08 ⋟ this is war
(𝚗) 𝚊 𝚙𝚕𝚊𝚌𝚎 𝚘𝚏 𝚏𝚎𝚎𝚕𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚘𝚛 𝚋𝚎𝚕𝚘𝚗𝚐𝚒𝚗𝚐
liked by hazosterfield, harryholland64, robertdowneyjr, and 23,056 others
tomholland2013 enjoy this screenshot i took a few months ago when freya's cat made an appearance in lilah and i's face time call
tagged: lilahangelo
hazosterfield when can i come over and see you guys
↳tomholland2013 um in like an hour cause she's still sleeping
↳samholland1999 can i wake her up because i want to make brownies with her
↳tomholland2013 no she needs sleep
username1 LILAH IS AT TOM'S HOUSE????
↳hazosterfield shhh she's sleeping
↳username1 oh sorry- lilah is at tom's house????
username2 i'm starting to think that tom's instagram is just pictures of lilah
↳username3 a lilah fanpage if you will
chrisevans tom did you kidnap her
freyawalker hey it's my cat
evelineangelo wait if lilah is in london and anabel's in new york then am i left here with mom and dad by myself
↳anabelangelo i think so
chrisevans tOM
chrisevans DID YOU KIDNAP HER????
↳tomholland2013 NO I DID NOT KIDNAP HER
↳robertdowneyjr are we sure?
harryholland64 ^ yes, she is in tom's bed by choice
↳hazosterfield 😏😏😏😏😏😏😏
↳hazosterfield 😏😏😏😏😏😏😏😏😏
↳tomholland2013 haz stop it or i'll get the lightsabers
↳paddyholland why does that sound wrong?
username4 ...
robertdowneyjr ...
chrisevans ...
harryholland64 ...
samholland1999 ...
hazosterfield ...
username5 why is no one talking about the fact that tom put shaving cream on his face when he doesn't even have any facial hair
⋆·˚ ༘ *🕸* ༘˚·⋆
It was around eleven at night when Tom and Lilah had arrived the night before, and Lilah hadn't left his room for ten hours. He peaked in at around seven in the morning to see if she was still asleep, and there she was, sprawled out across his blankets, hugging a pillow and soundly sleeping.
The site made him smile, something fluttering in his heart at the thought of her in his bed, savoring it because it would likely never happen again. But seeing her so peaceful, without the tense look that always crossed her face when anyone else was around, it made him happy. To see her features relaxed for once, not in a constant state of panic and stress.
Although he didn't notice that the only time when she felt truly calm was when his arms were wrapped around her.
The thought of her floated through his thoughts all the way down the stairs and into the kitchen, where his mum was, cooking breakfast. She squinted her eyes at him and put her hands on her hips.
"What?" he asked.
"You," she waved a spatula at him, "need to get your act together."
"What did I do?"
"You brought a girl home and haven't told us anything about her!"
"Ah." Tom leaned against the counter and crossed his arms. "Lilah... she's a little complicated."
"Well what type of breakfast food does she like? Breakfast food solves everyone's problems," she said, turning to the stove and stirring the eggs in the pan.
"Oh, she likes all breakfast food. I think that's her complete diet actually," Tom said.
"Great, I have plenty of bacon. Now, why do you say she's complicated?" she asked.
"Umm..." he sighed, thinking about it, "I think that if you just don't try to touch her, subtly bring up topics that she likes, which include anything that has to do with pop culture or Marvel, offer her a sword, and not talk to her about her family, then everything will be okay."
Nikki raised her brows. "Offer her a sword?"
"Yeah, so that she thinks she's a fictional character," he said.
"Okay then..." she said, chuckling a little. "When do you guys get your scripts?"
"Next month, I'm really excited," Tom said, bouncing on his feet.
Nikki smiled at him, then said, "I'm really proud of you, Tom. And I'm glad that you have someone to share this experience with you," she gestured upstairs. "You seem a lot happier with her around."
"What? No I don't." She gave him a knowing look and Tom averted his gaze. "I've gotta go practice my lines, thanks for breakfast!" He started to walk away from the kitchen.
"Tom you literally just said that the script comes next month and you didn't even eat anything."
An hour later, Tom went into his room to check on Lilah again, but this time with Tessa. Tessa trotted into the familiar room, going up to sniff Lilah's face. Tom smiled at his puppy, but his face filled with worry when he saw Lilah.
Her face was pale, sweat beaded on her brow, and her legs were shaking. She whimpered. Tom reached down to touch her elbow, trying to shake her awake.
A drop of sweat rolled down the side of her temple.
"Lilah, get up."
Tom continued to shake her shoulder, getting onto the bed fully to sit on tip of her legs. Her lips trembled.
"Wake up."
⋆·˚ ༘ *🗡* ༘˚·⋆
Her eyes snapped open.
The soothing tone in the person's voice made the instinct to flip him over and put her forearm to his neck go away. She had no idea where she was, the room was unfamiliar, it was a different smell than the one she had just gotten used to at Freya's apartment, until she saw who was in front of her.
Then she remembered, she had made the instinct decision yesterday to fly to another country and see her friend. She felt the weight of him on top of her legs, and completely forgot her breathing techniques and methods for when she woke up from a nightmare.
Slowly, sighing in relief, Tom moved off of her legs and kneeled on the bed in front of her. Her heart pounded in her chest, trying not to think about the stinging pain that was lingering on her lower back. Her icy fingers slowly moved to feel the scar, but there was no blood, it was just cold sweat. Her entire body was covered in it. A shower. She needed a shower.
A wave of wind hit her face, making her aware of how cold her cheeks were. Had she been crying? No.
She blinked at him, her lips parted. Her hands scrambled to sit herself up, then cup her forehead. She dragged that hand down her cheek to wipe away the invisible tears. There weren't any. Why did she think she had been crying? Tom reached forward to grab her hands and hold them in his own. She visibly winced, but didn't pull away from his touch.
"Can you look at me please?" he whispered. She shook her head and withdrew her hand from his, even though they were much warmer, and gave her a sense of peace, he shouldn't have to deal with this.
After a few moments of silence, where Tom looked intently at Lilah, trying to assess if she was actually okay or not; and Lilah avoided his eyes, squirming under his stare. Finally, she spoke up. "Um, thanks for waking me up from whatever the hell that was. I need a shower so I'm just gonna-"
She pulled her feet from their place in between Tom's knees and swung them over the side of the bed. While doing so, she almost hit a dog. She gave a small yelp of surprise. Tom seemed to forget all about her nightmare and chuckled.
"That," he pointed to the Staffie, "is Tessa. The love of my life, you could say."
Tessa jumped up onto the bed and crawled into Tom's lap. He patted her head and looked up at Lilah. He noticed that some of the color had returned to her cheeks, and he smiled softly. "Bathroom is to your left down the hall."
He stood up from the bed, making Tessa frown. Or however much dogs could frown. "Whenever you want to talk about it, I'm right here."
It was likely she wouldn't ever tell him about the nightmares that possessed her head almost every night, and that talking to him yesterday about being left by herself for four hours when she was seven years old, was like a trip wire in her mind. Bringing all the memories of that night back.
She just nodded and gave him a tight lipped smile. "Thanks, Tom. I will."
A lie.
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lilahangelo posted on their story...
⋆·˚ ༘ *🗡* ༘˚·⋆
"Okay you guys, I'm trusting you not to burn the house down or break any lights while we're gone," Nikki said, holding her husbands hand. They were planning on going on a lunch date because it was their anniversary, but were slightly skeptical to leave the boys and Lilah home alone.
"I'm Spiderman, what's the worst that could happen?" Tom shrugged and Lilah elbowed him in the side.
"You practice being American in the showers, that's the closest to being Spiderman you've gotten so far," Harry said from beside him.
Lilah choked on a laugh. "Do you really do that?!"
Tom grinned at her. "Yes, I do do that. It's called being a method actor, darling."
"Hehe you said doo doo," Paddy giggled.
"A method actor huh?" Lilah bit on her cheek to keep from smiling. "Since when have you been using such professional terms?"
"Since I became a trained actor motherfucker," he said in a deep voice.
"Tom!" Nikki yelled at him. "Watch your language."
Lilah cackled at the interaction, watching Tom purse his lips to keep from joining in her laughter. Her and Tom hadn't spoke about the events that occurred that morning, leading Lilah to believe that they should both just ignore it and move on with their day. After the encounter, Lilah had had a shower and attempted to keep herself together, then came downstairs to find Tom's parents leaving.
She leaned over to Tom and whispered. "I understand your method acting. Sometimes in my sleep I pretend to shoot webs." He giggled.
"Okay, we're leaving now. Don't call unless someone's bleeding."
Once they shut the door, everyone dispersed in different directions, closing the blinds and locking at the windows and doors. Lilah ran upstairs to get her backpack that had the lightsabers in it, and Tom followed close behind.
Harry, Sam, and Paddy all went to a room that was downstairs, getting their own separate weapons. While Lilah rummaged through her backpack, Tom came in from the bathroom with a small pallet in his hands.
"The hell is that?" Lilah asked.
He grinned mischievously. "War paint."
"Like for under our eyes war paint?"
"Yes," he huffed, "Obviously." Lilah rolled her eyes and tossed him two lightsabers, and three for herself. "Wait why do you get one more than me?" Tom pouted.
"Because one needs to be strapped across my back, and the other two connect together like Darth Maul's lightsaber," she said.
"You know way too much about this franchise."
She stood up from her crouched position and walked over to where he stood by the door. "One of the only things I'm good for buddy," she patted him on the shoulder and walked down the hall.
Tom swiveled around and followed her to the bathroom, screwing open the paint pallet in the process. "I think you're good for a lot more than that."
"Alright then," she said, looking into the circular mirror. He came in with a confused look on his face, then handed her the paint.
"You're not going to ask me what else you're good at?"
She scrunched her face up. "Why would I do that?"
"It's called fishing for complements, darling," he smiled at her in the mirror as she applied a small strip of black paint under her eyes.
"Well it's a good thing I'm not that good at fishing. They kinda smell."
Tom snorted and shook his head at her. After they stocked up on weapons and shields, got ready for war against Harry, Sam, and Paddy, they trotted downstairs, Tessa right behind them. Obviously, Tessa joined their team because she's an amazing team mate and can steal any nerf guns that the other boys might hold just by going over subtly.
Lilah made this point to convince Tom to let her join the team.
As they crept down the stairs, Lilah listened in for any scuffling around or the cocking of nerf guns, just to be prepared for any sudden darts hitting her in the leg unexpectedly. It was lightsabers against nerf guns, so the boys had a slight advantage for range, unless Lilah decided to bring out the nerf bow and arrow.
They were almost at the bottom of the stairs when Tom stopped her, and they crouched down on the bottom step. Light footsteps were heard in the hallway to the living room, and Tom glanced at her.
"It sounds like Paddy."
"Do we really want to hurt a kid?" Lilah asked.
"Well last week he did steal my qÛåÇkŠöÑ last week," he said quietly.
She blinked at him. "He stole your what now?"
"My kwäśsõń."
Lilah fought the urge to tilt her head back and howl with laughter. "Y-you sound like Carl Wheezer."
"You know, the kid from Jimmy Nuetron- no? Okay. Back to whether or not we should fake impale your brother with a plastic lightsaber."
"Lilah, I need you to remember that violence is never the answer," he reminded her.
"Yeah I know that," she whispered. "But it could be the solution."
Tom rolled his eyes. "You're impossible."
"And you're amazing and beautiful. Now let's go!" she whisper yelled.
Lilah silently slid of the bottom step of the stairs and attached two of her red lightsabers together, making one large one. She knew that Tom would probably complain about the weight of the saber, but he could deal with it. She peered around the corner and into the living room.
There, the boys had set up a base, the couch flipped over and used as a barrier for any shots fired. They had made the mistake of piling up all their weapons in one stack, making it easy for either Lilah or Tom to just run by steal them. Both of them were surely fast enough for it.
They could take camp in the dining room, if they used the boy's technique for a barricade to shield from any darts shot at them.
She smirked and swiveled around to face Tom. Quietly, she told him her plan.
"You're really taking this seriously aren't you?"
"Thomas, I don't mess around when it comes to Nerf gun fights," she affirmed, looking him in the eye.
His lips quirked to the side and he followed her to the dining room.
Twenty minutes later, after Tom had subtly ran past the boy's base and stolen four of their nerf guns from the pile, and Paddy had yelled back, "It's not fair! Both of you are built like superheroes and I'm stuck with these two gangly arses!", both teams sat behind their barriers and pointed their nerf guns at each other, waiting to see who would take the first shot.
Then Harry dropped his weapon and walked in between both the teams.
"I'm surrendering myself to Tom and Lilah's team," he said.
Sam and Paddy broke out into protests, but he silenced them, then put his hands behind his head. Tom and Lilah fake whisper consulted with each other, then walked over to where Harry was. Tom grabbed his hands and made to walk back to their base with him.
Lilah said, "Harry Holland you have the right to do whatever you want, nothing you do can or will be used against you, but we'd really like it if you joined our team, please and thank you."
Sam and Paddy were still yelling at each other when the front door swung open. All of them stopped their shouting and pointed their weapons at the person. Harrison stood in the doorway.
"I'm back bitches!" he announced himself.
Although he stopped when he saw all the nerf funs pointed at him.
"What the hell are you guys doing?" he yelled.
"Haz, you're on our team," Sam said, waving him over.
"I'm not on anyone's team!" he exclaimed. "You guys are insane, I'm just here to see Lilah."
Lilah popped her head up from behind the dining room table barrier. "Hi Haz."
His face lit up as he ran over, his arms open wide. "Lilah!"
When Haz embraced her in a tight hug, she tried to keep from going completely still. Even if she couldn't stop herself from flinching, hoping that nobody noticed. It was a short hug, but it felt like being concealed in that room again. She focused on keeping her breathing steady.
When he pulled back, she flashed him a smile.
Everyone else in the room had paused their battling, and started talking about lunch. No one was paying attention to her. Good.
⋆·˚ ༘ *🕸* ༘˚·⋆
Tom sat on the couch in the living room, which had been previously been used as a shield for darts. Him and Lilah put it back together to prevent any scolding from his parents.
Next to him sat Lilah, who was reading a book very intensely. He could tell she was into it because her brows were knitted together, and she occasionally picked at her nails in anticipation. Also because he tried to talk to her and she just shushed him.
The rest of his family had gone to bed about half an hour before, leaving them alone downstairs. Glancing at her, he couldn't help but recall what happened that morning. When she woke up, she seemed like she didn't know where she was. Like she was afraid she was somewhere she didn't want to be.
But then when she saw him, all those panicked looks appeared to wash away.
And then there was this afternoon when Haz hugged her. He was the only one who noticed her tense up. She hadn't been that way at all when he hugged her. And yesterday when she embraced him voluntarily.
"Whatcha thinking about?"
His head turned to the left to look at Lilah. She was raising an eyebrow at him, having set down her book next to her.
"Oh- um," he tried to think of something, "just how much I want to get the script!"
Apparently Lilah bought the lie, because she said, "Me too! Sydney told me a few days ago that we get to do screen testing with other people in March, so that'll be fun."
Tom nodded in agreement. It would be nice to have other people on set that were around their age.
Lilah went on, "But I do have a feeling I'll need to put tape over your mouth or something so that you don't spoil anything." She smirked.
"Come on! I haven't spoiled anything yet," he groaned.
"'Yet' as in your planning to?"
"No! No, that's not what I meant- whatever. I'm done talking to you." He crossed his arms over his chest. Lilah chuckled. It was silent for a few minutes, a comfortable silence. Her knees were tucked to her chest until she stretched them out in front of her. Tom grabbed her feet and put them in his lap, massaging them. She smiled.
After a bit she said, "It's nice to see you and your brothers so... together." Tom shifted his eyes to hers. "You guys actually like to spend time with each other."
He sighed. "You know, you could try and talk to your sister. Not Anabel, I don't think she'll talk to you."
As if it was planned, Lilah's phone dinged. She raised her brows at him and picked up the phone.
"What kind of witchcraft- it's from her." A second later, her face broke out into a smile. "I think my sister might've just found out I like women as well as testosterone filled homosapiens."
"Did you mean to say men?"
She laughed and showed him the phone. "Eveline just sent me this."
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