✧・゚: *✧・゚:*𝐌'𝐆𝐀𝐍𝐍 𝐑𝐄𝐆𝐀𝐈𝐍𝐒 𝐂𝐎𝐍𝐒𝐂𝐈𝐎𝐔𝐒𝐍𝐄𝐒𝐒 as twister approaches an injured superboy, she looks up at twister's web of lightning before all six heroes disappear from sight
"fine, then." m'gann remains crouched as six of them are hidden by the camouflaged bioship. "i won't deny that you children have power," wally comes to next- his goggles now pushed to his forehead by the force of twister's previous strike- with hand to his head and a groan ready to escape his lips, but the groan barely begins before m'gann covers his mouth. "but playing hide-and-seek with you will not help me achieve my objective."
wally and m'gann stare right at twister, but he still cannot see them. "so stay concealed. If you confront me again, i will show no mercy." emphasizing his point with a clenching of his fist to create lightning sparks before finally leaving.
the others come to as they all stare in shock at the retreating villain, shock and anger beginning to progress inside of them.
"what happened?" wally questions, confused. his head turning to the others before placing an arm on madelaine's helping her sit up.
"i placed the bioship between us." m'gann explains as she slightly frowns realising the mistake she had made in thinking it was red tornado.
superboy stands and releases to hook punches on an unsuspecting rock formation. "and that's supposed to make it right?" all three other boys and madelaine stand up as superboy stalks towards a sitting m'gann. "you tricked us into thinking twister was red tornado."
the boys words angering madelaine as she pushes herself up and rushes over to the two she lived with, taking m'gann's side and putting a taunting finger to superboy's chest "hey, she made a mistake alright?"
superboy only stared at both girls in anger because hitting madelaine's hand away "well look where it got us!" he exclaimed throwing his arms up.
"she didn't do it on purpose." kaldur says calmly backing up the girls although his annoyance was obvious.
"it-it was a rookie mistake." robin agrees. "we shouldn't have listened" although he came to her defence it seemed like he was just insulting m'gann more than anything.
"you are pretty inexperienced" wally speaks up which catches m'gann's attention. she turns straight to the other ginger as his head drops slightly. "hit the showers. we'll take it from here." the boy tells her making madelaine frown.
"you don't get to tell her what to do, neither do you!" she argued pointing to wally and then superboy "or you, or you" then superboy and finally robin. she'd stick by m'gann's side till the end and the fact that these four boys were just giving orders as if they controlled her friend pissed her off.
"stay out of our way." superboy says darkly as he walks between m'gann, madelaine and the two younger boys.
m'gann's face falls as she watched superboy's walking turn into a run. just behind him, wally follows and then robin uses the dust cloud to disappear from sight.
"i was just trying to be part of the team." m'gann says sadly, her bangs falling in front of her eyes as kaldur places a soft hand on her shoulder.
"to be honest, i'm not sure we have a team" the boy says sadly before he then too takes off, leaving madelaine and m'gann. the ravenette turning to her friend with her hands laced in her own hair.
"they're idiots!" she groaned before grabbing m'gann's hand and dragging the girl back to the outside of the bioship. "i'm going to go get them, i want you to be ready to come if something bad happens though. alright?" she asks before the redhead nods. and with that confirmation madelaine takes flight to follow the stubborn boys who she was sure she'd kill.
the town of happy harbour was under siege, or nearly was. twin twisters blew through the small town, triggering car alarms and panic. one rips across the harbor, picking up boats and dropping them in the town square before that same twister runs through a building taking it down with ease. the three twisters destroying the town.
twister stands in the centre, controlling the destruction. "certainly this will get the required attention."
"you've got ours!" wally shouts, gaining twister's attention. "full and undivided!" the goggle-wearing speedster rips down the road, hitting twister hard enough to knock him back a good three feet.
"immaterial and insufficient!" twister proclaims. "you are a distraction I can no longer tolerate."
before he can act on his annoyance superboy drops with a battle cry and hits twister hard enough to knock him back three times the distance kid flash did. as he comes to a stop, both boys stand ready.
twister unleashes another twister that is going straight for them but it doesn't reach them as madelaine drops in front of them creating a bright purple shield which deflected the twister into another direction.
both boys looking to the girl in front of them who held her arms above her head in an x shape, wally staring with wide eyes. the girl dropping her arms with ragged breaths, her landing had ripped some of the grass out of the ground around her and the floor was dented.
"i'm still angry" she spoke under her breath as she turnt to look at the two, her eyes now a glowing purple and not the masked blue. her hair however was still black as she hadn't had enough time to unmask it.
robin and aqualad jump over a parked car, coming at twister's back as he throws a boat at superboy, wally and madelaine. twister then turns to boys coming at him, creating small twisters. aqualad dodges them with ease and continues for the elemental villain before getting caught in a disk spiral and launched at the town hall building and crashing into the railing of the second story deck.
wally speeds at him, only for twister catch him as well. the villain brings him over his head and wally finds his opening dropping out of the current and rolling into a crouch he takes off as twister creates another twister which heads right for robin. the boy wonder evades it and in his place the twister explodes. robin launches three more at twister, which are deflected, but leaves the villain barely enough time to avoid superboy's punch that dents the ground.
In his evasion, twister summons another twister, which picks up the clone and launches him away. right to where madelaine is helping aqualad get out of the rubble. twister sending a boat right after superboy.
aqualad moves out of the way pulling madelaine, knowing superboy is invulnerable, though the boat's motor lands mere inches from him. due to kaldur's atlantean physiology, he has minimal troubles lifting the heavy piece of equipment then throwing it at twister.
robin hides behind one of the other thrown boats and wally speeds around to join him. robin pulls his yellow utility belt out of his jacket sleeve and throws it over his shoulder.
"you brought your utility belt?" kid flash questions, sounding more annoyed than surprised.
"never leave home without it-" robin confirms and defends, clipping it together. "first thing batman taught me."
"yeah, right after don't go to the bathroom without it." wally grumbles as madelaine joins the two younger boys side, a small smile grabbing her lips as she see's the utility belt.
"where do you keep that thing?" she asks amused before turning getting ready to run into a sprint at twister. she's stopped however as a familiar voice enters her head.
"listen to me." m'gann's voice comes over the mental link, all of the team being able to hear her. robin grabs his head in his hands as does wally and madelaine, though their eyes noticeably clench shut as well.
aqualad gets thrown back by superboy, who managed to get himself out from under the boat. "all of you" megan continues.
superboy grabs his head before returning to the ginger girl who was in his head "what did we tell you?"
"i know, and i know i messed up," m'gann admits. "but now I'm very clear on what we need to do. please trust me."
two citizens are still running around the town as police officer is directing everyone "get back! everyone clear the area!" unaware of the twister headed right for him. madelaine swoops to the rescue as she launches herself into the man pushing him out of the way her body rolling on the concrete as a result.
red tornado comes to the centre of happy harbor where robin, aqualad and superboy now stand just out of twister's range. wally speeding to madelaine's aid helping the girl up. the villain stops as he sees red tornado. "hit the showers, kids." the leaguer instructs, landing. though not accompanied by his usual red tornado like he used when greeting the team outside the mountain "i was hoping you could handle this. clearly, you cannot."
"but we've got a plan now." robin objects with a frown as wally speeds him and madelaine over to the rest of the group.
"the subject is not up for debate." tornado tells them. all them say nothing as they walk away as they begin to walk away. madelaine was hesitant but wally had a strong grip on her arm and wouldn't let her turn around.
"i was beginning to believe you'd never show up." twister tells Tornado.
"i'm here now." tornado says, his right hand reaching out beyond his cape to create a twister he sends right at twister who counteracts it. but as Tornado attempts an attack on his turned back, twister sends another at the Leaguer.
tornado disperses the attack before any damage can be done. "we are evenly matched, twister." tornado says, using both hands to create a tornado behind him to throw at twister.
"no, tornado, we are not" twister emphasizes his point with a punch that blocks the rubble with a wall made of air before shooting lightning at the leaguer. tornado dodges and takes flight, guiding the lightning to one of the crashed boats which explodes into him knocking him to the ground as he sparks.
twister lands beside him. "remain still, android." all his fingertips become computer connectors which fall around the back of red tornado's head and neck. "the reprogramming won't take long."
tornado grabs the wires, turning his head towards twister before turning into m'gann's head. "longer than you might think." he hears her voice once more.
"no." twister gaps, then m'gann launches him back with her telekinesis, ripping out the wires from his hand into an oncoming twister, which catches the villain and sends him over her head. as it comes to a stop, kid flash turned out to be the one creating it, by running.
madelaine then blasts hits the off-balance villain in the the kidney area, before the villain begins stalking back into superboy's area who hits him hard in the stomach as he grabs the massive arm under his own and hitting him twice more in the chest, causing smoke to start coming out of the seams in the metal plates. the boy then reels back hits him straight in the face, knocking him into the harbor.
as he sinks, he turns to find aqualad waiting for him, impaling the two points in the metal he's using into his already damaged chest area. aqualad's tattoos begin to glow and electricity passes into twister, the explosion brings him back to the ground. one of his arms missing. m'gann uses her telepathy to bring him off the ground and rip his other arm off as robin throws exploding disks which knock twister to the ground.
madelaine floating over the villain as she mutters a quick incantation and bright purple ropes appear around the machines legs wrapping them close together. even with no arms twister tries rising to his knees, only to find the whole team before him. his chest panel opens, revealing a man, around forty , medium length brown hair in a green and white suit. he falls out of the exo-suit and to the ground "foul. i-i call foul." he stutters.
m'gann steps up, an angry look in her eyes, before telekinetically reaching over to pull up a massive slab of the ground. realizing what she's doing kaldur attempts to stop her by forcing her arms back to her body, but at that point it was already over the man.
"m'gann, no!" madelaine yells but it was too late, the rock hits the man crushing him before their eyes.
wally and robin stand stunned before robin gets angry and steps up to the older girl. "don't know how things are done on mars, but on earth we don't execute our captives!"
m'gann seems undeterred "you said you trust me" she says softly before lifting the boulder to reveal another android, though now it's in crushed pieces. "that's why I couldn't read his mind."
wally steps up and grabs one of the eyeballs "cool. souvenir." flicking in so he can catch it in in his fist as he looks to m'gann. madelaine glances to the boy confused on why he was taking things before deciding she'd ask later.
"we should have had more faith in you." kaldur tells her sincerely, as madelaine joins m'gann's side wrapping her arms around her friend pulling her into a hug.
"yeah, you rocked this mission" wally agrees. when no one says anything he has to ask "get it? rocked."
madelaine had to stiffle a laugh at the lame joke which the boy slightly blushed at before shaking his head, the girl pulling her lips back to stop the laughs.
as the android's eye turned red robin mutters an "ignore him" then continues in a brighter tone "we're all just turbed you're on the team." m'gann smiling brightly.
"thanks. me, too." the martian girl thanks, madelaine found it so funny how not even an hour ago they were all arguing. she turns her head to superboy to see him looking at the ground. she knew the boy didn't know how to process his emotions and was too stubborn to apologise.
"i think this was quite a successful mission" madelaine says out loud as she brings her hands together emitting a loud clap and smiling at her team. all of them returning her smile.
inside mount justice, the team is conversing with red tornado. "it was clearly created to sabotage or destroy you" kaldur tells the leaguer which madelaine nods to.
"agreed." red tornado says, looking over the pieces of the android and the computer readouts.
"is that why you wouldn't help us?" m'gann questions.
"no. this was your battle." tornado says simply "i do not believe it is my role to solve your problems for you. nor should you solve mine for me." the androids words making madelaine smile. he treated them like adults.
robin , wally, and superboy all pause in their work thinking over what their supervisor said. "but if you're in danger..." m'gann begins to object.
"consider this matter closed." red tornado states then walks off. madelaine shaking her head.
"they're all so stubborn, we could be put to good use" she speaks up before plopping herself up on the table in the centre of the room. the team nodding agreeing with her.
"batman, aquaman, flash, they'd all have jumped right in to fix things." wally comments as they all stand to watch him go further into the mountain.
"guess if we're going to have a babysitter, a heartless machine is exactly what we need." robin says.
"dude! harsh." "he so does" wally and madelaine hiss at the same time. but wally don't object to it in any other way.
"and inaccurate." both boys stop dead. "i have a heart , carbon-steel alloy. i also have excellent hearing."
"see" madelaine whispers lowly as she looks to robin then wally, robin glaring at her as wally's eyes clench closed and he frowns, just opening one eye to look at the girl. a silent 'help me!' gesture that he doesn't want tornado to see.
robin forces out a nervous chuckle as. "right. I'll strive to be... more accurate." kaldur shaking his head at the boys words before grabbing robin's shoulder and bringing the youngest's attention to him.
"and more respectful." red Tornado says nothing more as he walks away, but m'gann stands at the entrance of hall as the boys and madelaine head to the dorm section of the cave.
"speedy was so wrong." wally says happily. "this team thing..." the boys mention making madelaine's heart clench.
"might just work out." kaldur agrees as madelaine nods and skips to his side so she's between him and wally.
"what's with you and those souvenirs by the way?" she asked turning to the redhead besides her, the boy smiling as he throws an arm over her shoulder.
"well you see babe..." he trails off as the two exit the cave. superboy and m'gann the only ones left.
superboy goes to follow but stops as he catches m'gann looking at him, the boy looks down with a small amount of concentration coming over his face before he looks back to her. "sorry." then leaves.
m'gann smiling softly before following the others.
guess who's going to give you guys some madelaine and kaldur friendship development next chapter as well as an insight to madelaine's childhood and develop her and wally a bit more. YAY. i hope im like making superboy and madelaine seem like friends/ siblings as well as her and robin. and her and m'gann besties YAY
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