Be respectful out of character
Don't bring up falling trees
Censor swearing
Smut is allowed, just take it to pms or another chain
Keep adultery to a minimum (Alexander, John, Gilbert, I'm looking at you)
Tag at least 5 people before asking for a role
Have fun
Alexander Hamilton: -alexis-hamilton-
- 42 years of age
- Married to Elizabeth Schuyler-Hamilton
- Father of Eight
- Has two other lovers: Maria Reynolds and John Laurens
- Police Chief
- Bisexual
- Orphan, no one knows where he came from
John Laurens: WilliamSHam
- 43
- Married to Martha Manning
- Lover of Alexander Hamilton
- Father of one
- Constable
- Homosexual
- Very rocky relationship with his family
Marie-Joseph Paul Yves Roch du Montier de Lafayette:
- 41
- Married to Marie Adrienne François de Lafayette
- Father of four
- Detective
- Pansexual
- Orphan
- Everyone knows he's from France
Hercules Mulligan:
- 48
- Married to Elizabeth Sanders
- Father of eight (according to Wikipedia)
‐ Irish
- Constable
- Bisexual
Aaron Burr:
- 42
- Lawyer
- Married to Theodosia Burr Sr
- Father of three
George Washington:
- 69
- Mayor
- Married to Martha Washington
- Had no children, but is basically Alexander, John, Hercules, and Lafayette's dad
- Heterosexual
James Reynolds:
- 32
- Married to Maria Reynolds
- Ab*sive, alcoholic, probably does drugs
- Father of one
- In jail a l o t
- Heterosexual
Angelica Schuyler-Church: Hamilton_Mistake
- 43
- Doctor
- Married to John Church
- Mother of eight
- Bisexual
- Feminist
Elizabeth Schuyler-Hamilton: MariaNRomanov
- 42
- Nurse
- Married to Alexander Hamilton
- Mother of eight
- Pansexual
Margarita Schuyler
- 36
- Nurse
- Widow
- Mother of three
- Bisexual
Marie Adrienne François de Lafayette: Hamilton_Curse
- 39
- Coroner
- Mother of four
- Married to Marie-Joseph Paul Yves Roch du Montier de Lafayette
- Pansexual
Maria Reynolds:
- 26
- Helps at the morgue
- Married to James Reynolds
- Mother of one
- Lover of Alexander Hamilton
- Bisexual
Theodosia Burr Sr:
- 40
- Helps at the hospital
- Married to Aaron Burr
- Mother of two
Philip Hamilton:
- 21
- Constable
- Unmarried
Angelica Hamilton:
- 20
- Helps at the hospital
- Unmarried
Alexander Hamilton Jr:
- 19
- In school
- Unmarried
James Hamilton:
- 18
- In school
- Unmarried
John Hamilton: littlejohnhamilton
- 17
- In school
- Unmarried
William Hamilton:
- 16
- In school
- Unmarried
Eliza Hamilton:
- 15
- In school
- Unmarried
Richard Hamilton(Philip II):
- 14
- In school
- Unmarried
Frances Laurens:
- 20
- Helps at the morgue
- Unmarried
Henriette de Lafayette:
- 24
- Nanny
- Unmarried
Anastasie Pauline Louise de Lafayette:
- 22
- Nurse
- Married to Juste-Charles de Faÿ de la Tour-Maubourg
Georges Washington de Lafayette:
- 21
- Constable
- Unmarried
Marie Antoinette Virginie de Lafayette: Alexandra-Feodorovna
- 19
- Unemployed
- Unmarried
Theodosia Burr Jr:
- 20
- Unmarried
- Unemployed
John Pierre Burr: Hamilton_Curse
- 19
- Unmarried
- Runs an antique shop
Aaron Columbus Burr:
- 18
- Unmarried
- Works in his brother's shop
Susan Reynolds: Lady_JaneGrey
- 17
- Unmarried
- Unemployed
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