was pressed up against her front teeth.
She finished his left hand, then moved onto the right. She thought the blue color looked really nice, but Peter wasn't a big fan of how the substance felt on his nails.
When Eliza finished, his face scrunched up in discomfort.
"I don't like it."
She made a 'seriously' face and he nodded.
"Well you still have to wait for it to dry for me to take it off, so just wait a bit," she said, a little disappointed that she had waisted ten minutes on his nails.
Peter waved his hands around in the air, trying to dry off his nails.
"I'm not feeling fabulous," he said while fake crying.
"Geez, just be patient."
When they finished drying, Eliza took the polish off, then tried to think of what to wear to the wedding.
"Dress or casual?" she asked.
"Probably whatever you'll be most comfortable in," Peter said.
"I'm gonna go see what my mom had in her closet." she said, starting to climb out the window. She climbed down the fire escape, then into her own window. Her room was crazy messy, there were clothes all over the floor, about a third of them Peter's.
She sighed, thinking that she should probably clean the mess up. There were a few books on the floor, so she picked them up and put them on the bookshelf. Over at her nightstand, there was a photo of her and Peter together on the roof. It was a little dusty, so she wiped it off, then exited the room and went to her mom's.
In Anne's closet, there were many dresses, but they were a little too big for Eliza. She found a grey plaid suit, and it looked like a perfect fit. She took it off the hanger, and tried the pants on. It fit really well and looked really nice.
There was no undershirt, so she put one of her only black crop tops, that showed off some of her stomach, but looked amazing. She put on the jacket, and some black vans.
(a/n- like this but without the heels and bag^)
Climbing back out the window and into Peter's room, she was careful not to rip any seams or buttons. Once she was back inside, she looked around the room for Peter, but he wasn't there.
She walked out of his bedroom, and looked in the living room, kitchen, and down the hallway. A frown formed on her lips when she found he wasn't there.
"Peter?" she called out. There was no response. She heard something knock down in the bathroom, and got a little defensive, thinking there was an intruder or something. She quickly ran into Peter's room and grabbed her web shooters from his desk, then ran to the bathroom.
She didn't even look into the bathroom first, before attaching a web to whoever it was, and pulling them closer to her. The person fell on top of her and sent them both stumbling.
"Ah! What are you doing?" Peter yelled.
"Oh my god, I'm so sorry- I-I thought someone was trying to break in or something. I'm sorry," she rambled.
"Hey it's okay, but um, can we get off the floor now?" he asked.
"Oh, yeah. Sorry." Peter tried to stand up, but just ended up falling back down, now with Eliza on top of him, their noses centimeters apart. This was when Eliza realized Peter was shirtless, his very toned chest right beneath her's. Her lips parted in the slightest, and she was pretty sure she started to drool a bit. Catching herself staring, her eyes flickered back up to his.
The front door opened, and May walked in, dress in hand. She almost dropped it when she saw them.
"Am I interrupting something?" she asked, snapping both of the teenagers out of their longing gazes.
Eliza scrambled to her feet, making sure to disattach the web from Peter's body in the process.
"Nononoyouwerentinterruptinganything," Peter said very quickly.
"Ok well, maybe go put on your suit," she said. He smiled sheepishly and went back to his room to find his suit. A few seconds later though, he peeped his head out of the door and looked Eliza up and down.
"You look amazing by the way, the outfit goes good with your eyes." He smiled, then popped his head back into the room. Eliza was at a loss of words, and blushing like a maniac. May shook her head at the girl, amused at how flustered she was.
(~time skip~)
The ceremony started at 3:30, so they got there about forty five minutes early, per May's request. When the three of them arrived at the brick building where the wedding was being held, Peter and Eliza got out so May could find a parking spot.
Eliza had to admit, Peter looked crazy hot in his suit. It was black blazer and pants, but with a tight white t-shirt underneath. The theme of the wedding was night, so everyone would be wearing generically dark clothing.
They walked into the building and saw a few people in the entrance, talking around themselves, and recognizing their friends. Weddings were fun places to sit back and observe, watch people reunite with past acquaintances. Weddings were also a thing that could either go incredibly right, and everybody has a good time, or completely wrong.
"Have you noticed there are like, no kids?" Peter questioned, scanning the different rooms. He always really liked kids, which was why he was pretty excited when Mr. Stark said that Pepper was pregnant. Also because both of them acted like children, and wanted other ones to play with.
"Probably cause there's alcohol," Eliza said. There was a waiter who was putting some vodka and champagne down on the reception table.
"So do we have to act like adults?"
"I guess."
"How do adults act?" he asked.
Eliza pulled an imaginary monocle out of her pocket and brought it to her eye, pretending to study important papers. "Hmm, yes. Your taxes are overdue."
"How do even do taxes," Peter laughed.
"I don't know," she chuckled.
They wandered around a bit more, waiting for May to finish parking the car. They found her out front, and each linked an arm around hers.
After the ceremony, everyone made their way over to the reception area. Eliza had completely forgotten that Teddy was Hannah's brother, and he was actually in the wedding. The maid of honor to be exact.
Because the three of them were the only teenagers, they all hung out together for most of the event. Peter actually didn't mind his presence, as long as he didn't get too close to Eliza.
While the three of them sat at a table by themselves, May was up talking to both the brides.
"I must say both of you look absolutely gorgeous," May smiled.
"Thank you so much, so do you!" Charlotte said. May waved her off.
"Oh please, this is your guy's day."
In between the ceremony and reception, both of them had changed into more comfortable dresses, but keeping in the theme of Hannah wearing a black dress, and Charlotte a white one.
May walked back over to the table where Peter, Eliza, and Teddy were. On her way over there, she got a call though, it was from the hospital she worked at as a nurse. Actually, she had worked there with Anne, but she wasn't there the night Anne died.
"Hey Peter, Eliza, I've got to go the hospital, someone's going into labor," she said. Eliza stood up and hugged May.
"Ok be careful," she said.
"I will," May chuckled. She knew that the girl was a little paranoid when it came to her work emergencies, just because that was how Anne had ended up dying. May gathered her jacket and purse, kissed Peter on the head, then left.
"Oh crap, how are we gonna get back?" Peter said, realizing that May had taken the car.
"Um, maybe we could call Happy? Or Mr. Stark?" she suggested. Peter nodded and Teddy looked back and forth between the two, confused.
"You know Tony Stark?" he asked. Both of their eyes widened, they had forgotten Teddy was there.
"Y-yeah. We have internships with him," Eliza nodded.
"Oh, that's pretty cool. You guys are both insanely smart, so that makes sense. Anyways, I'm gonna go get some drinks for us," he said, then left for the drink table.
Peter let out a breath, "That was close."
Peter studied Eliza, she was looking down at her lap, and a strand of hair fell so it was touching her eyelashes. She quickly put it behind her ear, out of instinct. He was so lost in her simple movements, that when Teddy came back and handed them drinks, he didn't pay attention to what it was.
"Apparently my sister doesn't have any other preferences for drinks other than alcohol, so here you go," Teddy said, handing the drink to Eliza.
"I've never had alcohol before, is it good?" she asked, swirling the drink around a little. Teddy took a swig of the drink.
"It's alright," he said. Eliza shrugged and had a little sip.
There was a minute of silence before she spoke up, "I don't get it it just tastes like water."
Teddy furrowed his brows and took a sip of Eliza's drink.
"No, that's vodka alright," he coughed a little. She just decided to continue drinking it. Peter tried his, and said that it just tasted like water to him as well.
The thing was, with their powers they couldn't taste alcohol, but it did still have the same affect on them as regular people.
Two drinks later, Peter and Eliza were a little tipsy and giggling a lot. Teddy was pretty amused at their state, he had only had the one drink because he thought it didn't taste very good.
"You're beautiful." Peter said, his arm leaning against the table and hand underneath his chin, gazing at her.
"No you're beautiful."
"No you."
"Uno reverse card."
Peter sighed in defeat, then got an idea. He stood up and bowed a little, offering his hand to Eliza. She gladly took it, and they made their way to the dance floor. They danced like no body was watching to a few different songs, not letting go of one another.
They each consumed about four more drinks that night, going through different stages of their drunkenness. Laughing, dancing, yelling, tiredness, and throwing up. They were currently screaming at each other.
"YOU'RE SO FABULOUS, YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW!!" Eliza yelled back. They giggled and Teddy rolled his eyes.
"Alright you guys, you've gotta go home." he said, putting a hand on their shoulders and leading them outside.
"They left man," Teddy said.
"What? Why?" Eliza pouted.
Teddy led them to the front doors, and out into the cold night air.
"You guys good from here?" he asked. Peter nodded and looked up at the stars. "Okay, stay safe you two. See you on Monday."
"Bye!" They said in unison, then looked at each other, "No way!"
Teddy chuckled at them and then walked off. Peter pulled out his phone to text Mr. Stark.
hi mr starck
it's petger
peter porker
and eli.
if your not busy could you
maybe pick us up at that
wedding we told you
we were goung to?
it's okie if you don't want to
but i think if i try to swing
home i'd run into a billboard amd
it'd be pretty dangwrous.
sorry that was eli.
hehe shes pretty
the godfather
are you guys drunk?
nevermind, i'll be there in
ten minutes.
fank yew
Ten minutes later, Tony pulled up to the brick building to see a drunk Peter and Eliza laying down on the sidewalk, looking up at the stars. Her head was laying on his chest while his hands wandered around in her hair.
Tony honked on the horn of his sports car twice, which made them both sit up quickly, and Eliza put up finger guns to defend herself. Tony just rolled his eyes and got out of the car.
"The sidewalk isn't a mattress, come on lets go."
They both stayed silent and just stared at his with their mouths wide open. Peter leaned over to his best friend and whispered, "Is that Iron Man?"
"I think it is," she whispered back.
Tony snorted and grabbed both their arms, pulling them to their feet and dragging them into the car. He shut the car door and got into the drivers seat, putting the keys in the ignition and driving off.
"When I told you 'don't do anything I wouldn't do' I didn't mean get batshit drunk at a wedding. You forgot the little gray area part," Tony said. He looked in the rearview mirror at the two teenagers, they looked really tired and smelt like alcohol. "Did you guys just drink straight vodka?"
"NO, GAY!" they said in unison.
Tony raised an eyebrow, but decided to leave them be. When they were about half way to the Avengers compound, Eliza started to yawn. She leaned on Peter's shoulder and he rested his head on top of hers, Tony smiled a little at the interaction.
"Okay we're here," he said. Eliza opened her eyes and shook Peter a little to wake him up. He grumbled and she sighed.
"Peterrr," she whined.
"Whattt," he mimicked.
"I need you to help me."
"Do it yourself."
"Bu- fine." she said, then got out of the car and tripped up to the front steps, almost rolling her ankles in the approach.
"Wait," Peter said from inside the car. She turned around to face him, he was stumbling towards her, and she grabbed his hand.
They got inside, and went in the direction of their connected rooms. Before they went through their separate doors, they finger gunned each other, just because.
Peter went into his room to get some pajamas, but found that they were all missing. He walked into their shared bathroom to look in her dresser, but ran into Eliza herself, throwing up in the toilet.
He rushed over to her and grabbed the hair that was framing her face, pulling it back so none of it would get throw up on it. When she finished, she made sure to brush her teeth really well, as to get the taste out of her mouth.
While she did this, Peter went to her dresser and snickered at the sight in front of him. There were two drawers full of his clothes, so he took a pair of sweatpants and put it on, also one of his t-shirts.
Eliza finished brushing her teeth and went back to her room, not noticing that Peter was laying on her bed. She took off her blazer, crop top, and pants, leaving her in a bra and underwear. Bending down to reach her fallen clothes, Peter stayed quiet with his mouth hanging open and cheeks flushed a bright pink, watching her body move naturally.
He then came to his senses and covered his eyes with that palm of his hands, feeling as if he was violating her in a way.
The sound made Eliza yelp and quickly put on an over sized t-shirt.
"What are you doin in here?" she said tiredly.
"I don't know, why'd you steal all my clothes?" he smiled. She bit the inside of her cheek and sighed, walking over to the bed and gathering the courage to say what she wanted to say. He opened the covers for her and she climbed under, both of them still a little tipsy.
"Because I love you, and you smell good, and your clothes are more comfortable than mine." She was looking up at the ceiling, while Peter just stared at her side profile, at a loss for words.
"Y-you w-what?" he stuttered.
"Your clothes are more comfortable than mine," she shrugged.
"Nonono, the thing before that."
"Oh yeah, you kind of smell like apple pie and cinnamon, it's amazing. But the it's starting to fade, so you've gotta take a drawer home or something."
He ignored that comment, "You love me?"
Her eyes softened, "Yeah. I do. I love you so damn much. And I want you to be mine. But you're not mine to have. You're Liz's. Not like property or anything, just-" she sighed and turned her face to the side, her breath fanning his lips.
"I've thought about the pros and cons and shit for months. What if we broke up? Then I would lose my best friend and probably never talk to him again, which I could never do because I literally can. not. live without you. Those are the thoughts that are in my head at night, causing me to not sleep and make me feel so...angry. Constantly. Those are the thoughts that make me want to avoid you, but at the same time, hold on to you as tight as possible.
Peter blinked.
"But then I think, what if we don't break up? Then I would have the best relationship that any pair of best friends could have, and I would talk to him every day of every year, like I already am, but for the rest of my life. And I would get to kiss you and be able to love you. But I'm not able to, because you're not mine to love."
Peter blinked again.
"But no matter what time of the day, you're always there. While I'm trying to fall asleep and when I wake up in the mornings, it's just...you. All the time." She took a deep breath and looked back into his eyes. He looked back and forth between her blue and green eyes.
She looked like she was going to say something else, but Peter stopped her by crashing his lips against hers. Eliza was very surprised at first, but then she fluttered her eyes closed and enjoyed the moment.
Peter didn't know what he was doing, he tried in his mind to blame it on the alcohol, but this kiss was sobering him up completely. Her lips were incredibly soft, and tasted like the shea butter cream chapstick she used, with a faint tint of peppermint.
The kiss was passionate, and it felt like this was where they were meant to be. Although it only lasted a few seconds, for both of them it felt like the world had stopped, and they were the only two there.
Peter pulled away first, to catch his breath and try and contemplate what had just happened. Even if the only time when he had felt truly alive, was just a few seconds ago.
But then his eyes enlarged, "Oh my god Eli i'm so sorry, I didn't ask you first if i could kiss you, a-and May always told me that's what girls always wanted first-"
"Hey Pete," she yawned and closed her eyes. "It's okay."
"It's okay."
Eliza fell asleep after two minutes, probably tired from the alcohol. But Peter laid wide awake, thinking about it until two am, when Eliza rolled over in her sleep, right onto Peter's chest. The warmth he felt at that moment was enough to close his eyes, and drift off.
In the morning when Eliza woke up, the first thing she noticed was the pounding headache she had. She groaned and tried to roll over, but someones arms pulled her back, not letting her move.
The only things she remembered from last night were Teddy handing both Peter and her some drinks that tasted like water, killing it on the dance floor, laying on the sidewalk, then throwing up in the toilet.
But something felt a little off, and it wasn't that she was in desperate need of a burrito and some coffee.
She didn't remember the kiss.
But Peter did.
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