✧・゚: *✧・゚:*"𝐒𝐎 𝐘𝐎𝐔'𝐑𝐄 𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐘𝐈𝐍𝐆?" roy asks the girl as he lifts his bow positioning it perfectly so his arrow lands between the two men on the ground, madelaine rolling her eyes as she kept her arms crossed leaning against the crate behind her.
"yes and you should join me" she tried getting through to the boy as roy let go off the arrow letting it land between the two men flashing a bright red and then releasing gas.
she had accompanied the boy on the mission trying to convince him to join them on the team, she had thought he'd never forgive her after their little arguement and wasn't willing to risk losing the boy she had loved once
the two men stumble and the container goes flying, popping open to reveal a high-tech gun which slides to the feet of one of their associates. the guy looking at the construction set up over his head, finally zeroing in on speedy and madelaine.
speedy putting his arrows back on his back before grabbing madelaine's hand and pulling her closer towards him, not liking how careless she was being.
"you again!" the guy yells at the teenager. "i'm starting to get insulted green arrow's not messing up my operation personally." then narrows his eyes as he looks at madelaine "and what you save a damsel on the way?"
the mans words angering the ravenette as she pushes speedy off her and goes to jump off the crates but is stopped as roy wraps his arms around her waist pulling her back against his chest to keep her still.
the arrow-themed protogé pushes her behind him before diving right grabbing onto next support column, just barely staying in front of the shots. the guy continuing to shoot at the bridge. continuing to shoot just in front of the young man ignoring madelaine, who flips her hair letting it change to its natural silver and sending a blast of energy to a barrel near the man causing it to explode and shredding the mans suit.
"do you know what I pay for suit in my size?!" he yells even more angry at the 15-year-old demi-god. "scorch the earth, boys." he commands at his goons.
the other four raise their guns to do just that, but a blur comes through and two of them are suddenly left weapon less. the other two turn towards where the blur ran off to, only for their guns to be knocked out of their hands. robin swings into an opening in the crates with his happy cackle. the atlantean drops down with his water-bears turning into whips which hit the smugglers in full force. knocking them into the back of the truck and to the ground, unconscious.
the main villain, brick, lifts a chunk of concrete and throws it at speedy who is also using the crates to his advantage as he waits to strike with his already nocked arrow. he comes to a stop, bracing himself in a downward diagonal with his foot on one of the crates as he launches an arrow that explodes as it hits brick's massive shoulder. it doesn't stop the metahuman from throwing another piece of concrete at speedy. however, this time madelaine creates a force field in front of him blocking the attack, giving speedy the opening to hit brick with a gas arrow.
speedy walks to his ex-girlfriend as she releases her magic dropping her force field around them "pretty please. the cave is perfect" the girl tries again dragging out her please.
"for covert missions." robin says dropping down behind speedy. "you know, spy stuff."
kid flash runs up the crates and lands just shy of the edge with inverted half. "and wait till you see superboy and miss martian." he says excitedly. "but i saw her first." he says smugly before madelaine rolls her eyes at his childishness "oh and mads is off limits too" he added on.
roy scoffs at this before staring at the ginger boy "as you said, i saw her first" roy said throwing a thumb at madelaine making the girl sigh at the boys fighting. kid flash looking between the two with a confused look before realisation clicked and an offended look crossed his face.
the gas wasn't enough to take out brick, which is made clear as he lets loose another war cry and throw another piece of concrete at the five conversing teenagers. speedy, madelaine, robin, and kid flash all dive out of the way, but aqualad remains firm. taking out the concrete with twin maces. speedy uses two arrows that stick to brick's chest and release three spurts of flame to knock him back.
"tell arrow he shouldn't send boys to do a man's job." speedy nocks another arrow taking aim. brick stands tall his arms out wide. "go ahead." speedy grinds his teeth as he shoots this arrow. which hits and for a moment nothing happens, then foam releases from the capsule stuck to brick and traps him in it.
kid flash skids to a stop crouched under speedy's aim, just in case. "high-density polyurethane foam. nice" he compliments causing madelaine's head to snap to him.
"you're smart?" she asks making the boy to place a hand on his heart in mock offence.
"b's and a's" he told her causing her to nod appreciatively at the boy ignoring roy's stares.
the boy turns and begins walks away but as he passes aqualad and robin the youngest boy speaks up "so speedy, you in?" roy stopping and squeezing his fists.
"pass. i'm done letting arrow and the league tell me what to do. i don't need a babysitter or a clubhouse to hang out with the other kids. your junior justice league is a joke." aqualad stops leaning against the crate. "something to keep you busy and in your place." he growls looking right to robin before turning around again "i don't want any part of it."
"are you still coming round later?" madelaine yells out to the boy as he begins to walk away, her team mates giving her 'are you serious?' looks which she ignored.
"yes" she could hear him yell back in an annoyed voice which she nodded to herself about. he may have been angry but it didn't mean he was going to break their promise they made to eachother, they had always found it easier to sleep in a bed together and had promised to always show up at the others window when they couldn't get to bed.
"what are you two planning on doing?" robin asks the girl throwing an arm around her shoulder as he lifted his eyebrows suggesting things she didn't want to discuss with the boy.
she shrugged his arm off before beginning to walk away the way speedy went "stuff you're too young to talk about" she knew she was lying but it was fun to get a rile from the boy.
"wait, what!" she could hear kid flash ask as if he had just processed her words making her chuckle under her breath at the red-head.
madelaine stood around the kitchen counters with kaldur, kon-el and m'gann as they waited on the other two members of the team for red tornado's arrival. she inspected her manicured nails which were purple matching her turtleneck she wore and complimented her black bodycon skirt. she had put a mist over her hair so it was black again and even went as far as to change her eyes to a blue like superboy's.
"did you ask him?" robins voice asks as he and kid flash run into the room both in normal clothes, madelaine let herself inspect kid flash or should she say wally with an appreciative smile.
"what did he say?" wally follows up as he runs to stand between madelaine and m'gann
"he is arriving now." kaldur tells the two of them calmly making madelaine smile before her smile widened seeing the boys smiles widen as well.
"then what are we waiting for?" wally asks grabbing madelaine's hand and running off, robin following close behind, and finally aqualad. kon-el turns, crossing his arms over his t-shirt before walking off, m'gann smiles and takes flight to follow. they arrive at one of the entrances which is a ramp that falls down into the cave from the ground above them. all six walk up the ramp, as red tornado lands before them.
madelaine pulls her hand from wally's grip slowly as they stop outside of the tower, "you can't just hold my had whenever you feel like it" she tells him with a laugh as he turns red and scratches the back of his neck.
"sorry if it makes you uncomfortable, i'll stop" he says suddenly turning shy making her eyes widen at the change in attitude before placing a hand on his shoulder and leaning in to whisper into his ear.
"never said you had to stop, just ask next time" and with that she pulled back as if nothing had happened and smiled at the incoming android. the red-head beside her smiling widely turning to stare at the girl with a happy look.
"red tornado" madelaine greets as the others join them, the girl waving at the android enthusiastically .
"greeting." he offers "is there a reason you intercept me outside the cave?" his monotone voice makes it rather hard to discern the question portion of his sentence.
"we hoped you had a mission for us." aqualad explains to the hero making the others all stand on the edge of their toes in hope.
"mission assignments are the batman's responsibility." red tornado states simply causing robin to frown
"but it's been over a week and nothing-" robin tries explaining but is cut off.
"you'll be tested soon enough" the android states firmly. "for the time being, simply enjoy each other's company."
"this team is not a social club." kaldur objects strongly which superman nods in agreement too but madelaine and m'gann share a look.
"no," red tornado agrees. "but I am told social interaction is an important team-building exercise. perhaps you can keep busy by familiarizing yourselves with the cave." tornado says, walking past the six teens and into the cave. the teens only being able to watch as he leaves.
kid flash turns to robin, punching him in the shoulder "keep busy" the speedster nearly growls in annoyance at how they were being treated like children. like sidekicks.
"does he really think we're falling for this?" robin questions angrily, catching everyone's attention with his anger.
"oh, i'll find out." m'gann says excitedly, then turns towards red tornado and her expression relaxes slightly. madelaine thought she should point out how he's an android but decided to let the girl remind herself.
m'gann sighs. "i'm sorry, i forgot he's a machine, inorganic. i... cannot read his mind."
"nice try, though." wally offers. "so, uh, you know what I'm thinkin' right now?" he looks up at with a flirtatious smile. wally will be wally madelaine told herself.
"we all know what you're thinkin' now." robin grumbles and madelaine nods in agreement before elbowing the speedster's turned back.
"ow." he complains, but only seeming half-hearted about it as he turns to smile at madelaine which she ignored knowing she'd cave in.
"and now we tour the clubhouse." aqualad says sourly which boosted madelaine's spirit a bit
"well, mads, superboy and I live here. we can play tour guides." m'gann offers, looking to the other two who she was closest with out of the team. robin and wally instantly turn to the others.
"don't look at me." superboy tells them seriously before crossing his arms with a stern look that madelaine was more than used to. the boys turning to madelaine now.
"i think i'll just stay in my room" she said apologetically before crossing her arms like superboy and changing her balance from right to left foot.
"a private tour of your bedrooms. even better." wally says, looking to madelaine and then m'gann again.
"sh-she never said private." robin objects looking at madelaine to back him up and then at m'gann who just looked embarrassed at his flirting.
"team building. we'll all go." kaldur says, breaking up the argument before it can even start. madelaine now confused on if her bedroom was on the list. they all turn to go back down the ramp, but robin grabs wally's arm and yanks him back.
"so, this would be our front door..." m'gann begins as she clutches madelaine's hand as drags her in tow with her. "and this would be the back." she continues as they come out on the other side of the mountain. "the cave is actually the entire mountain."
"it was hollowed out and reinforced by superman and green lantern in the early days of the league." wally explains what he knows about the history of the mountain.
madelaine turning to look at the boy with an appreciative smile at all of his random facts something robin didn't miss.
"then why abandon it for the hall of justice?" superboy questions as he trails behind the group not wanting to act interested.
"the cave's secret location was... compromised." kaldur tries to find the right words as he explains.
"so they traded it in for a tourist trap?" superboy questions, confused. "yeah. that makes sense."
"if the bad guys know of the cave, then we must be on constant alert." m'gann raises her hand in accentuation, thinking she's figured it out.
"the bad guys know we know they know about the place," robin assures, grabbing her hand and turning her towards him, then putting his other hand on top of hers. "so they'd never think to look here."
madelaine looks at the youngest boy and grabs his hands pulling them off m'gann's before looking at her best friend "he means they'd never think to look here because they know we know they know about it"
"ah, that's much clearer." m'gann says still scratching her head, clearly still confused but madelaine knowing she'd understand soon.
superboy sniffs twice "i smell smoke." the boy speaks up causing m'gann's eyes to widen as she runs to the kitchen leaving the others behind before madelaine remembers.
"cookies" is all she says before running after her friend making the boys follow. making it to the kitchen and removing said cookies, with her telekinesis, m'gann setting them down as the boys enter the room, looking to the burnt-black cookies on the tray.
"i was trying grammy jones' recipe from episode 17 of-" the martian cuts herself off as madelaine slaps a hand over her mouth with an awkward chuckle.
"i bet they'd tasted great." robin assures the two look back to the other three boys. "he doesn't seem to mind." surprised madelaine looks back up, finding wally eating their cookies.
with his mouth still half full and a burnt cookie in each hand, aqualad and Superboy can only watch in stunned silence. "i have a serious metabolism" wally offers weakly causing madelaine to giggle.
"i'll... make more?" m'gann asks unsure on how to take that comment.
"it was sweet of you to make any." aqualad tells her before also smiling at madelaine the girl nodding at him before lifting herself onto the counter and going to slap a cookie out of wally's hand not understanding how he could eat that
"thanks, aqualad." miss martian says, ducking her head slightly.
"we're off duty. call me kaldur'ahm." he insists. "actually, my friends call me Kaldur." he clarifies with very little hesitance knowing madelaine already called him that.
"i'm wally." wally speaks up, leaning on the island. "see? I already trust you with my secret id, unlike mr. dark glasses over here." robin frowns and glares at wally as he puts his hands on his hips, annoyed by the speedster's slightly accusatory tone.
"batman's won't let robin tell anyone his real name." madelaine explained to the martian girl as she nodded towards robin.
"mine's no secret." m'gann admits brightly. "it's m'gann m'orzz. But you can call me megan. it's an earth name, i'm on earth now." she seems really excited about that fact considering it was like her fifth time and she was staying permanently now.
superboy's grips his head for a moment before yelling "get out of my head!" , gaining everyone's attention in an instant. they all know what he does when he's angry, they look back to m'gann a curious expression on their features.
"what's wrong? i don't understand." m'gann says, expanding her telepathic range to include the other members of the team.
all four react negatively to it. robin physically grips his head with both hands, kaldur turns away from m'gann closing his eyes and grimacing before finally putting his own hand to his head, madelaine pushes her fingers to her temples, while wally brings his own hand to his forehead threading his fingers through his bright red hair, and superboy's fists clench at his sides as he looks almost ready to pounce.
"everyone on mars communicates telepathically." m'gann says confused not understanding why they were all acting like this.
"m'gann stop." kaldur commands anger clear in his voice. m'gann closes the link and looks confused and hurt, but listens to kaldur "things are different on earth. here, your powers are an extreme invasion of privacy."
attempting to lighten the mood wally adds in his two cents. "besides, cadmus' creepy little psychic g-gnomes left a bad taste in his brain." saying the last part behind his hand as if that will stop superboy from hearing him and as if it is some big secret.
"i-i didn't mean to-" m'gann tries apologising
"just stay out." superboy growls cutting her off, his eyes burning bright with rage as he walks into the adjoining room.
madelaine looks between the people in the room before excusing herself "i'll check on him, alright?" she says now looking at m'gann making sure the girl lets her handle it.
madelaine enters the living room seeing him sitting in the chair looking glum, taking a seat on the arm of his chair and placing a hand on his shoulder "she didn't mean it, you know she doesn't understand" she tried
"don't talk to me." he says, less angry and more instinctually annoyed.
"please" the girl tries again "she's really sorry" she adds on knowing how the boy had a soft spot for the martian. he looks back down before standing up. madelaine's face brightens, as she leaps up and hugs the boy quickly which he stands shocked from before hesitantly hugging her back awkwardly.
"we're going to need to work on your hugs" she laughed into his shoulder before pulling back and dragging him by the wrist to the others.
"it's my martian bioship." m'gann explains as the doors open letting madelaine and superboy enter. in front of the seven was a red oblong shape in the hangar.
"cute." wally offers. "not aerodynamic, but cute." madelaine smiled at his idiocy as she knew how m'gann's ship truly was.
"it's at rest, silly." m'gann smiles bright, reaching her hand out. "i'll wake it." as she does the oblong turns into a shape recognizable as a ship. a small staircase comes off the back, showing off some of the insides. she walks towards it but soon realizes the others aren't following. "well, are you coming?"
madelaine doesn't need to be told twice as she runs ahead of m'gann and straight into the ship however all four boys hesitate and board with nervous expressions. once inside the front opens up to reveal a captain's chair and five more side chairs.
"strap in for launch." m'gann tells them. wally and robin exchange bright grins before sitting down, wally on madelaine's right who was on m'gann's right who was on robins right. kaldur and superboy sitting at the front.
as robin goes to lean forward the chair moves, eliciting a "whoa" from the stunned- and possibly scared- boy. the chair reaches out and creates chest restraints that hold the thirteen-year-old in place.
"red tornado," m'gann says, sitting in the captain's chair. "please open the bay doors." as the bay doors open two control towers form by m'gann's hands.
once open the bioship flies out at impressive speeds, only to slow just above the surface of the water and begin a near 90° upward flight, before barrel rolling to face towards the mainland once more.
"incredible!" robin tells m'gann, more likely impressed with the responsiveness and her piloting skills than anything.
"she sure is..." wally agrees, but is entirely focused on m'gann, once she turns towards does he realize what he said. "i-i mean the ship, which like all ships, is a she." his cover up making madelaine laugh causing the boy to grin at making the girl laugh.
robin is the first to point out wally's crappy attempt at covering up what he said. "fast with his feet, not so much with his mouth." causing madelaine to laugh even more
"dude!" wally yells, mostly embarrassed, but clearly still at least a little annoyed with the smaller raven.
"he'll come around." robin tries to offer to m'gann, clearly knowing what the conversation between the two oldest- physically- members was about in front of them
"he doesn't seem to like me very much." m'gann says sadly. madelaine frowning before placing a soft hand on top of her friends.
"he likes you, trust me. it's hard to adjust, you know how it was for us" she says thinking back to her first few months on earth, she never would've gotten through it if she didn't have robin, m'gann or diana.
robin snorted from besides the girls as he thought back to madelaine's earlier days "she flooded the bathroom once cause she thought the taps turned off by themselves" madelaine's eyes widening as she heard wally laugh as well as kaldur who held back a laugh.
"at least i didn't crash the bat mobile!" she exclaimed in protest making robins face fall and a glare be sent in her way.
"you promised you'd never tell" he accused pointing a finger at her which she shrugged to before sitting back in her seat and folding her arms over her chest, her blue eyes staring out of the bioship.
"hey, how 'bout showing us a little bit of martian shapeshifting?" wally asks, changing the topic. m'gann nods , thanking him for the change, before stepping up and gaining kaldur and superboy's attention as her clothes begin to change. making her look like a girlish version of robin, costume included. catching wally's smirk she turns into a girlish version of Kid Flash.
"is it wrong that i think i'm hot?" wally questions dreamily as he stares at himself, madelaine internally found herself agreeing and couldn't stop herself before she spoke.
"you are" she nodded in response making wally grin towards her before a smirk took over and superboy and kaldur smiled finding the situation hilarious
no one says anything as madelaine realises what she says and coughs trying to change the subject. m'gann smiling at her before turning into her.
"i love this" wally says as he stares between the two girls causing madelaine to smirk at getting a reaction from him and him hopefully forgetting about her slip-up.
robin applauds m'gann. "Impressive," she turns back into herself. "but you know you're not exactly gonna to fool anyone as a boy."
m'gann smiles softly as she sits down. "mimicking boys is a lot harder."
"and your clothes?" the atlantean at the front questions.
"they're organic like the ship. they respond to my mental commands." m'gann explains, pulling on her jacket slightly.
"as long as they're the only ones." superboy says darkly not caring that he's heard by all of them. madelaine glaring at the back of the boys head.
"can you do that ghosting through walls thing manhunter does?" wally asks.
"density shifting?" m'gann questions, though her smile doesn't return. "no, it's a very advanced technique..."
robin leans forward. "flash can vibrate his molecules right through a wall." then chuckles before gesturing to Wally. "when he tries it, bloody nose" madelaine snorting at this.
"dude!" wally snaps, annoyed that he would tell them that.
"here's something I can do." m'gann says brightly, then the entire ship disappears from sight. "camouflage mode."
"red tornado to miss martian. an emergency alert has been triggered at the happy harbor power plant. i suggest you investigate covertly. i'm sending coordinates." all six are on high alert as the ship bings.
"we should find out what caused the alert." madelaine says as m'gann takes the bioship down a few mere feet above the surface of the parking lot.
superboy turns out the side window. "i think i know the cause." he says, right outside the bioship is a tornado. heading right for them, m'gann attempts to alter their course so not to be swept up but is unsuccessful and the Bioship glitches out of camouflage mode as they get fully entangled in the tornado.
trapped inside the tornado all of them hold on and grunt as the wind whips them around. m'gann manages to open her eyes and reorientate herself, as she does her brow drops in concentration and her hands firmly press on the control towers, illuminating them as she gets them out of the tornado and to the parking lot. at the power plant all the works are evacuating and screaming in fear.
"are tornadoes common in new england?" kaldur questions, hearing no response he turns to where the by wonder just was but finds the space between him and m'gann now empty. "robin?"
the boy wonder's laugh echoes, but none of them can locate him. "idiot" madelaine whispers to herself before beginning to look around for the younger boy.
"h-he was just here." m'gann objects confused on how he just did that, madelaine and wally knew how casually he did it and couldn't even be surprised.
their attention turns back to the power plant where the windows are being blown out.
inside the power plant is a red and black exo-suit, with blue tubing running from his shoulders, up and to his lower back, and a brown scarf covering his mouth. tornado-like funnels coming from each hand. the funnels hit robin directly and slam him into the support pillar nearly eight feet off the ground, then him fall to the ground. hitting his back both times.
the other members of the team running in through the loading bay doors, superboy jumping the stairs to land beside robin as he sits up. "who's your new friend?"
robin looks to superboy, grimacing at the motion. "didn't catch his name," the clone jumps at the villain. "but he plays kinda rough." he finishes, warning the clone.
the exo-suit wearing villain stands ready, air pulses still coming from his wrists, though the bright blue tubing is now confirmed to be going to the tops of his wrists as well. "my apologies." he says, revealing his robotic tone. "you may address me as mr. twister"
mr. twister then throws both his hands up, creating two more tornadoes, which superboy withstands, but before he can gain anymore ground twister redirects the tornado, grabbing superboy before launching him into the wall, a good fifteen feet off the ground. as he hits the wall dents and he falls to the metal floor, unmoving.
now on the main floor with aqualad, madelaine and kid flash, m'gann turns the three more experienced teens. from his pocket, wally pulls out his goggles sliding them over his eyes. as robin gets back to his feet in front of him the barefoot atlantean looks to madelaine then nods. all four taking off as a group around the boy wonder.
kid flash speeds through a front handspring before aiming with both his feet at mr. twister's chest. he doesn't quite make it as mr. twister raises his hands to create vortexes that stop him in his tracks. then turn 180° and launching kid flash out the bay doors where madelaine flies over grabbing him by his arms before he can go any further. but due to how quick he was going both of them to end up rolling on the floor, arms clutched around each other.
unamused, twister turns back in time to create twisters under a flying m'gann and a charging aqualad, knocking both of them back and eliciting a yell. aqualad hits a corner of one of the support beams, while m'gann narrowly misses and crashes into the raised grated walkway another ten feet behind the boy wonder.
madelaine groans from under wally and hits the boy to get him up before he rolls off her and quickly jumps up pulling her with him "you okay?" he asks which she nods to before the two make their way over to kaldur.
"i was prepared to be challenged by a superhero." twister goads, as robin pulls a disk out from under his jacket. "i was not, however, expecting children."
"we're not children!" robin yells launching a small bomb then the disk.
twister counteracts the bomb with dual vortices, causing it to explode at a harmless distance, thinking robin faked one of his moves he lets the vortices drop, giving the disk the opportunity to land in the centre of his chest plate. which the villain flicks away with one finger. "objectively, you are." only then does it explode. "have you no adult supervision? i find your presence here quite disturbing."
"pity for you" madelaine bites back, bringing twister's attention to the standing six members of the team. "let's see if you're more turbed once we kick your can!"
wally grabs madelaine picking her up bridal style and speeding her out of the building, the girl holding onto the the boy dearly not understanding why he did that. though once she heard his ragged breaths she understood he was still recovering from their throw.
m'gann reaches out with her telekinesis destroying the fixture over his head, creating a steam barrier that superboy jumps through. even with the barrier twister still reacts fast enough to catch superboy before he can land a hit, throwing him back and causing him to hit where the ceiling changes height, then bounce off to fall into a flying m'gann. both robin and aqualad dodge without missing a beat. the atlantean's hands charging with electricity. twister says nothing as his hands begin creating vortices, that then become miniature twisters than pick up aqualad and robin before slamming them into each other.
"indeed." the villain says, rising off the ground. "that was quite turbing. thank you." then leaves as the team groans back to consciousness.
seeing twister leaving madelaine glances at wally before flying in front of the villain "what have you done to my friends?" she demands as she begins to let the energy flow through her arms lifting them to blast the villain.
"embarrassed them, largely." twister says, then bringing both his hands together to form a singular twister that snatches madelaine up sends her heading right for the outside wall of the power plant.
as the wind clears madelaine is braced for impact, but doesn't seem to slam into the wall as she feels someone grab her body mid air "i got you, mads." m'gann assures as she, , wally, robin, superboy, and aqualad stepping out of the last of the dust.
"i would have thought you had all learned your limitations by now." twister speaks to the team.
"what do you want?!" aqualad yells angrily at the villain, who rises into the air.
"isn't it obvious? i'm waiting for a real hero." twister tells them, proving his thoughts that they are not that and just a bunch of kids.
"read his mind, find his weakness." aqualad throws over his shoulder to m'gann but if madelaine was right it wouldn't work, he was an android like red tornado.
"i thought I wasn't supposed to do that." m'gann objects, now slightly hesitant and equally confused.
"it's okay with the bad guys." robin clarified towards her.
determination sets in as m'gann sets out to do just that. "nothing. i'm getting nothing." then she breaks her concentration, knocking her head slightly. "hello, megan. mr. twister is red tornado in disguise." all of them look up to the 'villain' in hurt shock. "he's inorganic, an android." aqualad turns to m'gann. "and how many androids do you know that generate tornadoes?" now both robin and kid flash turn towards her as well. madelaine still staring at the villain.
"red tornado sent us here." aqualad agrees as it all started to piece together in his head.
"after saying we'd be tested soon enough" robin agrees continues. this is his test, something to keep us busy."
"roy called it." madelaine said, as she spun to the others quickly looking annoyed and hurt "do they think we're just some joke?" wally nodded agreeing with her.
aqualad makes a noise of frustration before slamming his fist into his hand and turning back towards the 'villain'. "this game," wally vocalizes, as he, madelaine and robin step up to join aqualad. "so over." the four stand alone before twister.
"we know who you are and what you want." robin accuses.
"so let's end this." aqualad confirms.
"consider it ended." twister says darkly, raising his hands over his head and the two funnels begin creating dark clouds and a massive full sizes twister. as this happens, robin's resolve gives slightly. a small amount of worry causes his lip to drop.
"can red tornado do that?" madelaine asks to herself but the others hear and they all share the same worry she just began to feel, maybe m'gann was wrong.
"you think I'm tornado?" the lightning gains intensity. "ironic." twister says darkly before the lightning strikes the ground and hits just before the young heroes blasting them all back.
the only who remains standing is superboy, his coat is scorched, and he rips it off to fully show off his superman t-shirt, before launching himself at twister. the weather villain, barely glances down as he hits superboy with twin bolts of lightning from his hands. knocking the clone into the ground with enough force to cause trench behind him.
twister begins to approach superboy, prepared for the final shot to end the boys life. madelaine not even fully conscious to even know what's about to happen to kon-el or to help him.
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