The car pulled up by the side of the diamond link fence, surrounded by dying shrubbery of faded greens and wheat yellow colours and a light, dirt path. The area did feel familiar - I recognised the tall, LEGO-(light)-grey building, even though it was in shambles; no roof and crumbling walls, barely any windows (they'd been smashed in or missing) and the graffiti that was scattered along the insides and outsides of the building. Maybe I did come here - after it'd become ruins, too.
I began to get out of the car - the seat belt being easier to undo than actually put on - sighing at the feeling of fresh air. Even with the AC, the car did feel muggy with that many people in it. I stretched; swinging my arms straight out and grumbling in satisfaction. "I don't think she's here yet." I began, glancing back around to the two men still in the car.
"I can't see a car yet." Cody agreed, beginning to get out as well, holding his baseball bat tightly in one hands - having left his satchel of syringes on the dashboard.
Shit, I don't have a weapon.
"Ya jus' got ou'da one." Jeff retorted, snickering under his breath at his own comment, beginning to get out as well - the sound of the two car doors shutting following each other.
"You know what I meant, Jeff-"
"Uh- Cody-" I hesitantly interrupted - a quiet, almost embarrassed tone to my voice, "I left my hatchets in my cabin."
Despite the fact that Cody had put his gas mask on, I could tell by the way his eyes 'fell' that his expression was either shock or frustration. "You didn't-" He muttered, frozen to his spot.
"I did, I don't have them-" I repeated, slowly as I spoke without thinking - knowing this wasn't the time to be snarky.
His eyebrows furrowed as his squinted his eyes closed, pinching the bridge of his nose. "Check the boot." Cody had grumbled, "There has to be something." He sighed, beginning to point to Jeff, his eyes opening to show a tired look. "You picked up his muzzle but not his hatchets?"
"It ain't my fault! He shoulda fetch'd 'em." Jeff defended, as I began to walk towards the boot of the car - trying to pry it open, as most of the car got jammed and stuck. It eventually sprung open, after I hit it down, revealing some rope, duct tape, a ski mask and no weapons.
"But you could've." Cody grumbled, glancing towards me as I stood up.
"Nope." I sighed, beginning to force the boot door shut - putting my weight onto it across two arms, my palms pressed on the flimsy material. "Anyone got any spares?" I asked, glancing between the two.
"Take my bat, I can stay in the car, keep an eye out - come out if needed."
"No, why should ya stay back?!" Jeff growled, clearly annoyed.
"You didn't wanna give the knife up," Cody happily answered, beginning to walk over to me, handing me the weapon - the padding of the handle being easier to grasp. "I don't care about the bat."
"Thanks." I mumbled, offering the man a small smile, to which I know he caught, seeing as he returned the gesture with a slight nod.
We began to walk up to the fence - Jeff immediately beginning to climb over it, his fingers looping through the holes as grip - he used the soles of his shoes against it, quickly managing to scale it, in a sense. However, seeing as I had a less portable weapon, I had instead quickly tossed it over the fence - aiming for it to land on the grassier patch of ground (to which it luckily did). Seeing it land caused me to quickly begin to copy Jeff - feeling the pieces thin, cylindrical metal dig into the ridges of my hands, near joints. I shrugged it off, however, seeing as Jeff didn't seem to be in pain (so it must've been safer than not).
Once at the top of the fence, I got into a slightly awkward position - looking down. A roughly seven foot drop, maybe seven and a half. I glanced around before reluctantly jumping off - landing on my feet allowing myself to do a little roll, however, for safe measure. I quickly got to my feet, turning around and picking up Cody's bat.
"Ya got guts, Rogers." Jeff commented - though I wasn't exactly sure on the sincerity of his words. I heard a thud behind me, the man quickly catching up to me.
"Yep." I muttered, continuing to walk towards the warehouse.
Somehow, the doors were still intact and closed - to which I rather quickly pried open with a slight creak, stepping to the side with a mocking bow, "M'lady." I stated, gesturing to the door with my hand, allowing the man to walk inside.
"Wanker." Jeff retorted, though there was a slight hint of a chuckle in his voice - not refusing to walk through the doorway.
I hastily followed him inside and closed the door behind me; the walls and pillars holding even more graffiti than the spots outside - dirt, dust and debris covering practically every surface, nook and cranny as well. However, what was most noticeable was the (mostly) intact stair case, leading to the floor above.
"We should wait upstairs. It'll be harder to spot us." I commented, glancing back to Jeff, who by the looks of it seemed just as captured by the scenery as I.
"We'd stick out like sore thumbs an' all if we went up there." Jeff retorted, in a mumble - still looking around, behind me. He was clearly referring to the lack of walls, therefore cover, above us.
I sighed, "Jeff - there'll be enough walls, and we'll be able to corner her, Cody will have time to get here too. Three against one - she wouldn't win, and honestly I think the safer we act the better. She got away from a forest of us - well, you, Kate, Tim and Brian." I explained, with a small shrug. "Plus, if there isn't anything interesting downstairs, what she's probably here for will be upstairs."
Jeff reluctantly nodded, beginning to push passed me and instead walking towards the stairs. I either made a good point, or what Cody told him earlier really fucked him off.
I followed the killer upstairs - keeping an eye out behind us with an occasional glance, and making sure to walk casually so I didn't stress my heart out - in case I needed to run later.
"Rogers! Y'ain't gonna believe this shit!" Jeff suddenly called - causing my head to snap up and pick up my pace up the stairs. "Chick's obssess'd with ya."
My eyebrows furrowed at Jeff's last statement, until I finally got up the steps and looking at what he had found.
"Oh what the fuck?"
Placed on a more reliable (or less damaged) wall was a mind map of sorts - reminiscent of a stereotypical police show. It even had the red string. And each bit of string was attached to a newspaper article or a picture or a labelled map. Most of which, relevant to myself.
I walked up closer to the web, my eyes landing on the map first - it'd clearly been printed, but it was a cut out of the forest and the surrounding sub urban area, covered in thick, red pen. A house, I presume, had been circled, along with roughly were the mansion was and some of the cabins. My eyes followed the string, diagonally upwards, leading to a picture of a house on fire, pinned next to a photo of what I would guess to be the same house, just now charred rubble and ash - nothing more than memories and debris.
Those two photos were linked to the first released article on the 'board'.
Tobias Erin Rogers,
also known as "Toby"
Rogers by friends, has
recently been a topic of
conversation amongst
most local news outlets
due to the recent events
regarding the attempted
murder of his father,
and fire at his childhood
His father, Frank Rogers,
is currently in hospital
receiving treatment for
a stab wound — a deep
attack on the crook of
his neck, something
that can clearly not
be an accidental
However, his
mother, Connie
Rogers, claims that
this behaviour is 'out
of character' for her
son, and that he was
'always a well behaved
kid'. Some experts have
speculated that this
sudden change may
have been brought on
by the recent events
involving a car accident,
considering the research
done within the idea of
brain traumas and
Currently, with so little
unfortunately all that
we can do is guess -
though, as a community
we can all pray a good
recovery for one of our
local officers, and offer
hospitality for his faithful
My eyebrows furrowed at the messily cut out article, as I glared at the paper. "My brain isn't fucked up." I grumbled, letting go of the paper from my hands. I was in a car accident? My dad was a police officer? - Bet his son turning out like this ended up going well for him.
"How'd'ya come to that conclusion, eh?" Jeff asked, an amused tone to his voice - which earnt a glare from me. "Ain't arguin', jus' askin'." He mumbled, though still with a condescending tone.
Instead of entertaining Jeff's antics, I let my eyes follow the next red line on the web - landing on the image of a hacked up body. I remember doing that one. Though, it looked older in the photo. The skin had time to pale and become blotchy - purple and blue dots covering their corpse, the blood having dried at the ends of the now stump for a neck - the colouration now looking closer to black than the rich red it was before, much like their darkened veins.
This one detail confused me, however. "Jeff, you said this bitch was in college - doing psychology? Waitress?" I asked, glancing to him, as my free hand hesitantly reached up to hold the photo.
"Yeah? Whadda 'boud it?" The man replied, beginning to give me a confused expression.
"Look at this photo-" I said, my head turning to look back at it, "This isn't a college student taking the photograph. That's a police photo. I mean, you can see the evidence cards and the body is being bagged up-" I rambled, pointing out the little details as I spoke of them - my finger gliding from the yellow, numbered cards to the white, translucent body bag. "She either has ties in the police department round here or she broke into one. Both could be dangerous for us - if she has ties, this could blow up in the media, and if she doesn't have ties, she's a wacka-doodle with some fucking skill."
Jeff leaned over my shoulder, with a confused and almost concerned expression - taking the photo into his own hands (ripping it from the wall, leaving the pin and some of the photo consequently). "Ya stalker migh' be even worse than Nina." He muttered.
Despite the derogatory comment towards Nina, I felt a little unease. This was disturbing. Whatever reason this lady was collecting news articles, locations and - "Wait is that a fucking picture of me?! That isn't even like, criminal era either-" I exclaimed, ripping the image of a younger-looking me off of the wall.
My hair was a similar style - though albeit it more messy, somehow. Parts of it went in front of my ears, and some behind, but no strands actively tried covering them. I should kill my old barber. My eyes looked a little less tired - like a spark of hope still lingered (which was evident by the way I smiled) - and with less obvious eye bags. However, what was most noticeable was the lack of the gash - both of my cheeks looked untouched and fuller - dotted with clearer freckles.
It looked to be a school picture.
I felt my stomach tighten as my face became sour - grimacing with a furrowed brow, glaring at my younger self. "We need to burn this." I stated, firmly. "Give me that photo, Jeff." I instructed, turning to look at him, dropping Cody's bat and outstreching my arm so he could give me the photo.
To my suprise, he passed it to me without question. I gave him a small nod, as if to thank him, before putting it in the same hand as the school picture - beginning to rummage around my hoodie pocket to get my lighter. "Crazy bitch." I muttered, grabbing ahold of it and pulling it out - almost immediately managing to ignite a flame (the electric blue tube of fluid did take a few clicks, however), hovering it over the photos - watching the flames beginning to engulf a corner of both. Happily, I held the now alight objects beneath the rest of the web; the growing flames beginning to spread - an almost hungry, orange entity eating the paper and strings, cutting the ties as it spread.
I would've stayed to watch more of the string wither if it wasn't for the fact that Jeff had taken a few steps back. I dropped the photos, also taking a few steps back and dragging my eyes away from the flames and instead to the other man. "Let's go wait downstairs, maybe that'll be safer?" I suggested - trying to indirectly make him more comfortable, though, I really hope he didn't notice.
"Whateva, I don't care." Jeff mumbled, beginning to head towards the stairs. He noticed. Though, we both froze at a familiar creak coming from downstairs, that echoed upwards to us. "Crazy chick-" He whispered, his widened eyes meeting mine.
I only nodded, raising my index finger to the hole in my muzzle - like I was shushing him as I bent over to grab the baseball bat.
Fast footsteps began to approach us, causing Jeff to raise his knife (as he'd taken it out of his pockets), quietly walking closer to the stairs. Instead, I'd raised the bat - ready to swing, tightly gripping the handle with both hands.
A head of golden-blonde hair became visible as the woman began to jog up the steps. Her hair was tied into a high ponytail - slightly wavy, but moreso straight. She wore a black, leather jacket, purple shirt and black skinny jeans - purple and white converse. It was hard to make much of her appearance out with her back turned to us. Why was she so interested in me?
Jeff was close now - ready to pounce.
She was holding something - it looked like some kind of spray, or a black tin.
"Shit! Jeff, be careful she has mace-" I called out, reacting impulsively. Jeff hadn't spun around, though the woman had instead. Her green eyes were wide with fear, and she immediately raised her arm - pressing down on the bottle, the spray almost instantly effecting Jeff.
The ravenette howled in pain, shrieking as he dropped his knife and began holding his eyes - stumbling backwards onto the floor. "Ya fuckin' whore!" He wailed, aggressively cradling and rubbing the attacked spot.
Seeing as Jeff was no longer a proper threat, the woman's head turned to me, frantically raising her arm to point the mace at me. "Stay the fuck away." She threatened, before she paused - a look of realisation slowly beginning to form on her face and her posture faltering.
However, I hesitantly took a step forward, beginning to swing only to get the same treatment - though the woman seemed more hesitant to do so with me. The spray filled my vision - blurring it and making it practically impossible to make anything out. The mace got passed my muzzle and into my mouth - causing my face to contort in distaste. It tasted like peppers - and the way Cody's lab's smell tastes. Chemical.
I gagged - almost forcing myself to hurl at the taste, it was bad enough to make tears well up in my eyes - only making my vision even more blurred; everything just being smudges of colour.
"I'm so sorry, Toby-" She began, a soft and sincere tone to her voice (which only pissed me off more), "-Bronwyn's gonna kill me." She muttered.
"Who the fuck is Bronwyn and who the fuck are you?" I spat, squinting my eyes to try and force the tears out, wanting my sight back.
"Toby, what do you mean?" She hesitantly asked, "Bronwyn - your girlfriend? Y'know, the girl you'd use to hang out with, with Cody. Do you remember Cody? Do you remember me?" She rambled with a voice crack, seemingly reaching out to me - a smudge of long black lifting to me, with a more pale skin tone blur at the end - the larger smudge, accompanied with a mass of yellow, beginning to tilt to the side.
The woman took a step closer, causing me to naturally maintain the distance, though she was quickly apprehended - falling to the floor with a yelp.
"I got 'er fuckin' ankle, Toby! Get 'er!" The man snarled - causing me to look down, attempting to spot her and do the job. Upon seeing the yellow, black and purple smudge, I lifted my foot off of the floor and aimed to place it on her back, wanting to keep her still before swinging.
I raised the bat above my head, only to be cut off by a pleading cry.
"Toby, please - you really don't remember, do you? Why don't you remember? What happened? Where have you been?"
The sound of footsteps came hurriedly - causing me to look up, seeing a blur of white, black, blue and a bit of brown - Cody, thank God he'd finally come.
"Stop! Toby, stop! For crying out loud-" He began, as the splurge of colours got bigger and more defined - gently beginning to push me away from the woman.
"Why the fuck should he?" Jeff snapped, most likely still gripping her ankle.
Instead, Cody ignored the man, just making sure that I didn't hurt her, which only baffled me more. "Why should I? She maced both of us-" I argued, "And she had this weird fucking shrine of me."
"Because that's your sister, Toby!" Cody began, before pausing, "Shit - mace? Have either of you rubbed your eyes? That's only going to make it worse."
"No shit!" Jeff screeched, almost animalistically.
"Wait - I have a sister?!"
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