11 ≫ wing woman
(Peter's POV)
Levi had come to pick up Eliza. I tried really hard to forget about that dance that Eliza and I shared, which was wonderful, and focus on getting to the dance to see Liz. I suddenly felt the need to protect Eli from this guy. I walked over to the door where they were standing.
"What are your intentions with my best friend?" I said, crossing my arms.
Levi laughed, "Ah. Peter right?" I nodded, "A little overprotective now are we..."
I wanted to punch him in the face, but as if she could read my thoughts, Eliza put a hand on my arm and whispered, "Let's just go ok?"
Liz said she wanted to meet at the dance, so I ended up having to ride in the car with Levi and Eliza. I sat in the back while the two of them sat in the front, talking away. I just sat, sulking. I got a weird feeling from this guy, so I was going to stay suspicious of him.
When we got to the school, I was still a little tense, until I saw Liz in her dress. It was a hot pink lacy one, and she looked amazing in it. My eyes softened and I walked over to her with a smile on my face, completely forgetting about Levi.
"Y-you look beautiful. Wow," I said, taking in her appearance. I gave her a quick hug and then offered her a hand, to dance.
The practice dance with Eliza was really helpful, now he knew how to dance with a girl and not fall over or trip. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Eliza dancing with Levi, but she looked a little uncomfortable. I decided to just ignore it.
Although I did feel a tiny pang of jealousy that she was dancing with him. But I had my turn, now I was dancing with my crush, Liz Allen. So I focused on her only. We talked while dancing, and I tried to not stutter over my words. I was planning on asking her to be my girlfriend later that night.
She said that she needed to go to the bathroom, so I sat down on a near by chair. Then Eliza came over, looking a little nervous.
(Eliza POV)
Peter walked over to go see Liz, leaving me alone with Levi. I looked at him and smiled awkwardly.
"Hey, do you wanna dance?" he offered. I shook my head no, "You sure? It'll be fun."
I scratched my eyebrow, "Uh-ok. I-I guess."
He took my hand, which I didn't really like, and led me to the dance floor. He put his hands on my waist and I slowly put my hands on his shoulder, unsure of this whole situation. We swayed a little back and forth for about five minutes before I actually looked him in the eyes.
He started to lean down, close to my lips, and I quickly cleared my throat dodged his face. He furrowed his eyebrows and I said, "Uh- I'm gonna get s-some water."
I walked away from him and went over to the food table. I was about to grab something when I dropped a napkin. I sighed and bent over to pick it up. As I was leaning over, I felt someone's hand about to touch my butt. My quick reflexes made me catch the hand before though. My grip tightened on the person's hand as I turned around. Levi stood there and I scoffed.
"Oh hell no," I said. I kneed him in the nuts, then twisted his wrist and pulled really hard, making him flip in the air and land on his back on the floor.
"Don't touch me," I hissed through my teeth.
"What the hell?" Levi said, appalled by my strength. I realized my mistake, now there were a lot of people gathered around us, staring at me with wide eyes.
"I-uh, took karate," I uttered before running out of that situation, trying to find Peter. I saw him sitting on a chair near the dance floor, looking happy. I walked over and sat in the chair next him.
"Hey! How's my favorite wing woman?" Peter asked.
"Are you implying that you have more than one wing woman?" I asked, raising an eyebrow at him.
"I-what, no," he said quickly.
"Just kidding. Anyways, Levi tried to grab my ass-" I said.
"What? Imma beat him up, I knew there was something off about that guy-" Peter cut me off, getting up from his chair, but I pulled the hem of his shirt, making him sit back down. It was like steam was coming out of his ears.
"Hey, I already beat him up. Cause I'm a badass and I don't need no man," I started.
"You're right, you don't," he agreed.
I flipped my hair behind my shoulder sassily and he laughed, "But also, thanks for offering. How's it going with Liz?"
His eyes lit up, "It's going great. She's in the bathroom, but I'm thinking about asking her to be my girlfriend!"
"That's great," I slung an arm around his shoulder, "You know, when I was your age-"
"You're literally two months older than me," Peter groaned.
"Speaking of my birthday...it's next week. Please do not throw a party or anything, I just wanna hang with you, May, and my mom," I said.
"But you do that every year!" Peter exclaimed.
"I do that every year because it's what I want to do," I pointed out.
"Alright, well-" Peter was cut off by Liz coming back over to us. I retrieved my arm from his shoulder and sunk into my chair a bit. Liz was kind of intimidating.
"Hey Peter! I was thinking that maybe we could have one more dance and then go get some food or something," Liz said, glancing at me.
"Y-yeah. Ok," Peter responded.
"Um. I'm just gonna go home. Bye guys," I said, getting up and going out the gym door. I walked home, hoping my mom was there.
When I got back to my apartment, I was relived to see my mom sitting on the couch, watching tv.
"Hey, how was the dance?" she asked as I walked over to her.
"Eh, it was fine. Although Levi turned out to be a dick," I said.
"Well," she said, "Men suck."
"Yeah," I chuckled, "You should have seen Peter when I told him. He was furious."
"Ah, yes. All men suck, except for that one," she said and I furrowed my eyebrows.
"What do you mean? Peter can be an dick sometimes too you know," I said.
"Oh really? Name one time," she said, crossing her arms.
"Um...remember that one time when he shot me in the eye with a nerf gun?" I said.
"Yeah, but then he gave you all the money in his piggy bank," she said.
"Ok...what about a few years ago when he dropped my book in the sink," I retorted.
"But then he hugged you for literally four hours he felt so bad. And then you were like, eW aFfEcTiOn....do it more," she laughed, "it was hilarious."
"Yeah, ok. Maybe he's not a dick," I said. There was a moment of silence before a smile grew on my mom's face, "What?"
"You. You have a dorky grin on your face," she said.
"I-what? No I don't," I said quickly.
"Yes, you do."
"Ok, I'm gonna leave now. Bye," I said, getting up and running to my room. My mom snickered and I rolled my eyes.
I heard my mom's phone ring and she picked it up, "Hello? Oh my goodness really? Ok, I'll be right there." She hung up.
"Hey, I gotta go to work. There's an emergency at the hospital," she said.
"Ok, I love you."
"Love you too. By the way you look gorgeous in that dress." I smiled and said thank you.
About forty five minutes after my mom left, I decided to go patrolling. I got out of my dress and put on my suit, climbing out my window and out into the city. I swung around for a while, enjoying the New York night lights. It was a little quiet without Peter with me, but I didn't mind.
My senses went off, signaling danger. It wasn't anywhere near me though, it was across town. I sighed and started swinging in the direction my senses were telling me to. I heard a few gun shots and swung as fast as I could. I gasped when the place where the gun shots were coming from came into view.
It was the hospital where my mom worked.
I rushed into the building as fast as possible, the gun shots still as loud as ever. Everyone was screaming, and there were nurses trying to make sure patients were safe and covered. I was looking around, trying to find the shooter, or better yet, my mom.
I checked every room, and hallway. Finally, I turned a corner to see a man with a gun, pointing it at a woman's head. That woman was my mom. She was on her knees, the gun next to her face. Her light brown hair was stuck to her forehead with sweat, her body shaking and tear streaks down her cheeks.
The man saw me and seethed through his teeth, "You almost locked me up in jail. Now you're going to pay."
I put my hands up in surrender, still about fifteen feet away from them, "Hey man, you don't have to do this. Please. Just put down the gun and we'll talk this out okay?"
His grip loosened on the gun a little and he pulled it away from her head. I sighed in relief and started to walk closer, but then he put the gun back against her skull. My mom flinched and then met my eyes.
'I love you' she mouthed. I shook my head. I was about to web the guys hands up, but just as I was, there was a gun shot. I was too late.
"NOOOOOO," I screamed, running towards them. I punched the guy repeatedly in the face, then threw him across the hallway. He landed on the floor, unconscious.
I looked down and saw my mom, laying down. My knees sunk to the ground and I cradled her head in my lap, tears running down my face. I ripped the mask from my head and pushed aside her hair from her eyes. Her eyes became glossy and her face pale. I saw a faint smile on her face before her body became still.
(Peter's POV)
"D-do y-you wanna be m-my girlfriend?" I stuttered, shutting my eyes closed, waiting for a rejection.
"Sure," Liz shrugged and I peeled one of my eyes open, letting out a breath.
"Really?! I-I mean coolcoolcoolcoolcool cool," I said. We walked hand-in-hand all the way to her house, and I dropped her off.
"I had a lot of fun tonight," Liz whispered and I nodded. She leaned in and gave me a quick kiss on the lips. I stood there, speechless and blushing like and idiot. She closed the door and went inside.
I smiled widely and skipped down the front stairs of her house. Suddenly my senses went off, but it wasn't a normal one like usual, warning me for danger, it was just....different. All that came to mind was one thing.
When I arrived at the hospital where my senses led me to, I tried to make sure that all the nurses were ok, and then asked them where Spiderwoman was. The nurse pointed towards a hallway a few doors away so I went over there.
I saw Eliza holding a woman up next to her chest and I gasped as I recognized who it was. Anne. Eliza had her mask off, and there were tears rolling down her cheeks. I crouched down to her level and put a hand under her chin, tilting her head upwards, forcing her to look at me. Her bottom lip was wobbling and her cheeks were flushed from the hot tears.
She started to sob and I immediately pulled her into a hug, stroking her hair while she buried her head in my chest.
After about ten minutes, a police officer came over to us. I still had my mask on, and Eliza's head was still in my chest so that was good.
"Excuse me, I am so sorry for your loss. Thank you for catching this guy for us, but I'm afraid that you will have to step out of this crime scene. Thank you again," they said and then walked off.
Eliza lifted her head up and put her mask on, we exited the building and swung back to her apartment. We got to the fire escape and climbed through her window. There were a few sniffles heard here and there, while we changed out of our suits and into sweatpants and sweatshirts. She flopped down onto her bed and then her sobs started again.
I climbed up next to her and wrapped my arms around her body. She hadn't said a word since what happened happened. I ran my hands through her hair once again and whispered comforting things.
"Shhh, it's okay baby I got you. You're alright, it's gonna be okay," I said soothingly.
We stayed like that all night, until I heard soft snores come from her mouth. I smiled softly at the site before me. She looked so peaceful and precious. Like a soft puppy, or a cinnamon role. Cinnamon roles were her sad food. I hope she'll be okay.
A/N- i'm so sorry. i cried. also, the next chapter takes place in june, after school ends.
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