02 ≫ superpowers?
(Eliza's POV)
I woke up to the sound of my alarm clock, rolling over and slamming it to silence the noise. I heard a crash. Peeling my eyes open, I saw my clock smashed to pieces. I blinked a few times to make sure I was seeing clearly. I reached for my glasses and put them on, but then everything was blurry, I took them off and my eye sight was crystal clear. Slowly, I put the glasses back on my nightstand and got out of bed.
I noticed that I was starving, so I got up to go get some food. I opened my door, but my hand was stuck to the bronze door knob. My eyebrows knitted together, while I tried to unstick my finger tips from the handle, but it wouldn't budge. I pulled harder and harder until I heard a loud popping noise. The door knob had come off of the door. I tried to fix it before my mom saw, my eyes growing wide.
When I got to the kitchen, I saw my mom looking at me kind of weirdly. I saw that she is wearing her scrubs, probably getting ready to go to work. She had been a nurse for the last 10 years, deciding to go back to school after my dad died. She told me that he died when I was a baby, and I hadn't been skeptical of her statement until recently.
"Morning," she said while sipping on her coffee.
"You look George Weasley right now," I said while chuckling. "All you need is a q-tip sticking out of your ear." She let out a snort. I walked to the fridge and basically gathered all of the food to dump it on the counter. I started eating right away, shoving as much food as I possibly could in my mouth.
"Hungry?" she asked. I glared at her. "Eliza, you slept for 17 hours." I almost choked on an apple. "Are you feeling alright?"
"I slept for 17 hours??" I asked, she nodded. "I feel a little better than yesterday." She felt my forehead for a fever.
"Well, you don't feel abnormally hot." She pointed to the the mess I made on the kitchen island. "So just finish eating, clean this up and then get ready for school." I smiled sheepishly at her. She checked her watch, "Alright I'm heading to work, don't die," she said playfully while kissing the top of my head and going out the door.
Once I finished scarfing down the rest of the food and cleaning it all up, I went to my room and got dressed. I looked in the mirror and was really confused. I looked a lot skinner and my arms were way more toned, even after I ate all that food. I even had abs all of a sudden? That was usually where I kept my pouch of cheeseburgers. I shrugged and got dressed in my Midtown sweatshirt and some black jeans with converse. Then I put my hair up in a bun.
Grabbing my backpack, making sure I had all my books and stuff, I made my way down the stairs of Peter and I's apartment building. The elevator was always super slow and didn't have any lights inside so we never took it. Outside I met Peter, flashing him a smile. But I did a double take when I saw him.
He looked a lot taller than yesterday, and his shirt looked a bit tighter. I was really confused because he wasn't wearing his glasses, but then again, neither was I. I shrugged it off and we started walking to school.
"Y-you look...different," I said, "A good different I mean."
He scratched the back of his neck. "Um, thank you? No glasses?" he said, gesturing to my face.
"Yeah...you neither?" He nodded.
"Dude, the craziest things have been happening this morning. My mom told me that I slept for 17 hours? Also, I accidentally broke my door knob, and smashed my alarm clock, it's like I don't know my own strength-" I ranted.
"Yeah! Me too," he cut me off, "I was brushing my teeth this morning and I was just squeezing the toothpaste tube when like, half of the container squirted onto the mirror!" he said while using hand gestures, "and then I went to turn on the water and the whole handle came of and squirted water everywhere and the-" He noticed my laughing and glared at me.
"I- I'm sorry- but that's- hilarious," I said in between laughs.
"No it's not! Aunt May yelled at me and she was like, 'PETER BENJAMIN PARKER wHaT tHe hEcK iS gOiN oN iN tHeRe????' It was scary dude," he said. He joined me in my fit of laughter.
When we got to school, Peter and I split up to go to our separate classes. I seemed to be aware of every little thing that was happening around me. Every tapping pencil or foot, every fly that was flying around the room, and every small gust of wind was a hundred times louder than usual. The florescent lights were brighter, and the bell that signaled it was lunch time was as loud as a train whistle.
At lunch, all the kids were insanely loud. I tried my best to get through the crowd to my lunch table with Ned, MJ, and Katie. I was quiet while my friends were talking, trying to figure out what the hell was going on with my brain. Ned was going on about Star Wars theories, but I tried to tune it out. Then his elbow hit his water bottle and knocked it off the table. I snapped my neck towards it and there was Peter's hand, grabbing the bottle before it hit the ground.
"Nice reflexes Parker," MJ said. He gave her a small smile and went back to picking at his food. The bell rung and I just about jumped out of my seat because it was so loud.
(~time skip~)
After school ended, I went to go meet Peter after school to walk home together, but he wasn't there. I was so focused in my own thoughts that I didn't realize I was crossing the street. As if something in the back of my mind was warning me that danger was approaching, I looked to my left to see a car coming straight at me and a blaring car horn.
I jumped about 35 feet in the air and landed in a sort of super hero pose on the other side of the street. I looked around me to see people clapping and cheering. I had never been one for gymnastics or flexibility or really anything involving physical activity. And the fact that I just did a front flip and landed perfectly, really confused me. I rushed home before anything else weird could happen.
Once I got home, I ran to my bedroom and slammed the door shut, slowly sliding down the back of the door. To calm down, I tried standing up to do my math homework, walking over to my desk and taking out my textbooks. I took a pencil in my hands and took out a piece of paper to set down on my desk, but they wouldn't stop sticking to my fingers. I tried to shake them off, but nothing was happening. Just like with the door knob that morning. I started freaking out, and jumped up out of my chair.
Everything was upside down.
Then I realized where I was. I was on the ceiling. I looked down and screamed a little. I was panting and my breathing pattern was become faster. In these situations, when my anxiety picked up, Peter always told me to think of things that make me happy. I thought of one memory, when Peter and I were 9 years old and I was reading in my room, when Peter came through my window.
"ELIZA GUESS WHAT HAPPENED," he yelled at me excitedly, "I WAS AT THE STARK EXPO WITH UNCLE BEN AND IRON MAN SAVED ME!" Uncle Ben had surprised Peter with tickets to see the new Stark Expo that opened in Queens. He knew that Peter had loved Iron Man since he was little.
"WHAT?! Peter that is the coolest thing that has ever happened to anyone ever," I responded. We went out onto the fire escape he told me the story of how these robots that were on stage started attacking everyone so they had go outside and then one of the robots had his guns pointed at Peter. I gasped.
"But I had my Iron Man helmet on so I was ok!" Peter explained.
"No Peter, that's not how that works," I said while shaking my head.
"Ok, well, back to the story. So I put up my Iron Man hand and the robot was about to shoot me but then the ACTUAL IRON MAN CAME BEHIND ME AND DESTROYED HIM!!!! Then he said to me, 'Nice work kid' and then flew off." Peter fell on his back dramatically and said. "It was awesome." We high fived and talked about superhero's the entire night.
I grinned at the memory. Suddenly my hands and feet became un-stuck from the ceiling and I fell on my back. I groaned and laid there for a while. Sometimes you just need to lay on the floor for a while. It really gives you some perspective and is actually pretty nice.
I looked down at my hand. There were two little dots on the back of my hand. Then it all made sense to me. The radioactive spiders with Peter. Feeling a bite on her hand. Seeing a dead spider on the ground. Not feeling good after that. The weird things that had been happening to me all day...
"HOLY SHIT I THINK I HAVE SUPER POWERS!!" I yelled. I clamped a hand over my mouth and rushed over to the window, climbing up the fire escape to tell Peter.
(3rd Person POV)
Peter was very confused about the things that had been happening to him as well. He took the subway home and fell asleep while laying down on one of the seats. A man with a beer in his hand saw him and chuckled, deciding to mess with him. He took his beer bottle and carefully set it on his forehead. A drop of condensation rolled down the bottle, landing on Peter's forehead.
He immediately jumped up, the water droplet like a wake up call. In a split second, the beer bottle had fallen on a woman, and Peter was stuck to the ceiling. His eyes grew wide, realizing he was upside down. He looked at his hands and feet and let go, falling onto his back. He got up quickly.
"This is disgusting, now I smell like beer," the lady said, gesturing to her shirt that was stained with alcohol.
Peter jumped up and put his hand on her shoulder, trying to console her, "I-I'm so sorry I didn't mean to-" he tried to take his hand off of her shoulder, but it was stuck. He pulled harder and ended up ripping her shirt off to reveal a bright pink bra. He was apologizing over and over, trying not to stare.
The guy who had put the bottle on Peter's forehead started pushing him around. He was trying to defend the lady in front of them. Peter kept on saying that he was sorry, but then the guy threw a punch at him.
Peter stopped the punch with his left hand, the right one swinging a punch at the man. He didn't mean to punch the guy, but it was like an automatic reflex. The other citizens were trying to stop the fight, but Peter was quick to defend himself. He ended up beating up everyone on the subway.
It was like his brain did it without his own consent.
What the hell is happening to me?
Peter was pacing around his room when he heard a knock on his window. His eyes trailed over toward the noise and saw Eliza standing outside, wanting to come in. He quickly went over and let her inside his room. They immediately start talking over each other, everything along the lines of the weird stuff that had been happening to them in the last 24 hours.
After a few minutes of rambling, they stopped and looked at each other, whisper-yelling at the same time, "I think I have super powers"
Peter continued pacing around the room, muttering things and running his hands through his hair. Eliza stayed quiet, watching him move around, until she spotted two little dots on the back of his neck. She looked at the back of her hand and saw that they were identical.
"Peter," Eliza says quietly. He hums in response. "I think this has something to do with those spiders that we saw at Oscorp yesterday. I have a bite mark on my hand, and you have one on the back of your neck."
He stopped pacing and looked at her, his hand going to feel his neck where is was bitten. His eyes shot around the room before saying, "Do you think that we both have the powers of a spider?! That would be pretty freaking cool."
Eliza nodded and grabbed a notebook from his desk, starting to write down all the things that she could do. "Ok, I think I can stick to walls, can you?"
"Yeah, I was on the subway and some guy put a bottle on my forehead while I was asleep and then I was so surprised that I stuck to the ceiling. Also for a reason that is too embarrassing to share," he scratched the back of his neck, "these guys started fighting me and then I beat them up. But it was really weird because it was like I knew that they were about to throw punches at me."
Eliza nodded and wrote his story down. "Yeah, when I was walking home a car almost hit me-"
"Oh my god, are you okay?" Peter asked frantically, going to sit next to her and scanning her body for injuries.
"Yeah I'm fine," she said, brushing him off, "If you had let me finish," she glared at him, "It was like you said, I knew it was coming towards me. So I did this really cool front flip thing and landed perfectly, it was awesome. Ok remember when this morning I told you that I broke my door knob and alarm clock." He nodded. "and how it was like I didn't know my own strength? And how you broke the handle off of the sink, hehe. Maybe, just maybe," she squinted, "We both have super strength."
He sighed dramatically. "This is the coolest thing that has ever happened to anyone ever."
"What about being saved by Iron Man?" Eliza retorted, a small smirk tugging on her lips.
"Nope," Peter said, "This definitely tops that."
Eliza smiled, reading over the list again. "Also today at school, everything was really really loud, and the lights were a lot brighter than usual. I couldn't focus on anything in class."
He said, "Yeah, me too."
"Ok so I'll right down heightened senses," she said. "So far we have, sticking to walls, parkour/hand-to-hand combat, super strength, good reflexes, and heightened senses. What do you think we should call the thing that warns us for danger?"
Peter thought for a moment. "Hmmm, maybe..." he grinned and looked at Eliza, "A spider sense?"
Eliza laughed and wrote down, "spider sense."
There were a few minutes of comfortable silence, both of them trying to process everything that is going on. Peter perked up and says, "Hey, wanna go to the roof?" Eliza nodded eagerly.
They grabbed some snacks, the notebook, and Eliza grabbed her camera from Peter's desk. The roof of their apartment building had a small garden and two chairs on it. One of the corners of the roof had a few things that they had left up there from when they were younger. It also had a wonderful view of the sky. On warm summer nights, sometimes Peter and Eliza would come up to the roof and look at the stars shine brightly. It was one of their favorite things to do.
When they got up there, they sat in the two chairs, silently eating their snacks. Out of no where, Peter said, "I wanna see how far I can throw stuff now."
"That is an AMAZING idea," Eliza responded. They went over to the corner of their stuff from past adventures, and found a few baseballs. Peter grabbed one, stood at the edge of the roof and threw it. It looked like it flew around 2,000 feet away."WOAH! That was so cool, my turn."
Eliza took another baseball and before she threw it, she yelled, "THIS BITCH EMPTY, YEET." It flew until it was nothing but a speck of dust to them.
"I think you won," Peter says.
"Yes, it was the power of the vine," she giggles.
Eliza looked down at the camera in her lap. She grabbed it and turned it around so that the lens was facing both of them. She said to Peter, "SMILE!" He shut his eyes tight and smiled widely. Eliza laughed at his face and presses the button, the flash bright in their eyes.
A/N- I'm sorry, I know that it's bad rn but I promise it will get better.
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