𝐬𝐞𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐦𝐛𝐞𝐫 𝟐𝟎𝟏𝟐
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*𝐒𝐈𝐍 𝐀𝐅𝐓𝐄𝐑 𝐒𝐈𝐍. seraphina had found it easier in her mortal life to continue disobeying the laws her false god had created. down in babylon she had fun causing havoc but up on earth she found the consequences lasted longer bringing her an inflated sense of pride. asmodeus would've enjoyed it up here.
the music blasted loudly as the bitter taste of alcohol warmed her insides, her hand on the waist of the brunette girl in front of her and the blonde boys lips on her neck from behind. if only god could have seen her now. it was her final day of freedom before she was forced to attend her first day of school. she planned to steal the life from a few people tonight.
the feeling of the boys lips on her neck causing her to moan into the mouth of the girl in front of her, letting her taste the cheap vodka the party host had bought. she didn't even know who's party she was at but she knew she'd never care. she had a feeling that tonight someone would die.
it had been eating her up all day, if she was around when it happened she knew she'd sleep like a baby tonight. the chaos around her, the panic and sadness that emitted from others when a loved one died always made her feel better about herself.
"i'll be right back" she slurred to the two patrons who were littering her body with marks which would be gone by the sunrise, she detached herself as she made her way towards the drinks table.
an overwhelming scent of dog filled her senses as she got closer, she glanced around for a few seconds only noticing a tanned boy with black spiked hair awkwardly keeping to himself. she didn't know there were lycanthropes in beacon hills.
her nails slowly grabbed the bottle of whiskey from his hands without asking before taking a large gulp, enough to make her not care of whatever mistakes she were to make that night. before passing it back to the boy making sure to scrape her nails against his wrist.
"oh, sorry" the boy apologised with a shy smile as he placed the glass bottle back onto the table, his full attention turned to the girl in front of him. he'd never seen her before and assumed she went to heathers school.
"no worries" she waved him off, her stomach slightly turning as his scent continued invading her senses. it felt like so long since she'd been around a supernatural creature she didn't share blood with, the last time being 3 years ago when she ran into a coven of witches.
scott didn't know what it was but the scent on the girl in front of him made him uneasy, she was unfamiliar. she didn't smell like a werewolf but she was definitely not human.
"seraphina" she stuck her hand out with a smile which had made even the most loyal angels sin. he noted how her palm was littered with scratches and bruises, ones which had probably been their for years.
"scott" he said after a split second of hesitation to shaking her hand, the name slightly rung a bell in her head before it clicked. she could see the resemblance. the eyes which she could never seem to escape.
"melissa's son?" she asked as she retracted her hand, it finding its way into her front pocket and out of his sight. her scars always made people wonder, its why she liked to keep them hidden. only the people involved in her life knew how she had acquired them and only those people would know. half of those people were either dead or banished.
scott furrowed his eyebrows as he lifted his drink to his lips, nodding not getting the chance to reply as he saw stiles rush out of the basement and up the stairs. seraphina's eyes following the obvious mortal boy assuming he was scotts friend, being able to pick up the dog scent on him.
"i, am your new neighbour" she grinned, her dimples popping out on both cheeks. maybe she could see herself enjoying beacon hills before it burnt to the ground.
"𝐢'𝐥𝐥 𝐬𝐞𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐚𝐟𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐬𝐜𝐡𝐨𝐨𝐥" lilith said to the two girls who sat in the car, both avoiding the woman's eyes as if she'd kill them. evangelina shuffled in the back seat as she played with the strap of her book bag, the awkwardness in the car suffocating to say the least.
"i'll find my own way home" she spoke to her mother before squeezing her shoulder and letting herself out. seraphina cursed the girl for leaving her in the situation before going to grab the handle of the door on her right.
"i know what you did last night" lilith spoke before the girl could make her way out of the car, her words stilling seraphina's breathing as she let go off the handle with a scoff.
five years ago lilith would've congratulated her daughter for such a quick kill, but since the revolution she had been more cautious of their actions. it was exactly why they left babylon, the knowing that if the archangels succeeded up in heaven everyone and anyone that had double-crossed god would suffer a place much worse than hell. a place not even lucifer knew of.
"i covered my tracks, no one will know" she assured, it wouldn't be the first time she killed and certainly wouldn't have been the last. each day up on earth she grew to resent the woman in front of her, lilith, the woman who had given her life.
"i just don't want to draw any attention" lilith sucked in a large breath as she tried controlling her anger not wanting to do something she'd regret. the woman's last word making seraphina turn abruptly to face the first woman on earth.
"you don't want to draw attention?!" her face pulled into one of confusion and revolt, "you ran away during a war and dragged us with you. we are coated in magic and basically have ash stuck to our skin! we will always have someone's attention" a disgruntled breath leaving her throat, neck slamming against the headrest.
"it was either we ran or we died" lilith spat as she grabbed seraphina's arm, the grip she had being strong enough to awaken her magic weakening the girl in front of her. a common occurrence for the two when arguing, but only when intended.
seraphina gained control of her breathing before snatching her arm from her mother and opening the car door "death doesn't sound as bad, because you and me both know this life is barely living"
once again, lilith was left to watch as her daughter walked away from the life she so desperately wanted to protect them with. seraphina had always been a rebellious child, taking so much after her father but now it just seemed that the girl was hell bent on returning to a place that had abandoned them.
𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐚𝐩𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐚 𝐝𝐢𝐝𝐧'𝐭 𝐝𝐰𝐞𝐥𝐥. she had never been one the kind to think into something too long. so from the short three minute walk from the car to her first lesson she had forgotten all about the soul she had stolen last night. coach finstock would have to be the centre of her attention for the next few months, or however long until she was rescued.
her fingers grasped the cool metal of the door, not bothering to knock before letting herself into the full class. all eyes turnt to her as expected, a very familiar pair being included. the coffee driven man at the front of the room turnt quickly before trying to recollect her name from his memory.
"seraphina...- uhm , what was it?" his obvious carelessness proving she wasn't going to have a hard time passing, she was planning on hypnotising him if need be to get the right grades but she'd pass this with flying colours.
"seraphina bourne" she said well flashing a smile to the man briefly. he gestured her to a seat across from scott's friend and diagonally from the puppy dog eyed boy.
scott quickly whacked stiles' arm as he watched the girl converse with finstock quickly, his mouth beginning to slack as he remembered the scent she gave of last night. stiles yelped as he turnt to his bestfriend with annoyed eyes.
"i know her" scott whispered as the girl began approaching, his voice going deathly silent as she took her seat, stiles glanced between the back of the girls head and scott before furrowing his eyebrows.
"does anybody have a quarter?" finstock resumed his lesson as he trailed the class, first being offering up one being the lanky boy behind seraphina, she turnt as she heard him shuffle through his pockets. her seemingly black eyes making contact with his whiskey ones as a metallic packet fell to the floor.
it seemed the whole class went silent as they all processed what it was. an extra large condom. a smirk took over the girls features as the whole class burst into laughter, scott trying to maintain his own. finstock approached picking it up and handing it back to the boy "you dropped this. and congratulations" in a salacious tone.
"ms. bourne, up!" finstock gestured as he grabbed the coin stiles had finally recieved. seraphina made her way to th front of the class as everyone's eyes trailed her. it was a fact she was attractive, but not in a pure and pretty way. she was something to take in, something filling.
"risk and reward! put the quarter in the mug, win the reward! okay, watch coach." he said before flipping the dime into the mug on his desk. he turnt to the girl with a grin "the risk: if you don't put that quarter in the mug, you have to take the pop-- the, the quiz. and-and you have to write an essay! risk-- more work. reward-- no work at all. or, choose not to play."
seraphina always had things go her way, a curse hidden in a blessing. she had never known disappointment from a human, always being satisfied. maybe it contributed to the self-centred and spoiled mindset she had but god was the real judge, and as fair as she cared about god, she didn't.
"but isn't this just chance?" scott asked from his seat as she grabbed the coin, brief flashes of a blonde around her age and alcohol. bottle upon bottles as if it were a wine cellar. she couldn't focus too much into it as she grasped the coin between her fingers.
"no! you know your abilities, your coordination, your focus, past experience... all factors affecting the outcome. so, no work? more work? or choose not to play?" finstock asked the girl as she positioned herself exactly where the man had just stood.
"play" she said as she focused on the cup and the coin in her hand, transferring her energy into the coin so it'd do exactly as she wanted. it was easier to move objects and control animals then it was humans. getting them to tell her the truth was her speciality, controlling limbs and mouths was a different story,
the sound of the coin hitting the bottom of the cup caused her to stand up straighter well silently cheering herself amongst the claps of her class. "a betting woman! no quiz for you" finstock said high-fiving the girl as she turnt happily.
the happiness was cut short as the classroom door opened and the sheriff entered, silence falling upon them all as his eyes landed on extra large. "stiles" it seemed this was normal as everyone stayed focused on finstock.
"what the hell is a stiles?" seraphina found herself asking aloud as the lanky boy stood up.
𝐬𝐡𝐞 𝐰𝐚𝐬 𝐚𝐭𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐯𝐞. she knew that, not in a vain or prideful way. but in the way that she was the daughter of the most alluring woman ever known to mankind. so as she stood in-between a bookshelf with one of the most attractive set of twins she'd ever seen she knew she could whichever one she wanted right now.
however, the smell of dog filled her senses once again. only it was doubled. this town just seemed to be werewolf infested she told herself. and where there were wolves, there were hunters. and were there were hunters, there was the fact that she knew she would not live to see her seventeenth birthday.
evangelina was only fourteen, she had not been around during the witch trials. her birth came around 1934. the girl had not known the true terrors of the human world and how they hated their kind. she had an idea, but had never had to suffer first hand. seraphina intended for her to never have to, no matter how much hatred and resentment she had towards her she knew how it scarred the soul.
"excuse me" one of the twin werewolves in front of her spoke as he slightly cornered her into the shelf, acting as if he were reaching a book above her head. she knew he could smell the magic on her, he probably couldn't tell what she was though.
it was rare for demons and wolves to have run ins. the last time the two had leaved in harmony together was 1400 in babylon when wolves were still seen as haunting as demons. an agreement was made for the wolves to return to the mortal realm and for the demons to continue ruling hell.
she sent the boy a flirty smile before sliding out from beneath his arm, a book of her own in her hands as she walked out into the library opening. an open seat on a table with a brunette and a redhead. both pretty.
she didn't bother asking to sit as she dumped her bag at her feet and began browsing through the textbook in front of her. childish illustrations of lucifer, god, lilith, adam and eve, the angel gabriel. people she had seen up close and personal. people who were just as human looking as they were tainted or celestial.
lydia and allison shared a look with eachother as they stared at the new girl. allison was the first to pick up on the scars that littered her hand. seraphina could feel the stares but didn't care, they smelt human enough and stayed out of her way.
a certain page in the textbook stilling her rapid hand, an image of lucifer and lilith wrapped amongst vines and leaves, arum flowers tangled between. the text underneath written in latin and hebrew, languages she had learnt before english.
"lilith had never truly been created to please adam. the betrayal and her fleeing had been planned all along. lilith had been created for lucifer from the beginning. she had been made to be his redemption. but god had miscalculated for how long lilith would let herself be controlled. she had been a rogue mistress from the beginning-"
she was cut off from her reading as a pale hand shut the book in front of her, rolling her eyes she turned to face the culprit. the pretty redhead sat with a tight lipped smile, one that was probably meant to intimidate her.
"how did you get those?" she asked as she directed her eyes towards the scars on her hand which she noticed spread to her wrist slightly. allison noticed the way they resembled claw marks. with the arrival of the alpha pack in town they had to be extra cautious.
seraphina glanced at her wrist before looking the girl in the eyes, the brunette held a lot of suffering in her soul. she could smell it. the redhead however was deeply disturbed. beacon hills seemed to be a beacon.
"chains, whips, lovers quarrels, the occasional knife" she said with a cruel smirk as she picked her bag up from the floor not sparing the girls another glance and making her way to the exit of the library.
lydia shivered slightly as she turned to allison "creepy", allison however was focused on the book the girl had just been reading. lydia picked it up and read over the cover being able to understand the latin "the rise of babylon?" she hummed.
"𝐭𝐨𝐨𝐤 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐭𝐢𝐦𝐞" the british accent hit her ears before her bag hit the floor of her bedroom. her feet carried her to the edge of her bed as she engulfed the male in front of her. he was dressed like he'd just escaped a party with dorian gray.
"asmodeus" she breathed into his shoulder as she pulled the boys body as close as possible. his soul was however not present, she couldn't feel it. she knew asmodeus had lost his way a long time ago but she was always able to feel him.
"i can only sense you?" she questioned as she held the boy at an arms length, his smile slightly dropped as he picked the girl up and spun her. she laughed as he set her down. "this is only temporary, i'll be able to hold you in my arms soon enough. but for now this is the best i can do on trial"
seraphina's whole mood plummeted at the boys words "so i'm stuck in my figurative hell well you're in literal hell" homesickness was a bitch. the mortal realm was weakening her connection she had to place. she wasn't able to call for asmodeus anymore after the first two weeks away.
"when i can convince your father that you will help us win this war, i will be the first to collect you. i swear." his words making seraphina roll her eyes as she plopped herself at her desk. nails scraping against the white paint, deep indentures made.
"it's all just words, father could care less if i was converted into an angel" and it were true. a reason she resented evangelina. both sharing different fathers and different childhoods. evangelina's father has been in both girls lives forever, the only difference being unlike seraphina's he had tried.
seraphina had known asmodeus, the prince of hell, since she was a mere child. they had grown besides eachother, she stopped aging at sixteen as he stopped at seventeen. they had suffered centuries besides eachother in babylon as well as the mortal realm. they had forged alliances and betrayed eachother time after time.
"he has his own daddy issues to sort through" asmodeus waved off as he fell back onto her bed, trailing his eyes over the room and the arum lillies on her ceiling. it was a signature which had been in her family forever. "you should be causing havoc up here.
"i stole a soul last night. his name was chad.. no no.. chase!" she remembered, the blonde she had met at the random party. he had sold his soul to the devil the moment he stepped into the preserve with her.
"and you weren't caught" asmodeus points out with a smirk "go and do it again" asmodeus has always been the little red devil on the right side of her shoulder. she had never had an angel on the left to try and stray her to the light. it was a known fact she had been lost a long time ago.
"when i return, i want my bed made" she told the boy before pressing a kiss to his shoulder and making her way to the front door. she knew if she had stayed around the projection for much longer she'd sense herself falling back into her anger towards her mother.
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