14 ≫ the avengers
(3rd Person POV)
July 9th 9:15 am
Happy had just picked up the two teenagers at their apartment building and were almost at the new headquarters. They were totally fangirling all the way there, very excited to meet their childhood idols, and not fight them.
When they were approaching the huge building, Peter and Eliza had mini flashbacks of coming here about a month ago, and turning down the chance at being Avengers. Although it didn't really matter now, Eliza hadn't gone out as Spiderwoman since that night. Peter still went out though, to keep up with the crime that was going on in New York City.
Happy turned off the ignition and quickly got out of the car, slamming the door behind him. He did not enjoy spending just twenty minutes in a car alone with two teenagers that were acting like fiver year olds.
Peter and Eliza scrambled out of the car, stumbling and tripping all the way to the front doors of the compound, probably looking like they were drunk, when really they were just incredibly excited.
When they got inside, they stopped giggling and their jaws dropped to the floor. In front of them, were all of the Avengers lined up in a row. A lot of them had their arms crossed, skeptical of letting a teenager live with them.
"Hey kids, how are you?" Mr. Stark asked, walking up to the two of them.
"I-um. W-we're good," Peter said. Eliza was staring at all of them her mouth wide open.
"Ok Eliza, you can stop drooling over Wanda now and meet the rest of the Avengers." Eliza blushed and looked away. "Everyone, this is Eliza Porter, also know as Spiderwoman. And Peter Parker, Spiderman."
They all said brief hello's and Eliza stopped when she saw Rhodey. He narrowed his eyes and Eliza did the same, walking up to him. He was about six inches taller than her, but he was still a little intimidated.
"You know...you look a lot like Basher from Ocean's 11," she said.
Rhodey rolled his eyes while the rest of them all snorted. Tony and Peter laughed.
"I've been telling him that for years," Tony said, then clapped his hands together, "Alright introduce yourself guys and then Eliza you can go see your room."
Eliza smiled and walked up to Bucky, "Hi, I-I'm Eliza."
"Bucky," he said. She grinned and then turned to Captain America, who was next to Bucky, holding his hand.
"I'm Steve," he said.
"Hi Steve," she said. Eliza continued her introductions and only two people were left, Wanda and Natasha.
"H-hi W-Wanda," Eliza said. Wanda smirked and looked straight into the girl's eyes, the blue overpowering her green ones.
She leaned close to her face so that their noses were almost touching and whispered, "Hey Eliza."
Eliza's eyes were blown as wide as balloon's, and her cheeks probably looked like tomatoes. Wanda leaned back, her eyes not leaving the girl's.
"I-I uh-um-I uh," she stuttered, not sure what to do. So she just turned and faced Natasha.
The woman stuck her hand out and smiled, "Hi, I'm Natasha."
Eliza smiled widely, trying to forget what had happened with Wanda and looked down at Natasha's hand. "C-can I hug you?"
Before she could answer, Eliza jumped on her, crushing her in a hug. Natasha laughed a little and kissed the top of her head.
"Ok guys, Peter can you show Eliza to her room?" Tony asked.
"Uh-sure?" Peter said, walking over to wear his best friend was. Peter grabbed her hand and led her down a random hallway. When they were out of view of the gang, they squealed.
"Ahhhh! Did you see that! Oh my god this is so cool. Peter pinch me. I swear to god if this is a dream-"
She was cut off by Natasha yelling, "We can hear you!"
Eliza stuck her head out of the hallway and said a quick, 'sorry', then turned back to Peter, smiling. They walked down the corridor and saw two doors next to each other. One was labeled, Spiderman, and the other said Spiderwoman.
"Hey we're next to each other!" Peter said, and high fived Eliza. Peter went into his and Eliza went into her's. They were almost identical, bed against a black wall, and a tv with a dresser underneath. Eliza walked into the bathroom and saw that there were two sinks.
She jumped when she heard a voice say, "Come here often?"
She turned around to see Peter leaning against the doorway, his arms crossed. She ran up to him and punched him in the arm, but because of her super-strength, it actually made a bruise.
"Oww," he whined.
"That's what you get, dumbass," she said.
"Asshole," he glared at her. She glared back. Until they both started to laugh. Because that's what true best friend's do.
July 9th 3:00 pm
The pair had explored basically the whole building and moved some of Eliza's stuff into her room. Mostly just a few photos and books. Now, they were in the living room, playing Minecraft on the gigantic tv. But they were both upside down, hanging by their webs.
It was completely silent, except for the clicking of the controllers. Bucky decided that he wanted a snack from the kitchen, so he sauntered out of his room, making his way to the kitchen. He stopped when he passed the living room though, seeing Eliza and Peter hanging upside down.
"What. The. Fuck." Bucky said.
The two of them fell down from their webs, landing face first on the floor in surprise. They looked up at Bucky.
"You guys...It looks like you're in some sort of cult," Bucky said, walking over to the kitchen muttering something along the lines of, 'teenagers...so weird.'
Peter and Eliza glanced at each other and bursted out laughing.
July 9th 11:30 pm
Peter and Eliza sat on the couch, trying to come up with something to do. Eliza was laying down on Peter's chest, and he was trying to do a braid in her hair. They were both bored beyond belief.
"Omg I'm so boreddd," Peter complained.
"Why are you bored?" a voice said. They turned towards the voice and saw Natasha, Tony, Bucky, and Steve walking towards them.
"Peter and I have nothing to talk about. We have literally told each other everything that has ever happened to us in our entire lives," Eliza said dramatically.
"I'm sure that's not true," Steve said, sitting down across from them.
"Oh no, it's true," Peter said.
"Ok, well we could play truth or dare," Natasha suggested. Everyone shrugged. Wanda came into the room and asked what we were doing. They explained to her and she nodded.
"I wanna play," she said.
"Alright I'll start," Bucky said, "Peter I dare you to talk in a British accent for the rest of the game."
"Ok, you got it mate," Peter said. He was really good at it.
"Nat, I dare you to drink a tablespoon of hot sauce," Steve said. She shrugged and got up, making her way over to the hot sauce and took the bottle, taking a big sip. She set it down and walked back to the group, unfazed. They all stared at her with mouths open.
"What?" she asked innocently.
"Ok then..." Tony said, "Wanda, I dare you to kiss Eliza."
Eliza's eyes went wide and nobody noticed Peter stiffen. Wanda smirked and got up, walking over to the girl. Eliza's lips parted and Wanda leaned down, planting a quick kiss on her lips. Her lips were incredibly soft, and tasted like cherry chapstick. She pulled away and walked back to her seat, leaving the girl blushing furiously.
"Peter," Natasha said, making Peter snap his head up towards her.
"Yes darling?" he said, still with the accent.
"I want to do a little science experiment...I dare you and Eliza to spend a week apart from each other." This snapped Eliza out of her thoughts immediately.
"WOT?!?!?!?" Peter yelled.
"Nonononono. I can't do that," Eliza said quickly, "Peter and I have literally spent every day together for the past ten years and one day." Everyone raised their eyebrows at them.
"It's true, we have. Well, except for that one day in fourth grade when she had the flu," Peter said.
"Everyday?" Steve asked.
"Everyday." they confirmed.
"Wow. And you guys don't ever get tired of each other?" Tony asked.
They looked at one another, "....No, not really." Peter said.
"Ok, this will be a much needed vacation. But I don't think either of you are going to last," Bucky said.
(Eliza's POV)
I couldn't spend a week without Peter, that would basically be torture. But if they didn't think I could do it, I had to.
"Fine, I can do it," I said.
"What? Eli, no," Peter said.
"Yeah, Eli," Bucky teased.
Peter glared at Bucky at said, "Don't call her that."
"Yeah...he coined that name. He is very serious about it," I said, trying not to laugh at Peter for being so sensitive about his nickname for me.
Peter rolled his eyes and sighed, "Fine, I'll do your experiment."
When Peter left the compound at 12:00 am, I went back to my new room and climbed into the bed, to try and fall asleep. After around an hour, I finally started to drift off.
Spiderwoman walked down a hallway, the fluorescent lights making her vision a little off. She didn't know where she was going, and her feet were involuntarily taking her there. When she reached the end of the hallway, there was a dark pit with nothing in it. She was confused to say the least.
Spiderwoman turned around quickly at the noise. It was the cocking of a gun. The scene in front of her was one that had terrified her for the past week. Anne was on her knees, staring at Spiderwoman, tears running down her face.
"NOOOOOOO!!!" Spiderwoman screamed as the bullet hit Anne's skull, making her fall down onto the hospital hallway. She ran towards her, but then fell down into the dark pit. Inside of the pit was a mirror, showing Spiderwoman's mask, half torn, revealing a frightened teenage girl.
She punched the mirror with her fist, making a crack right down her reflection.
July 10th 4:15 am
I woke up gasping for air, multiple beads of sweat rolling down my forehead. I blinked several times, trying to focus on my surroundings. I felt really weak and my vision was all blurry. Throwing the covers off of me, I planted my feet on the floor and put my head in my hands. I still couldn't see right though.
I looked around for my box of stuff that I had brought from my apartment but not unpacked yet. I saw its outline and stumbled towards it. Opening the box, I looked through it and found my old pair of glasses. I hadn't worn them in a year, but it was worth a try if they could help me see better.
I put them on and was surprised to see that my vision was fine. I compared my vision with and without them and was really confused. I stood up and walked over to the nightstand where my phone was. I was about to call Peter and tell him about this, but then I remembered I couldn't for a week.
To get the sweat off my body, I decided I needed a shower. Going into the bathroom, I turned on the light and took off my clothes, jumping into the hot shower. The water ran down my arms, sending chills down my spine.
After a much needed shower, I got dressed in some sweatpants and a large t-shirt. I put on my glasses again and dried my hair. I sat on the bed for a while, until I got up and walked over to my box of stuff, that was basically mocking me.
Inside the box, I pulled out my Spiderwoman suit and sighed. I hadn't put it on since that night, and there was still my mom's blood on it. Tears started to well up in my eyes as I remembered.
What if it happens again to someone I don't know?
If I couldn't even save my own mom, who's to say I can save anyone else?
I sighed once again and got up. I suddenly felt a pounding on my temples. Coffee is what I needed. Usually in the first thirty minutes of me waking up, Peter would bring me coffee. I'm pretty sure he is the reason for my caffeine addiction.
I quietly crept out of my new room at the compound and made my way to the kitchen. At the kitchen island, I saw Steve and Bucky sitting, drinking black coffee.
"Morning guys," I said, yawning.
"Hey kiddo..." Bucky said.
"You usually up this early?" Steve asked.
"No, but I-uh. Had a bad dream?" I said.
"Do you maybe want to talk about it?" Steve asked.
I didn't want to tell them that it was me re-living my mom dying, they would probably pity me or something. "Um...No, not really."
"Ok," Bucky looked confused when he saw my face, "Hey do you usually wear glasses?"
"No, but my vision was all blurry this morning so I had to put these on. I used to wear them before I got my powers," I clarified.
"Oh yeah, how did y-" Bucky started to ask. He was cut off by Steve smacking him in the chest.
"Bucky, sweetie, you have to stop bombarding the poor girl with questions," he said.
"Bu-" Steve glared at him and he shut up. I fought back a snort. I started to make some coffee and Steve told me we had peppermint flavor.
I squealed, "Oh my god, Peter loves peppermint flavored coffee. The first time I took him to the bookstore, he tried it and then he liked it so much that he ordered like fifteen cups of it. Then he ended up bouncing off the walls when we got back to his apartment and May was like, 'pEtEr bEnjAmiN pArKeR siT yOuR aSs dOwN oN tHe cOuCh' it was hilarious." I laughed.
"Cool story bro," Bucky said. Steve rolled his eyes.
"Hey what are you all doing up?" Mr. Stark said from behind us.
"Sleep is for the weak," I said, taking a sip of my coffee.
He smiled, "You are completely right."
"No she's not," Steve said, "Peter left at midnight and it's five am. She didn't get enough sleep."
"sO??" Mr. Stark said. He turned to me and looked me up and down, "What are you wearing?"
"Umm...I don't know, I found it in my box of stuff. They might be mine, or they might be Peter's I'm not sure. Most of his clothes are on my floor- OH MY GOD THAT SOUNDED SO WRONG- no i-it's just that after patrol, he's usually too lazy to go up the fire escape which is insane because it's literally three steps and he has insane agility but he just changes in my room and then his messy ass doesn't have the decency to clean up after himself." I ranted, taking a deep breath.
They all blinked at me several times and I pushed my glasses up the bridge of my nose. They hadn't heard me talk that much, and so fast.
"I-um. I'll just go back to my room," I said, clearing my throat and making my way out of the kitchen.
I didn't hear them say, "We probably shouldn't have done that dare, this week is gonna be really hard for her."
"We could take her shopping at the mall for some clothes or something. I've been meaning to try a skirt. Steve said it might look good on me," Bucky said.
"We can't do that!" Steve exclaimed.
"But why?"
(Peter POV)
July 10th 6:00 am
I woke up and rubbed my eyes. I didn't get a lot of sleep last night and I felt really weak this morning. I looked at the clock and saw it was only 6:00 am, so I got up and went to the kitchen. At the coffee maker, I pulled out two mugs, one for me and the other for Eli- oh wait. She's at the Avengers Facility. I sighed and put one of the mugs back.
I thought back to that one day when I actually didn't see her, in fourth grade.
I knocked on Eli's door with the new Lego Star Wars advent calendar in my hands, because it was December first, which meant it was time to open the first box. I bounced up and down on my feet, waiting for the door to open. It did open, but it revealed Anne, Eli's mom. She looked like she had to deliver sad news.
"Hi sweetie," Anne sighed, "Eliza's not gonna be able to play today."
I gasped and whispered, "Did she die?"
Anne laughed, "No, Peter, she didn't die. She just has the flu. So that means you can't see her today because it's contagious. Which means you could catch it, and we don't want that."
"Oh." I said, really disappointed.
"But hey! I'm still here! We can open the advent calendar together! It'll be fun, come on," she said, taking my hand and pulling me into the apartment. I smiled and pushed my glasses up my nose, following her inside.
It was still a good day without Eliza, because Anne was there, and Eliza definitely got her sense of humor from her mom. I smiled remembering that memory, but I didn't notice that tears were coming out of my eyes and streaming down my face.
"Peter? Are you alright?" Aunt May asked.
"What? Oh, uh- yeah," I said, looking away from her. But she came closer and put her hands on my cheeks, wiping away the tears with her thumbs.
"It's gonna be okay Pete," she said. Just the words I needed to hear.
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