"Hey, hey, stay awake." Mike spoke to El as Scout held her head in her lap.
"You know it's not actually that bad, there was the goalie on my soccer team- Beth Wildfire. This other girl ran into her leg and like the whole bone came out of her knee, six inches or something and then-" Robin began to ramble, being cut short by Steve.
"Robin, you're not helping." he shook his head as her as she apologized quickly.
"Hey, just focus on us okay." Scout spoke softly to El, hoping to calm her down as Jonathan ran over quickly.
"Alright, El? This is gonna hurt like hell, okay?" Jonathan asked as Mike and Scout shared a look.
"Okay." El said as she cried out.
"Here, you're gonna wanna bite down on this." Jonathan said as he gave her a wooden spoon as she put it in her mouth.
"I swear to god-" Tate began, a disgusted look on his face. Jonathan's eyes widened as he nodded his head quickly. El yelled out from behind the wooden spoon, squeezing Scout and Mikes hands god awkwardly hard. Jonathan cut a large line down Els leg, taking a deep breath before sticking his fingers inside the wound and trying to find the moving thing.
"Enough, enough!" Scout yelled as him as he yanked away quickly.
"I can do it." El said through her cries as she slowly sat up with the help of Mike. El raised her arm and yelled out in pain as she used her powers to locate the thing inside of her. The glass behind them broke as El pulling it out and junking it across the floor. El fall back into Mike and Scout. Hopper walked in with Joyce and Murray behind him, stepping on the creature and looking at the group determined.
"Is that's the chief?" Tate asked with wide eyes.
"The mindflayer, it built this monster in Hawkins. To stop El, to kill her. Do whatever to get into our world." Mike spoke to the rest of the group that wasn't informed about this.
"And he almost did, that was just one tiny piece of it." Max added in from where she sat with Lucas.
"How big is this thing?" Hopper questioned.
"Big, twenty feet at least." Jonathan nodded his head as Erica leaned into Scout a bit more, who was leaned on Tate, his arm around her.
"It kinda destroyed your cabin, sorry." Lucas said to him with a worried smile as Hopper sighed.
"So just to be clear.. this big spider thing that hurt El is like some gigantic weapon?" Steve asked while looking toward Mike, who did most of the talking.
"But instead of screws and metal the mindflayer made its weapon by melting people?" Steve questioned again, not giving anyone time to answer.
"Are we sure this thing is still out there and alive?" Joyce spoke up for the first time.
"El beat the shit out of it but yeah it's still somehow alive." Max said from where she sat.
"But if we close the gate..."
"We cut the brain off from the body."
"And kill it!"
"This is what Alexi called the hub, now the hub takes us to the volte." Murray said as he ran over toward them and put the paper down on the table.
"Okay so where's the gate?" Hopper spoke up, stating the obvious.
"Right here, I don't know the skills on this but i'm fairly close to the volte room, maybe fifty feet or so." Murray nodded his head as Erica jumped in quickly.
"More like five hundred, you just wanna waltz in there like it's disney land or something?" Erica asked him as Tate and Scout shared a look.
"I'm sorry, who are you?" Murray asked as he looked down at Erica.
"Erica Sinclair, who are you?"
"Listen here Mr.Bumman, i'm not trying to tell you how to do this but i've been down in that shit hole for twenty four hours. With all do respect... you listen to this man and you're all gonna die." Erica spoke as Tate chuckled softly, sharing a look with Lucas across the seats.
"I'm sorry, why is this four year old speaking to me?" Murray asked as Scout scoffed.
"I'm ten you bald bastard!" Erica said to him angry.
"Erica!" Lucas said, giving his sister a insane look.
"She's right. Yeah we're all gonna die but you don't have too. Excuse me, may I?" Dustin asked as he pointed to Murray's paper.
"Please." Murray said sarcastically he backed away.
"Okay, see this room here? This room is a storage facility, there a hatch in here that feeds to the underground system. That will lead you to the base of the weapons, it's a bit of a maze down there but between me and Erica we can show you." Dustin spoke as he looked up at everyone again.
"You can show us the way?" Hopper asked him, a bit of disbelief in his voice.
"Don't worry, you can do all the fighting and dangerous hero shit. We'll just be your navigators." Dustin nodded while motioning between him and Erica.
"Nope." Hopper shook his head.
"I'm sorry we got you involved in all this." Scout apologized from where she leaned on Tate's shoulder a few minutes later, messing with his fingers.
"Are you kidding? This totally beats summer school." Tate said, making Scout laughed and nod in agreement.
"Mike doesn't seem to like me very much." Tate said, nodding toward the pale boy who was glaring at them.
"He'll come around, it's just-" Scout began, cutting herself off because she didn't know what to say.
"It's fine, you don't have to explain yourself." Tate said, pressing a kiss to the crown of her head as she hummed in satisfaction.
"El's pretty cool, isn't she?" Scout asked with a laugh as Tate laughed as well.
"Yeah, I guess so." he answered with a laugh.
"Scout!" Robin called out, waving the two over.
"Hey, ugh... Scout." Mike said as she looked over, finding the party standing there, Dustin joining their side.
"Just be carful, okay? Both of you." Mike said as they all smiled and hugged each other.
"We missed you guys." Max said as Scout laughed and nudged her with her head.
"We missed you guys too." she answered.
"Kicks some ass, okay?" Dustin question as they laughed again.
"Love you guys." Scout said as they all said it back before they pulled away.
"See you soon." Mike said, looking at Scout as she gave him a smile before running off to catch up with Tate, who was following after Steve, Robin, and Erica.
"Jesus, how far is this place?" Steve asked annoyed as they drove, Dustin giving directions.
"We're almost there." Dustin said with a eye roll.
"Suzie must be pretty special, huh?I mean if you built this thing and lugged it all the way up to the middle of nowhere just to talk to her?" Robin asked over the radio.
"Yeah well he didn't lug it up there alone." Scout answered as Dustin elbowed her.
"I mean, nobody's scientifically perfect, but Suzies as close to being perfect as any human could possibly be." Dustin answers, a faint blush on his cheeks.
"Ugh, throw up on my mouth." Tate said with a disgusted look from where he held Scout in his lap, considering there wasn't much room in the back and Erica refused to move.
"She sound made-up to me." Erica answered as Scout snorted.
we're almost done with the last episode and i'm kinda sad.
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