23 ≫ inflatable dinosaurs
(Eliza's POV)
The next few weeks, Loki sort of moved into the compound. Peter and I liked to hang out with him a lot, because he had a lot of cool stories. For example, one time we were all hanging out on the couch and he was telling us about him and Mr. Stark's first time meeting.
"-and I said, I have an army," Loki said.
Mr. Stark yelled from the kitchen, "and I said, we have a hulk."
"and I've got a jAr oF diRrrrRRrT," I said.
"I have magic hair that glows when I sing," Peter said.
"I have the high ground."
"KENOBIII!!!!!!" Peter yelled, standing up on the couch.
"ANAKINNN!!!!!!!" I yelled, standing up with him.
I grabbed my blue lightsaber that I hid in the back of the couch, exactly for this reason. I smirked at him and he smirked back.
'Wait why is he smirking?' I thought.
He put his hand in the couch and grabbed a red lightsaber, and I gasped. Gosh dangit we had the same idea. I tripped backwards onto the floor and he stood above me, the saber pointed at my face.
"I have the high ground now," he said. He jumped down, both of his legs on either side of me, and squatted down. I gulped a little because he was basically on top of me. A smile crept up on his lips. Both of our heads turned when we heard someone chuckle.
(Tony's POV)
I watched as the Eliza and Peter pulled lightsabers out of the back of the couch, when or why they had put them there I had no clue. Eliza somehow ended up on the floor, and Peter sort of on top of her, staring at one another.
I chuckled, they were so in love with each other.
(Eliza's POV)
October 31st, Halloween 7:45 pm
Peter and I were at his apartment, he was messing with something at his desk, while I laid on the bed watching him move around, listening to some Frank Ocean.
"Hey, do you wanna go trick or treating?" I asked.
He turned in his chair, "Aren't we at the point where it isn't socially acceptable to go trick or treating anymore?"
I made a face. "That's stupid."
"I know. I've got our dinosaur costumes from a few years ago if you wanna put those on," he said. My eyes lit up eagerly. He got up from the desk, swiveling in his chair a bit, and went to his closet to look for our inflatable dinosaur costumes we had worn when we were thirteen on Halloween.
"Ahah!" His voice was a little muffled because his head was inside the closet. He stood up and grabbed the orange and black suits. I smiled and stood up to put it on. It was a little baggy, but then I turned on the tiny fan and it inflated itself.
We shuffled to the living room to have more room for moving around. The hands were really small, and looked kind of funny, so I hit him with one. He overdramatically gasped, and we started to sissy hit each other.
He laughed hysterically and I heard the front door open. Aunt May came in and saw both of us hitting each other with tiny little hands. We stopped and stayed silent, a bit embarrassed.
She sighed and put her keys down, "I thought that now since you guys were teenagers and also superheroes, you would at least slightly more mature. But no, children. Both of you, oh my god," she mumbled.
Peter and I tried our hardest not to burst out laughing.
"I-um, we were gonna g-go trick or treating," Peter said.
"You're really not helping your case," May put her hands on her hips. "Go to a party or something! Be teenagers!"
I scrunched up my face, I really didn't want to. But maybe it was time to try again, even though the last time I did go to a party, I had an anxiety attack. Whatever, it's probably not going to happen again. Although it is halloween, which means there will be drunk teenagers in weird costumes.
"Ok but can we at least where the dinosaur costumes-" Peter asked. May shook her head and rolled her eyes.
"Um, Katie said that her and MJ were going to a party tonight, so I could ask her?" I suggested. They both nodded and I pulled out my phone.
group chat: my little ponies
hey where did you guys
say that party was?
pinkie pie
do remember that
girl liz?
peter's girlfriend? yes
rainbow dash
it's at her house
ok peter and i are
gonna go. should we
wear our dinosaur
costumes or no?
rainbow dash
pinkie pie
dammit may didn't like
the idea either. we loOK
rainbow dash
pics or it didn't happen
pinkie pie
rainbow dash
ha. losers
this you?
rainbow dash
i- where. did. you. get. that.
pinkie pie
aww babe you look
so cuteee
rainbow dash
i wAS TWELVE eliza
i'm going to kill you
play yeah by usher at
my funeral
anyways see you in a bit
rainbow dash
eliza danger porter
don't you dare leave
this gc
"Oh yeah I totally forgot that your middle name is actually danger," Peter said over my shoulder.
"My mom was the best," I said. She truly was.
8:20 pm
Peter and I got to the party at Liz's house, and it was insanely loud. Everyone was drinking and dancing, but I was doing surprisingly okay. I didn't think that Liz would be one to throw a huge party, but last year she did throw a pretty big one. She was also in college, so most of her college friends would be there. My guess was that possibly she wasn't doing too well in her classes, therefore wanted to have a big party and get drunk. Damn, I should be a therapist.
"Eli? You good?" Peter said, snapping me out of my thoughts.
"Yeah yeah, I'm fine," I said.
"Kinda glad we didn't wear those costumes," he muttered. I looked around and saw everyone dressed in very revealing costumes, and here Peter and I were, clad in jeans and t-shirts.
A figure stumbled towards us, dressed in a very short tutu, fishnets, and a colorful bra that pushed up her cleavage. It was Liz. A very drunk Liz.
"Heyyy Petey," she slurred. I made a face at the nick name, it sounded really weird.
"H-hey L-liz," Peter stuttered. I'm pretty sure he was trying not to stare at her chest. Not gonna lie, so was I.
Liz yanked on Peter's hand and dragged him away. He waved to me, not taking his eyes off his girlfriend. I sighed and decided to find Katie and MJ.
I weaved through the crowd, scanning the sweaty bodies for my two curly headed friends. I saw them talking on a couch, and went over to them.
"Hey Eliza, Happy gay Christmas!" Katie yelled over the music. A few people gave her looks, but all three of us just flipped them off. I joined them on the couch.
"So how've you been?" MJ asked, squinting her eyes a little at me.
"Umm... good."
"Really? Just good?" I nodded my head. "Alright..."
She sighed and pointed across the room. Liz was sitting on top of Peter's lap, straddling him, with her tongue down his throat.
I fake gagged and said, "Ok then. I'm gonna go die in a hole, and then get some food."
(3rd Person POV)
Katie and MJ glanced at each other, then back at Eliza, who was walking away and into the kitchen.
"She's really likes him doesn't she," Katie said.
"Yeah, she does."
Eliza walked into the kitchen and looked around for some food. There was nothing. Absolutely nothing. Except for alcohol and stale saltines. For what reason, who knows.
To get some food, she decided to go to a McDonalds or something. She walked back over to where MJ and Katie were, and told them where she was going.
"Congratulations, you lasted fifteen minutes," MJ said. Eliza rolled her eyes and gave her the middle finger.
"Bye guys. I'll be back in an hour."
She walked out the front door and climbed the tree that was next to it. Peter had webbed a backpack that had their suits in it, just in case. She changed into the suit that Mr. Stark made her, and swung around the city, looking for the golden arches.
She found one and swung down, then opened the front glass doors. A tiny bell rung, signaling her arrival. There were only a few people in there, so she walked up to the front counter.
The woman at the register stared at her with her mouth hanging open. Oh right, she forgot that she was still in her Spiderwoman suit.
She awkwardly put her hands on her hips and squinted her lenses, observing the menu.
"Uh- hi," the woman said. Her name tag read 'Aubrey'.
"Hi," Eliza smiled under the mask. "Can I please get a large fry, two hash browns, and a 20 piece chicken nugget? Oh and a bacon cheeseburger for my friend."
"Your friend as in Spiderman?"
She nodded.
"Are you guys dating? My daughter always asks that question and she'd love to have an answer," Aubrey chuckled a little.
"Haha, no we're not dating. He's just my best friend," Eliza laughed. Images of Liz and Peter making out on the couch flashed in her brain and she flinched. "But tell your daughter I said hello."
"I will. I'll get your order ready in a moment," Aubrey said, then turned around to go the kitchen.
Eliza turned around and scanned the restaurant. There were a few people sitting around, and...Teddy?
He was sitting in a booth by himself, munching on some fries, and reading a book. He looked so immersed in it, like the whole world didn't exist, just whatever fictional world he was reading about. Eliza tried to peak a look at the title, and she gasped loudly.
It was A Court of Thorns and Roses.
"No way!" she whisper yelled.
Teddy looked up from his book and caught her eye. He furrowed his brows, confused as to why Spiderwoman was, first of all, in a McDonalds, and second, looking at him. Eliza walked closer and sat across from him in the booth.
"You like that series?" she asked.
"Uh, yeah." he said a little skeptically.
"So do I!" she exclaimed.
"You do?"
"Hell yeah! I can't wait for the next book to come out, I'm really excited to see Nesta's character be more explored, along with Cassian. I think it's really cool that they're mates. Also Feyre and Rhys, they are couple goals-"
"Ahh!" he covered his ears. Eliza looked at him with confusion.
"I'm only on the first book! Who's Cassian and what are mates?" he asked. Her lenses grew wide and she started to apologize.
"I'm so sorry, I forgot, I'm sorry oh my goodness." Se put her head in her hands.
"Hey it's all good. But what about Feyre and Tamlin?" he asked. It took all the power she had not to burst out laughing.
"You'll see."
"Spiderwoman?" Aubrey called. "Um, your order's ready." Eliza got up out of the booth and walked over to the front counter.
"Thank you so much," she said. She reached into her backpack for some money.
"Of course. And don't worry about the money," she said.
"I insist."
"Oh ok." Eliza secretly put a twenty dollar bill in the tip jar, and went back to the booth, order in hand. "Is it ok if I sit here?" Teddy nodded and she set down her food.
She pulled up her mask so it was under her nose, and dug into the chicken nuggets. Teddy watched her as she ate everything but the bacon cheeseburger for Peter.
"So how do I know you're the real Spiderwoman?" he asked. Eliza raised her eyebrows.
"What do you mean?"
"It's halloween, you could be anyone," he said. She rolled her eyes and shot a web at his hand, webbing it to the table. His eyes widened. Her senses went off and she put down her food, pulling her mask back down.
"I'll be right back," she said, then walked over to the front doors, climbing the building and scanning for where the danger was. She heard a few grunts and yelps of pain from behind her.
She turned and peered over the side of the building, there was a man and a woman, and the man had a knife.
"Hey!" Spiderwoman yelled, jumping down next to the pair. "Treat people with kindness, not knives." Both of them looked at her with confusion. "Never mind."
She punched the man in the face, then kicked his legs so he dropped to the ground. He was struggling a little, swinging his arms around. Before she could grab the knife from him, he jabbed it in her left arm.
"Ouch," she whispered.
She picked him up by the collar and webbed him to the wall so he was stuck. She turned to the woman who was shivering and had blood running down the side of her face.
"Hey hey hey, you ok?" she asked softly. The woman nodded and Spiderwoman grabbed a water bottle and a cloth from her backpack. She dabbed a little water on the cloth and brought it up to the woman's face to clean up the wound a bit.
"T-thank you," she said.
"Anytime," she smiled under the mask. Once the wound was clean, the woman said that she could walk home by herself, and left.
Eliza went back inside the restaurant where her food was. She sat back down at the booth and continued to eat her food.
Teddy cleared his throat and she looked up at him. He pointed at her arm. The small knife was still sticking out of it.
"Oh," she chewed and swallowed her food, then pulled the weapon out, examining it. There was no purple tint, which was good because it could have been one of her father's weapons. She cleaned it off with some gauze that was in her backpack, and put it in her bag.
"Um, you're bleeding a lot," he pointed out. She sighed and grabbed the gauze, wrapping it around her bicep tightly, grunting and tying a knot.
"Better?" she asked.
"How do you do that?"
"Do what?"
"Just save someone, get stabbed, and then act like nothing happened."
Eliza shrugged, "Sometimes it McBe like it McDoes."
He raised his eyebrows at her.
"Bad joke? Yeah, ok. Well, I've got to get this cheeseburger to my good friend Spiderman. Um bye," she said. She picked up her trash and put it away, then slung the backpack around her shoulders.
"What about this?" he asked, pointing at his webbed hand.
"I'm so sorry. That's gonna dissolve in about two hours. We made the webbing stronger a few months ago, sorry again."
"It's fine I guess. You apologize too much," he said.
He laughed and Eliza awkwardly saluted him, then ran out of the building.
She swung from building to building, all the way back to Liz's house. She was almost there, when she saw a Peter shaped person walking on the sidewalk. No one was around, just him.
She attached a web to a tree branch, and lowered herself down slowly. He probably would have run into her face if she hadn't said, "Oh hi, I didn't see you there, that's totally awkward random."
Peter jumped about five feet in the air and screamed like a little girl.
"jEsUs cHriSt! Warn a guy, like what ever happened to hello? How are you? My name is?" he said and Eliza let out a laugh, jumping down to the ground. She handed him the cheeseburger and slung an arm around his shoulder.
"Hey what happened to your arm?" he questioned. Eliza looked down at her arm, there was bright red blood seeping through the gauze.
"I got stabbed," she muttered. Changing the subject, she asked, "did you get taller or something?"
"No, you're just shorter than me."
"Careful," she pointed a finger at him, "remember what happened the last time you called me tiny?"
"Hehe yeah." He took a bite of the burger and talked with his mouth full, "So why'd you leave?"
"Oh while you were getting laid?" she said sarcastically. Peter furrowed his eyebrows.
"What? No, I didn't get laid."
"You didn't?"
"No, Liz was drunk, I wouldn't do that to her," he said.
Eliza's eyes softened. Wow, he really was the only guy on this earth that wasn't a dick.
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