WELCOME BACK," JAMES CORDEN SPOKE. "I'm joined by the most hottest group, the K-Pop Sensation BlackPink! Jisoo, Jennie, Rosé, Mia and Lisa," He announced to the crowd as they all cheered. Mia waved at a few people in the crowd and smiled towards the camera, winking and putting up two peace signs. She looked at James as he spoke and tried to piece together what he was saying as he was speaking quite fast.
"Now, they are very cool on the surface," Mia smiled and began to feel her nerves kick in as she listened to the host speak. "We're going to test their steel nerves in a game we call "Flinch"!" She cheered along with the rest of her members.
"Now, have you guys seen this game before?" James questioned, the girls nodded.
"You're gonna stand behind the glass, and I'm gonna fire out various foods and vegetables. And your job is to try not to flinch."
Mia nodded, and smiled nervously, "Now, who out of you scares the easiest do you think?" He asked while looking at the girls. Mia shyly raised her hand up, Lisa chuckled and wrapped her arm around her.
"Um, I think, Mia and Jennie," Rosé answered laughing, the others agreed. "Really, does this scare, you girls?"
"This is terrifying already," Jennie stuttered out, laughing nervously.
"And you, Mia?"
Mia looked at James and nodded shyly, "I hate scary things," She replied and shook her head.
"You're kinda shaking there, Jennie. I think you should pair up with Jisoo then take Mia as the last one!" The crowd cheered and Mia wrapped her arms around Jennie.
Jisoo and Jennie walked to the glass while music was playing in the background, they stood behind the glass and Jennie shakily looked at the crowd.
"Okay, how we feeling? Feeling alright?"
"Yeah, we're good!"
"Okay, A lemon and an apple are in!" Mia chuckled and walked over to Rosé who was watching James putting the fruits in. "Remember the objects of the game are to not to flinch."
"We got it! We got it!"
James laughed, "Jisoo, how are you feeling? You don't seem that scared, you seem pretty cool!"
Jisoo gave him thumbs up and sassily said, "I'm not scary." The crowd cheered and clapped. Mia laughed out loud while clapping.
"Really? Does that make you feel more confident, Jennie?"
"No, it makes me-" Jennie was cut off by the fruit exploding, sending it straight to the glass. Jennie screamed while Jisoo laughed it off, not bothered by it and smiled. James and the girls laughed as they watched it on replay. The crowd also clapped and couldn't wait for the rest.
"Jisoo, you were like, you looked as if I just called out to ask if you wanted a coffee!" James joked.
"Literally, my heart is beating so fast right now," Jennie admitted and held her heart, "We were having a good conversation."
"Well, I have to tell you, we all have a good time." The crowd cheered and James was ready for Lisa and Rosé. Mia's stomach started to twist and looked down at her shoes. Jennie came beside her and hugged her arm, telling her how scared she was. Jisoo also joined, watching Chaelisa standing behind the glass.
Lisa and Rosé stood behind the glass, "Girls, how do you think you will fare in comparison to Jennie and Jisoo? Do you think you will be better or worse?" James asked them while putting fruit inside the machine.
Lisa looked at Rosé and nodded, "Yeah I think we're pretty steady, we're younger than them."
"You're standing very firm together, look at the two!" The crowd roared and the girls held their muscles, awkwardly posing. "I'm so scared you're gonna burst that!"
"There's nothing to be scared of, only two people have ever been harmed when we played this." Rosé and Lisa looked at him shocked, "That's gonna be us!" Rosé claimed.
"When you came to America, did you think this would be something that you might be doing?" James asked them, ready to hit.
Rosé shook her head, "No, not at all! L.A will just be sunshine and happiness, all around. No fruit and vegetables being smashed at us." She answered, holding her chest, smiling nervously. Mia smiled and gave Lisa thumbs up, who smiled back and nodded.
"Will you be thinking of this when you're at Coachella this weekend in front of all of those people?"
"Oh, I hope no-" Lisa and Rosé screamed when the fruit smashed the glass, Rosé held Lisa as they held their mouths, feeling embarrassed. Jisoo, Jennie, and Mia laughed and looked at the replay. Lisa walked over to her leader and hugged her. She smiled and patted her back.
"Alright, the last one I've been excited for, to be completely honest!" James said the crowd cheered. The girls wrapped their arms around her, telling her that she can do it. She straightens her clothes and confidently walks to the glass.
"Are you okay there, Mia? You seem pretty calm after the girls have tried, do you think you can do better?" James questioned her while putting a tomato inside the machine.
Mia nodded cutely, "I can do this!" She chimed, sending finger hearts while standing still. On the inside, she was freaking out. She put a bright smile and looked at her members who were cheering for her.
"Being the leader of BlackPink, do you have a lot of responsibilities?" James asked her, hiding his remover behind his back.
She nods, "Yes I do. It can get very hard sometimes, but the girls have my back!" She replies, softly smiling. The crowd aww'ed.
James smiled at her response, "Do you think she will flinch Lisa?"
"We have to found out."
"I'll try to keep my eyes open!" The crowd cheered and clapped. "I don't know if you're being really strong or you're being absolutely terrified, Mia! Look she's not even moving! Amazing," she hums as focused on her beating heart, blocking everything around her.
Jisoo frowned, whispering to Jennie about their leader being a bit off. She was seen calm, rather too calm and wondered is she's feeling too nervous. Jennie looked at her, giving her a smile. "Are you okay, Mia?"
Before she got to answer, the fruit was smashed into the glass and she was seen unbothered. She smiled in satisfaction and cheered, giving herself a high five. She really thought that she would fail, God finally answered her prayers.
The crowd applauded and stood up from their chairs, watching it on replay. The girls cheered and attacked her with hugs. "Guys I did it! I did it!" She giggled and jumped. James soon joined and gave her a high five. "That was amazing, Mia! I loved it!" They clapped at her and she bowed.
"Do you like, ever flinch? Have you tried this?" Jennie asked and James laughed, "Well, let's find out!"
The girls picked their fruits and Jisoo was the one who was gonna fire out. James stood behind the glass while they were talking about when they should fire out. "More, more!"
"Now make sure it's pushed all the way down."
They didn't listen to what he was saying and put more fruit inside the machine. The crowd laughed.
"So, who's gonna fire out?"
The girls lined up and secretly decided to choose their leader to hit the remote. "It's a secret."
James held his hands up and nodded, "How many times have you done this before?"
"I would say a few times. We've played with different people-" Mia hit the remote and it smashed to the glass, James seen used to it already, did not move a muscle.
"Did he flinch?"
The crowd clapped while the girls were amazed at how he didn't seem to flinch and soon joined clapping. James walked over to them and the show was about to end.
"Ladies and Gentlemen, BlackPink! Let's hear it from them!" The girls clapped and bowed, Mia hugged James and soon the girls joined. He returned the hugs and waved to the audience.
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