20 ≫ british boy
lmao chris evans^
(3rd Person POV)
October 4th 6:00 am
The first thing Eliza saw when she woke up, was the ceiling of her old bedroom back at her apartment. There were glow in the dark stars on the ceiling that Peter had put there when they were seven years old, it was winter so Aunt May said they couldn't go up to the roof to see the stars.
Peter got really sad and put these up above both of their beds, so that they could see the stars every night, even if they weren't together, or if the weather was bad. It was a sort of promise.
Eliza got up and had a pounding headache, her throat was scratchy, and she could feel the dry tears on her cheeks. This wasn't anything new to her, it happened often when she would cry in her sleep.
She made her way to the kitchen to get a glass of water and some Advil. She grabbed a cup and filled it with water. Then she felt someone hug her from behind and quickly grabbed a knife and turned around quickly, ready to stab someone.
"AHH HOLY SHIT ELI WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?" someone screamed, throwing their hands up in surrender.
She sighed, "Peter."
"Don't 'pEtEr' me. Were you about to stab me?"
"I- what? no." He gave her a look and she rolled her eyes, "Well maybe I was because you scared me dumbass." She moved him out of the way to take the pain killer for her forehead.
"Wow, when did you get so moody?" Peter asked, raising an eyebrow at her and smirking. Eliza found this action quite hot, but she didn't say so.
"When did you get so cocky?" she retorted and made her way back to her room. Peter followed her.
He studied her, leaning against the door frame with his arms crossed, while she picked up her suit off the floor, about to put it on. She looked up to Peter and made a gesture for him to get out of the room while she changed.
"R-right right, sorry," he said, scrambling out of the room and closing the door behind him. She sighed and pulled off the clothes that she was wearing before, although she wasn't sure how they had gotten there. While she was putting the suit on, she talked to Peter.
"Umm, Pete?"
"Yeah?" he asked from the other side of the door.
"I'm sorry for being such an ass. Also, what were you doing in my room anyways?" she questioned. There were a few minutes of silence. "Peter? You still there?"
"I-uh, yeah yeah yeah. I-um, sometimes I come here when I miss you," he mumbled and Eliza's heart started to beat faster. She pulled the rest of the suit except for the mask and opened the door to look at Peter.
She was sure that her face was on fire but she didn't really care.
He nodded and looked into her eyes for a moment. He saw the regular dark blue and green that was reflecting off of the morning sun coming from her open window. But there was also something new, like a small spark of...love.
Peter looked down at her, him being about three inches taller, and kissed her forehead, his lips lingering a little. He heard her let out a soft sigh and looked back into her eyes.
"Did you know that you have freckles in your eyes?" he asked her and she shook her head. "They're really pretty." His eyes flickered down to her lips and started to lean in a little, then he snapped out his trance, remembering about Liz.
'Holy Shit. Was I about to kiss Eliza?' he thought.
She cleared her throat, "Um, t-thank you."
Peter tried to change the subject and looked her up and down, "Did you get a new suit?"
She looked down at her outfit, "uh, yeah. I made it."
His eyes widened, "wHaT??? IT'S SO COOL!!" he yelled.
She smiled, "Thank you! I made it a little more advanced and it has a pretty cool new special feature that I haven't tested out yet, but maybe later tonight you could come with me, that would be fun."
Peter's mind wandered back to the almost kiss, while she kept talking about the new suit. What was that? He didn't think that she noticed it, mostly because they were really close and had been in that situation once before, a few months ago.
But this time it felt a little different for Peter, because he wanted to kiss her.
"Peter?" her voice caused him to get out of his thoughts.
"I have to go back to the compound to finish-" she started and Peter furrowed his brows.
"Eliza we have school in like two hours." Her eyes widened to the size of balloons.
"Oh shit!" she yelled.
"lAnGuAgE." Peter said.
"Yes, I can already hear Cap scolding me from a distance," she smiled, "Um, okokok. I need to get my backpack and stuff..." she scrambled around the apartment looking for it. She was here on Friday, looking for a photo that she had missed while packing, so she knew that her backpack was around somewhere.
"LoOoOking for this?" Peter smirked, holding up her backpack.
She sighed gratefully, "Yeah, thanks." She went to reach for it, but he pulled it back. "No, I'm not playing this game Peter, give it back."
"Nahah," he looked at her with soft eyes, "Why did you pass out?"
She stopped trying to reach for the backpack and stared at him. She shrugged, "I don't really know." That was a complete lie.
"I have an idea. You looked really pale, and it looked like you were crying when I found you. I know that you've been working out a lot lately, but also you got shot a few days ago. It looks like you got run over by a train-" he said.
"Wow, flattering." she rolled her eyes. Peter paused for a second to study her and then looked back to her eyes.
"Eli when was the last time you ate?" he asked.
Eliza pondered. She really didn't know. Not yesterday, or the day before. Possibly the day before that? She didn't answer and just looked at the ground shamefully.
Peter walked the few feet that was between them and set down her backpack. He lifted her chin up with his finger, making her look at him.
"Let's get some food m'kay?" She nodded slowly, not making eye contact with him. "With all the working out you've been doing, and I presume you had an anxiety attack yesterday before I came here," he sighed, "it's understandable why you passed out. Also with your fast metabolism cause of the spider bite-"
She held her hand up and and made a face, "I- alright. I get it."
"You're gonna come with me to the bookshop and get some food. Okay?" he said, his fingers not leaving her chin.
"O-okay," she whispered and Peter stepped back.
Eliza got dressed in some different jeans and a t-shirt. They climbed out the window with backpacks in hand, making their way downtown. (mAkin mY wAy dowNtOwN) When they got to the bookshop, Charlotte popped out of the bookshelves like she normally did and smiled. Hannah was behind the cafe counter, making a cup of coffee.
"Peter! Eliza! What a nice surprise! I was actually about to call you Eliza, I was wondering if you could pick up a few extra shifts next weekend?" Charlotte asked politely.
Eliza nodded, "Of course! By the way, I'm really excited for the wedding next month, how's that going?"
"We're thrilled," Charlotte smiled behind her shoulder to glance at Hannah behind the counter. She smiled back brightly.
"That's wonderful!" Peter exclaimed. He glanced at Eliza who was looking at the cafe menu, trying to decide what to get. She decided on three muffins, pumpkin spice coffee for the both of them, two qUaCkSoNs and a breakfast burrito.
"Hungry?" Peter smirked and Eliza glared at him.
"Bitch I need to have like 5,000 calories a day. So do you, so pick something out," she said, clearly agitated. He got a breakfast burrito and a qUaCkSoN, along with the coffee. They sat down at a table, across from each other. Eliza dug into the food, stuffing her mouth full of muffins.
"Are you okay?" Peter asks, genuinely concerned. Eliza chewed and swallowed her food.
"Physically i'm fine. Emotionally i'm bruised." she said. Peter raised his eyebrows at her and she muttered, "Sorry."
"Why can't you sleep?" he asked.
"Nightmares..." she murmured.
Peter's eyes softened, "Do you want to talk about it?"
"Okay. Well when you do, come to me alright?"
"Okay." she said quietly, then continued to shove food in her mouth. He chuckled and drank his coffee. They turned their heads toward the noise of a bell chiming. The door to the bookstore opened and in came a tall boy with high cheekbones and fluffy brown hair. (a/n- it's louis partridge y'all)
"Hey Hannah," the boy smiled, revealing his nice teeth. Hannah rolled her eyes and Peter gave her a questioning look. She sighed.
"Guys, meet my younger brother, Theodore." He smiled at them both and Peter had to admit, that boy was gorgeous.
"Nice to meet you, you can call me Teddy." He had a british accent. Eliza was staring at him, entranced by his beauty. He crouched down to her level and waved a hand in front of her face, snapping her out of her trance. She blushed and he smiled. Peter furrowed his eyebrows at this.
"What's your name?" Teddy asked her.
"E-eliza," she stuttered. Hannah noticed Peter looking at them with a hint of jealousy and walked over to the three teenagers. Theodore was eighteen, and going to midtown as a senior. He had been in the United Kingdom for school most of his life, separated from his sister because their parents got a divorce and his dad took him away.
"Hi Eliza," he grinned.
"Ok Teddy, I think we have some 'catching up to do'." Hannah said, using air quotes and grabbing her brothers arm.
"Wait," Teddy said, "what school do you guys go to?"
"Er- Midtown," Peter responded.
"Great! I go there too! I'll see you in like," he checked his watch, "half an hour." Peter's eyes widened, he didn't know they had been there for so long. Teddy smiled and went behind the counter.
Peter gathered up his stuff quickly and grabbed Eliza's arm, dragging her out of the bookshop.
"Bye guys! See you this weekend!" Eliza called out to them before walking down the street with Peter in the direction of their school. They walked side by side, occasionally bumping hands.
They walked pass a few suspicious people, which made Peter link his pinky with Eliza's as they walked down the street. When Peter did this, it made her fall even more in love with him, and her stomach fill with a thousand butterflies.
Peter just wanted to protect her.
When they arrived at the school, Eliza saw Katie and MJ standing at her locker. She missed her friends a lot, even though she had been at school, she was always spaced out and not focused on her surroundings. Or schoolwork for that matter.
Eliza walked over to them with a bright smile on her face. They smiled back when they saw her.
"Hey Eliza! How's your weekend?" Katie asked.
"It was uh," she remembered getting shot, and then finding out it was her lost dad was the one who made the gun, then the nightmares. Then making a new suit, which was pretty cool. But then she also had an anxiety attack and passed out...
"It was pretty good," she lied.
"Eliza can I talk to you for a minute?" MJ asked. Eliza nodded and MJ led her to the girls bathroom while Katie and Peter talked by her locker.
"What's wrong? Is everything okay?" Eliza said, scanning MJ's expression for something. But it was just laced with concern.
"I could ask you the same thing," MJ said and Eliza furrowed her brows, trying to figure out what she was talking about.
MJ rolled her eyes, "Dude. You look like you haven't slept in days, and why is there blood coming through your shirt?" she said, distracted. Eliza looked down and saw that her bullet wound was bleeding.
"Oh shit, sorry" she said, trying to add pressure to it. She thought that it was completely healed. But maybe because it was stronger than others, it wouldn't heal that fast.
"I saw on the news that 'Spiderwoman' got shot on Friday, is that it?" Oh yeah, she forgot that MJ knew.
"Uh, yeah."
"I was worried about you dude."
"But, have you been sleeping?" she asked.
"Sometimes," Eliza shrugged and MJ gave her a look, "well I passed out yesterday, so technically..."
"Oh my god. Okay you need to go home-" she started.
"What? No i'm behind in literally all of my classes, I cannot go home just to have some sleep," Eliza retorted.
MJ rolled her eyes, "Fine. But I would like to let you know that you are a robot."
"I'm a human! I'm a human male!"
"Okay Captain Holt. You've got to get to algebra," she said. Eliza nodded and they exited the bathroom. Peter and her went to Mrs. Warren's classroom for math.
This was the first time this year that Eliza actually payed attention in her Algebra class with Mrs. Warren. She was totally lost, but very determined to bring her grade back up. Peter sat next to her and helped her understand a little.
At the end of the class, Mrs. Warren asked for Peter and her to stay behind. They glanced at each other and walked up to her desk.
"Hi Mrs. Warren, I just wanted to say that I'm really sorry about my grade this quarter, I'm trying to get it back up even though I have..." Eliza trailed off, trying to remember how many missing assignments she had.
"23 missing assignments," their teacher finished. Eliza gulped. "Most of those don't really matter any more because they were due last month, but the quarter ends on Friday...you have until then to turn them in. You're a smart kid Eliza, I'm giving you a second chance."
"Thank you Mrs. Warren, thank you-"
"But! Since Peter is at the top of this class," Peter smiled sheepishly. "He will be helping you with these assignments."
The teenagers looked at each other and had a mental conversation. Peter was the thing that had been distracting her most during this class, but she knew that he was really smart and actually payed attention to what the teacher was saying most of the time.
Peter just smirked back at her, knowing what she was thinking. Also he wanted to spend more time with her, just because he liked to see her smile.
"Okay. Now get out of my classroom," Mrs. Warren said jokingly.
"R-right. Uh- thank you," Eliza said and Peter took her arm, dragging her out of the classroom to their science classroom.
When they got inside the classroom, they saw Teddy sitting on one of the stools, with the whole class sitting around him. Peter rolled his eyes. He was telling a story, his accent prominent.
"-and then I took the sail, leading it in the direction of the wind. Father even let me steer it one time-" Even Mr. Harrington was listening to Teddy, his hands propping up his head on his desk.
"Ah! Eliza darling!" Teddy said and Eliza rolled her eyes. This morning he thought that his voice was beautiful, but now it was getting a little annoying. All the students turned around and looked at Eliza. Her face heated up under all of the attention.
"Um, hi?" she said, unsure of what to do. Teddy got up and walked over to her, taking her hand and kissing the back of it. She made a face and backed away a little, bumping into Peter's chest.
"I have a question," Teddy said.
"Okay? What is it?" Peter said, getting a little impatient and just wanting to get on with the class.
"Is he your boyfriend?" he asked, pointing the question at Eliza.
The pair both blushed furiously, stuttering and trying to find an answer.
"I-wh-no. He's n-not m-my b-boyfriend-"
"Y-yeah. N-no sh-she's not, I-um h-have a friendgirl already- girlfriend I mean."
Teddy raised an eyebrow, watching them scramble for words. He knew there was something going on between them, whether they knew it or not.
The final bell rang, causing Eliza and Peter to sigh in relief and make their way to their seats, not making eye contact with each other. Teddy sat down in the chair next to Eliza, which made Peter mad. He was about to walk over to them and kick Teddy in the face, but Ned came up to him.
"Dude, quit being jealous and just sit next to me," Ned said.
"What?!" Peter exclaimed, "I'm not jealous."
Ned rolled his eyes, "You totally are. He's super popular and Eliza is probably going to fall for him, so just let it go."
"He's not tHaT popular."
"Yes he is. With that accent, the sportos, the motorheads, geeks, sluts, bloods, wastoids, dweebies, dickheads, they all adore him. He's a righteous dood." Ned said.
"Did you seriously just quote Ferris Bueller's Day Off?" Peter chuckled.
"yES and what about it? Now sit your ass down in a chair."
Peter glanced at Teddy and Eliza glaring at the boy first, before sitting down and paying attention to what Mr. Harrington was saying.
Teddy was in Eliza's English and History class, which forced her to spend time with him. It wasn't that she didn't like him, he just seemed a bit full of himself. Although the more she saw him, the more she realized he wasn't really, just a bit cocky.
Peter didn't particularly like him, even though Teddy had nothing against him. He just got a feeling of, what Ned had said, jealousy. But only when he was around Eliza, and it seemed like she was enjoying his company more than his own.
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