"Rise and shine, Y/N! Time to get up!"
A cheerful voice chirped as they clapped their hands. Y/N fluttered his eyes open, groaning slightly when the light hit his eyes. The person who owned the voice smiled down at the imp in the bedsheets.
"C'mon, Y/N, it's time to wake up."
They spoke softly as they brushed Y/N's messy bangs out of his face. Y/N's vision cleared as he saw a purple moth demon smiling softly down at him.
"Oh... Alright, master."
Y/N mumbled groggily as he rubbed his eyes to get the sleep out. The girl giggled softly.
"Hurry up or your food will get cold!"
She cheered and hopped off Y/N's bed. She walked out the room as Y/N watched with half lidded eyes. He sighed tiredly and rubbed his whole face.
Y/N reluctantly pushed the covers off of him and decided to get ready for the day. Once he finished doing his daily morning routine, he lazily walked through the halls of his home. He tried his hardest not to rub his eyes since his eyeliner was still drying up a bit.
He made it downstairs, almost tripping slightly since his inner sleep deprivation was tugging him down. He sat down and grabbed his utensils while scarfing down his breakfast. He ate silently, ignoring the crashing sounds behind him with both familiar voices.
Once he was finished, he washed his dishes before going to head out. He grabbed his boots and swiftly put them on before walking out of his home.
He sighed, deep in thought.
Let's hope this day was going end fast.
*Spoiler alert! It was slow as fuck*
Yep, this day sucked already. First, Stolas called, and Y/N literally almost jumped out the window when he heard his husky voice from the other line, and now he thought he went deaf when Blitzø pulled out a megaphone as an ear-piercing screech broke the silence.
"M & M, get in here, we're going to Loo-Loo Land!"
Blitzø screamed into the megaphone. Y/N winced as palmed his ears, feelings that his eardrums were about to explode. Moxxie came in view, holding a perplexed expression.
"Loo-Loo Land?"
He repeated to see if he heard right. There were loud, rampant footsteps coming before Millie busted her head through the glass window, causing her husband to look up surprised.
"Loo-Loo Land?!"
Millie held sparkles in her eyes.
Blitzø repeated. Fed up, Loona yelled from another room.
Finally arriving at the amusement park, Y/N stepped out of the vehicle, softly fixing his tie on the way. When he heard the other passenger door open, he hid behind the other side of the van for a few seconds.
Even if he was down in Hell, he silently prayed that Stolas was out of view. When he checked, it seemed safe to step. With a sigh, he left the van and followed behind Blitzø, almost sweating bullets when he was beside the tall owl.
"Now remember, this is work, and work ONLY. Me and my crew are not here to satisfy your perverted bird needs, alright?"
Blitzø warned Stolas. Stolas only glanced down with a smile. Y/N heard another voice behind him and glanced behind his shoulder, realizing there was another owl demon similar to Stolas. Must be his daughter he was talking about.
"Dad- Do we have to-"
She started but was cut off by Blitzø.
"Okay, now, hold on, right there, sweetie-"
Blitzø stopped Octavia before going back to Stolas and muttering something. Y/N only raised a brow before he was standing next to Octavia. He got out his coin and flipped it, Octavia glancing at him. Y/N landed on heads before putting back his coin.
"Apologies, for my boss's behavior. They have some- eh- weirder business than I have with them."
Y/N apologized with a smile. Octavia only raised a brow down at him, causing him to softly squeak.
"Uh- Just ignore my existence."
Y/n chuckled nervously before looking ahead of him, missing the mutter Octavia whispered out.
"... You're fine..."
Y/N blinked ahead of him when he saw Stolas swipe his finger down at Blitzø's snout, who only seemed discomforted.
"I'm literally gonna be sick."
Octavia spoke. Moxxie and Mille caught up and heard what she said, causing Moxxie to panic.
"Oh, crumbs! I knew today would be a lot! What do you need?"
Moxxie scrambled his hands in his fanny-pocket and grabbed out some medications.
"Anti-acids? Ibuprofen? Morphine?"
Moxxie listed his inventory out while throwing away pills before lastly, pulling out multiple glowing syringes.
"That was figurative, old man."
Octavia rolled her eyes before walking away, leaving a deflated Moxxie behind.
"Oh, right!"
Moxxie chuckled sheepishly before throwing the items somewhere else. Y/N noticed that he threw it in a baby carriage, but he just walked away.
"But she said it was literal."
Millie pulled her shades off and looked with around with astonishment.
"Woooooow! I haven't been to this place since I was a tot!"
Millie happily exclaimed while Y/N and Moxxie flinched when one of the letters on the huge sign broke and crushed a teen who was leaning on it.
"It hasn't changed a bit."
Millie looked around before gasping loudly and pulling Moxxie close, startling him at the process.
"OH! LOOOOK! It's Big Woobly!"
Millie pointed at a disturbing mangled animatronic who opened its mouth and let out a horrifying, demonic screech. Y/N slowly took off his sunglasses as he stared at the animatronic, disturbed with the whole concept.
"That is... deeply unsetting."
Moxxie murmured as Millie only clicked her tongue and pulled Moxxie into a hug.
"Oh, come on! It's fun! You've never been here?"
Millie asked Moxxie, who only crossed his arms.
"No! Theme parks always disturb me. Especially the mascots."
Suddenly, the mascot of the amusement park appeared out of nowhere behind Moxxie.
"Well, hey there!"
The mascot happily exclaimed. Moxxie pupils dilated as he screamed and jumped into Y/N's arms. Y/N blinked and looked at Millie, who only shrugged.
"I'm Loo Loo! Welcome to Loo Loo land! If y'all get hurt here, just try and sue us!"
Loo Loo welcomed the three. Stolas gasped excitedly.
"Look, Via! It's Loo Loo!"
Stolas pointed at the apple mascot.
"I have a question."
Octavia pointed her finger up.
"Well, ask away, little girlie! A-hyuk! A-hyuk! A-hyuk!"
Loo Loo chortled.
"Is it true this park is just a really shameless spin-off of Lucifer's far more popular Lu Lu world?"
Octavia asked with a smirk. It was silent for a moment.
Octavia squinted her eyes.
"This place reeks of insecure corporate shame."
Stolas chuckled nervously before leading Octavia away.
"Why don't we check out the rides?"
Stolas walked away as Blitzø glared at him.
"That chick's creepy, huh?"
"Yeah, wait till her dad tries to diddle your holes."
Blitzø walked away from Loo Loo. Y/N processed the information before flushing. Jesus Christ, shut your mouth for once, Blitzø.
"What's that mean?"
Loo Loo turned to the three as Y/N only shook his head rapidly. Moxxie shot up and pointed a finger at Loo Loo accusingly.
"Don't talk to me! I know you're a pervert under there."
Moxxie pointed at Loo Loo before grabbing Millie's hand and walking away. Millie grabbed a hold of Y/N's hand and dragged the flustered boy with them. Loo Loo sighed dejectedly.
Once they were out of view, Moxxie panted heavily from all the running as Y/N took deep breathes from the burning crimson to spread all over his face.
"You really like this place, huh?"
Moxxie asked Millie who nodded.
"I love this place! My parents would bring me and my siblings here when they can swing it. Money wise."
Y/N smiled as Moxxie only nodded with uncertainness. They both noticed another imp worker trolling in a huge barrel of money.
"Yeah... The prices do seem rather criminal. I mean, that much for a novelty cup that you use one time?"
Moxxie pointed out the price and asked.
"Cause it's Loo Loo Land!"
Millie gave Jazz hands. Blitzø walked up, drinking from a novelty cup and had a hat on with holders and straws attached to it. He handed Y/N one, smiling at him for a bit and glancing back at Moxxie. Y/N grabbed it and looked at it with a confused smile.
"Listen to your hoe, Mox."
Blitzø nudged Moxxie with his cup who only glared at him. He gulped his drink before pointing at Stolas and Octavia behind him.
"Now how 'bout Y/N and I take the first watch while you two have a little fun?~"
Blitzø took off his sunglasses and winked. Millie squealed and picked up Moxxie.
Blitzø smirked as Y/N waved at the duo.
"Aight, let's go, N/N!"
Blitzø cheered and held Y/N's hand, dragging him with him. Y/N only sighed and caught up. After a while, Blitzø took his job seriously, and I mean seriously.
He popped up from place to place, aiming his gun to see if there was someone suspicious out there. Y/N only walked behind the two Goetia's, only having his hand resting on the hilt of his sword that rested under his cape, strapped to his waist.
Octavia looked bored as hell while Stolas just glanced around. At the corner of his eye, Y/N saw a group of imps with weapons, but only ignored them. He'll leave them to Blitzø. Y/N yawned before he was caught off guard when he felt a slender, feathery finger glide under his chin and lifted his head up.
"Y'know, it's quite thrilling to see you on the job, N/N~"
He purred to Y/N. Y/N only widened his eyes as he felt the familiar warmth spread across his cheeks. Blitzø muttered incoherently and swatted Stolas' fingers away.
"Save it, bitch! He's working!"
He grumbled to him as Stolas only smirked down at him.
"You both need to get a room."
Octavia mentally gagged at the tension in the air. Blitzø gasped with offence.
"Hey, I am not a day-hooker!"
He exclaimed, coincidentally next to a mother and her baby. She glared down at Blitzø, who only raised a brow at her.
"What? I just said I'm not one, prude!"
Blitzø flipped her off. She only rolled her eyes and walked away. Y/N only deadpanned.
'They're babies, not like they'll understand anyways...'
Y/N rolled his eyes under his shades. Stolas gasped excitedly and pulled Octavia close.
"Oh, look! Via! You used to cry such tears of joy at this show!"
Stolas pointed at a circus tent while cooing at his memories. Y/N only sweat-dropped since he saw a kid bawling his eyes out, looking horrified when he was about to go inside.
"Oh, no..."
Octavia murmured. Y/N glanced up with confusion. He turned around to see Blitzø glaring at the tent as well. They both had flashbacks before groaning.
"I hate that fucking clown."
The two said in unison. Y/N only blinked with dotted eyes before perking up at Stolas' voice.
"Oh, N/N! I need my bodyguard, please!"
Stolas muffled the last part as his head was put inside a bag by the group of imps carrying him. Y/N only rolled his eyes and unsheathed his sword. After getting his aim right, he threw it, causing it to pierce straight in the imp's head.
The imp dropped dead, causing the others to look with shock before running away. He sighed and walked up to the corpse and pulled out his sword. He shook it to get the blood off before sheathing it back. Blitzø watched the scene with his mouth hung
"Damn, that was hot..."
The four got inside the tent, Octavia sitting down with her arms crossed while Blitzø carried Stolas. He plopped him down before walking away with Y/N in his hand. Octavia harshly pulled down the sack over Stolas' head, who blinked with confusion.
Both Blitzø and Y/N sat down behind the duo. Y/N only rested his cheek at the palm of his hand while blinking tiredly under his glasses. He slightly perked up when he heard a robotic voice behind the curtains.
"Hey-hey-hey-hey-heyyyy, Implings! It's me! The robotic Fizzarolli! Shipped from Big Ozzie's factory to bring you a wonderful show celebrating Loo Loo land spelled with O's to avoid lawsuits! H-H-H-H-H-Hit it!"
Y/N fully rose up, his sleepiness now gone. He stared at the animatronic as he squinted his eyes with confusion. He swore he saw that robot before, but he can't put his fingers on it. Whatever, let's just get on with the show.
Fizzarolli snapped his fingers before multiple spotlights switched on.
"♫ Loo Loo Land! Loo Loo Land! Everybody sing along with the Loo Loo band! ♫"
Robo Fizz started to sing. What is this, a musical? Y/N wasn't going to lie, but the beat was kind of catchy.
"♫ Every boy, every girl, every woman, every man! ♫"
Robo Fizz started to point out every starting gender to each kid and adult, also approaching Stolas who was happily clapping. Blitzø pointed his gun at him, which Robo Fizz retracted and went back to the stage.
"♫ Loves Loo Loo Laaaaand! ♫"
Robo Fizz continued to sing with the chorus, as Y/N watched with disgust at the other mangled animatronics. Maybe he should have called in sick, considering the simp Blitzø is who would have let him stay home.
"♫ Everything is beautiful in Loo Loo Land! Ugly children holding hands! In Loo Loo Laaaaand! ♫"
Robo Fizz gathered a group of children and hugged them tight, before recklessly throwing them away. Y/N winced in pain when he saw some of the children land face flat on the hard wood. One landed in his lap safely, but Blitzø pushed them harshly off Y/N's lap. Luckily, the kid was still a bit woozy before fainting beside him.
"♫ Everybody's friendly! And nobody is mean! ♫"
Yep, Y/N doubted that fact considering Robo Fizz hugged one mechanic tightly, causing it to spark electricity and slapped the back of another, causing it to spurt out oil and land on a kid's face.
"♫ No copyright infringement's ever seen!♫ "
Robo Fizz spilled gasoline on a pile of papers before lighting it up with a match. The scene changed with Robo Fizz sitting on top of a piano. Okay, now this scene was familiar for sure. Y/N was sure of it.
"♫ I have a dream~ (He has a dream) I'm here to tell~ (He has to tell) About a magical fantastic place called Loo Loo Laaaaand! ♫"
Yeah, this shit is boring. Just go ask Y/N and Octavia with their disgusted boredom.
♫ Everybody sing along with the Loo Loo Band! Every boy, every girl, every woman, every man! Loves Loo Loo Laaaaand! ♫"
Robo Fizz finished the final line as Octavia banged the seat with her fist and groaned internally. Robo Fizz laughed as his mechanic voice dropped an octave and the animatronics malfunctioned behind him.
Y/N paid no attention to it. Well, considering he feel asleep as he softly snored while his head was lolled back with his mouth hung. Stolas clapped happily while chirping, almost going Santa Clause.
"Oh, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho! How delightful!"
Stolas cheered. Y/N kept snoring and didn't even feel that his body was getting pulled against another one with a knife about to stab him. He jolted up when he heard a loud bang as black blood splattered on his face.
"Haaa- What the-? Is it over???"
Y/N mumbled tiredly as he rubbed his face, smearing the blood. His sunglasses were lopsided as Blitzø huffed when he retracted his gun. Stolas groaned with ecstasy.
"My, what good aim you have, Blitzy~"
Stolas flirtatiously complimented as Y/N blinked tiredly at him. Octavia scoffed at her father.
"Ugh, I can't do this anymore!"
Octavia walked away as Stolas stood there, baffled.
"Wha- e- Octavia!"
Stolas stuttered before chasing after her. Robo Fizz started to cackle when he saw a familiar face. Blitzø on the other hand, ignored him and jumped down on the seats to pick up the sleepy Y/N and ran after Stolas and Octavia.
"Is that Blitz-o I spot up the-e-e-e-re? I guess the kiddies are still running away from you, huh?"
Robo Fizz giggled as Blitzø scoffed and rolled his eyes.
"The 'o' is silent now."
Blitzø remarked, which only Robo Fizz laughed at.
"A-A-Awwwww, just like your audience always was when you to-told your lazy jokes here! And you have a cu-cu-cutie now who I can do a better job at lo-o-oving!"
Robo Fizz pointed at Y/N in Blitzø's arms before laughing again. Blitzø growled and tightened his grip on Y/N.
"You, bitch! Leave him out of this! And I make more money killing people than you do being a cheap ass robo rip-off of an overrated sellout JESTER!"
Blitzø plopped Y/N beside him and took off his shades before screaming at Robo Fizz. Robo Fizz ooh'd with his hands on his metallic cheeks.
"OOOooOoo! Someone's salty! Real or not, though, people lo-o-ove me! Does anybody love you... Ḃ̷̨͎̖̘̰̩̼̲̮̕Ḻ̸̢̡̭̠̙̬͊͆Į̷̥̣̎̊̐̽T̵̢̘͖̭̪̃͋͂̄̂̚Ẑ̵̟̰̙͈̻̙̮̞͈̈̇̇̓-̷͚̫͐́͋̚O̴̡̦͎͎̎̾͐̉̕?̷̨̡̛̼̭̮̣̪͉͖͆̎̚͠"
Robo Fizz lowered his voice to a demonic one and grinned dangerously at Blitzø. Y/N only watched the scene unfold, a bag of popcorn in his hands from one of the kid's that left it behind. He really was getting the real telenovela.
"No. But I'm really good with guns now!"
Blitzø loaded his gun and grinned at Robo Fizz before aiming at him. Y/N munched on some popcorn excitedly.
Blitzø fired rapidly at Robo Fizz who only giggled and cartwheeled away. He came behind Blitzø and coiled himself around the imp's body, using his momentum to launch Blitzø in the air and rip him through the tent.
Y/N watched with wide eyes as one popcorn piece fell out of the male's mouth. Well damn, now he knows not to fuck with that robot. He gasped when he felt himself getting picked up and twirled before bowing down.
"What the...?"
Y/N mumbled before he came face to face with Robo Fizz who was grinning at him, faces centimeters from touching. Y/N flushed up with embarrassment. He squirmed in Robo Fizz's grasp.
Once he ripped himself from his grip, Robo Fizz handed him a piece of paper and ruffled his hair.
"G-g-g-ive me a call, cu-cu-cutie~ We'll take go-o-o-d care of you-u-u~"
Robo Fizz glitched before handing him a piece of paper. He strolled out to go after Blitzø. Wait, did he just say we? Y/N only shook his head and crumpled up the piece of paper and stuffed it in his pocket. He inhaled deeply, noticing a peculiar scent.
Y/N furrowed his brows before sniffing the air.
"Is something burning?"
Yep, you guessed it! His pupils dilated when he noticed the tent was started to get caught on fire. He scrambled to his feet and ran out of the tent safely before it was fully engulfed in green flames. He panted and looked at the tent with disbelief before running after the two.
He ran as fast as his legs could carry them, eventually passing the two and ramming into Moxxie. Moxxie grunted with surprise, surprising everyone at the stand. He was about to throw hands at whoever bumped into him, but he was caught by surprise when it was just Y/N, panting heavily and coughing.
"Holy- damn, I knew I shouldn't have napped for so lonG-!"
Y/N muttered and coughed violently, trying to catch his breath. Y/N was the type of person when they take a nap for too long, their legs are nonexistent. Moxxie only blushed from the closeness and chuckled sheepishly.
The three widened their eyes when the carnie imp who was hitting on Millie was crushed by someone. Deserved, to be honest.
Moxxie exclaimed with shock at Blitzø who was groaning in pain. The dazed imp blinked before smiling.
"Oooooh, hey guys! You should probably go uh- make sure Stolas is okay. I got some unfinished business to take care of..."
Blitzø got another gun out and loaded it with ammo when he saw Robo Fizz walking out from green flames, looking dismantled and melted. Moxxie and Millie nodded and ran away, not before grabbing this so-called thing. Y/N sighed tiredly as his body slumped over the counter.
Blitzø shot his fire at Robo Fizz's head, who twirled it before revealing he stopped the bullet with his teeth and spit it out. Y/N looked baffled.
"Oh, what a mouth!"
Blitzø instantly grimaced when he realized what he said. Y/N just looked at him, grossed out. Robo Fizz coiled himself into a ball and started to do a Sonic the Hedgehog move before trying to ram into the two. Both imps gasped before jumping out of the way, causing Fizz to crash into the stand, exploding in the process.
Some things flew out and one striked through a boy's head, surprising him. His father shoved him down when the cameraman took the photo right when the thing landed on his son.
"Goddammit, Nathan! You ruined another bloody photo! Why were you even born!?"
His father screamed at him as his mother shook her head with disapproval. Poor Nathan had a comical tear come out from the thing over his head.
It's been a few minutes? Hours? Since they have bene fighting Robo Fizz? Y/N can't really tell anymore. This is taking way too fucking long. You know, at this point, Y/N and Blitzø accept fate as Robo Fizz goes Sonic on them.
He cackled before the robot was pulled by the arm and eaten by a draconic entity. Suddenly, the whole place explodes, causing the four imps to fly into the air. They all screamed before landing in front of Stolas and Octavia.
"Way to ruin another good day, sir!"
Moxxie sarcastically praised as he lifted his bruised head to meet Blitzø, who also lifted his scratched face.
"Worth it! That slutty toy clown had it comin'!"
Blitzø laughed weakly before plopping back to the ground, along with Moxxie as well. Y/N lifted his bruised face and shakily stood up, before limping towards the animal that was dragging Millie before harshly kicking it away.
He sighed and started to limp somewhere else.
"I'm going home..."
Y/N mumbled as he slowly limped away.
Yep, he's done with everyone's bullshit today.
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