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THE BUSY MOVEMENT around Dovesong woke her. She opened her eyes and shook her head, trying to clear sleep from her head. She didn't have any memory of what had happened before she went to sleep. But now she was surrounded by MoonClan scent. She heard voices outside. Her heart began to pound inside her chest. Where was she? How'd she get there? She pricked her ears, trying to hear the voices that spoke in front of whatever den she was in.
"Great. Two prisoners. What are we supposed to do now? We still have to find Nightwhisper. Ever since she left, she never came back," growled a voice that Dovesong couldn't connect with anyone she knew.
"They're not just prisoners, Twistedheart. They're tools. They can help us defeat FrostClan." Dovesong knew that voice. That was Sparrowfeather!
So I'm a prisoner now. That's great. Dovesong felt a weight inside her that made her long to be back in the camp. To go back in time and make sure that she never went to find Foxclaw. To never eat the mouse with poppy seeds in it. Mousetail and Badgertooth must have been worried sick. She would hate for them to worry that much.
"Okay, and?" Twistedheart snarled. "They're extra mouths to feed. And they might be brave enough to argue against us."
"They might be." That was Snowtail. "But they won't when we threaten them."
"Threatening is not always the answer, Snowtail." That was Cypressstar.
That's a first. I thought threatening and murdering is all that you do, Dovesong thought with a silent scoff.
"They will do as we tell them to," Cypressstar continued. "And maybe we'll just have to bring teeth and claws to the fight, too."
Dovesong felt a shiver pass through her. What did he mean? What was he going to do to her? And who was the other prisoner?
"You're awake," came a voice from the back of the den that made Dovesong turn around in a hurry. "I was worried they accidentally killed their prisoner." The cat's voice was dry and desolated.
Blinking against the darkness of the den, Dovesong could see the black-and-white pelt and bright green eyes of Moonclaw. She looked unusually tired and unmotivated. "Moonclaw? What are you doing here?"
"Same as you," Moonclaw responded. "They took me back. And now they're going to use me like Sorrelstar had first intended. I just knew that CypressfanโCypressstar would betray me."
"What? Did you have some sort of special connection with him?" Dovesong could hardly believe her ears. Moonclaw knew the MoonClan leader in a special way? And he betrayed her? And how were they going to use her?
"Yes. He was my mentor before I left. He wanted to protect me. But then I made the decision to leave because I knew that Sorrelstar wanted me dead. And after he became leader, his heart hardened and he grew to have the same intentions as her," Moonclaw explained, her voice dripping with contempt. Dovesong could see in her eyes that she was remembering things she worked so hard to try and forget. "And now he's dragged us both into his evil plans."
"What does he plan to do with us?" Dovesong asked, finding a shake in her own voice.
"Like I said, they're going to use us. Use our abilities for their own evil plans. And there's no way we're going to escape now. If we try, they'll punish someone for it. Trust me, I know." Her eyes glittered with wistfulness, and Dovesong wondered if she lost someone she loved.
"Oh." Dovesong looked at the ground. She felt like breaking down and wailing like a lost kit without her mother. Oh, StarClan, what am I going to do now? "Oh."
"Well, would you look at that?" Dovesong turned around at the painstakingly familiar voice. Foxclaw was standing at the mouth of the den. "You're awake."
Dovesong growled at him. "You traitor! You made me eat those poppy seeds so you could bring me here. Now I'll never forgive you. Ever."
"Oh, but you've forgiven me before," Foxclaw pointed out. "You will again. Besides, how could you resist such a charming tom like me?" He whisked his tail arrogantly.
Dovesong felt like lashing out and sinking her claws into his pelt. But she sank her claws into the ground before her anger took over. "Shut up, you fox-heart," she snarled. "Why did you do this to me?"
"The reason any cat would. I wanted to be accepted. And the only way to do that is kidnapping the most beautiful she-cat in the world," he explained. "I really do hope you can forgive me."
"That's flattering, but no, I'll never forgive you. Now leave. Or I'll kill you myself."
"Oh, Dovesong. You would never do that. But sure, I'll leave. Goodbye." Foxclaw turned and left. The thick undergrowth in front of the den closed in, leaving Dovesong and Moonclaw in darkness once again.
"What was that about? Do you have a special connection with him?" Moonclaw asked.
"Oh, yeah. I do. I was in love with him, and then he betrayed the Clan, and then I fell in love with him again, and then he betrayed me again, and . . . it's a whole thing," Dovesong sighed. "But this is the last time I will ever put up with him."
"It sounds like you've said something like that before," Moonclaw pointed out.
Dovesong looked at her shyly, slightly embarrassed. "Well, yeah. But this time I mean it. And that's final."
Moonclaw looked unsure. "Alright, if youโOh, StarClan," she breathed.
Dovesong followed her gaze and saw that someone else was coming in. She could tell it wasn't good. She could smell the strong, tangy scent of Sparrowfeather as he pushed his way through the thick brambles. Dovesong braced herself for a fight.
But Sparrowfeather looked calmer than ever. A shiver passed over Dovesong. She hadn't come into contact with the lean tabby tom since she and Mousetail were apprentices. But she never forgot how menacing he looked. "Dovesong, come with me. Crowstep needs you."
Dovesong opened her mouth to protest, but Moonclaw stopped her, slapping her tail over her mouth, her eyes wide with fear. Instead of arguing, Dovesong nodded submissively. "Fine." She followed Sparrowfeather out of the den with a fearful glance over her shoulder at Moonclaw. "What do you need me to do?"
"Crowstep, our medicine cat, needs help with something. It's helpful that you're here to help us," Sparrowfeather explained as they neared what looked like the medicine den.
There's no way in StarClan I'm going to help! Dovesong wanted to yowl. "Fine," she repeated, unsure of what else there was to say.
"Ah! Here we are." A sleek black tom, Crowstep, emerged from the den. "I need some help with something."
"So you say," Dovesong responded dryly.
Sparrowfeather let out a hiss. "That's no way to talk to a medicine cat!"
"Well, this is no way to treat a medicine cat," Dovesong muttered, forcing her fur to lay flat, despite how angry she was.
"What was that?" Sparrowfeather asked, looking at her suspiciously.
"This is no way to treat a medicine cat," Dovesong repeated, glaring at him. "But I guess I'll help."
Sparrowfeather was silent for a moment, clearly trying to calm himself, but he didn't lash out. "Okay, then. Follow me."
Crowstep turned and entered the den, Sparrowfeather and Dovesong following him. Dovesong recognized Shadowheart, Tawnyflight's former mate, sitting on one of the nests. He gave her a look that looked like a mix of pity and wishing her good luck. "Cypressstar wants to test your loyalty, Dovesong, so I would like you to heal the wound in his pad."
Test my loyalty? I'm loyal to no one but FrostClan! Dovesong turned to Shadowheart, looking at his paw, which he kept off the ground. His eyes were clouded with pain. I can't let him be in pain, but I don't want to do this. She hesitated, still gazing at his paw, trying to decide what to do. She couldn't run. Someone would get hurt. She couldn't refuse. Someone, most likely her, would get hurt. She couldn't do it. It just wasn't right.
"Dovesong?" Sparrowfeather queried. "Why are you standing there like a stunned mouse? Get on with it already!"
Dovesong growled inwardly. "I-I can't."
"What do you mean?" Sparrowfeather growled. "Did Foxclaw lie?"
Dovesong looked at him in mock apology. "No. I just don't want to do this for a Clan that I'm not even loyal to."
Crowstep and Sparrowfeather glanced at each other. Sparrowfeather looked at Dovesong again. "Just do it and no one gets hurt."
'No one gets hurt'? "I can't. I don't want to," Dovesong replied stubbornly.
Sparrowfeather let out a quiet hiss. Shadowheart made a pained whimpering noise. He looked around at him. "Hush! You're a full grown warrior. You can take a small cut," Sparrowfeather snapped at the black tom.
Shadowheart glared at him, all signs of pain gone temporarily. "You have no right to snap at me. I'm a senior warrior. You are no more than a FrostClan traitor."
Sparrowfeather bristled. But he turned his gaze back to Dovesong. "Just get it over with so we don't have to listen to him pout like a kit."
Dovesong returned his glare confidently. He's a more honorable warrior than you! She looked at Shadowheart, and he looked back at her desperately. "Fine. But only because he deserves to be healed. Don't expect me to heal anyone else." She stepped forward, returning Shadowheart's grateful look, and held one paw over his bleeding pad. When she removed her paw, the cut was gone. She looked at the other two toms. "There. Happy now?"
Sparrowfeather's green eyes shone happily. "Very. Thank you. But we have one dispute to discussโyou don't talk back to a MoonClan warrior like that."
The tabby tom's glaring face was so close to Dovesong's that she could feel his hot breath wash her muzzle. "I might not be allowed to talk to a MoonClan warrior like that, but I can certainly talk like that to a traitor of my Clan."
Sparrowfeather pulled away, looking offended. "Looks like we got a feisty prisoner here. We should keep an eye on her. Now, Dovesong, next time something like this happens, expect your punishment to be . . . painful."
Dovesong suppressed a shudder.
"Now, come with me to your den," Sparrowfeather instructed, whisking his tail and turning to the exit.
Dovesong threw a promising look at Shadowheart. The black tom looked indifferent, but an acknowledging glimmer came to his eye. She turned and hurried after Sparrowfeather. She felt strange obeying orders from a FrostClan traitor. Hopefully I can get out of here soon.
"Here's your den." Sparrowfeather pushed through the thick brambles, Dovesong following him. Moonclaw was waiting patiently, her tail curled neatly over her paws. "I will get you two something from the fresh-kill pile," he told them through gritted teeth. Then he slipped out of the den.
"How was it?" Moonclaw asked, sounding worried.
"I don't know if it was good or bad. So, okay, I guess. I refused to heal Shadowheart's paw," Dovesong answered nonchalantly.
"You what?" Moonclaw gasped. "You refused? Why would you do that? You know they might hurt you or someone you love if you did that again."
"I know, I know. I just didn't want to obey orders from a traitor from my Clan. And it seemed wrong to obey orders from any MoonClan cat," Dovesong admitted. "You have to understand."
"I understand. It feels so wrong. I mean, I was never completely loyal to MoonClan, even when I lived here, so I understand," Moonclaw murmured assuringly. "Just don't do that again. I'm scared they might hurt you."
Dovesong looked up at her gratefully. "Thanks. I'll try not to do that again. And I'm glad you're here. It helps . . . a lot."
Moonclaw smiled.
The brambles shook and Sparrowfeather remerged. He had a plump vole in his jaws. He dropped it at Dovesong's paws. "For both of you." Then he disappeared into the brambles again.
Dovesong glanced at Moonclaw and pushed the vole toward her. "I promise I'll find a way out of here."
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