"Get the hell off him!" Lavender shouted as she let her power drop, becoming known as she attacked Lila, tackling her from where she had her foot on Five, "Didn't see me that time, bitch."
"You're not clever." Lila groaned as she looked up at Lavender who laid on top of her.
"Like you're any better." the Hargreeves woman said as she shoved Lila again before standing, joining Five, trying to hold herself back from codling him and tending to his neck that was sure to bruise any minute now.
"Come on. What are you waiting for? Let's finish this thing." Five stated toward Lila as she got to her feet with a stretch of her arms.
"No, this isn't gonna be quick." Lila said as she rubbed a bead of sweat off her forehead, "Both of you are going to suffer for what you did."
"Like always, Lila, I have no clue what you're going on about." Lavender said as she stood a few inches infront of Five, making sure she'd get it before he did, knowing he'd back her up.
"Ronnie and Anita Gill." Lila stated toward the two with a angered and numb look.
"Mean nothing to me." Five finished for her with a odd look.
"1993, East London." Lila said as Lavender frowned her dark eyebrows with a blink, "You hogtied them and then you shot them in the head."
"Lila." Lavender said, her voice broke when she began to remember.
"The flower merchants." Five spoke, clearly remembering as well, "They were your parents?"
"Lila, i'm- we're so sorry, we're so sorry. I didn't know they had kids, I d-" Lavender began before she was cut off.
"That wouldn't have stopped you!" Lila yelled at her, teary eyes to match Lavenders.
"I know, I know." Lavender said as she held a hand out in a way of protecting the two along with showing mercy, "I'm so sorry, i'm so sorry."
"They never did anything to anyone." Lila spoke with a shake of her head, not bothering to give in Lavenders apologies, "They didn't deserve to die like that."
"You're right, all right? We killed them. But we've killed a lot of people over the years. It was all just a job. All right? That was never personal." Five stated toward the woman who held the same expression the whole time.
"Never personal, my ass. Yeah, i've killed. It's always, always personal." Lila stated as Lavender watched her take a step closer.
"Like when you tried to kill our family? All that personal too? They didn't do anything, we did, us, not them!" Lavender defended the rest of the Hargreeves quickly, "You want to get revenge on us for your parents, that's reasonable, but leave them out of it."
"It's always personal." Lila simply repeated herself.
"That's why you're not cut out to be a assassin." Five stated as Lila pulled a knife from her boot quicker then either of them could see.
"Bet your life on that?" Lila asked as Lavender threw a arm infront of Five and backed the two up together.
"You wanna blame someone? Blame the Handler, all right? She faked the kill order." Five stared as Lila glared.
"Bullshit! I saw the kill order!" Lilas tone rose in anger toward him, "AJ Carmichael ordered it, and you carried it out."
"You aren't understanding." Lavender tried to tell her, her arms still held out infront of her while the other shielded Five.
"Lila, listen to what i'm telling you, all right? The Handler gave us the kill order. She came on the job, which she'd never done before. You're Commission. You know excess never go on jobs, but that day in London, she was there." Five spoke with a knowing look toward the woman who glared his way, "Ask yourself why."
"Stop trying to muddy the waters." Lila said in a annoyed and angry tone.
"He's not, you know he's not. She's a horrible woman, she's done thing, done things to me. She used me, she used Five, she's using you." Lavender stated toward her with soft, brown eyes.
"Shut up!" Lila yelled at her while holding the knife before her again.
"I never realize what she was up to at the time, but now it all makes sense." Five stated with a breathy voice.
"What?" Lila asked with a curious look in her chestnut eyes.
"She never cared about your parents. She was looking for you." Five stated toward Lila, the memory flashing through his mind.
"Why?" Lila breathed out.
"You know why." Lavender stated to her as she saw the figures walk in.
"Cause you're one of us." Diego spoke as the siblings walked into the barn, hearing Five and Lav speak to Lila, "The handler stole you, Lila."
Klaus stared at Lavender with a worried expression, his wife giving him a nod in reassurance, holding Five into her side.
"Just like our asshole father took all of us." Diego added in as he got closer to her.
"No, it's not the same thing." the woman shook her head quickly.
"You're right." Diego agreed gently with a small nod, "Because he didn't have our parents murdered. Listen to me, Lila. You were born October 1, 1989, same day as all of us."
"Stay back!" Lila yelled as everyone jumped at her words, Lavender clinched her jaw as she watched Diego worried.
"Hey! Hey! Stop! Wait! Hey! Lila, Lila, Stop!" Diego ordered as he tried to calm her down.
"I trusted you." Lila said in disbelief toward the Hargreeves man, "I got you a job. I even introduced you to my mother, and then you took off on me!"
"Because I needed to save the world!" Diego argued, "Shes using you, Lila. The Handler."
"You're wrong. She raised me. She loved me." Lila spoke, her voice broke causing Lavenders heart to do the same.
"Yeah, you know what? Love shouldn't have to hurt this much." Luther spoke, Lavender gripped Fives much smaller body tighter.
Lila faked a gag.
"I tried." Luther said, a shrug of his abnormally large shoulders.
"He's right. We have to kill her." Five agreed quickly with a nod of his head.
"Five, wait." Lavender warned while pulling the boy back.
"Hey! Five! Five, stop!" Diego yelled at him as he held a hand up toward the small man quickly, "I got it."
"Hey, Lila. Truth. Shes dangerous. And you're scared of what she'll do with all that new power. That's why you dragged me to the Commission. Because I know what it's like to love dangerous people. Difference is... they love me back." Diego said as his eyes fixed on Lavender for a second, "All of them."
"Shut up." Lila demanded through her glassy eyes and broken voice.
"The only thing she loves is power. Now, the minute she can't use you, she will turn on you , and deep down, I know you know that." Diego spoke, not even the smallest bit scared at the knife pointed to his chest.
"You don't know me, Diego." Lila shook her head as she stared back into his chocolate eyes, pushing against the blade to stand closer.
"Don't I?" he asked while staring down at her, "I know that we can be your family... if you just let us."
Lila looked around at each of them, Lavender gave her a nod and a small smile.
The Handler stumbled in, Five holding a large gun in his hands at her, standing before Lavender now.
"It's true, isn't it?" Lila asked the woman in disbelief, "What Five and Lavender said. Answer me! Is it true?"
"Well-" the Handler began before the same blonde man that had attacked each of the siblings before came around the corner and shot the Handler multiple times in the chest. Lavender grabbed hold of Klaus to hold him close.
"Lila!" Lavender yelled as Lila ran forward.
"The case!" Luther shouted as he ran forward.
"No!" Diego said as he attacked Luther, tripping him.
And with one blue flash she was gone.
"Enough." Five announced as he dropped the gun on the ground. The unknown man looked around at each of the siblings and Lavender, dropping his gun as he said the same thing Five did in Swedish.
"Who the hell was that guy?" Klaus asked as his head buried into Lavenders neck before Sissy yelled for Vanya, everyone running off behind her.
"Hey, she's one of the strongest people I know, she can do this." Lav reminded Sissy as Vanya got through the energy that was surrounding Harlan, speaking to him as she pressed her hands to his knees and took a deep breath. The energy suddenly flew back, making everyone stumble but it was gone, away from Harlen as he continued to hold his knees to his chest.
"Oh, baby, oh baby." Sissy cried of joy as she wrapped Harlen in a tight hug while Vanya smiled over at her siblings.
"Kids." Lavender stated with a shake of her head.
"Kids." Klaus said with a smile as Lavender looked to Five who was staring at Vanya.
"Kids." Lavender stated, watching the smaller boy.
"What's on your mind?" Allison asked as she joined Lavenders side outside.
"The stars." Lavender stated as she stared up at them, "So many in the sky and let certain ones get stuck in the same constellation together... funny how that works."
"You think they hate it ever?" Allison asked as Lavender looked over at her.
"No." Lavender stated before putting a arm around her.
"Everyone ready?" Five asked as he held the brief case in hand.
"Let's do it." Luther nodded, Lavender smiled as she held Klaus's hand.
"Wait!" Klaus announced before Five pulled the brief case open, running off quickly as they all held looks of confusion.
"Fifty bucks if we leave him here." Diego whispered to Five, Lavender giving him a knowing look as Klaus came running out the house with a large hat on his head.
"Never wanted you more." Lavender joked as they all joined hands with a giggle. The blue static was seen before the Hargreeves as it flickered and with a flash....
They were back in the Umbrella Academy home.
"Holy shit." Lavender laughed from where she laid on the floor, looking over at Klaus who giggled alongside her.
"Wh-what day is it?" Luther asked as Five grabbed the newspaper.
"April 2nd, 2019. Day after the apocalypse." Five announced as Lavender squeezed him in a bone crushing hug.
"Wait, so we stopped it." Allison said with a smile.
"My god, it's over?" Vanya laughed as Lavender did as well, kissing Five's head before she wrapped Klaus in a hug, lifting him off the ground slightly.
"Did we actually succeed at something? That's incredible!" Klaus gushed as they all chuckled at his words, "I don't know about you guys but I need a drink."
"Many, many, many drinks please."
"I'm with you on that one."
"I should go find Claire."
"Oh come on, one drink."
"Maybe..." Lavender trailed off as she gripped Klaus's hand, "Maybe now we can MAYBE think about kids."
"Really?" Klaus asked hopefully as Lavender smiled.
"You have to know that Five will forever be my child, no matter who he came from and no matter how odd it sounds to say my sons brother is also my husband... he's mine, and he won't admit it but he thinks the same." Lavender said with a soft smile, blowing one of the eyelashes off Klaus cheek.
"I believe I could work around that." Klaus stated with a giggled as he leaned down to press his soft lips against her chapped ones.
"Why is there a painting of Ben over the mantelpiece?" Diego asked, getting all of their attention as they looked over to indeed see a picture of Ben over the mantelpiece.
"I knew you'd show up eventually." a new voice was heard as they all turned to see Reginald rise from his chair and walked closer to them.
"You're alive." Luther said in shock.
"Why shouldn't I be?" Reginald questioned back.
"Yeah, y-yeah, you're right. I'm just happy that we're home and together again." Luther quickly made the excuse while Five and Lav shared a look from a few feet away.
"Home? This isn't your home." Reginald corrected him quickly.
"What are you talking about? This is the Umbrella Academy." Allison said with a odd look.
"Wrong again." Reginald corrected her, Lavender felt her heart race as she held Klaus, "This is the Sparrow Academy."
"Five.." Lav trailed off as she looked over at him. The loud footsteps made them all turn and see multiple silhouettes of others with weapons at the top of the stairs.
"Dad, who the hell are these assholes?" a much tougher and marked faced Ben asked as he glared at each of them.
"Ben." Lavenders voice broke as she looked up at the man who made direct eyebrows with her.... "Ben."
kylie speaks
hearts been
broke so many
i'm gonna miss
my favorite girl,
honestly i could
never pick a fav
oc but my connection
with lavender is
on a whole different
level. i hope you've
all enjoyed what i've
written for her in season
two and know she
will be back for
season three.
i love you all
with so much of
my heart.
also'! i now
have a five book
up if you wanna
go check it out!
klavander forever.
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