Mingi? Who is Mingi? You find yourself even more frightened, shaken and nervous. The sound of horses neighing and men speaking is evident outside the house, their voices loud and one in particular catches your attention. It's deep and low and for someone reason makes you even more worried. Seonghwa sighs and walks to the couch that the tall man lays on, his snoring loud and his mouth wide open as drool runs down his mouth. The blonde man snaps his fingers in his ear making the man yelp and jump up so high it looks as if he'd might've touched the ceiling.
"The hell! I was takin' a nap!" The tall man whines and wipes his mouth with the back of his hand, Seonghwa completely ignoring his complaints and jerks his thumb to the door, right next to you.
"The others are back," Seonghwa mumbles,"Wash your face, also." You notice that Seonghwa seems to take on the fatherly role, his concern deep for others and you're surprised as the others seem like complete , dangerous men. Honestly , you fear for who these men are or who they could be, but what could you do? Wrapped in your thoughts, you don't notice that the tall man has his eyes on you, shocked and confused. He doesn't remember Wooyoung bringing in any woman from town before he fell asleep, so where did you come from? He scratches his head and ignores you for now, not wanting to make Seonghwa hit him again.
"San, stop drinking , will you?" Seonghwa's tone is pleading, watching the said male continue to poor glass after glass not even looking drunk or tipsy. Your eyes trail over to the two , San's face contorted with annoyance but he listens to Seonghwa anyways, pushing the glass away from him. A moment passes before the door swings open, throwing yourself out of the way so you don't get hit. Your back hits the wall as you watch a group of men walk in , laughing amongst each other. You notice that the same man that was with San is now here, walking in last. None of them sense your presence at first , all of them continuing on with their conversations.
"Yunho! Were you sleeping again? Your hair is a mess!" A deep voice speaks loudly, his body tall and lean , his presence intimidating by its self. He seems to tower over everyone else besides Yunho. The man beside him takes his hat off , his dark hair falling over his forehead. Each and everyone of them frightens you , cowering further into the corner as best as you possibly could hoping they won't notice you but God doesn't seem to be on your side because the man that took his hat off turns around slightly, his gaze landing on you.
He seems surprised and curious,"Who's this? Was she here when we left?" Everyone turns their attention towards you, silence settling in and you wish that you could fling yourself out of the window. You scan everyone's face , each of them reacting in a different way but when your eyes land on the tall man, you can see he's staring at you in what seems like fury.
"San, didn't I tell you to cut off the deal," Hongjoong speaks, annoyed and impatient,"San!"
"There was no way I was going to leave her there, it's not that big of a deal!" San argues back , the atmosphere tense. They must really not want me , do they?
"Not big of a deal ? San , I should slap you," The tall man spits out, his tone venomous and his fists clenched. His icy stare is still on your figure taking you in and observing you. You shiver under his gaze afraid that he might do something but he doesn't. Instead he turns to look at San, his head tilted to the side waiting for him to speak up.
"I don't see why you guys are all up my ass about this," San growls and you notice that he's close to the tall man, his height not matched with his but his anger making him seem just as intimidating. They're so close to one another, so angry that you're afraid they might start fighting but the taller male backs away, his fists still clenched and his aura still wrapped in fury.
"We don't need a woman to bring us down, but I doubt she'll be here for long," The man says in a low , threatening voice before turning to the left and stomping away to what seems like a room, slamming the door closed. What did he mean by that? I doubt she'll be here for long. Was he saying that he'd kill me? If you felt unsafe before , now you feel it even more wanting to just walk out and let the coyotes eat you alive.
"San, make sure she has a place to sleep, I'll talk to you in the morning," Hongjoong says , his voice quiet and monotone before going into the direction that the other man went in, disappearing from your sight. The remaining men in the room are silent for a moment before Wooyoung perks up.
"I'm hungry!"
The house is dark except for the light coming from the fireplace , a blanket around your shoulders a bowl of stew in your lap. It had only been 4 hours since you've been here, Wooyoung and Yunho being the only ones speaking to you. Wooyoung was what you would call a flirt and loud, very loud. But , he was nice and he was probably the only one , besides Yunho, who didn't look at you like you were a viper. You push a piece of meat around in the bowl, your spoon hitting the side of the glass.
"Are you not hungry?" Yunho asks, nodding his head to the untouched stew. You weren't hungry, not at all but you didn't want them to feel offended, at least they offered you food.
"Oh , yes I am, sorry," You mutter and and scoop some of the food in your spoon, bringing it up to your mouth. The taste was good, better than anything you've ever cooked before and you can't help but feel jealous.
"Good, right? Seonghwa made it!" Wooyoung smiles and brings his bowl up to his mouth, eating the stew like that instead of using a utensil. You stare at him in shock as he slurps the rest of the stew up, burping loudly.
"Manners! There's a lady here!" Yunho pushes his shoulder, eating his own food. The silent man who's name you found out was Yeosang , sits alone on a rocking chair, a book still in his hand. His stare was intimidating and intense , the lack of emotion in him irking you.
"What's your name?" You look up to see Seonghwa staring at you. He doesn't have a smile on his face but his tone isn't angry or malicious. You swallow a piece of meat , nervous and lips closed shut as they all look at you waiting for you to answer.
"It's ... It's Y/n.." you mutter, looking down at the bowl, feeling shy and small.
"That's a nice name," Wooyoung says in glee and kindness making your cheeks flare up. You don't know why they are being so nice to you but you don't want to ruin it, seeing how the tall man's words are still floating in your mind. He hasn't stepped out of the room since then and neither has Hongjoong. Neither of the men seem to have a liking towards you, the taller one having this sort of instant grudge against you. Maybe he just didn't like women? Or maybe he just didn't trust anyone but his friends? Either way, you were still hung up on his words.
As if he could hear you thinking about him, the door to the room slams open and out comes Hongjoong followed by the tall male. His face blank and his hair messy, clearly not wanting to be messed with. Seonghwa quickly stands up and walks to the small kitchen, grabs a bowl of stew and walks back to the male, handing him the bowl.
"Mingi, come sit over here!" Yunho shouts over to the male, who's name you now know is Mingi, so loud that Yeosang even stops reading with a scowl on his face. Mingi shoots his gaze over to Yunho and nods his head before his eyes trail over to yours, his stance suddenly changing and his fingers clenched around the bowl.
"Why is she still here?" Is his only question , his lips pressed together and his eyes narrowed. You don't miss the way he crinkles his nose in disgust, the way he stares at you with such malice. The feeling of wanting to cry hits you and you immediately turn your attention back to your lap. Yea, he definitely doesn't like me.
"Don't be like that, just come and eat!" Wooyoung now speaks noticing the tension in the room, trying to lift it but Mingi still stands in his place, not wanting to be by you. He didn't want you there, he didn't know why San brought you in the first place. The group didn't need to be looking after a 9th face, much less a woman. You were just another mouth to feed and he was ready to bring you back to where you came from.
"San, I thought you weren't into corner women?" His words make you gasp , your eyes widening as you snap your head up. Did he just call me a-
"Mingi!" Seonghwa's tone is fierce, his eyes squinted and his jaw clenched,"Watch your mouth." You're completely speechless, hurt and embarrassed. Is that what they all thought you were? Some woman that San bought to pleasure him? Now that you think about it, maybe that was what San had bought you for. Now you feel bile in your throat, tears at the corners of your eyes and your head bowed.
Mingi hums as if satisfied by your response and swivels around , walking back into the room , the door slamming behind him. It's quiet once again , this time Wooyoung doesn't try to lift up the mood and instead just sighs before standing up from the floor.
"Y/n, you can take the couch," Yunho speaks softly as if afraid to hurt you even more than you are before standing up and walking somewhere else. You heave a shaky sigh and push yourself up, turning to the couch and walk over to it, laying down.
You can't seem to stop thinking about Mingi's insult. You've never before been called a whore before, not even Mr.Rick called you that.
"Goodnight, Y/n," Seonghwa says in a calmer tone than before and the fireplace is turned off, the fire gone and the darkness now settling over you.
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