A/N- this chp is dedicated to all the girls, gays, theys, and baes 😌
(𝚗) 𝚊 𝚍𝚞𝚕𝚕 𝚊𝚌𝚑𝚎 𝚘𝚏 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚜𝚘𝚞𝚕, 𝚊 𝚜𝚒𝚌𝚔 𝚙𝚒𝚗𝚒𝚗𝚐, 𝚊 𝚜𝚙𝚒𝚛𝚒𝚝𝚞𝚊𝚕 𝚊𝚗𝚐𝚞𝚒𝚜𝚑
liked by freyawalker, tomholland2013, elizabetholsen, and 6,934 others
lilahangelo freya's cat is kinda cute but i don't think she likes me
tagged: freyawalker
freyawalker she doesn't like you because you take pictures like this smh
elizabetholsen how are you guys the cutest people on the planet
↳lilahangelo how are you the nicest person on the planet
↳elizabetholsen i dunno, i guess it just comes naturally
username1 when you came here for the kitty but stayed for elizabeth and lilah being cute
hazosterfield tom has been smiling at his phone for ten minutes straight
↳hazosterfield it's fun to mess with you mate
↳freyawalker b u t t h e a d ? ?
tomholland2013 i was not smiling at my phone by the way, i was glaring darkly
↳lilahangelo is that so...
↳tomholland2013 yes
↳lilahangelo why were you glaring??
↳tomholland2013 because you have a picture of you with a cat, but none with me
↳lilahangelo aren't best friends not supposed to have any pictures together? (i read that on the internet, never had a best friend before lol 🤪)
↳username1 did you just use an emoji to cover up your pain
↳lilahangelo yes lol 🤪
↳hazosterfield lilah he's my bff not yours
username2 did you finish filming civil war?
↳tomholland2013 yeah like three months ago
↳lilahangelo they asked me not you dumbass
↳tomholland2013 i don't care asshole
↳username3 modern day love
↳username2 honored to have them insult each other in my comment thread
chrisevans okay let me get this straight, you and tom insult each other with the word ass, but you call yourselves best friends???
↳lilahangelo exactly
↳tomholland2013 yup. btw i miss you lilah
↳lilahangelo gross. but i miss you too
↳chrisevans you guys are the most confusing people i've ever met
⋆·˚ ༘ *🗡* ༘˚·⋆
"What in the hell are you doing?" Freya's voice floated in from the doorway of their new shared apartment, all the way to the living room, where Lilah was huddled over the coffee table. She lifted her head up from the piece of paper she was writing on and scrunched her nose up.
Freya noticed Lilah's glasses were askew, and the bags under her eyes were considerably purple. During the last few months that Lilah had been living in the apartment, she had tried her best to be discreet about her sleepless nights. Tossing and turning on the pull out bed had become a routine at one in the morning.
Luna Lovegood, Freya's cat, gave her owner a bored look from her place on the couch. Freya scowled back.
"I'm practicing my signature, what does it look like I'm doing?" Lilah snapped.
Surprise flashed over Freya's features. She studied the girl sitting on her living room floor. "Well it looks like you haven't slept in days, need to eat desperately, and," she squinted her eyes, "you're bored."
Lilah sighed deeply. "I slept last night for two hours, so I'm fine. I have read every book in my suit case at least twice, so yes, I'm bored. And I'm sorry for snapping at you," she muttered.
"And the last time you ate?" Freya raised a brow.
Lilah pondered. She had had coffee that morning, maybe the night before?
"If you have to think about it, you need to eat." She walked over to where she sat on the ground, grabbed her arm to haul her up and out the front door. Luckily, she already had her shoes on.
"Wait wait wait, I need my contacts," Lilah protested. Freya halted in the apartment building hallway, suddenly Lilah was very aware of where her hand was placed. On her forearm, sliding down to her wrist slowly.
"You look adorable with your glasses on anyways," she said quietly, like it was nothing. Lilah's eyes widened, and Freya could've sworn there was a tint of pink on her friend's cheeks. "Interesting," she murmured.
The pair ventured out into the streets of New York, where no one on the sidewalks were smiling, the cold air smelled faintly of shit and the sea salt ocean, and many people grimaced at them for no reason at all. Long before they left the apartment building had Freya let go of Lilah's wrist, which made the latter let out a breath of relief.
They approached a small pizza place, to which Lilah ordered a glass of water, and Freya cut in and instead ordered her a whole pizza. They had gone out in the first place because Freya was very obviously not an expertise in grocery shopping, but clothing shopping was a whole different story.
When they got back to their shared apartment, Lilah accidentally ran into a woman who looked very familiar in the hallway, right before their front door. She had brown eyes, medium length brown hair that reached just passed her shoulders, freckles covered her face- it was a face she hadn't seen in almost a year.
"Anabel," Lilah breathed.
⋆·˚ ༘ *🗡* ༘˚·⋆
wannabe aziraphale
hey tom
lilah lilah lilah
omg i have so much
to tell you
we haven't talked in
so long
wannabe aziraphale
you facetimed me
yesterday because
tessa ate a butterfly
that's besides
the point
wannabe aziraphale
did you somehow
save the butterfly?
because if not i don't
want to know
no we didn't save
the butterfly
bUT haz was able
to fit five of sam's
tarts in his mouth
at one time
it was awesome
wannabe aziraphale
i punched a wall today
freya wasn't happy
i've done that before
you okay?
miss me so much
that you got mad?
wannabe aziraphale
i need a drink
you wanna come
to london?there's a pretty
good bar just a
few blocks down
wannabe aziraphale
oh no, there's a
good bar next door.
and apparently my sister
works there now
your sister?
wannabe aziraphale
can i call you and
rant for a little bit?
yeah, of course
⋆·˚ ༘ *☟* ༘˚·⋆
Tom picked up on the first ring.
"Lilah are you okay?"
She almost let out a breath of relief at the sound of his voice. It was slightly hoarse, because in London it was around seven in the morning, but still soothing to her nerves. "I'm okay, but... um, my sister now lives in the apartment across the hall from Freya and I, and somehow she's nineteen and got a job at a bar next door. Very gay, might I add," she laughed a little, "but that doesn't matter."
Tom was quiet, as if waiting for her to go on. So she continued.
"She's nineteen, Tom, I mean what could've happened to her to get into that situation?" Lilah rubbed at her temples. "And there's a fucking cat staring at me."
It took all of Tom's strength not to burst out in giggles. "Well you could move?" There was shuffling on the other side of the phone, and then the sound of a door slamming. He swallowed his laugh, "Are you a little mad do you think?"
"Yeah! But why am I mad?! I don't have a clue!"
Tom said nothing. Just listened to her.
Lilah huffed, "Freya says that we should go tonight, to the bar that she works at. For the element of surprise or something like that."
"So you're going to go to a gay bar at twenty years old in New York?"
"I've heard worse statements."
"Yeah? Like what?"
"Well, to quote you directly, the worse statement I've ever heard said, was: never trust a particle, they make up everything."
"It was funny!" Lilah couldn't help her smile.
"It was the least funny joke ever told."
"I think you're being a bit dramatic."
Lilah's bedroom door opened, and Freya stood in the door way, one hand reached up to the top of the door, the backside of her body leaned against the threshold. Lilah almost dropped her phone on the floor at the sight of her. She was wearing a tight- tight and short black dress that had very thin straps, designed to show off her beautiful, glowing, chesnut colored skin.
"So," Freya began, "how do you like my shoes?" Lilah had a hard time shifting her gaze from the dress and down her legs, all the way to the black converse she wore on her feet. Lilah gave her a half smile and cleared her throat.
"Glad to see you've opened up your wardrobe options."
Freya rolled her eyes, but there was a hint of a smile on her lips as she turned around and left her bedroom. She called over her shoulder, "Come on, we're going."
She almost threw her phone across the room in surprise. She had forgotten she was still on the phone with Tom.
"Lilah?" he asked again.
"H-hey, sorry, Freya came in t-to my room for a minute."
"Okay... I'm guessing you gotta go then?"
"Yeah, thanks for listening to my problems," she said, keeping her voice low.
The smile in Tom's tone was evident, "Anytime, love."
⋆·˚ ༘ *🗡* ༘˚·⋆
Because Freya was almost three years older than Lilah, she got in to the bar easily, and because the security at this bar was not good at all, so did Lilah. It was loud. Very loud. They had arrived at probably the peak of the night, where everyone was batshit drunk, and either dancing or making out with each other.
Freya grabbed Lilah's wrist and led her to the front bar, where Anabel was standing. Working. She wore a black tank top with a low-cut front, as if she hadn't thought much about what that shirt would do to most of the people in this bar.
"Hey Anabel!" Freya yelled over the music, leaning over the counter.
Anabel's face was blank, bored, but she gave Freya a tight lipped smile, and said, "Can I get you anything?"
"Um, yes," she thought for a moment, "Two shots of vodka please."
Anabel nodded and began pouring. Lilah noted her order and said, "Oh I don't want anything."
"No this isn't for you," she said, just as Anabel put the shots on the counter, "It's for me." Then she took both the shot glasses up to her mouth and downed them in a heartbeat. Lilah gaped at her. "Alright, I'm gonna go dance, take more shots, and I'll be back in half an hour."
Before Lilah could tell her to be safe, she was gone through the crowd. She sighed, then turned back to her sister. She was eyeing her closely, and Lilah suddenly felt very self conscious.
"So..." her sister said, "You got into acting?" Lilah nodded. "And how do you like it?"
If she was being honest, Lilah loved it to death. Not having to be herself for hours a day, forgetting about all her problems and making a living off of it... it was incredible. And she had made friends, which was the one thing that she had both tried to do and steered away from all her life, but it came easily to her.
But she just nodded and said quietly, "It's good, yeah. I like it."
"Good." Anabel pursed her lips and went back to making drinks for the rest of the bar.
Twenty-five minutes passed, and the two sisters didn't speak another word to one another, although Lilah watched her work; she could tell that she didn't like it. Especially when a man came in, scratching his beard and eyeing a pair of women who sat on a couch, gazing at each other. He had dark hair and broad shoulders, someone who posed as a threat to anyone weaker than him.
Lilah sat up straighter when he approached the bar, how had he even gotten in here?
Anabel's jaw clenched as he sat down on a bar stool right in front of her, a look of pure anger of her face.
"Whiskey, neat," he grumbled.
"I'm not going to serve you, David. So you can just get out now." Her voice was stern. She twisted and faced her back to him, but in a second, David had flung his arm over the counter to grab hers, his knuckles white. Before he could even speak, Lilah had shot up out of her seat and punched his jaw.
Out of surprise, he released Anabel's forearm and held his already bruising jaw, and though her fist stung, Lilah went to attack him again. She lifted up her foot to kick his abdomen, and he stumbled back into a few other people who had stopped their dancing to watch the brawl.
Swaying her hips slightly, feeling confident in herself, Lilah stomped over to where David sat on his ass, grabbed his wrist and pulled it, put her foot on the back of his thigh and flipped him to the ground. His face was pressed into the floor, against where many different people's feet had been dancing.
Still holding his wrist, she leaned down so her face was level with his ear. Quietly, she said, "Touch my sister again and you'll take a kick to the place lower than your abdomen."
Just as she got up, he spat, "Bitch!"
Without looking at him, she yelled something particularly vulgar, and went back to Anabel. She was fuming. Lilah thought she would be grateful that she had just kicked that guy's ass for her, but apparently not.
She turned away from her, but Lilah heard her mutter something along the lines of, "He probably only touched me because of this damn shirt."
Lilah gritted her teeth, still a little out of breath from the jabs she took at David. "Anabel, you can wear whatever the fuck you want, it doesn't give anyone the right to touch you."
Anabel whirled. "Where was all this confidence when we were younger? Huh?"
Lilah chuckled lightly, shaking her head. "You don't get it do you? Mom and Dad didn't teach me to be confident when we were younger, they ignored me. They praised you because you made money for them. They're selfish bastards."
"Lilah they didn't praise me," she waved a finger at her, "They pushed me. Not physically, mentally. Yeah they're selfish bastards for making me do that for them, but maybe you should be grateful that you didn't get any attention as a kid. Then you wouldn't be such a bitch to everyone around you, pushing them away because you just can't handle the pressure of being there for another person. That is selfish."
The words hit her like a bullet train. Right in the chest. The blood chilled through her veins, but she held her ground. Her heartbeat pounded in her temples, echoing off the sides of her head. She swiveled around and made for the door. She couldn't say anything back, in fear of making everything worse.
Freya shoved through the crowd, stumbling a bit because she was incredibly drunk, and followed Lilah out of the bar.
Lilah sat on the edge of the sidewalk, her legs tucked to her chest. Freya sqautted down next to her, watching the muscles move in her arm as she fiddled with her hands. There were already small purple bruises on her fists from punching David's jaw. It hurt.
But Lilah wasn't crying. She never cried when she was in pain.
"Hey," Freya said quietly. "I don't think you should listen to your sister, she's just mad."
Lilah put a hand up to her temple, ignoring Freya. She started to continuously scratch her temple, partly because the headache was pounding through her, and partly because it was a sign of stress.
She kept fiddling with her fingers.
Freya reached up her hand to grab Lilah's arm, stop her before she would eventually hurt herself.
"Are you okay?" she asked. Lilah slowly turned her head to look at her.
"Aren't you drunk?"
"That doesn't matter, are you-"
"C-can we not talk about that?" It was an effort for Lilah to smile at her. "Let's just get you back home before you go wandering off into the street."
She got up off the sidewalk and offered a hand to Freya. It was the first time Lilah had ever voluntarily attempted to touch her. She smiled and accepted her hand. They walked down the street hand in hand, Freya's thumb occasionally running over the back of Lilah's, a silent gesture.
When they got back to the apartment, Lilah let go of Freya's hand as she shut the door behind them. When she turned around, she found Freya staring at her. She stared back. There was something in Freya's eyes though, lust.
All of sudden she was right in front of her, so close that their breaths mingled. And Freya kissed her. It was quick, only a few seconds long, but enough for Lilah to note that her lips were incredibly soft against her own, and she liked it.
But then Freya pulled back, breathing heavily, studying the shock that crossed Lilah's face in silent question, asking if she could do it again. Lilah answered by kissing her once again, and in a swift movement, pinning her to the back of their shared front door.
Their shoulders lined up, pressed together against the door. Lilah's hands drifted to her waist, squeezing. Freya smiled against her lips as she hooked her arms around Lilah's neck to pull her closer. Her smile allowed Lilah to graze her tongue across her bottom lip as if asking for entrance. And Freya let her.
⋆·˚ ༘ *🗡* ༘˚·⋆
It was Lilah's first kiss.
And the next morning, when Freya woke up, she had a pounding headache. She remembered the kiss, and she enjoyed it, but there was a problem.
A knock at the door sounded, and Lilah answered. It was a man. He had flowers in his hand. Tattoos crawled up his light brown arm, all the way to his neck. "Hi, I'm looking for Freya?" he asked.
"Yeah, she's-" Lilah started, still confused as to who this man was.
"Hey baby!" he exclaimed, peering over Lilah's right shoulder to see Freya. That was the problem. He was the problem. Not necessarily him as a person, but him as her boyfriend.
"Hey Tyler," she sighed, still annoyed by her headache. Tyler pushed past Lilah in the doorway and ran to Freya to hug her. She didn't hug back, mostly because she hadn't had any coffee yet that morning. But also because she had cheated on him.
Her and Tyler had been together for three years, and she had cheated on him.
Freya put her head on his shoulder to look over at Lilah. She was looking at them with confusion, her head tilted to the side. Just thinking about the conversation they would have to have now made her head hurt even more.
⋆·˚ ༘ *🗡* ༘˚·⋆
"Would it be possible if I came to visit you for a week? No questions asked?"
A/N- oOooooOOOoooOoo who'd she asSkKk??? i think it's pretty obvious but oh well. hope you liked this chp, after all it is one of my books so i just HAD to put some gay shit in here
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