05 ≫ tony stank
The first month that Eliza and Peter had their powers, they had gotten recognized by the press and given the names Spiderman and Spiderwoman. Everyday after school, they went home to do their homework and then went out onto the streets. Peter even created an anonymous Youtube channel, showing people cool tricks that he can do.
With the new things she was able to do, Eliza discovered that she could get phenomenal photos from all sorts of angles. Everyone at school knew who the new heroes were. Eliza found it a little bit funny that Flash was obsessed with Spiderman but hated Peter. After making those web shooters, she had gotten really into technology, paying more attention in shop class and math.
"So Ms. Johnson called on me in class today, but I didn't know the answer," Eliza said, earning looks of second hand embarrassment from the other three that were sitting at the lunch table. "So I said, 'Please. I am very small. And I have no money. So you can imagine the amount of stress that I am under.'" They all bursted out laughing.
"Th-that's a-awesome," Peter said through laughs.
"Yeah, well. Earned me a detention," Eliza muttered.
"That comment gave you detention???" MJ said, shaking her head, "Geez, the policy's at this school I swear."
"You do know that you sit in detention almost every week, even though you haven't done anything wrong?" Katie questioned, raising a brow at MJ.
"Yes, I'm aware. But I just go there to draw people under distress. Maybe you should come to detention, I'd love to draw your beautiful face," MJ said with a smirk.
Katie leaned forward to get closer to MJ's face and whispered, "Maybe I will."
Peter, Ned, and Eliza's mouth's were hanging wide open, watching the exchange between the two. Until Ned spoke up.
"Why can't you two just fuck already?"
MJ and Katie looked away from each other, blushing. Then the bell rang.
(~time skip~)
Peter and Eliza walk back to their apartment building together, listening to 'Left Hand Free' by Alt J. They saw a really fancy black car parked in front, but shrugged it off. Eliza got off at her floor, sending a smile to Peter and saying, "See you in an hour."
"See you in an hour," Peter repeated, heading upstairs to his apartment. He opened the front door, swinging his backpack onto the kitchen table. "Hey May," he said.
She was sitting on the couch. "Hey! How was school today?" Peter walked into the kitchen.
"It was ok, there was this crazy car parked outside," he trailed off once he glanced at May sitting on the couch. Next to her was a man. Peter's eyes went wide.
Tony Stark.
"Hello, Mr. Parker."
"Um, what?" Peter said, starting to smile, "What are you do- Hey! Um i'm- i'm- i'm- Peter."
"Tony," the man said, gesturing to himself.
"What are you- what are you, uh. doin here?" Peter said, crossing his arms.
"It's about time we met. You've been getting my emails right?" Tony said, trying to wink at the boy but miserably failing.
"Yeah," Peter said, glancing at May, "yeah, regarding the uh-"
He was cut off by May, "You didn't tell me about the grant."
"The September foundation. Remember when you applied?" Tony said, "I approved, so now, we're in business." He gave Peter a look that said, 'just go with it.'
"You didn't tell me about anything. What's up with that, are you keeping secrets from me now?" May said.
"W-well I just know how much you love surprises so I thought that I would...let you know...Anyway what did I apply for?" Peter said, looking back to Tony.
"Yeah, well that's why I'm here, to hash it out. You know, it's so hard for me to believe that she is someone's aunt," Tony said, pointing to Aunt May.
Aunt May just chuckled sarcastically. "Well, we come in all shapes and sizes you know."
They rambled on for a few more moments before Tony asked May, "Can I have 5 minutes with him? Thanks." Peter led Tony to his room. When they got in there, Tony locked the door and went over to Peter's desk, seeing some random devices and stuff that him and Eliza had found while on the streets.
"Oh wow! What do we have here, retro-tech huh?" Tony said.
"Look, um, I definitely did not apply for your grant-" Peter said, ignoring his comment.
Tony cut him off, "Nah-ah. Me first. Quick question of the rhetorical variety," he held up his phone that projected an image of Peter as Spiderman, stopping a car from hitting a bus, "That's you? Right?"
"Um, no, what do you-"
"Yeah. Look at you go, wow! Nice catch! 3,000 pounds, 40 miles an hour... not easy. Got mad skills."
Peter walked over to his desk, switching places with Tony. "That's all on Youtube though right? I mean it's all fake and done on the computer? It's, uh, like that video-" Peter said, before Tony cut him off again.
"Yeah, yeah like those UFO's over Phoenix?" Tony saw a compartment above Peter's ceiling, grabbing a stick and poking it open.
"Don't!" Peter ran over, tackling his suit that fell from the ceiling and throwing it in his closet, "Uh... that's uh..." Peter let out a breath of air.
"So, you're the spiderling. Crime fighting spider? Spiderboy?" Tony suggests, turning to the boy.
Peter crossed his arms, "S-Spiderman," he clenched his jaw.
"Not in that onesie you're not."
"It's not a onesie," Peter scoffed, moving over to his desk, "I was actually having a really good day today, you know Mr. Stark. Eliza and I didn't miss our train and algebra test," he tapped his pencil on his desk, "nailed it."
Tony wasn't paying attention, he was messing with Peter's suit. "Climbing walls? How you doin that? Adhesive gloves?"
"It's uh, a long story. I was-"
"Lordy! Can you even see in these?" he asked, putting the goggles of Peter's mask up to his eyes, "wOaUuHuHWoAhhHAa"
Peter grabbed the goggles from him, "Yes, I can. I can see in those. But when whatever happened, happened, it's like my senses have been dialed to 11. So those just uh- they kinda help me focus."
"You are in dire need of an upgrade. Systemic. Top to bottom. 100 point restoration. That's why I'm here. But you know what I think is really cool?" Tony picks up a vile of webbing, "This webbing." He threw it at him and Peter catched it with his fast reflexes. "The tensile strengths are off the charts. Who manufactured that?"
"My best friend, Eliza."
"Ah yes, the infamous... who was it, Spiderwoman?" Tony grabbed his phone off of Peter's desk and messed around with it a little. He pulled up a file and projected it in mid-air. It had a photo of Eliza on it and Tony smiles a bit, sitting down on one of his chairs. "Eliza Porter age 15, and correct me if I'm wrong, but," he points at the floor, "doesn't she live in the apartment below you?"
Suddenly there was knock at the window. Both of them turned their heads toward the noise. Outside was a crouching Eliza, who slid the window open and climbed inside, not noticing that Tony Stark sat in a chair in the corner of her best friends room.
"Hey Pete, my senses are like, going off the charts. Is everythi-" Finally Eliza saw that Peter's idol was sitting right in front of them, "I-uh. H-hi, I'm-i'm Eliza. W-what are you doing here?" she stuttered.
"Speak of the devil," Tony muttered, but both of the teenagers had super hearing, so they heard it, and Eliza furrowed her eyebrows, "I was just talking to Peter here about your guy's little spider gig." Eliza's eyes went huge and she whirled towards Peter who just glanced away, picking at his nails nervously. Tony stood up, "I'm here to recruit you guys. Do either of you guys have passports?"
Eliza chuckled, "No, I don't even have a driver's license-"
"You ever been to Germany?"
"Oh you'll love it!"
"We can't go to Germany!!" they saoid at the same time.
Peter tries to think of a reason,"I-I got homework."
Tony just rolled his eyes, "Alright I'm gonna pretend you didn't say that." Eliza snorted.
Peter glared at her and said to Tony, "I'm being serious, I can't just drop out of school."
Tony ignored him, going over to the door. "Might be a little dangerous, better tell Aunt Hottie I'm taking you for a field trip-"
He was cut off by Peter shooting his hand with webbing and putting his finger up. "Don't tell Aunt May."
Tony paused, "Ok, Spiderman. Get me outta this," he scoffed, pointing to his webbed hand.
"R-right. Sorry," Peter scrambled the get something to cut his hand out of the mess.
Tony faced Eliza, "Nice webbing by the way."
Eliza smiled sheepishly, blushing a little, because Tony was one of her idols, and he had just given her a compliment. "Thank you Mr. Stark."
"So, what's it made out of?" Tony said, he was intrigued by how a 15 year old girl could create such an advanced piece of technology.
"Well, it's basically like the strongest piece of nylon ever. The exact formula is in my room downstairs, I haven't memorized it. But on contact with air, the substance creates like a polymer string that knits together to form a really tough and flexible fiber with remarkable adhesive properties, so that's why I made web shooters, that shoot the webs to stick to buildings and stuff so that we can swing around the city. Also, if Peter wasn't cutting the webbing off of your hand right now, after about 2 hours, certain parts of the web fluid would cause the solid form to dissolve into a sort of powder," Eliza said, taking in a deep breath.
Tony just blinked at the girl. Funny, that was the exact reaction Peter had had. "Impressive, for a 15 year old girl. So," he said, clapping his hands together. Peter had just finished cutting his hand free, "I think I can tell your guys's guardians that you will be on a trip to Germany for your 'Stark Internship'" he said, using air quotes.
"Won't they be kind of confused as to why a guy in his late 40's is taking two 15 year old kids to Germany out of the blue?" Eliza said. She still wasn't sure why the man was here in the first place.
Tony rolled his eyes, "Kid," he sighed through his nose, "just let me handle it. And as for what you will be doing in Germany," he pulled out his phone again, "The Avengers are falling apart, Cap's going crazy, so we need to put him in check. I've been working on something for the two of you, which you will see later on. Just need to put some finishing touches on them."
Peter let out a little squeal, then blushed and cleared his throat. Eliza laughed at him. He glared at her and then pushed her, but she kept her balance, smiling widely at him. Tony's mouth twitched a little, watching the interaction.
"Alright, let's go!"
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